Current State of Knowledge on Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome, an Autoimmune Exocrinopathy
:1. Introduction
2. Epidemiology
2.1. Prevalence
2.2. Incidence
3. Physiopathology of Sjögren’s Syndrome
3.1. Trigger Phase
3.1.1. Environmental Factors
3.1.2. Genetic Predisposition
3.1.3. Epigenetic Factors
3.1.4. Sex Hormones Deregulation and X-Chromosome Linked Factors
3.2. SGEC Deregulation
3.2.1. Upregulation of Adhesion Molecules
3.2.2. Antigen-Presenting Cell Properties
3.2.3. Chemokines Production
3.2.4. Apoptosis and Expression of Self-Antigens
3.2.5. Alteration of Proteins Involved in Saliva Secretion
3.3. Chronic Inflammation
3.3.1. T-Cell Infiltration
3.3.2. Breakdown of B Cells Tolerance
3.3.3. Formation of Germinal-Like Structures
3.3.4. Local Production of Autoantibodies
3.3.5. Damage of Salivary Acini Architecture
4. Clinical Manifestations
4.1. General Manifestations
4.2. Ocular Manifestations
4.3. Stomatologic Manifestations
4.4. Musculoskeletal Manifestations
4.5. Neurological Manifestations
4.6. Pulmonary Manifestations
4.7. Dermatological Manifestations
4.8. Cardiovascular Manifestations
4.9. Oeso-Gastrointestinal Manifestations
4.10. Pancreatic and Hepatobiliary Manifestations
4.11. Uronephrologic Manifestations
4.12. Haematological Manifestations
4.13. Ear–Nose–Throat (ENT) Manifestations
4.14. Gynaecological and Obstetrical Manifestations
5. Diagnosis Workup
5.1. Diagnosis Versus Classification Criteria
5.2. Sicca Syndrome and Glandular Assessment
5.3. Labial Minor SG Biopsy
5.4. Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) Profile
5.5. Blood Workup
5.6. Sjögren’s Syndrome Differential Diagnosis
5.7. Primary versus Secondary Sjögren’s Syndrome
6. Prognosis
6.1. Death
6.2. Disease Activity
6.3. Damage Accrual
6.4. Discomfort and Disability
7. Therapeutic
7.1. Sicca Syndrome and Non-Visceral Manifestations
7.2. Systemic Manifestations
7.3. pSS-Associated Lymphoma
7.4. Obstetrical Considerations
7.5. Targeted Therapies: Revolution or Disillusion?
8. Conclusions
- SS is characterized by lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of exocrine glands. The cause of SS is complex and influenced by a combination of genetic, epigenetic, hormonal and environmental factors.
- The pathogenic mechanisms remain unclear. However, the immune system-mediated loss of glands function, specifically of salivary and lacrimal glands, certainly explains the common symptoms of dry mouth and dry eyes. In this inflammatory environment, T-cells mediate a direct destruction of glandular tissue and B-cell activation, leading to the production of autoantibodies. More than 20 autoantibodies could be involved in SS, but the most commonly used for SS diagnosis are anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB.
- Although often reduced to its sicca syndrome due to its tropism for glandular tissue, pSS remains a systemic disease that can affect virtually all organs. These clinical manifestations can be due to various mechanisms: dryness secondary to exocrinopathy, autoimmune epithelitis with periepithelial lymphocytic infiltration of target organs, autoimmunity and clonal lymphocytic expansion.
- Due to its protean and willingly insidious presentation, pSS is sometimes difficult to recognize and may delay diagnosis by more than 10 years. Classification criteria are used to create cohorts for study purposes and should not be used blindly as diagnostic criteria but as a guide in clinical practice. For these various reasons, the gold standard for individual diagnosis of pSS remains the opinion of an expert clinician.
- From a serohistological point of view, so-called “secondary Sjögren’s syndrome” in SLE and SScl patients does not differ from pSS. It is therefore preferable to forget this historical dichotomy. In this way, the clinician avoids three pitfalls: (1) minimizing the SS-related symptoms, which decrease the quality of life of the patients; (2) forget that overlap may change the clinical phenotype and (3) forget the risk of lymphoma.
- Although overall pSS mortality is low and similar to the general population, a subgroup of patients will have a poorer vital prognosis linked to cardiovascular events, solid-organ and lymphoid malignancies and infections. Biomarkers associated with the development of MALT lymphoma are mainly signs associated with exuberant B cell proliferation and immune-complex production.
- The impact of pSS can be assessed according to three clinical dimensions: “sicca asthenia polyalgia” complex, inflammatory disease activity and structural damage. They are assessed by the ESSPRI, ESSDAI and SSD(D)I scores, respectively. Even in the absence of florid systemic manifestations, pSS can be disabling and associated with significant functional status impairment related to oral and/or ocular dryness, systemic activity, pain, fatigue and daytime somnolence, anxiety and depression symptoms.
