Tourist Attractiveness of Rural Areas as a Determinant of the Implementation of Social Tourism of Disadvantaged Groups: Evidence from Poland and the Czech Republic
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- To compare approaches to the definition and research of social tourism in the Czech Republic and Poland.
- Define determinants and barriers to social tourism in the analyzed countries and present recommendations for the implementation of policy instruments.
- Analyze the tourist attractiveness of rural areas and the development of social tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland and the Czech Republic.
3. The Importance of Tourist Attractiveness in the Subject Literature
- Tourist attractiveness seen as a result of standardization and categorization;
- Tourist attractiveness seen as a valorization, using a specific research technique;
- Tourist attractiveness considered subjectively—a place can be assessed in terms of tourist attractiveness based on one’s own worldview and experiences.
3.1. Factors Conditioning Tourist Attractiveness
- Tourist values, which are one of the most important factors of a region’s attractiveness for tourists. This notion consists of such elements as a set of goods given by nature, shaped by history and created by contemporaneity. Among tourist values, we can distinguish:
- ○
- Recreational values;
- ○
- Natural values;
- ○
- Cultural values;
- ○
- Specialized values.
- Tourist facilities (tourist infrastructure), which include tourist equipment that enables tourists to enjoy the benefits of their chosen destination. Tourism infrastructure can be divided into two groups:
- ○
- Technical infrastructure (among others: catering facilities, accommodation base);
- ○
- Social infrastructure (e.g., service offices, tourist information points) [26];
- Transport accessibility, which stimulates tourism development. This is a very important aspect of tourist attractiveness, since insufficient growth of means of transport prevents or limits the development of tourism [26].
- Recreational values offering natural environment, contact with nature, favorable climate and limited presence of urban agglomerations;
- Sightseeing values relating to the sphere of culture and achievements related to social, material and spiritual culture;
- Specialized values allowing the realization of more advanced and targeted forms of tourism.
- Natural tourist attractions, surroundings and nature;
- Human creations;
- Places designed and built as attractions;
- Cultural and sporting events.
- The connections between communication facilities;
- The technical level of these facilities;
- The condition of the facilities they offer;
- Dynamics of transport traffic;
- Level and technical service resources.
3.2. Indicators of Tourist Attractiveness
- Size of the accommodation base, defined as the number of guest beds per 100 permanent residents (Defert–Baretje’s tourist function index);
- Tourist traffic intensity, determined by the number of tourists accommodated per 100 permanent inhabitants (Schneider’s index) or the number of overnight stays per 100 inhabitants (Charvat’s index);
- Level of employment in the tourism sector.
- L—number of guest beds in the area;
- P—number of inhabitants in the area.
- L—number of guest beds in the area;
- —number of people in the area not employed in tourism services sector;
- K—indicator of population working in the tourism services sector, depending on the number of guest beds and hotel category, ranging from 0 to 1.
- Schneider’s index: ,
- Charvat’s index:
- Traffic density:
- Density of accommodation: .
3.3. Differences between Tourist Attractiveness and Tourist Potential
- Environmental potential, which refers to the ability of the environment to meet the requirements of the community and cope with anthropogenic overload;
- Ecological potential, created by natural resources and their predisposition, efficiency and durability to meet human needs;
- Recreational potential, consisting of the attractiveness and usability of the environment for tourism purposes.
4. The Essence of Social Tourism and Its Determinants in Poland
- Definitions focusing on the demand side of the tourism market based on the assumption that the right to travel and practice tourism is a fundamental human right. The authors of these definitions focus mainly on the economic barriers of certain social groups and on actions aimed at removing these obstacles.
- Definitions which pay attention to both the demand and supply side of the tourism market. This group of authors emphasizes in the definitions of social tourism not only its social importance in equalizing opportunities for socially excluded people, but also its economic role. The main profits of social tourism development are economic benefits for the tourism industry and tourist reception areas.
- Definitions that focus on the sources of funding for participation in social tourism. The group of these definitions emphasizes the important role of the state budget, corporate budgets, and social associations and foundations in removing various barriers for given social groups that prevent them from going on tourist trips.
- Definitions that focus on organizational issues. Their authors pay attention to the role of social sector in the organization of social tourism.
- Preschool and school children;
- School pupils and students;
- Economically and socially disadvantaged people aged 18–30;
- Families struggling with financial and other difficulties;
- People with disabilities and health problems (often related to their careers);
- Older people, who, depending on the member state and the documents dealing with social tourism, are people aged over 50, 55, 60 or 65.
- People with modest incomes, both not working and employed;
- Single parents;
- Youth as a social group (youth tourism);
- Seniors, statistically usually with less than average income, facing deteriorating health;
- People with permanent disabilities or in the process of rehabilitation after an accident;
- Caretakers of people with disabilities,
- Immigrants, mainly from countries with low incomes and significant cultural differences from the host country;
- Various disadvantaged or discriminated groups in a specific society as long as this condition persists.
