Hybrid Deep Learning (hDL)-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Systems: A Systematic Review
:1. Introduction
- non-stationarity, which is the reason why learning models trained on a temporally limited amount of data, might generalize poorly with respect to data recorded at a different time on the same individual;
- high inter-subject variability due to physiological artifacts differences between individuals. This aspect can severely affect the performance of learning models;
- data collection, time-consuming, and restricted. Medical data is not usually available due to personal data regulation.
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Brain Intention Recordings
3.2. Preprocessing of the Data
3.3. Normalization of the Data
3.4. Features Extraction
3.5. Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture
3.6. Optimization
3.7. Number of Layers
3.8. Application, Datasets and Task/Protocol
3.9. Hybrid Deep Learning (hDL) Performance
4. Discussion
4.1. Preprocessing
4.2. hDL Framework
4.2.1. Feature Extraction
4.2.2. Normalization
4.2.3. Architecture
4.2.4. Number of Layers
4.2.5. Optimization
5. Conclusions
6. Open Challenges
- More research is needed that uses other brain imaging techniques like functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), fMRI and MEG with the aim to investigate the richness of the information that the brain signal is able to bring.
- Investigating the effect of the presence or absence of preprocessing on the data and the performance of hDL architecture.
- Investigate the effects of the data’s input shape and their dimensionality.
- Automating the entire pipeline of the hDL-based BCI system.
- More exploration towards spatial and temporal features because it achieved high performance.
- New architecture combinations are encouraged to be explored between frequency features and temporal-frequency features with RNN-based and DBN-based architectures.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Abbreviations | Meaning | Note |
AE | Autoencoder | Artificial Neural Network |
AEP | Azimuthal equidistant projection | Projecting Algorithm |
AI | Artificial Intelligence | - |
ADAM | ADAptive Momentum | Optimization Algorithm |
ALPS | Age-Layered Population Structure | Genetic Algorithm |
BCI | Brain-Computer Interface | - |
BGRU | Bidirectional GRU | Recurrent Neural Network Structure |
BN | Batch Normalization | Normalization Algorithm |
BPF | Band Pass Filter | Signal Processing tool (Filter) |
BSF | Band Stop Filter | Signal Processing tool (Filter) |
BSS | Blind Source Separation | Signal Processing tool |
BVP | Blood volume pressure | Physiological Signal |
CAR | Common Average Reference | Signal Processing tool |
CCV | Channel cross-covariance | Statistical Extracted Feature |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network | Deep Learning Neural Network |
CRAM | Convolutional Recurrent Attention Model | Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network |
CSP | Common Spatial Pattern | Signal Processing tool |
CSTP-NN | Common Spatiotemporal Pattern Neural Network | Artificial Neural Network |
D-AE | Denoising Autoencoder | Artificial Neural Network |
DBN | Deep Belief Network | Deep Learning Neural Network |
DBN-GC | Deep Belief Network Glia Cell | Deep Learning Neural Network |
DE | Deferential Entropy | Extracted Feature |
DEAP | Database for Emotion Analysis using Physiological Signals | Dataset Name |
DL | Deep learning | - |
DNN | Deep Neural Network | - |
DWT | Discreet Wavelet Transformation | Signal Processing tool |
EEG | Electroencephalography | Physiological Signal |
eegmmidb | EEG Motor Movement/Imagery DataBase | Dataset Name |
ERP | Event-Related Potential | Pattern in Electroencephalography |
MI | Motor Imagery | Task/Protocol |
EMG | Electromyography | Physiological Signal |
EOG | Electrooculography | Physiological Signal |
FC | Fully Connected | A layer in Deep learning Neural Network |
FBCSP | Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern | Signal Processing tool |
