1. Introduction
Oxygen (O
2) deficiency in agricultural soils under intensive irrigation is a well-known phenomenon, especially in fine-textured, poorly drained, clayey soils [
1]. Previous studies have revealed that various physiological processes and components, such as nitrogen metabolism and translocation [
3], root resistance to disease, photosynthesis, stomatal behaviour [
4], relative membrane permeability, hydrogen peroxide activity, malondialdehyde content, pyruvate decarboxylase activity, alcohol dehydrogenase activity, and lactate dehydrogenase activity [
5], can be altered under hypoxic stress. Other studies have also demonstrated the negative effects of O
2 deficiency in the root zone on plant growth, soil respiration and nutrient uptake [
Oxygen deficiency in agricultural soils is also enhanced by the use of plastic film mulching (PFM). PFM is largely used in many cultivations because it greatly reduces evaporation, increases the average soil temperature, decreases the diurnal variation in the temperature of the root zone, increases both topsoil moisture and water-use efficiency (WUE) and improves crop yield [
12]. Mo et al.’s research [
13] also found that PFM can effectively improve sunlight reflectance and decrease air flow, weed and pest pressure at the soil surface. In terms of the air phase, PFM inevitably blocks the air exchange between the soil and external environment. The O
2 content in the soil in turn decreases, which leads to a reduction in respiration and reduces root growth [
14]. Therefore, root zone hypoxic stress is further exacerbated by the use of plastic films.
The most effective means to cope with hypoxia has historically been to practise tillage. However, in recent years, various countermeasures and new techniques have emerged to address this issue, such as pump aeration [
15], oxygenation [
16], vacuum irrigation [
17], micro/nano-bubble aeration (MNBA) [
18] and the application of peroxides to the soil [
19]. Injecting air into subsurface drip irrigation lines via an air compressor is an innovative approach referred to as pump aeration [
20]. Oxygenation is the addition of O
2 or hydrogen peroxide to drip irrigation or subsurface drip irrigation systems of crop root zones [
19]. Vacuum irrigation has become a popular irrigation method in recent years, in which Venturi equipment is attached to the main irrigation line; this method uses a vacuum to introduce air into the irrigation system [
21]. In addition, irrigation water can be treated with a micro/nano-bubble generator. This process results in irrigation water containing air bubbles with a diameter between that of microbubbles (50 µm) and nanobubbles (200 nm), and the dissolved O
2 concentration exceeds the O
2 saturation value; this method is called micro/nanobubble irrigation (MNBA) [
18]. These kinds of techniques can significantly improve the aerobic respiration of crop roots, increasing the soil microbial abundance and soil enzyme activity [
22]. Many studies have also reported that soil aeration benefits crop yield and WUE. These techniques have been widely applied to herbs and orchards [
23]. In response to these types of treatments, the yield of tomato (
Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) [
15], muskmelon [
24], corn [
17], cotton [
25], onion [
26], pepper [
27], soybean, chickpea, pumpkin [
26], and cucumber [
28] have been shown to increase significantly, varying between 10% and 33%. Moreover, the qualities of the crops also improved.
Tomato is one of the most widely grown vegetable crop species in the world, and greenhouse production of tomato has been rapidly increasing [
29]. Tomato is a high-value crop species whose fruits are widely appreciated for their characteristic aroma and flavour, bright red colour, juicy texture, and sweetness, all of which have played a major role in its rapid and widespread adoption as an important food commodity worldwide. Numerous previous studies have investigated the effects of soil aeration and PFM on tomato [
30]. To our knowledge, few studies have examined the combined effects of soil aeration and PFM on tomato growth, quality and yield [
PFM and irrigation inhibit plant growth due to a lack of oxygen, and combined with one of the aeration treatments, are likely to diminish the negative effects of root zone oxygen stress. The objectives of this study were therefore to analyse the effects of MNBA and subsurface artificial air layer aeration (SAALA) on tomato dry matter accumulation, yield, irrigation water-use efficiency (IWUE), flavour, and nutrition and shape indices under three levels of PFM.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Site Description, Soil Details and Test Materials
This experiment was conducted in a greenhouse located at the Xi’an Agricultural Technology Spread centre (34°03′ N, 108°52′ E), Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China, from March 2019 to January 2020. This site is on the Guanzhong Plain, which is a major food production area in northwestern China and is located at the southern edge of the Loess Plateau. The site is in the warm temperate, semihumid monsoon zone. The mean annual temperature is approximately 13.3 °C, the mean annual rainfall is approximately 552.2 mm, the average sunshine duration is 2225 h, and the mean annual frost-free period is 223 days. The greenhouse was 100 m-long in the north–south direction and 12 m-wide in the east–west direction. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill. ‘Jingfan 401’) plants (Jing-Yan-Yi-Nong Seed Sci-tech Co., Ltd., Beijing, China) were transplanted and harvested on 27 March 2019 and on 25 July 2019 for spring cultivation and on 23 August 2019 and 30 January 2020 for autumn cultivation. The physical and chemical soil properties of the upper soil layer (0–50 cm) at the experimental site were measured. Clay (<0.002 mm diameter soil particles) accounted for 29.9% of the upper soil layer, silt (0.02–0.002 mm diameter soil particles) accounted for 43.9%, and gravel (2–0.02 mm diameter soil particles) accounted for 26.2%. The bulk density of the soil was 1.45 g cm−3, the field capacity was 27.12%, the soil porosity was 49.12%, and the pH was 7.65. The soil consisted of 14.1 g kg−1 organic matter, 1.31 g kg−1 total nitrogen, 66.9 mg kg−1 available nitrogen, 9.52 g kg−1 total phosphorus, 94.0 mg kg−1 available phosphorus, 1.82 g kg−1 total potassium, and 89.1 mg kg−1 available potassium.
