1. Introduction
Understanding spoken sentences as they unfold in real time is an intricate process, given that the listener must be able to access multiple levels of language (i.e., phonetics, semantics, syntax, etc.) and coordinate information across the different levels to achieve comprehension. Despite these complex processes, language comprehension appears seamless and is rapidly performed by neurotypical adults. However, individuals who have an acquired language impairment due to neural damage within language-related regions of the brain (those diagnosed with aphasia) often experience disruptions in the processes that support language comprehension.
Within the field of language processing, research has demonstrated that some individuals with aphasia (IWA) show deficits in lexical-level processing [
1]. It has been argued that lexical-level processing impairments can have downstream effects on sentence comprehension abilities, especially for those sentences that do not follow the language’s typical (canonical) word order [
3]. A large body of research has investigated the underlying source of real-time sentence processing deficits in IWA, suggesting that the slowed processing of lexical and/or syntactic components leads to breakdowns in the time course of sentence processing and, ultimately, sentence comprehension [
8]. Processing models that focus on lexical-level deficits propose that delays in the activation or integration of lexical–semantic information lead to disruptions in the formation of syntactic structure building and, ultimately, sentence comprehension in IWA.
Lexical processing models have explored how lexical deficits affect sentence processing using methods that capture different aspects of real-time sentence processing (e.g., event-related potentials, eye-tracking, and priming). Some models argue that IWA have a delay in integrating semantic information (see [
12]), while others argue that the delay is in accessing the semantic network [
6]). In one study exploring the latter category (e.g., lexical access delays), Love et al. [
4] proposed the Delayed Lexical Activation (DLA) hypothesis, which posits that, when lexical activation is slowed, it prevents the timely formation of syntactic structures. Without the necessary lexical–semantic information available in real time, fast processes like lexical access are disrupted, leading to comprehension breakdowns. Debates in the literature are still on-going as to how to differentiate the integration and access effects using methods that reflect the different stages and/or components of lexical processing (e.g., time course). The findings across a number of methods point to lexical-level delays underlying sentence-level processing impairments.
In the seminal study investigating the DLA, Love et al. [
4] measured real-time, moment-by-moment lexical activation in IWA using a cross-modal lexical priming paradigm CMLP; see [
8] (though we note here that this delay in lexical access has also been shown with other methods, such as eye-tracking while listening [
14]). The Love et al. [
4] study revealed that, unlike the age-matched controls who showed the immediate activation of the noun (‘wrestler’) upon hearing it, IWA had a 400 ms delay in activation (see (1) below).
object | subject | verb |
- (1)
The audience liked [the wrestleri] [that the parish priest condemnedi] for foul language.
While not the focus of this study, another interesting finding is related to the fact that the sentences tested were object-relative constructions. To understand these sentences, the listener must link the fronted direct object (‘wrestler’) to its syntactically licensed position (verb offset, ‘condemned’; noted with the subscript ‘i’) in order to understand who is doing what to whom (‘priest condemned wrestler’). The study also revealed that, at the offset of the verb, IWA showed a delay in activation, unlike the neurotypical control participants who showed on-time activation. The authors argued that the data supported the DLA hypothesis as IWA initially displayed the delayed lexical activation of the direct object and later in the sentence when the syntactically driven reactivation of the direct object (verb offset) is required.
Despite these lexical delays, studies have shown that impairments in lexical activation during sentence processing in aphasia can be mitigated. In the same study by Love and colleagues [
4], the authors found that slowing the rate of speech input resulted in on-time initial lexical activation and re-activation at the post-verb gap site, with an improvement in final sentence comprehension. Subsequent studies by Love and colleagues explored other ways besides slowing the speech rate to mitigate delayed lexical access [
15]. In a series of eye-tracking while listening (ETL) studies with a visual world paradigm, Baker and Love [
14] found that adding a short silent pause after a target noun (the object of a sentence) provided the necessary time for IWA to demonstrate activation, while Baker and Love [
15] showed lexical facilitation through attention and semantic priming tasks targeting the noun of interest prior to the onset of the sentence [
Of interest to the current study, research has also shown that lexical activation may be modulated by the lexical–semantic relationships between sentence constituents. Akhavan et al. [
13] used semantic cues to explore whether lexical activation can be facilitated in IWA and age-matched controls. In this ETL study, lexical activation was measured while participants listened to sentences and viewed images on a screen that corresponded to lexical items in the sentence. Eye-tracking was used to track the location of gazes over time as a proxy measure for lexical activation during sentence processing. Akhavan et al. [
13] presented participants with sentences that either contained an adjective that was semantically biased (i.e., venomous in sentence (2a)) or unbiased (i.e., voracious in sentence (2b)) toward the upcoming noun (i.e., snake). While listening to sentences, participants would see a visual display with four images. Three of the images were of the nouns in the sentence (i.e., eagle, snake, and bear) and the other image was an unrelated noun (i.e., cat).