- The treatment of manifestations linked to the “sicca asthenia polyalgia” complex mainly involves symptomatic measures and rehabilitation. To date, no immunosuppressant has demonstrated a favourable risk–benefit balance in this indication.
- The treatment of manifestations related to inflammatory disease activity is currently based on scarce evidence. Therapeutic regimen must be tailored to organ specific involvement and severity of the disorder. Mild manifestations will be treated with hydroxychloroquine or local corticosteroids while moderate to severe systemic involvement will require the use of systemic corticosteroid therapy, combined or not with a broad-spectrum immunosuppressant. Rituximab will only be used as a third line, except in cases of cryoglobulinemia where it is the treatment of choice.
- Despite targeted therapies having revolutionized rheumatology in recent years and the impressive number of molecules tested so far in pSS, a revolution like the one known in the field of RA has not yet occurred.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ACA | Anti-centromere antibodies |
ACPA | Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies |
ACR | American College of Rheumatology |
AECG | American European Consensus Group |
AH | Autoimmune Hepatitis |
ANA | Antinuclear antibodies |
anti-M3R | Anti-muscarinic receptor 3 |
APRIL | A proliferation-inducing ligand |
ASAP | “Abatacept Sjögren Active Patients” study |
AZA | Azathioprine |
BAFF | B cell Activating Factor |
BCR | B cell receptor |
BUT | Break-up Time |
CCP | Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide |
circRNA | Circular RNA |
ciRNAs | Intronic circRNAs |
ClinESSDAI | Clinical ESSDAI variant |
CPK | Creatine phosphokinase |
CRISP-3 | Cysteine-Rich Secretory Protein 3 () |
CT-scan | Computerized tomography |
CyA | Ciclosporin A |
DAMPS | Danger-associated molecular patterns |
DAP-kinase | Pro-apoptotic death associated protein kinase |
DHEA | Dehydroepiandrosterone |
DHT | Dihydrotestosterone |
DLBCL | Diffuse large B cell lymphoma |
DMARD | Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug |
DNMTs | DNA methyltransferases |
DREAM | “Dry Eye Assessment and Management” study |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
ecircRNAs | Exonic circRNAs |
EIciRNAs | Exon-intron circRNAs |
ELISA | Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
ENT | Ear-Nose-Throat |
ESSDAI | EULAR Sjögren’s syndrome disease activity index |
ESSPRI | EULAR Sjögren’s Syndrome Patient Reported Index |
EULAR | European League Against Rheumatism |
FASl | Fas ligand |
FDC | Follicular dendritic cells |
GCs | Germinal centres |
HCQ | Hydroxychloroquine |
HCV | Hepatitis C virus |
HLH | Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis |
HTLV1 | Human T-lymphotropic virus type I |
ICAM-1 | InterCellular Adhesion Molecule 1 |
IF | Immunofluorescence |
IFN | Interferon |
IgG,A,M | Immunoglobulin G, A and M |
IL- | Interleukin |
ILD | Interstitial lung disease(s) |
IRF | Interferon Regulatory Factor |
IV | Intravenous therapy |
IVIG | Intravenous Immunoglobulin |
KCS | Keratoconjunctivitis sicca |
LEMA | Myoepithelial sialadenitis |
LESA | lymphoepithelial sialadenitis |
LIP | Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis |
LMP1 | Latent membrane protein 1 |
lncRNA | Long non-coding RNAs |
LPR | Laryngopharyngeal reflux |
LSG | Labial SG |
MALT | mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue |
MHC | Major histocompatibility genes |
MMF | Mycophenolate mofetil |
MMP | Matrix metalloproteinases |
MPGN | Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
MS | Multiple Sclerosis |
MSGB | Minor salivary gland biopsy |
MTX | Methotrexate |
NAC | N-acetylcystein |
NFkB | Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells |
NHL | Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma |
NICE | National Institute for Health and Care Excellence |
NMOSD | Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder |
NOD | Non-obese diabetic |
NSAID | Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
NSIP | Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia |
OMERACT | Outcome Measures in Rheumatology group |
OSDI | Ocular Surface Disease Index |
OSS | Ocular Staining Score |
PAMPs | Pathogen-associated molecular patterns |
PBC | Primary Biliary Cirrhosis |
PDC | Plasmacytoid dendritic cells |
PDL1 | Programmed death ligand 1 |
PET scan | Positron emission tomography |
PGA | Patient Global Assessment |
PIP | Prolactin inducible protein |
PO | per os |
PSP | Parotid secretory protein |
pSS | Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome |
pSS-ILD | pSS-related interstitial lung disease |
q6h, q8h | Every 6 h, every 8 h |
RA | Rheumatoid Arthritis |
RCT | Randomized controlled trial |
RF | Rheumatoid Factor |
RTA | Renal tubular acidosis |
RTX | Rituximab |
RX1 | Runt-related transcription factor |
SAM | Methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine |
SAP | Sicca Asthenia Polyalgia |
SF-36 | Short Form 36 health survey |
SG | Salivary Gland |
SGS | Salivary glands scintigraphy |
SGUS | Salivary glands ultrasound |
SICCA | Sjögren’s International Collaborative Clinical Alliance |
SLE | Systemic lupus erythematosus |
SNP | Single nucleotide polymorphism |
SP-1 | Salivary protein 1 |
SSDDI | Sjögren’s Syndrome Disease Damage Index |
SSDI | Sjögren’s Syndrome Damage Index |
sSS | Secondary Sjögren’s Syndrome |
SWSF | Stimulated Whole Salivary Flow rate |
TACI | Transmembrane Activator and CAML Interactor |
TEARS | “Tolerance and efficacy of rituximab in primary Sjögren syndrome” trial |
Tfh | Follicular helper T cells |
TLRs | Toll Like Receptors |
TNF-α | Tumour necrosis factor-α |
TPHA | Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutinations Assay |
TRACTISS | “TRial of Anti-B-Cell Therapy In patients with primary Sjögren’s Syndrome” trial |
TSH | Thyroid-stimulating hormone |
TTP | Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura |
UCLH | University College London Hospitals |
UIP | Usual interstitial pneumonia |
UWSF | Unstimulated Whole Saliva Flow rate |
VAS | Visual analogue scales |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Research Laboratory |
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Autoantigen Targeted by Autoantibody | Number of Patients (N Total/Pooled) | Autoantibody Prevalence (% of Total) | Clinical Associations | ||||||||
pSS | pSS MALT | Sicca | FM Sicca | Crtl | pSS | pSS MALT | Sicca | FM Sicca | Crtl | ||
Salivary protein 1 (SP1) | 270 | _ | 29 | 151 | 148 | 46.3 | _ | 75.9 | 45.7 | 27 | Early disease, low focus-score, SSA−/SSB− [169,170,171,172,173] Found in non-pSS dry eye and fibromyalgia with sicca syndrome [167,174,175] |
Carbonic anhydrase 6 (CA6) | 13 | _ | _ | 151 | 23 | 53.8 | _ | _ | 7.3 | 4.3 | |
Parotid secretory protein (PSP) | 13 | _ | _ | 151 | 23 | 15.4 | _ | _ | 11.3 | 4.3 | |
Interferon-inducible protein-16 | 250 | _ | _ | _ | 255 | 37.2 | _ | _ | _ | 2.7 | High focus-score and GC, hyperγ, ANA > 1:320 [176] |
Mouse double minute 2 (MDM2) | 100 | _ | _ | _ | 74 | 21 | _ | _ | _ | 5.4 | ⇧ disease duration, ESSDAI, ⇧ focus-score, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, SSB+ [177] |
Nuclear autoantigen 14 kDa (NA-14) | 204 | _ | _ | _ | 144 | 12.7 | _ | _ | _ | 0 | ⇧ IgA level, ANA < 1:320, ANA−, shorter disease duration [178,179] |
Stathmin-4 | 72 | _ | _ | _ | 128 | 15 | _ | _ | _ | 5 | Polyneuropathy, vasculitis [180] |
Poly(U)-binding splicing factor 60 kDa | 84 | _ | _ | _ | 38 | 30 | _ | _ | _ | 5.3 | Asian or African descent, ANA+, RF+, hyperγ, SSA+, SSB+ [181] |