2.2. Experimental Design and Treatments
Each plot was 3.7 m in length and 1.5 m wide, with a total planting area of 5.55 m
2. Two subsurface drip irrigation tubes (Qinchuan Water-saving Irrigation Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd., Yangling, China) with diameters of 16 mm were established in each cultivation area, and the spacing between the drip irrigation tubes was 0.50 m. Twenty-five-day-old seedlings were transplanted into the plots. The detailed information is shown in
Figure A1. Further, 18 tomato seedlings plot
−1 were planted in double rows, with a plant spacing of 0.40 m and row spacing of 0.50 m (
Figure A1a). Guard rows were set up at both ends of the experimental field. The ridge width was 0.70 m, the height was 0.15 m, and the crop rows were aligned east to west (
Figure A1a). The plastic film (Yinchuan Dingheng Plastic Film, Co., Ltd., Yinchuan, China) used was polyethylene (thickness, 0.026–0.029 mm; width, 1.20 m; colourless; density, 0.92 kg dm
−3; tensile strength, 18–24 MPa).
The experimental design was a 3 × 3 full-factorial design. The experiment was arranged as a randomized complete block design, with three replicates for each combination of treatments, for a total of nine replicates (3 treatment repetitions × 3 sample repetitions). The experimental arrangement details are shown in
Table 1. The experiment involved 3 levels of PFM (treatments), with F, H and N representing full, half and no treatments, respectively (
Figure A1b). Similarly, SAALA, MNBA and CK represent subsurface artificial air layer aeration, micro/nano-bubble water aeration and no aeration treatment, respectively.
Figure 1a shows the schematic field layout of the SAALA system. The concentration of O
2 in the atmosphere was higher than that in the soil. The rate of air exchange between the air and soil can be accelerated by SAALA. An air layer was dug before planting; the width of trench was 0.70 m, the length was 3.70 m, and the depth was 0.45 m. An iron screen was laid at a depth of 15 cm at the bottom of the groove, and gauze was added to cover the iron screen. Then, a layer of soil (15 cm deep) was added on top of the iron screen. To increase the O
2 concentration in the subsurface artificial air layer, both ends of the subsurface artificial air layer were connected to the outside air. Three plastic pipes were placed in the plots to connect the subsurface artificial air layer and outside air to increase the O
2 concentration in the subsurface artificial air layer. As shown in
Figure 1b, the MNBA system consisted of several parts, including a water storage tank, an immersible pump, a filter, and a micro/nano-bubble generator (BS P-70, Besson Co., Ltd., Jinan, China). The main technical parameters of the micro/nano-bubble generator are shown in
Table A1. Four micro/nano-bubble generators were arranged at the bottom of the tank. Air was mixed with water in the tank by a micro/nano-bubble generator, and then high-density, uniform air was injected into the soil through the subsurface drip irrigation system. The CK treatment was irrigated exclusively with drip irrigation.
Before transplanting, the soil was rototilled, and the experimental fields were fertilized with 300 kg ha
−1 of compound fertilizer (18% N, 15% P
5, and 12% K
2O) and 900 kg ha
−1 of diammonium phosphate (18% N and 46% P
5). The fertilizer was broadcast uniformly as a basal fertilizer in each plot. Plants were irrigated at 5-day intervals using the drip irrigation system. The irrigation amount was 1.2 times the water surface evaporation, with the same irrigation amount applied to each plot. Detailed information on the irrigation date and amount is specified in
Table A2. During the experimental period, all agronomic management practices for tomato, including pollination, branch stem pruning, pest control, etc., were consistent with local production practices.