- (2a)
The eagle saw the venomous snakei that the bear cautiously encounteredi underneath the narrow bridge.
- (2b)
The eagle saw the voracious snakei that the bear cautiously encounteredi underneath the narrow bridge.
The results from Akhavan et al. [
13] demonstrated that, for age-matched controls, the semantically biased adjective (seen in (2a)) resulted in the faster lexical activation of the target noun (‘snake’). The researchers suggested that the biasing adjective (‘venomous’) reduced the degree of semantic interference from the competing images (i.e., ‘eagle’ and ‘bear’), allowing ‘snake’ to be more readily selected from the visual competitors. In contrast to the results for age-matched controls, IWA did not show faster lexical activation in the semantically biased adjective condition. Instead, IWA showed a previously established pattern of delayed lexical access. Thus, the gaze data suggest that IWA were unable to use semantic cues in a timely fashion to boost the lexical activation of the subsequent noun. Yet, as previously discussed, the time course of lexical activation is only one component of lexical processing, and the gaze data are limited in measuring overt looking patterns.
The current study seeks to use a related measure, pupillometry, that is more sensitive to subtle processing demands which may reflect the initial engagement of the semantic network. While pupillometry has been successfully used to capture the lexical–semantic processing at the single word level. Here, we use pupillometry to gauge IWA’s moment-by-moment sensitivity to semantic information during real-time sentence-level processing.
1.1. Pupillary Measures of Cognitive Load During Sentence Processing
In the present study, we explore whether semantic cues (such as those used in Akhavan et al., [
13]) give rise to richer lexical representations and reduce the processing demands that are required for lexical activation. An eye-tracking method known as pupillometry was used to measure processing (cognitive) demands, or the amount of cognitive effort required for processing.
Pupillometry is defined as the measurement of the change in pupil diameter in millimeters. Researchers have found that the task-evoked responses of the pupil (TERPs) are closely tied to cognitive processes initiated in the locus coeruleus, which modulates systems such as memory, attention, and arousal [
17]. Therefore, the pupil dilation response is considered an index of cognitive effort and can be used to continuously measure changes in cognitive effort during sentence processing as semantic and syntactic information is accessed and integrated [
20]. These pupillary response effects have been shown to be sensitive to sentence complexity during auditory sentence processing in neurotypical populations and IWA [
22]. In addition to syntactic complexity, researchers have also shown that the pupillary response is a reliable index of lexical and syntactic ambiguity [
23], case marking [
24], prosodic incongruency [
19], and grammatical gender [
25], to name a few.
Early pupillometry research analyzed pupillary responses in pre-defined stimulus windows; snapshots within a sentence, e.g., [
23]. More recent work, however, has sought to capitalize on the continuous nature of pupillometry to better capture the changes in response over time; see, for example, [
27]. This approach also allows for the collection of pupillary data simultaneously with gaze data, e.g., [
21]. Thus, this paper capitalizes on the fine-grained and dynamic aspects of pupillometry to examine how the pupillary response changes as a sentence unfolds over time, which provides insights into the effort and timing of accessing the lexical–semantic network during sentence processing. Using this approach, we explore whether neurotypical control participants and IWA can use semantic information to reduce the processing effort at the lexical and sentence levels.
1.2. Pupillometry in Aphasia
Although the usage of pupillometry in aphasia research is limited, some studies have examined pupil dilations in IWA in response to word-level semantic tasks [
28], syntactically complex sentences [
18], and other cognitive tasks such as short-term memory tasks [
30]. For instance, Chapman and Hallowell [
28] explored how the lexical–semantic difficulty (i.e., based on factors such as word frequency and word familiarity) of auditorily presented single words influenced pupillary responses in IWA. The IWA demonstrated larger pupil responses (i.e., greater processing effort) for difficult words (lower frequency—
snail) versus easier words (higher frequency—
sheep). The authors argued that IWA are, in fact, sensitive to lexical–semantic information during single-word processing, as evinced by their pupillary response. In a later study, Chapman and Hallowell [
18] also demonstrated that pupillary reactivity to sentence complexity was shown for neurotypical control participants, but not for IWA. The authors argued that IWA are unable to adequately expend the processing effort for syntactic dependencies due to deficits in the allocation and/or capacity of cognitive resources during sentence processing.