NR2 | 66 | _ | _ | _ | 99 | 20 | _ | _ | _ | 7.6 | ⇩ memory function, ⇧ depression rate [182] ⇩ hippocampal grey matter [183] |
50 | _ | _ | _ | _ | 12 * | _ | _ | _ | _ | ||
TRIM38 | 235 | _ | _ | _ | 50 | 10 | _ | _ | _ | 4 | ⇧ ocular stain scores, ⇩ Schirmer’s test, focus-score ≥ 3, SSA+, RF+, hyperγ [184] |
Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 104 | _ | _ | _ | _ | 5 | _ | _ | _ | _ | Triple Ro52+/Ro60+/La+, hypocomplementemia, cutaneous involvement [185] |
Calponin-3 | 209 | _ | _ | _ | 46 | 11 | _ | _ | _ | 2.2 | Peripheral neuropathy [186] |
Ganglionic acetylcholine receptor | 39 | _ | _ | _ | 39 | 23 | _ | _ | _ | 0 | Autonomic neuropathy [187] |
Aquaporin-4 | 109 | _ | _ | _ | _ | 10 | _ | _ | _ | _ | NMOSD overlap [188] |
Aquaporin-5 | 112 | _ | _ | _ | 53 | 73 | _ | _ | _ | 32 | Low resting salivary flow [164] |
Other aquaporins (1, 3, 8, 9) | 34 | _ | _ | _ | _ | 38 | _ | _ | _ | _ | ⇧ ocular stain scores [189] |
P-selectin | 70 | _ | _ | _ | 35 | 21 | _ | _ | 0 | Low platelet count [190] | |
Carbamylated proteins | 123 | _ | _ | _ | 172 | 28.5 | _ | _ | _ | 3.5 | ⇧ total IgG, IgM, RF+, β2-microglobulin, ⇧ focus-score and GC [191,192] |
Moesin | 50 | _ | _ | _ | 50 | 42 | _ | _ | _ | 4 | [193] |
Cofilin-1 | 50 | 20 | _ | _ | 50 | 76 | 80 | _ | _ | 18 | Association with pSS lymphoma [194] IgA isotype of anti-Ro/SSA ACPA+ and high urine pH for anti-alpha-enolase [195] |
Alpha-enolase | 50 | 20 | _ | _ | 50 | 82 | 90 | _ | _ | 26 | |
Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 2 | 50 | 20 | _ | _ | 50 | 86 | 90 | _ | _ | 26 |
AECG Classification Criteria (2002) [250] | SICCA Classification Criteria (2012) [251] | ACR-EULAR Classification Criteria (2016) [252] | ||||
Domain | Item Definition | Value | Item Definition | Value | Item Definition | Value |
Subjective eye dryness | ≥1/3 specific questions | minor | / | _ | / | _ |
Subjective oral dryness | ≥1/3 specific questions | minor | / | _ | / | _ |
Ocular signs | Schirmer (≤5 mm/5 min) OR Van Bijsterveld ≥ 4 | minor | OSS ≥3 | 1 | Schirmer (<5 mm/5 min) | 1 |
OSS ≥ 5 OR Van Bijsterveld ≥ 4 | 1 | |||||
SG dysfunction | UWSF (≤1.5 mL/15 min) OR Compatible parotid sialography OR Anormal salivary scintigraphy | minor | / | _ | UWSF (≤0.1 mL/min) | 1 |
MSGB | Focus-score ≥ 1 | Major | Focus-score ≥ 1 | 1 | Focus-score ≥ 1 | 3 |
Auto antibodies | Anti-Ro/SSA or Anti-La/SSB | Major | Anti-Ro/SSA or Anti-La/SSB OR RF(+) with ANA(+) ≥1:320 | 1 | Anti-Ro/SSA | 3 |
pSS definition | 4 out of 6 with ≥ 1 Major (or 3 out of 4 objectives findings) | pSS signs and/or symptoms with ≥2/3 criteria | Sicca or ESSDAI manifestation with a total score ≥ 4 | |||
Exclusions criteria |
| |||
Sensitivity | 93.5% | 92.5% | 96% | |||
Specificity | 94.0% | 95.4% | 95% |
Sicca Symptoms Complex | Glandular Involvement | Articular Involvement | Systemic Involvement | |
Xerogenic medications | X | _ | _ | _ |
Aromatase inhibitors | (X) | _ | X | (X) pSS-like |
Age-related dryness | X | _ | _ | _ |
Metabolic sialadenosis | _ | X | _ | _ |
Non-SS dry eye diseases | X | _ | _ | _ |
Head and neck irradiation | X | _ | _ | _ |
Sarcoïdosis | X | X | X | X |
Hyperlipoproteinemia (II, IV, V type) | X | X | (X) | _ |
Chronic Graft vs. Host disease | X | X | X | X |
Primary lymphoma | X | X | _ | (X) |
Amyloïdosis | X | X | (X) | (X) Renal, purpura |
Viral chronic sialadenitis (HCV, HIV, HTLV-1) | X | (X) | X | X |
Other chronic Non-specific sialadenitis | X | X Usually unilateral | _ | _ |
Diabetes Mellitus | X | (X) Sialadenosis | (X) Cheiroarthropathy | (X) Neuropathy |
Haemochromatosis | X | (X) | X CPPD | (X) |
Other connective tissue disease | X | _ | X | X |
Rheumatoid arthritis | (X) | _ | X | (X) |
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis | X | (X) | X | X |
IgG4-related disease (Mikulicz syndrome) | X | X | (X) | (X) |