FIDs | Freéchet inception distances | Evaluation metric |
FIR | Finite Impulse Response | Signal Processing tool (Filter) |
fNIRS | Functional Near Infra-red signal | Physiological Signal |
GA | Genetic Algorithm | Artificial Intelligence Algorithm |
GRU | Gated recurrent unit | Recurrent Neural Network Structure |
GWO | Gray Wolf Optimizer | Optimization Algorithm |
GSR | Galvanic skin response | Physiological Signal |
HDL | Hybrid Deep Learning | - |
HHS | Hilbert–Huang spectrum | Extracted Feature |
HMM | Hidden Markov Model | Artificial Neural Network |
ICA | Independent Component Analysis | Signal Processing tool |
iid | independent identically distributed | Statistical Function |
LPF | Low Pass Filter | Signal Processing tool (Filter) |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory | Recurrent Neural Network Structure |
MESAE | Multiple-fusion-layer based ensemble classifier of SAE | Deep Learning Neural Network |
ML | Machine Learning | - |
MLP | Multilayer Perceptron | Artificial Neural Network |
MTRBM | Multichannel temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machine | Artificial Neural Network |
NN | Neural Network | - |
OVR-FBCSP | One-versus rest filter bank common spatial pattern | Signal Processing Tool |
P300 | Potential after 300 ms | Pattern in Electroencephalography |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis | Signal Processing Tool |
PSD | Power Spectral Density | Signal Measure |
RBN | Restricted Boltzmann Machine | Artificial Neural Network |
ReLU | Rectified Linear Unit | Activation function in Neural Networks |
RMSE | Root Mean Square Error | Statistical Function |
RMSProp | Root Mean Square Propagation | Optimization Algorithm |
RNN | Recurrent Neural Network | Deep Learning Neural Networks |
RS | Respiration signal | Physiological Signal |
SAE | Stacked Autoencoder | Deep Learning Neural Networks |
SAM | Selective Attention Mechanism | Feature Extraction tool |
SBD | Stop Band Filter | Signal Processing tool (Filter) |
SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descendent | Optimization Algorithm |
SI | Speech Imagery | Task/Protocol |
SIMKAP | Simultaneous capacity | Task/Protocol |
SNR | Signal to Noise Ratio | Signal Measure |
SSAEP | Steady-state Auditory Evoked Potential | Task/Protocol |
SSEP | Steady-state Evoked Potential | Task/Protocol |
ST | Skin temperature | Physiological Signal |
STFT | Short-Time Fourier Transform | Signal Processing tool |
SVAE | Stacked Variational AutoEncoder | Deep Learning Neural Networks |
VAE | Variational Autoencoder | Deep Learning Neural Networks |
WAS-LSTM | Weighted Average Spatial-LSTM | Deep Learning Neural Networks |
wICA | wavelet-enhanced independent component analysis | Signal Processing tool |
Appendix B
Year | References | Database | Application | Training | Task | Pre-processing | Normalization | Feature extraction | Architecture | N° of Layers | Optimization | Results |
2015 | [23] | BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | Filter-Bank CSP (FBCSP) A bank of 9 filters from 4 to 40 Hz with a width of 4 Hz | N/A | Static & Dynamic Energy | CNN-Based | 9 | SGD | 70.60% |
2015 | [12] | Local Dataset | Communication | Online | MI | N/A | Batch normalization | Selective Attention Mechanism (SAM) | RNN-Based | 7 | Adam Optimizer | 93.63% |
2017 | [20] | Local Dataset BCI competition IV | Medical Care | Offline | MI | Filtering (BPF: Butterworth filter:0.5–50 Hz) DAE | N/A | Optical Flow from the EEG video | CNN-RNN CNN-RNN | 8 | N/A | 72.22% 70.34% |
2017 | [43] | Local Dataset | Communication | Online | MI | Filtering (BPF: FIR: 1–200 Hz) CSP ICA | N/A | Variance | CNN-Based CNN-Based | 27 27 | SGD | 70.80% 70.79% |
2017 | [25] | DEAP dataset | Emotion recognition | Offline | SSEP | Filtering (BPF: 4–45 Hz) ICA | Z-Score | 425 silent physiological features from the 7 signals | DBN-Based | 10 | N/A | 73.70% |
2017 | [46] | Local Dataset | N/A | Offline | P300 | Filtering (BPF: FIR: 2–35 Hz) (SBF: 0.1 & 40 Hz) | N/A | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN CNN-RNN CNN-RNN | 10 15 15 | Adam Optimizer | 67.25% 68.75% 70.00% |