2.3. Measurements
2.3.1. Fruit, Dry Matter Accumulation and IWUE
Fruit yield was measured during the fruit mature period, and the spring and autumn tomato fruits were harvested at 100–120 and 130–160 days after transplanting, respectively. Dry matter accumulation (stem, leaf, and root dry matter) was measured after all fruit yields were measured. The IWUE, defined as the ratio of fruit yield (kg) to the irrigation amount, was calculated as IWUE = (Y I−1), where IWUE is the irrigation water-use efficiency (kg m−3), Y is the fruit yield (kg) and I is the amount of applied water (m3).
2.3.2. Shape, Nutrition and Flavour of Tomato Fruits
The shape, nutrition and flavour of fresh tomato fruits were measured. Fruit width and length of the first 9 ripe fruits were measured using a digital Vernier calliper (MNT-150T, Mei-Nai-Te Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China). The hardness of the fruits was determined using a hardness tester (GY-1, Tuo-Pu-Yun-Nong Co., Ltd., HangZhou, China). After the measurement of fruit shape, the fruits were sliced and juiced with a domestic juicer after removing the skin and seeds. The juice was decanted and subjected to a series of tests to measure the following nutrition and flavour parameters: vitamin C (VC) content, soluble solids content, lycopene content, soluble protein content, soluble sugars and titratable acid. The VC content was measured by molybdenum blue colourimetry. This method is based on the reaction of ascorbic acid (VC) with ammonium phosphomolybdate in the presence of SO
42− and PO
43−, generating blue molybdenum, which has a maximum absorption at 760 nm. This VC assay method is accurate, repeatable, and insensitive to interference by the presence of common reducing sugars [
31]. A hand-held refractometer (Atago Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) was used to directly measure the soluble solids of the blended fruits. Lycopene was extracted with 2% dichloromethane and petroleum as solvents to enhance the solubility of lycopene, and the absorption at 502 nm was subsequently measured by an ultraviolet spectrophotometer [
32]. The soluble protein content was determined using Coomassie brilliant blue [
31], and the soluble sugar content was measured by the anthrone colourimetry method [
31]. Titratable acid was determined by diluting an aliquot of the blended fruits and titrating against 0.1 mol L
−1 NaOH using phenolphthalein as an indicator [
33]. Last, the sugar/acid ratio was determined by dividing the soluble sugar concentration by the titratable acid content.
2.3.3. Economic Analysis and Evaluation
Economic analysis and evaluation were based on additional labour, electricity and plastic film mulching cost, as well as the depreciation of equipment of each treatment compared with CK. The total income was calculated by multiplying the total yield by local average price for the year.
2.4. Data Analysis
Data from the experiment were analysed statistically using SPSS 22 (IBM, Armonk, New York, NY, USA). The experimental data were analysed using two-way ANOVA in SPSS. Multiple comparisons using Duncan’s test were completed when the ANOVA indicated significant differences (p ≤ 0.05). All figures were constructed using the graphing software OriginPro 9.0 (Origin Lab Corporation, Northampton, MA, USA) and Photoshop CS5 (Adobe Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA, USA).
5. Conclusions
The results of this experiment showed that it is feasible to configure the installation and operation of commercially available PFM and SAALA and MNBA systems to regulate the rootzone environment and indirectly influence tomato plant growth, yield and fruit quality. Both MNBA and SAALA increased the plant dry weight, fruit yield and IWUE. In comparison with the no aeration treatment, the MNBA treatment increased dry matter accumulation, fruit yield, IWUE, lycopene content and soluble protein content during the spring season by 7.1%, 9.0%, 7.1%, 6.2% and 16.2%, respectively, while those during autumn increased by 4.0%, 14.4%, 4.0%, 3.8% and 1.7%, respectively. During the spring season, SAALA increased dry matter accumulation, fruit yield, IWUE, lycopene content and soluble protein content by 13.0%, 25.1%, 13.0%, 2.9% and 15.1%, respectively, while those during autumn increased by 12.8%, 19.5%, 12.8%, 5.2% and 4.1%, respectively. The total dry weight, fruit yield and IWUE increased in response to the PFM treatment. Nevertheless, PFM decreased the content of soluble protein. The increased yield in response to soil aeration during autumn was more significant than that during the spring, and the increased yield in response to PFM during the spring was more significant than that during autumn. Considering the effects of cost, efficiency and benefits, the greatest economic benefits were obtained in the MNBA and F PFM treatment combination. These findings suggest that soil aeration and PFM treatment cause significant changes in soil physical and chemical properties, which subsequently affect plant performance and fruit quality.