Anxiety, fibromyalgia | X | _ | (X) | _ |
Checkpoint inhibitors | X | (X) | X | X |
EULAR Sjögren’s Syndrome Disease Activity Index | EULAR Sjögren’s Syndrome Patient Reported Index | Sjögren’s Syndrome Disease Damage Index | Sjögren’s Syndrome Damage Index | |
Abbreviation | ESSDAI | ESSPRI | SSDDI | SSDI |
First description | Seror et al. [294] | Seror et al. [295] | Vitali et al. [296] | Barry et al. [297] |
Year | 2010 | 2011 | 2007 | 2008 |
Type | Activity index | PRO | Damage index | Damage index |
Domains (n) | 12 | 1 | 6 | 9 |
Items (n) | 44 | 3 | 9 | 27 |
Items scoring | 0 to 3 | VAS (0–10) | 1, 2 or 5 | 1 |
Domain weight | 1 to 6 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Calculation | Sum | Mean | Sum | Sum |
Score range | 0–123 | 0–10 | 0–16 | 0–27 |
Clinically significant threshold | <5 Low ≥5, ≤13 moderate ≥14 high | ≥5/10 is an unsatisfactory symptom state | - | - |
Minimal clinically important difference | ≥3 points improvement | ≥1 point or ≥15% improvement | - | - |
Salivary Gland Involvement | Lachrymal Gland Involvement | Skin and Vaginal Mucosa Involvement | |
Self-Care |
| |
Conserve |
| ||
Replace |
Stimulate |
Complications Prevention and Management |
DRUG | TRIAL (Reference) | Inclusion Criteria | Number of Subjects | Age (Years) | Disease Duration (Years) | Mean ESSDAI | Primary Outcome | Results | Effects (Statistically Significant) | |||
Drg | Ctrl | Sicca Syndrome | Fibro-Like | Systemic | ||||||||
Rituximab Anti-CD20 | NCT00363350 Phase I/II [343] | AECG criteria RF+ and SSa and/or SSb+ SWS >0.15 mL/min | 20 | 10 | 43 ± 11 | 5.25 ± 4.17 | 8 (4–13) | SWS ⇧ at 48w | met | SWS/UWS ⇧ LG test ⇧ Schirmer = BUT = | SF36 ⇧ MFI ⇩ | Vasculitis ⇩ |
Phase III [330] | AECG criteria SSa and/or SSb+ F-VAS ≥5/10 | 8 | 9 | 51 (22–64) | 7.25 (1–18) | na | ⇩ > 20% of F-VAS at 24w; ⇩ F-VAS at 24w; ⇩ >30% of F-VAS at 24w | not met not met not met | UWS = Schirmer = | F-VAS ⇩ PROFAD ⇩ P-VAS = Soc-SF36 ⇧ | Glandular ⇩ | |
Phase III [332] | AECG criteria SSa and/or SSb+ Disease duration ≤ 2y 2/5 of [PhGA >50 mm or ESSDAI ≥ 6 or subESSPRI ≥ 5] | 19 | 22 | 40 (27–53) | 1 (1–2) | 20 (6–41) | ΔESSDAI until 120W | met from 24w to 120w | D-VAS ⇩ Schirmer ⇧ UWS ⇧ | P-VAS = F-VAS ⇩ | ESSDAI ⇩ | |
NCT00740948 Phase III TEARS [331] | AECG criteria with 2/4 VAS ≥ 5/10 for PhGA, pain, fatigue and dryness AND biologically active OR 1 extra-glandular manifestation or parotid gland enlargement. | 63 | 57 | 52.9 ± 13.3 | 4.6 ± 4.8 | 10 ± 6.9 | ⇩ 30% of at least 2/4 VAS at 6-16-24w | met at 6w not met at 16-24w | D-VAS ⇩ Schirmer = | P-VAS = F-VAS ⇩ | ESSDAI = Glandular = Articular = | |
Phase III TRACTISS [344] | pSS with SSa+ UWS >0 mL/min F-VAS and D-VAS >5/10 | 67 | 66 | 54 ± 11.5 | 5.7 ± 5.4 | 5.7 ± 4.5 | ⇩ 30% D-VAS and F-VAS at 48w | not met | UWS ⇧ ESSPRI = D-VAS = | F-VAS = SF36 = PROFAD = | ESSDAI ⇩ | |
Epratuzumab Anti-CD22 | Post-hoc Phase I/II EMBODY [337] | SLE with SSa+ and SS diagnosis | 31 + 41 | 40 | 46.4 ± 12.3 | 5.1 (0–34) | na | BICLA at 48w ΔBILAG at 48w ΔSLEDAI at 48w ΔPhGA at 48w | met met not met not met | na | na | BILAG ⇩ |
DRUG | TRIAL (References) | Inclusion Criteria | Number of Subjects | Age (Years) | Disease Duration (Years) | Mean ESSDAI | Primary Outcome | Results | Effects (Statistically Significant) | |||
Drg | Ctrl | Sicca Syndrome | Fibro-Like | Systemic | ||||||||
Belimumab Anti-BAFF | NCT01160666 NCT01008982 Phase II BELISS [338,339] | AECG criteria SSa and/or SSb+ AND systemic complication OR B cell activation OR early disease (≤5 years) | 30 | - | 49.5 ± 6.5 | 5.7 ± 5.6 | 8.8 ± 7.4 | ⇩ of 2/5 VAS at 28w
| 60% response | ESSPRI ⇩ D-VAS ⇩ UWS = Schirmer = | ESSPRI ⇩ P-VAS = F-VAS = SF36 = | ESSDAI ⇩ Glandular ⇩ |