2017 | [70] | EEGmmidb | Communication | Online | MI | N/A | N/A | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 18 | Adam Optimizer RMSPropOptimizer | 95.53% |
2018 | [71] | Local Datasets BCI competition III BCI competition IV | N/A | Online | MI | Referencing Electrode Selection Artifact removal (ICA & PCA) Filtering (BPF: 8–12 Hz & 18–26 Hz) | Batch normalization | 16 spatial features through CNN + DWT | CNN-RNN | 8 | N/A | 87.36% |
2018 | [72] | EEGmmidb | N/A | Offline | MI | N/A | N/A | Spatial and temporal features | RNN-Based | 14 | Adam Optimizer | 68.20% |
2018 | [58] | BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | Filtering (68 BPF: 4–40 Hz) CSP | Batch normalization | Variance (Abstracted Features through CNN) | CNN-Based | 8 | Adam Optimizer | 81%. |
2018 | [65] | Local Dataset | Medical Care | Online | MI | Filtering (LPF: 40 Hz) | N/A | Abstracted Features through CNN | CNN-Based | 13 | Adam Optimizer | 76.90% |
2018 | [59] | OpenMIIR | Medical Care | Online | SSAEP | Filtering 5 BPF (α: 8–13 Hz, β: 14–30 Hz, γ: 31–51 Hz, δ: 0.5–3 Hz, θ: 4–7 Hz) | N/A | Optical Flow from the EEG video | CNN-RNN | 13 | N/A | 35% |
2018 | [73] | BCI competition II BCI Competition III | N/A | Offline | P300 | Filtering (BPF: Butterworth filter: 0.1–30 Hz) | Z-Score | Spatial and temporal features | DBN-Based | 4 | Mini-batch | 88.90% |
2018 | [69] | DEAP dataset | Emotion recognition | Offline | SSEP | Filtering BPF: Butterworth filter (α: 8–12 Hz, β: 12–30 Hz, γ: 30–100 Hz, θ: 4–8 Hz) | Z-score | Differential Entropy (DE) | CNN-RNN | 6 | Adam Optimizer | 90.24% |
2018 | [74] | DEAP dataset | Emotion recognition | Offline | SSEP | N/A | Z-score | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 5 | Adam Optimizer | 91.03% |
2018 | [75] | DEAP dataset | Emotion recognition | Offline | SSEP | Filtering (BPF: 4–45 Hz) | N/A | (Statistical measures) (Power features) (Power differences) (Hilbert–Huang spectrum (HHS)) | DBN-Based | 7 | N/A | 76.36% |
2018 | [76] | Public (Bashivan, Bidelman, Yeasin EEG data set) | Mental state detection | Offline | Cognitive | Filtering (BPF 4–7, 8–13, 13–30 Hz) | N/A | High-level features | CNN-DBN | 14 17 | SGD | 91.32% 92.37% |
2019 | [60] | BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | N/A | Batch normalization | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 9 | Adam Optimizer SGD | 59% |
2019 | [77] | BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | Filtering (16 BPF: Chebyshev Type II 4–38 Hz) | Truncated normal distribution function | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 8 | Adam Optimizer | 83% |
2019 | [66] | Local Dataset BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | Remove the average Filtering (BPF: 8–13 Hz) | N/A | Spatial Features | CNN-DBN | 8 | N/A | 92% |
2019 | [78] | BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | Filtering (BPF: 0.5–100 Hz) | Batch normalization | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 18 | Adam Optimizer | 40% |
2019 | [79] | BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | Filtering (1 Hz-45 Hz based on Morlet wavelet transformation) | Batch normalization | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-Based | 4 | SGD | 76.62% |
2019 | [41] | Local Dataset BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | Filtering (BPF: 6–13 & 17–30 Hz) | Batch normalization | Spatial Features through CNN | CNN-DBN | 10 | SGD | 56.4 (Kappa) |
2019 | [80] | EEG based speech database | Medical Care | Offline | SI | N/A | N/A | Spatial and temporal features Channel cross-covariance (CCV) | RNN-Based | 18 | Adam Optimizer | 79.98% |
2019 | [17] | EEGmmidb EEG-S TUH | Motor Imagery Recognition Person Identification (PI) Medical Care | Online | Cognitive | N/A | N/A | Spatial features | CNN-Based | 5 | Adam Optimizer | 98.64% |
2019 | [57] | Local Dataset | Mental State Detection | Offline | Cognitive | N/A | N/A | DWT | CNN-Based | 7 | Adam Optimizer | 92% |