Thus, given that IWA are sensitive to lexical–semantic information as shown in Chapman and Hallowell [
28], this study explores if IWA demonstrate a reduction in processing effort by presenting semantically biased adjectives prior to a noun of interest during real-time auditory sentence processing.
1.3. Present Study
In the present study, pupillary responses during auditory sentence processing were measured to assess the processing effort in object-relative constructions. The focus of this paper is on the initial processing of the direct object noun phrase when it follows a semantically biased or neutral adjective.
Below, we present sentence-level data from both age-matched neurotypical control participants (AMC) and IWA, as research has shown that the processing effort increases throughout the sentence as syntactic structures are built in real time [
18]. It was anticipated that, since IWA often show auditory comprehension deficits and delayed lexical level activation, they, unlike the AMC, would show no change in pupil dilation response (i.e., processing effort) throughout the course of the sentence, reflecting a failure to build the complex syntactic structure.
As stated above, we focus here on how semantic cueing affects the time course of the processing effort during initial lexical activation. Semantic cues were presented through semantically biased and unbiased adjectives preceding a target noun. The goal was to determine whether a semantically biased adjective (e.g., in (2a) ‘venomous snake’ compared to (2b) ‘voracious snake’) helps to boost the lexical–semantic access of the upcoming noun by reducing the processing effort. Based on the prior semantic biasing research, we hypothesized that the sentences with semantically biased adjectives would result in smaller pupillary responses (i.e., less processing effort) than sentences with unbiased adjectives i.e., [
31] for the AMC group (see for example, [
31]). In contrast, for IWA, there are three possible outcomes in response to the semantic biasing. The first outcome is no change in pupillary response. This would reflect the impaired access to the semantic information provided by the biased adjectives, resulting in an overall failure to integrate as suggested by lexical integration deficit accounts [
12]. The second possible outcome is an immediate decrease in pupillary response upon hearing the biased adjective, similar to the AMC group. This would reflect the immediate access to the semantic representation and spared lexical–semantic processing, as supported by Chapman and Hallowell [
18]. The third outcome is a delayed decrease in pupillary response in the biased adjective condition. We argue that such a delay would disrupt timely integration, thus supporting the delayed activation hypothesis [
4. Discussion
This study explored how age-matched controls and individuals with aphasia expend processing effort at the lexical level during complex sentence processing through the pupillary response. Specifically, we tested whether semantic cueing, through adjective biasing, reduces the processing effort during lexical activation and whether a reduced processing effort improves sentence processing overall. What emerged, and is not surprising, is that the two groups utilized the semantic cues differently throughout and within the sentence.
Age-matched controls demonstrated an upward trend of processing effort across the sentence. These findings support other pupillometry studies [
43] that demonstrate pupil size generally increases throughout the task as greater cognitive engagement is required. This suggests that the increase in pupil response in AMC stems from the effort involved in incrementally parsing and building the structure over time. When examining the effect of semantic biasing on noun processing, AMC began to show a decrease in processing effort in the semantically biased condition during the adjective.