Follow-up of previous study | 15 | - | 40.2 ± 11.8 | 5.9 ± 5.7 | 3.8 ± 3.1 | Idem between 28–52w | 86.7% Stable response | ESSPRI ⇩ D-VAS ⇩ UWS = Schirmer = | ESSPRI ⇩ P-VAS = F-VAS = Phys-SF36⇧ | ESSDAI ⇩ Glandular ⇩ Articular ⇩ Biologic ⇩ | ||
RC18 TACI-Igfusion protein | NCT04078386 Phase II [345] | AECG criteria SSa+ ESSDAI ≥ 5 | 30 | ? | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI at 24w | December 2020 | Secondary endpoint | Secondary endpoint | Primary endpoint | |
Rituximab Anti-CD20 + Belimumab Anti-BAFF | NCT02631538 Phase II [346] | AECG criteria SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 5 UWS >0 mL/min D-VAS ≥ 5/10 | 70 | ? | ? | ? | SAEs at 104w AESIs at 104w | Study completed on June 2020 | Secondary endpoint | na | Secondary endpoint | |
Tibulizumab (LY3090106) Anti-BAFF + Anti-IL-17 | NCT02614716 Phase I [347] | AECG criteria SSa and/or SSb+ | 32 | ? | ? | ? | SAEs at 197d | Not published | na | na | na | |
Ianalumab (VAY736) Anti-BAFFR | NCT02149420 Phase II [348] | AECG criteria ANA ≥1:160 SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 6 UWS >0 mL/min | 6+12 | 9 | 50.5 ± 12.16 | ? | 12.5 (6, 31) | ΔESSDAI at 12w | not met | D-VAS ⇩ | SF-36 = MFI ⇩ F-VAS ⇩ | ESSDAI = Articular ⇩ |
NCT02962895 Phase II [349] | AECG criteria SSa+ ESSDAI ≥ 6 (from 7 domains only) | 195 | ? | ? | ? | Change in multi-dimensional disease activity at 24w | Study completed on June 2020 | Secondary endpoint | Secondary endpoint | Primary endpoint |
DRUG | TRIAL (Reference) | Inclusion Criteria | Number of Subjects | Age (Years) | Disease Duration (Years) | Mean ESSDAI | Primary Outcome | Results | Effects (Statistically Significant) | |||
Drg | Ctrl | Sicca Syndrome | Fibro-Like | Systemic | ||||||||
LOU064 BTK inhibitor | NCT04035668 Phase II LOUISSe [350] | 2016 ACR/EULAR criteria SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 6 UWS >0 mL/min | 252 | ? | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI at 24w | Estimated Study Completion on January 2023 | Secondary endpoint | Secondary endpoint | Secondary endpoint | |
Tirabrutinib (GS-4059) BTK inhibitor | NCT03100942 Phase II [342] | AECG criteria SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 4 | 38 | 37 | 55.8 ± 10.06 | ? | 10.4 ± 5.36 | Protocol-Specified Response Criteria at 12w | not met | ESSPRI = | ESSPRI = | ESSDAI = |
BMS-986142 BTK inhibitor | NCT02843659 Phase II [351] | 2016 ACR/EULAR criteria SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 6 UWS >0 mL/min | 5+6 | 7 | 51.2 ± 11.41 | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI at 12w | Not published | Secondary endpoint | Secondary endpoint | Secondary endpoint |
Branebrutinib BTK inhibitor | NCT04186871 Phase II [352] | 2016 ACR/EULAR criteria Moderate to severe pSS | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Protocol-Specified Response Criteria at 24w | Estimated Study Completion on June 2022 | na | na | Primary endpoint |
Baminercept LTβ-R fusion protein | NCT01552681 Phase II [353] | 2016 ACR/EULAR criteria UWS >0.1 mL/min ≥ 1 non-life-threatening systemic manifestation(s) | 33 | 19 | 52.0 ± 11.0 | ? | 3.1 ± 3.4 | ΔSWS at 24w | not met | D-VAS = Schirmer ⇧ UWS = | F-VAS = | ESSDAI = |
Parsaclisib (INCB050465) PI3Kδ inhibitor | NCT03627065 Phase II [354] | AECG criteria SGUS score > 2 SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 6 Oral dryness score ≥ 5. | 10 | ? | ? | ? | ΔSGUS score at 12w | Not published | na | na | na | |
Seletalisib (UCB5857) PI3Kδ inhibitor | NCT02610543 Phase II [355] | AECG criteria FAN ≥ 1:160 SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 6 | 13 | 14 | ? | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI at 12w | not met | ESSPRI = SWSF = Schirmer = | na | ESSDAI = |