2019 | [81] | (Exploiting P300 Amplitude changes) (BCI Competition III) (Auditory multi-class BCI) (BCI-Spelling using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) (Examining EEG-Alcoholism Correlation) (Decoding auditory attention) | N/A | Offline | P300 | Filtering (BPF: 0.15–5 Hz 0.1–60 Hz 0.1–250 Hz 0.016–250 Hz 0.02–50 Hz 0.016–250 Hz) | Batch normalization | Spatial and temporal features | DBN-Based | 62 | RMSprop optimizer | 79.37% 88.52% |
2019 | [26] | Local Dataset | Mental stateDetection | Offline | Cognitive | Filtering (BPF: Butterworth filter 1–50 Hz) ICA | Batch normalization | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 23 | N/A | 87% |
2019 | [11] | Local dataset Public dataset | Communication | Offline | SI | N/A | N/A | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 6 | N/A | 95.53% |
2019 | [82] | Local | Person identification | Offline | Resting state | DWT | Batch Normalization | Temporal features | RNN-Based | 9 | N/A | 95.60% |
2019 | [83] | Local | Comunications (Robotics) | Online | MI | Filtering (LPF 40 Hz) | Batch Normalization | Spatial features | CNN-Based | 19 | Adam Optimizer | 76.90% |
2019 | [84] | Public (Bashivan, Bidelman, Yeasin EEG data set) | Mental state detection | Offline | Cognitive | Filtering (BPF 0–7, 7–14, 14–49 Hz) | N/A | Spatial temporal frequency features | CNN-RNN | 13 | RMSProp Optimizer | 96.30% |
2020 | [85] | Local Dataset | Medical Care | Online | MI | Filtering (BPF: 0.2 Notch filter: 60 Hz)–45 Hz | Mini-max normalization | Temporal features | RNN-Based | 6 | Adam Optimizer | 97.50% |
2020 | [86] | MAKAUT Dataset AI Dataset | Emotion recognition | Online | SSEP | Filtering (BPF 10 order: Chebyshev) | N/A | (Time domain EEG features) (Frequency domain EEG features) (Time-frequency domain EEG features) (The standard CSP features) | RNN-Based | 6 | Adam Optimizer | 88.71% |
2020 | [10] | EEGmmidb | N/A | Offline | MI | N/A | Batch normalization | Spatial and temporal features | RNN-Based | 13 | Adam Optimizer | 98.81% 94.64% |
2020 | [42] | DEAP dataset | Emotion recognition | Online | SSEP | Filtering (BPF: 4–47 Hz) Common average referencing ocular artifacts removing by blind source separation algorithms | Z-score | Spatial and temporal features PSD | CNN-RNN | 7 | Adam Optimizer | 93.20% 93.00% |
2020 | [64] | (Graz University Dataset) (BCI competition IV) | N/A | Offline | MI | Filtering (BPF: 8–24 Hz, 8–30 Hz, 8–40 Hz) | Batch normalization | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-Based | 19 | Adam Optimizer | 76.07% |
2020 | [4] | BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | Filtering notch filter 50 Hz) | Batch normalization | Temporal features | CNN-RNN | 8 | Adam Optimizer | 95.62% |
2020 | [87] | BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | Filtering (FBCSP: 12BPF: 6–40 Hz) Hilbert transform algorithm | Batch normalization | Spatial features | DBN-Based | 29 | N/A | 0.630 Kappa |
2020 | [88] | DEAP dataset | Emotion recognition | Offline | SSEP | Filtering (BPF: 4–45 Hz) | Batch normalization | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 9 | Adam Optimizer | 99.10% 99.70% |
2020 | [89] | BCI competition IV | N/A | Offline | MI | Filtering (BPF 4th order Butterworth 4–7 Hz, 8–13 Hz, 13–32 Hz) | N/A | High-level features | CNN-Based | 5 | N/A | 74.60% |
2020 | [90] | BCI competition III | Communication | Online | MI | Filtering (BPF: FIR: Hamming-windowed: 4–40 Hz) ICA Common average reference (CAR) | RMSE (root mean square error) | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 9 | Adam Optimizer | 0.6 0.43 Success rates |
2020 | [91] | EEGmmidb | N/A | Offline | MI | Filtering (BPF: 8–13 Hz &13–30 Hz) | N/A | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 20 | SGD | 82.10% 83.50% |
2020 | [92] | BCI competition IV | Data Augmentation | Offline | MI | Filtering (BPF: 8–30 Hz) Spectrogram | Batch normalization | Images features from Spectrogram | CNN-Based | 24 | Adam Optimizer | 126.4 98.2 (FIDs) |