In contrast to the AMC group, IWA showed marked differences in processing effort across the sentence. The pupillary response plateaus just after the target noun, suggesting that the IWA failed to build the sentence structure. These results are in line with research that suggests that IWA have difficulty processing object-relative sentences, i.e., [
4]. Interestingly, IWA did demonstrate semantic sensitivity to the biased adjective. Data revealed reduced processing effort in the biased condition compared to the unbiased condition. What follows is a discussion on the observed pupillary patterns in both groups and how those patterns correspond to their gaze patterns in Akhavan et al. [
4.1. Processing Effort During Complex Non-Canonical Sentence Processing
Recall that we found significant group differences in the pupil response between AMC and IWA at Time Window 1. Similar to prior reports, we found differences between AMC and IWA in processing at the sentence level [
18], but not at the target noun [
Interestingly, similar to the AMC group, IWA did demonstrate incremental increases in processing effort at the beginning of the sentence. Unlike AMC, however, this increase in cognitive effort was not sustained throughout the sentence. This is intriguing because these complex object-relative sentence constructions require a significant amount of structure building. Instead, the IWA show a plateau in pupillary response around the point when the syntactically driven reactivation of the direct object (verb offset) is required. This plateau in pupil response is characteristic of a “cognitive overload” [
46]. Cognitive overload is a phenomenon observed in the pupillometry literature, e.g., [
48], in which the amount of effort required in a task exceeds the current capacity of the participant’s cognitive resources [
49]. For example, in a digit span task, this can result in the pupillary response reaching a maximum dilation and then constricting once the working memory capacity has been reached—what van der Wel and van Steenbergen [
49] refer to as reaching an asymptote, and what we have described in this study as a plateau in pupillary response. As IWA typically have impairments with processing syntactic dependencies in object-relative sentences, it is likely that the observed plateau in pupil response reflects a disengagement from the task and offline comprehension failure. As suggested in Chapman and Hallowell [
18], it is possible that IWA have difficulty adequately allocating cognitive resources during language processing, and thus reach a capacity limitation when attempting to process object-relative sentences. While we believe it is important to acknowledge such a striking pattern, we have limited this discussion about cognitive overload as it is beyond the scope of this study, which focuses on initial lexical access.
4.2. Effect of Semantic Biasing on Noun-Processing Effort
When looking closely at the second time window to investigate the immediate effect of a semantically biased adjective on the subsequent noun, we found that, for both AMC and IWA, the effect of the adjective biasing was present in both groups such that the biased condition resulted in a smaller pupillary response. Our findings support the notion that semantic biasing may reduce the processing effort involved in lexical–semantic retrieval for both groups at the initial processing of the target noun. Here, we found that, like other methodological manipulations (word frequency [
51], neighborhood density [
52], and cognate status [
53]), the pupillary response can detect the sensitivity to lexical–semantic manipulations while processing sentences in real time.
Recall that we proposed three possible theoretically motivated outcomes for IWA pupillary responses: (1) no pupillary response to semantic biasing; (2) a timely pupillary response to semantic biasing; and (3) a delayed pupillary response to semantic biasing. The current pupil data support previous findings that IWA have a sensitivity to semantic information in the lexical system [
28], despite demonstrating deficits in the time course of lexical activation and/or integration as observed through alternative methods [
15]. Thus, while these data cannot lend support to the lexical integration deficit hypothesis, they do provide evidence for the real-time sensitivity to the semantic network. As a reminder, the data presented here were collected simultaneously with the gaze data reported in Akhavan et al. [
13]. In the Akhavan et al. [
13] report, no effect of bias was found on the gaze patterns for the IWA group at the initial target noun. Given the current findings from this paper, it is clear that the gaze data did not capture the full story. It may be the case that pupillometric responses are better able to indicate the intactness of a semantic network when compared to other real-time measures, such as gaze data from eye-tracking methods. Our pupil data add to this story by assessing lexical–semantic activation through the lens of cognitive processing effort. The current data reveal that IWA are sensitive to semantic cues, but, taken together with the gaze data from Akhavan et al. [
13], IWA are not able to integrate that information in real time to facilitate access of the target noun. This begs the question—how can IWA be ‘sensitive’ to lexical–semantic cues enough to show a biasing effect, yet are unable to integrate the actual forms into their parsing system?
We argue that the different measures of eye-tracking while listening (gaze and pupillary response) reflect different levels of processing. Eye gaze responses, as collected in Akhavan et al. [
13], are indicative of lexical activation and sentential integration. We propose that the pupil response measures a form of lexical–semantic processing that is underlying the surface representations—that is, pupil responses are indexing the implicit cognitive–linguistic processing associated with lexical activation. From the pupillometry literature in cognitive neuroscience, the pupil response is tied to the noradrenergic system, which is modulated by the locus coeruleus [
16]. This is widely thought of as a domain-general arousal mechanism, which feeds multiple cognitive functions such as memory and attention. There is evidence in the literature that implicates the system of the unconscious processing of information [
37]. As further discussed in Rojas et al. [
54], the pupillary response may capture cognitive processes that are partially activated but are not at the level of processing needed to direct eye gaze during sentence processing or for overt behaviors associated with final comprehension, though more standardized pupillometric studies should be conducted [
54]. Further research should seek to disentangle the levels of the pupillary and gaze response to understand the role of the processing effort during lexical activation, and, specific to this study, should seek to increase the sample size to allow for individual-level analyses.