Leniolisib (CDZ173) PI3Kδ inhibitor | NCT02775916 Phase II [356] | pSS diagnosis SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 6, ESSPRI ≥ 5 SWS > 0.1 mL/min | 20 | 10 | 47.3 ± 13.07 | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI at 12w SAEs at 12w | not met | ESSPRI = | SF-36 = MFI = | na |
DRUG | TRIAL | Inclusion Criteria | Number of Subjects | Age (Years) | Disease Duration (Years) | Mean ESSDAI | Primary Outcome | Results | Effects (Statistically Significant) | |||
Drg | Ctrl | Sicca Syndrome | Fibro-Like | Systemic | ||||||||
Abatacept CTLA-4 Ig fusion protein | NCT02915159 Phase III [357] | 2016 ACR/EULAR criteria SSa+ ESSDAI ≥ 5 | 92 | 95 | 52 ± 12.9 | ? | 9.4 ± 4.3 | ΔESSDAI at 169d | Not met | ESSPRI = SWS = | ESSPRI = | ESSDAI = DAS28 ⇩ |
Phase I/II ASAP [358] | AECG criteria and ESSDAI ≥ 6 Disease duration ≤ 5 years SWS ≥ 0.10 mL/min SSa and/or SSb+ or FR+ Proven by parotid gland biopsy. | 15 | - | 43 (32–51) | 11 (7–36) | 11 (8–14) | ΔESSDAI at 24-48w | met | ESSPRI ⇩ SWS/UWS = Schirmer = BUT ⇧ | ESSPRI ⇩ | ESSDAI ⇩ | |
NCT02067910 Phase III ASAPIII [359] | AECG criteria and ESSDAI ≥ 5 Time from diagnosis ≤ 7 years | 40 | 39 | 49 ± 16 | 8 (4–14) | ? | ΔESSDAI at 24w | Not met | ESSPRI ⇩ FSFI ⇧ DVAS = UWS = Schirmer = | Fatigue = | ESSDAI = Articular ⇩ | |
Iscalimab (CFZ533) Anti-CD40 | NCT02291029 Phase IIa [360] | AECG criteria and ESSDAI ≥ 6 SSA+ OR FR+ and FAN ≥ 1:320 SWS ≥ 0 mL/min | 8+21 | 4+11 | 51.3 ± 13.5 | ? | 10.7 ± 4.6 | SAEs at 12w | safe | ESSPRI ⇩ UWS = Schirmer = | MFI = SF-36 = | ESSDAI ⇩ Articular ⇩ |
NCT03905525 Phase II TWINSS [361] | 2016 ACR/EULAR criteria SSa+ SWS > 0.01 mL/min, P1: ESSDAI ≥ 5 or P2 ESSPRI ≥ 5. | 260 | ? | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI at 24w in P1 ΔESSPRI at 24w in P2 | Estimated Study Completion on June 2022 | Included endpoint | Included endpoint | Included endpoint | ||
VIB4920 MEDI4920 Anti-CD40L | NCT04129164 Phase II [362] | P1: ESSDAI ≥ 5 P2: ESSDAI < 5 et ESSPRI ≥ 5 | 174 | ? | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI at 169d in P1 ΔESSPRI at 169d in P2 | Estimated Study Completion on April 2022 | Included endpoint | Included endpoint | Included endpoint | |
Prezalumab (AMG557) (MEDI5872) Anti-B7RP1 | NCT02334306 Phase IIa [363] | AECG criteria and ESSDAI ≥ 5 SSa and/or SSb+ FR+, cryoglobulinemia or hypergammaglobulinemia | 16 | 16 | 50.7 ± 13 | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI at 99d | Not met | ESSPRI = | ESSPRI = | ESSDAI = |
Lulizumab (BMS-931699) Anti-CD28 | NCT02843659 Phase II [351] | 2016 ACR/EULAR criteria SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 5 USW > 0.01 mL/min | 5+6 | 7 | 51.2 ± 11.41 | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI at 12w | Not published | Secondary endpoint | Secondary endpoint | Primary endpoint |
DRUG | TRIAL (Reference) | Inclusion Criteria | Number of Subjects | Age (Years) | Disease Duration (Years) | Mean ESSDAI | Primary Outcome | Results | Effects (Statistically Significant) | |||
Drg | Ctrl | Sicca Syndrome | Fibro-Like | Systemic | ||||||||
Petesicatib RO5459072 Cathepsin S Inhibitor | NCT02701985 Phase IIa [364] | AECG criteria SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 5 ESSPRI ≥ 5 USW > 0.0 mL/min Oral D-VAS ≥ 5/10 | 38 | 37 | 52.2 ± 12.5 | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI ≥ 3 at 12w | Not met | ESSPRI = | ESSPRI = SF36 = | ESSDAI = |
Efalizumab Anti-LFA-1 | NCT00344448 Phase II [365] | AECG criteria SSa and/or SSb+ | 6 | 3 | 53 ± 11.2 | ? | ? | Protocol-specified composite score at 12w | Early termination due to serious side effect in other trial |
DRUG | TRIAL | Inclusion Criteria | Number of Subjects | Age (Years) | Disease Duration (Years) | Mean ESSDAI | Primary Outcome | Results | Effects (Statistically Significant) | |||
Drg | Ctrl | Sicca Syndrome | Fibro-Like | Systemic | ||||||||