5. Barriers and Directions of Development of Social Tourism in Poland
- The participation model encourages people who are economically disadvantaged or disabled to engage in tourism.
- The inclusion model refers to community-based tourism initiatives that aim to encourage certain social groups to practice tourism. This can be done through subsidized programs such as vacation vouchers, among others.
- The adaptation model refers to social tourism offers related to the adaptation of the tourism infrastructure to the needs of people who practice this type of tourism. An example of this could be the selection of suitable accommodation for the disabled or elderly or the provision of additional services for them.
- A stimulation model that has as its main objective the economic benefits of social tourism development for tourist reception areas. This form of social tourism often offers an all-inclusive option and targets seniors in particular.
- Legal (e.g., the Act on Employee Benefit Fund);
- Financial (system of discounts for tourist travel, lowering prices for tourist services outside the season);
- Organizational (organization of trips for children from poor families by various foundations and associations),
6. The Essence of Social Tourism and Its Determinants in the Czech Republic
7. Tourist Attractiveness of Rural Areas and the Development of Social Tourism during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland and the Czech Republic
- Sightseeing tourism and its two basic types: ecotourism (related primarily to recreation in naturally valuable areas) and (rural) cultural tourism, focused on visiting architectural monuments, museums, open-air museums in the countryside, participating in rural cultural events and learning about local folklore;
- Qualified (specialized) tourism and its various types: hiking, cycling, canoeing, sailing, speleology, horseback riding;
- Agritourism, i.e., resting at an agritourist farm constituting a specific rural accommodation facility whose main attraction for tourists should be the farm, especially farm animals;
- Rural tourism, which is connected with typical “ruralness”, i.e., with cultural values and getting to know the cultural and historical heritage of the countryside, which directly brings it closer to rural cultural tourism than agritourism—which is connected with getting to know agricultural areas—as well as with outstanding landscape values, which in this respect brings it closer to ecotourism.
8. Conclusions and Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Author and Year | Definition of Tourism Attractiveness |
R. Seweryn, 2002 [17] | “[…] tourist attractiveness is manifested by the existence of a certain characteristic that attracts tourists to certain areas”. |
Z. Kruczek, 2011 [18] | “[…] tourist attractiveness is a subjective feeling of the importance of a given value by particular tourists. In this sense the same value can be attractive for one tourist, for another indifferent, and for another negative, discouraging. A tourist attraction should be treated as a carrier of tourist attractiveness”. |
W. Kurek, 2007 [19] | “Whether a specific fragment of space is attractive for tourism is determined, on the one hand, by objective natural or socio-cultural conditions existing within its area, and on the other hand, by its subjective perception and evaluation by participants of tourist traffic. Tourist attractiveness can be understood as the property of an area or locality resulting from a set of natural or non-natural features which arouse interest and attract tourists”. |
K. Mazurski, 2009 [20] | “criterion of tourist attractiveness of an area—quantitative saturation with tourist attractions [...] and their relative value, which include both sightseeing qualities and qualities in terms of complementary infrastructure”. |
I. Batyk, 2010 [21] | “Tourist attractiveness manifests itself in the presence of a unique feature, attracting to a given extent a particular kind of tourism, which should be considered comprehensively. This feature can be both natural and cultural landscape values”. |
I. Bąk, M. Matlegiewicz, 2010 [22] | “Tourist attractiveness of a region is understood as the property of an area characterized by a specific set of natural or non-natural features that are of interest to tourists. Tourist attractiveness is a subjective feeling. The geographical, social or cultural environment is not always an attraction for a tourist”. |
Z. Kruczek, 2005 [23] | “Tourist attractiveness is a multifaceted concept and should be considered comprehensively. It is determined by tourist attractions, transport accessibility and supply of services connected with development of visited areas. It is a concept integrating the elements that constitute the basis of tourism development, i.e., tourist attractions with the conditions of satisfying the needs of this traffic in the form of properly developed tourist infrastructure”. |
A. Rapacz, D. Jaremen, 2011 [24] | “Tourist attractiveness is a complex concept, not always unambiguous. An area, region, tourist destination or a specific object can be attractive to tourists. On the one hand, the tourist attractiveness of regions and tourist objects is determined by objective factors, such as the presence of natural and anthropogenic values or appropriate elements of tourist and paratourist infrastructure. On the other hand, the attractiveness of a given place is determined by the subjective perception of all these factors by tourists, investors and residents”. |
A. Nitkiewicz-Janowska, 2011 [25] | “Tourist attractiveness therefore means a set of features and tourist values of a given space that attract tourists and is a subjective value that is difficult to assess unequivocally”. |