2020 | [93] | BCI competition IV | Person identification | offline | MI | Filtering (Chebyshev 4–8 Hz, 8–12 Hz...) | Truncated normal distribution | Spatial and temporal features | CNN-RNN | 13 | Adam Optimizer | Kappa 0.8 |
2020 | [94] | “STEW” dataset | Mental state detection | Offline | “No task” & (SIMKAP) | Filtering (BPF 4–32 Hz) | Batch Normalization | (Frequency features (PSD)) (Linear domain features (Autoregressive coefficient)) (Non -Linear domain features (approximate entropy, Hurst Exponent) (Time domain) | RNN-Based | 11 | Gray Wolf Optimizer (GWO) | 84.45% |
2020 | [95] | BCI competition IV Local Dataset | N/A | Offline | MI SI | Filtering (Butterworth BPF 4–35 Hz) | Batch Normalization | Temporal-spatial-frequency features | CNN-RNN CNN-RNN CNN-RNN CNN-RNN | 20 15 20 15 | Adam Optimizer | 86% 82% 82% 71% Kappa: 0.64 |
Appendix C
Appendix C.1. Deep Learning Overview
Appendix C.2. Deep Belief Networks-Based Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithms
- DBN assisted by Glia cells (GC-DBN)
- Multiple-fusion-layer based ensemble classifier of stacked autoencoders (MESAE)
- Event-Related Potential Network (ERP-NET)
Appendix C.2.1. DBN Assisted by Glia Cells (GC-DBN)
Appendix C.2.2. Multiple-Fusion-Layer Based Ensemble Classifier of Stacked Autoencoders (MESAE)
- Initialize member SAEs.
- Model structure identification for member SAEs.
- Construct a hierarchical feature fusion network.
Appendix C.2.3. Event-Related Potential Network (ERP-NET)
Appendix C.3. CNN-Based Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithms
Appendix C.4. RNN-Based Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithms
- Weighted Average Spatial-LSTM (WAS-LSTM)
- Stacked RNN
Appendix C.4.1. Weighted Average Spatial-LSTM (WAS-LSTM)
- The autoregressive model.
- The Silhouette Score.
- The reward functions.
- To capture the cross-relationship among feature dimensions, which is extracted using Selective Attention Mechanism (SAM), in the optimized focal zone.
- It could stabilize the performance of LSTM via average methods.
Appendix C.4.2. Stacked RNN
- Rearrange the index of recorded electrodes according to their spatial positions so the data can be viewed as a spatial sequential stream.
- Spilt the samples according to the trial index.
- A parallel RNNs model was proposed.
Appendix C.5. CNN-RNN Hybrid Deep Leering Algorithms
- projecting the 3D locations of the electrodes into two dimensions using azimuthal equidistant projection (AEP);
- interpolating these locations into a 2D grey image;
- Show those images in a timeline that produce the EEG-video.
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Alzahab, N.A.; Apollonio, L.; Di Iorio, A.; Alshalak, M.; Iarlori, S.; Ferracuti, F.; Monteriù, A.; Porcaro, C. Hybrid Deep Learning (hDL)-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Systems: A Systematic Review. Brain Sci. 2021, 11, 75. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11010075
Alzahab NA, Apollonio L, Di Iorio A, Alshalak M, Iarlori S, Ferracuti F, Monteriù A, Porcaro C. Hybrid Deep Learning (hDL)-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Systems: A Systematic Review. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(1):75. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11010075
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlzahab, Nibras Abo, Luca Apollonio, Angelo Di Iorio, Muaaz Alshalak, Sabrina Iarlori, Francesco Ferracuti, Andrea Monteriù, and Camillo Porcaro. 2021. "Hybrid Deep Learning (hDL)-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Systems: A Systematic Review" Brain Sciences 11, no. 1: 75. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11010075
APA StyleAlzahab, N. A., Apollonio, L., Di Iorio, A., Alshalak, M., Iarlori, S., Ferracuti, F., Monteriù, A., & Porcaro, C. (2021). Hybrid Deep Learning (hDL)-Based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Systems: A Systematic Review. Brain Sciences, 11(1), 75. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11010075