Anakinra IL1R antagonist protein | NCT00683345 Phase II [333] | AECG criteria 18–80 years Western European descent No depression or comorbidity | 13 | 13 | 55 (36–80) | 5 (1–17) | ? | Group-wise comparison of the fatigue scores at 4w | not met | na | F-VAS ⇩ | na |
Tocilizumab Anti-IL-6R | NCT01782235 Phase I/II ETAP [366] | AECG criteria ESSDAI ≥ 5 | 55 | 55 | 50.9 (26–76) | ? | 11.5 (5–25) | ΔESSDAI ≥ 3 at 12W without new item without ⇧ ≥1/10 PGA | not met | ESSPRI = Schirmer = | ESSPRI = | ESSDAI = Articular ⇩ |
Infliximab Anti-TNF | Phase III TRIPSS [367] | AECG criteria 2/3 D-VAS, F-VAS, P-VAS ≥ 5/10 | 54 | 49 | 54.4 ± 10.4 | 4.0 ± 5.5 | na | ⇧ 30% in 2/3 D-VAS, F-VAS, P-VAS at 10–22w | not met | SWS = Schirmer = | SF-36 = | SJC = TJC = |
Etanercept TNFR-Ig fusion protein | NCT00001954 Phase II [368] | 1986 and AECG criteria Elevated ESR or IgG levels | 14 | 14 | 55.5 (46, 59) | ? | na | ⇧ 20% in 2/3 pSS domains (protocol-specified) | not met | D-VAS = Schirmer = VB = SWS = | na | na |
Ustekinumab Anti- IL-12/IL-23 (p40 subunit) | NCT04093531 Phase I [341] | 2016 ACR/EULAR criteria | 15 | - | ? | ? | ? | ΔESSDAI at 24W | Estimated Study Completion on December 2021 | na | Secondary endpoint | Primary endpoint |
GSK2618960 anti–IL-7Rα | NCT03239600 Phase II [369] | AECG criteria SWS >0.1 mL/min ⇧ Ig or FR+ or ANA ≥ 1:320 D-VAS ≥ 5/10 or Schirmer < 10 mm | 0 | - | - | - | SAEs at 27w | Withdraw The study is stopped for Portfolio prioritization |
DRUG | TRIAL (Reference) | Inclusion Criteria | Number of Subjects | Age (years) | Disease Duration (Years) | Mean ESSDAI | Primary Outcome | Results | Effects (Statistically Significant) | |||
Drg | Ctrl | Sicca Syndrome | Fibro-Like | Systemic | ||||||||
Daxdilimab VIB7734 Anti-ILT7 | NCT03817424 Phase I [370] | Unspecified | ? | ? | ? | ? | SAEs at 169d AESIs at 169d | June 2020 | na | na | na | na |
Filgotinib Jak1 inhibitor | NCT03100942 Phase II [342] | AECG criteria SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 4 | 38 | 37 | 52.2 ± 10.54 | ? | 10.2 ± 6.23 | Protocol-Specified Response Criteria at 12w | not met | ESSPRI = | ESSPRI = | ESSDAI = |
Lanraplenib (GS-9876) SIK inhibitor | NCT03100942 Phase II [342] | AECG criteria SSa and/or SSb+ ESSDAI ≥ 4 | 38 | 37 | 56.2 ± 9.72 | ? | 10.5 ± 4.89 | Protocol-Specified Response Criteria at 12w | not met | ESSPRI = | ESSPRI = | ESSDAI = |
RSLV-132 RNase1-Fc fusion protein | NCT03247686 Phase II [371] | AECG criteria SSA+ Interferon signature | 22 | 8 | ? | ? | ? | Interferon gene expression at day99 | Not published | ESSPRI = | mPRO-F ⇧ DSST ⇩ FACIT-F = ESSPRI = | ESSDAI = |
Low-dose IL-2 T-reg induction | NCT01988506 Phase II Transreg [372] | pSS diagnosis | 84-132 | ? | ? | ? | T-reg percentage | Estimated Study Completion on February 2022 | na | na | na |
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Parisis, D.; Chivasso, C.; Perret, J.; Soyfoo, M.S.; Delporte, C. Current State of Knowledge on Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome, an Autoimmune Exocrinopathy. J. Clin. Med. 2020, 9, 2299.
Parisis D, Chivasso C, Perret J, Soyfoo MS, Delporte C. Current State of Knowledge on Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome, an Autoimmune Exocrinopathy. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020; 9(7):2299.
Chicago/Turabian StyleParisis, Dorian, Clara Chivasso, Jason Perret, Muhammad Shahnawaz Soyfoo, and Christine Delporte. 2020. "Current State of Knowledge on Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome, an Autoimmune Exocrinopathy" Journal of Clinical Medicine 9, no. 7: 2299.
APA StyleParisis, D., Chivasso, C., Perret, J., Soyfoo, M. S., & Delporte, C. (2020). Current State of Knowledge on Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome, an Autoimmune Exocrinopathy. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(7), 2299.