Author and Year | Definition of Tourism Potential |
M. Kistowski, 1993 [33] | “[…] is the ability of the natural environment to satisfy human needs related to recreation, restoration of biopsychophysical forces and aesthetic experiences”. |
J. Wyrzykowski, 2010 [34] | “In the geographical (spatial) aspect, tourism potential can be identified with the tourism attractiveness of the geographical environment, expanded by tourism capacity and optimum periods for using tourism assets”. |
B. Marciszewska, 2010 [35] | “Tourism potential is a broad concept covering all elements enabling the development of tourism in a given area. Among them we can distinguish structural elements, connected with spatial factors and functional elements, connected with activities of entities directly and indirectly involved in tourism activities”. |
A. Nitkiewicz-Janowska, 2011 [25] | “[…] will therefore consist of existing tourism assets and all forms of economic, political and social development and functioning of the area. […] Tourism potential provides opportunities to shape tourism products, the specificity of which depends on it”. |
Author and Year | Definitions of Social Tourism |
International Bureau of Social Tourism, 1963 [40] | “[…] all concepts and phenomena related to the participation in tourism of social strata with modest incomes made possible by precisely defined social instruments”. |
A. Haulot, 1981 [41] | “The totality of relations and phenomena deriving from the participation of those social groups with modest incomes- participation which is made possible or facilitated by measures of a well-defined social character”. |
T. Sajewski, 1984 [42] | “Social tourism in its broad sense is any tourism activity in which participation is subsidized by any social funds. It is tourism subsidized by social funds”. |
European Commission, 1993 [43] | “[…] social tourism is organised in some countries by associations, cooperatives and trade unions and is designed to make travel accessible to thehighest number of people, particularly the most underprivileged sectors of the population”. |
M. Hall, 2000 [44] | “[…] the relationships and phenomena in the field of tourism resulting from participation in travel by economically weak or otherwise disadvantaged elements in society”. |
Author and Year | Definitions of Social Tourism |
International Bureau of Social Tourism, 2002 [40] | “All relationships and phenomena resulting from participation in tourism, and in particular from the participation of social strata with modest incomes”. |
International Social Tourism Organisation, 2003 [43] | “all the concepts and phenomena resulting from the participation in tourism of low-income sectors of the population, made possible through well defined social measures”. |
L. Minnaert, R. Maitland, G. Miller, 2006 [45] | “[…] tourism with an added moral value, which aims to benefit either the host or the visitor in the tourism exchange”. |
A. Włodarczyk, 2010 [1] | “A type of fully or partially externally financed or organized on a voluntary basis activity aimed at realizing the right of universal access to tourism, which at the same time is a tool for achieving other, from the point of view of its beneficiaries, important objectives of a social nature (patriotic, educational, educational, improving the quality of life, etc.)”. |
Author and Year | Definition of Rural Tourism |
B. Mikuta, K. Żelazna, 2004 [106] | “Rural tourism means the entirety of tourism economy that takes place in rural areas. It is a form of recreation taking place in a rural environment, using specific values and resources of the countryside. It includes various types of recreation related to hiking, sightseeing, getting to know the countryside, as well as personal contact with its inhabitants”. |
J. Wojciechowska, 2009 [107] | “Rural tourism is a form of tourism occurring in rural areas, related to agriculture, forestry, horticulture or fishing, based on natural and cultural attractions and the advantages of everyday life of their inhabitants, and organized by entities not necessarily socially or economically connected with these areas”. |
W. Kuźniar, 2013 [108] | “Rural tourism should be understood as all forms of tourist activity in rural areas, in which “rurality” in the landscape and functional dimension of the area identifies the core of the tourist product, which is an important motive for purchase in the decision-making process of the tourist”. |
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Roman, M.; Abrham, J.; Niedziółka, A.; Szczucka, E.; Smutka, L.; Prus, P. Tourist Attractiveness of Rural Areas as a Determinant of the Implementation of Social Tourism of Disadvantaged Groups: Evidence from Poland and the Czech Republic. Agriculture 2022, 12, 731.
Roman M, Abrham J, Niedziółka A, Szczucka E, Smutka L, Prus P. Tourist Attractiveness of Rural Areas as a Determinant of the Implementation of Social Tourism of Disadvantaged Groups: Evidence from Poland and the Czech Republic. Agriculture. 2022; 12(5):731.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRoman, Michał, Josef Abrham, Arkadiusz Niedziółka, Ewa Szczucka, Lubos Smutka, and Piotr Prus. 2022. "Tourist Attractiveness of Rural Areas as a Determinant of the Implementation of Social Tourism of Disadvantaged Groups: Evidence from Poland and the Czech Republic" Agriculture 12, no. 5: 731.
APA StyleRoman, M., Abrham, J., Niedziółka, A., Szczucka, E., Smutka, L., & Prus, P. (2022). Tourist Attractiveness of Rural Areas as a Determinant of the Implementation of Social Tourism of Disadvantaged Groups: Evidence from Poland and the Czech Republic. Agriculture, 12(5), 731.