Figure 1.
Corrogram of the first 25 selection, yield, and plant cane spectral traits taken on 2 July 2018. Only significant correlations are shown and the larger the circle the larger the correlation with color scale describing the correlation. Height, Stalk height (cm); stlkstool, stalks per stool; Diarates, Stalk diameter rating per stool; BAVG, Brix average from field brixing of 20 seedling stools; >Brixstd, Those selected greater than or equal to Brix standard in seedling trials; <Brixstd, Those not selected based on field Brixing less than field standard in seedling trials; Bmin, Minimum Brix of a family in seedling trials; Bmax, Maximum Brix of a family in seedling trials; #Rate, Seedling stalk number rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DIARate, Seedling diameter Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; HTRate, Seedling height Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; ERCTRate, Seedling erectness rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DENSRate, Seedling density rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Overall, Seedling overall Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Springr, Seedling spring ratings; FSY, sugar per acre yield of female parent; FSC, sugar per ton yield of female parent; FCY, tons cane per acre yield of female parent; MSY, sugar per acre yield of male parent; MSC, sugar per ton yield of male parent; MCY, tons cane per acre yield of male parent; cbSC, Combined average of sugar per ton yield of both parents; Seed%surv, Seedling survival counts; 1st_per row, First line selections per row; 1st_total, Total first lines selected; 1stadv, Ratio of first lines selected from seedling stage; 2ndadv, Ratio of second lines selected from first line stage; Intensity, CIELab color component; Hue, hue angles in the a*b* plane of the CIELab color space and vary from 0 to 360° where 0° is red, 60° is yellow, 120° is green, and 180° is cyan; Sat, Saturation: defines the color purity from white to the corresponding primary color; Light, Lightness: represents the range from black to white with pure black having a value of zero and pure white having a value of ten; a*, The range from green to red; b*, The range from blue to yellow; u*, The scale from blue to red; v*, The scale from blue to green; GA, included the green area (GA), which is the proportion of green pixels in an image; GGA, The greener area (GGA) excludes yellow pixels that correlate with senescent leaves; CSI, the Crop Senescence Index (CSI) = (GA − GGA)/GA × 100; NGRDIM, Mean of the image the Normalized Green–Red Difference Index (Rg − Rr)/(Rg + Rr); NGRDISD, Standard Deviation of NGRDI; TGIM, Mean of the image Triangular Greenness Index −0.5[(λr − λb)(Rr − Rg) − (λr − λg)(Rr − Rb)]; TGISD, Standard Deviation of the TGI; Slkwt, Stalk weight of second line trials; Stkct, Stalk count of second line plots; Fiber, % fiber calculated from 10 stalk sample in second lines; Brix2nd, Second Line Brix; Sucrose, % Juice sucrose content; CY, Cane yield Mg ha−1; SY, Sugar yield Mg ha−1; SC, g kg−1 Theoretical recoverable sugar.
Figure 1.
Corrogram of the first 25 selection, yield, and plant cane spectral traits taken on 2 July 2018. Only significant correlations are shown and the larger the circle the larger the correlation with color scale describing the correlation. Height, Stalk height (cm); stlkstool, stalks per stool; Diarates, Stalk diameter rating per stool; BAVG, Brix average from field brixing of 20 seedling stools; >Brixstd, Those selected greater than or equal to Brix standard in seedling trials; <Brixstd, Those not selected based on field Brixing less than field standard in seedling trials; Bmin, Minimum Brix of a family in seedling trials; Bmax, Maximum Brix of a family in seedling trials; #Rate, Seedling stalk number rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DIARate, Seedling diameter Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; HTRate, Seedling height Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; ERCTRate, Seedling erectness rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DENSRate, Seedling density rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Overall, Seedling overall Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Springr, Seedling spring ratings; FSY, sugar per acre yield of female parent; FSC, sugar per ton yield of female parent; FCY, tons cane per acre yield of female parent; MSY, sugar per acre yield of male parent; MSC, sugar per ton yield of male parent; MCY, tons cane per acre yield of male parent; cbSC, Combined average of sugar per ton yield of both parents; Seed%surv, Seedling survival counts; 1st_per row, First line selections per row; 1st_total, Total first lines selected; 1stadv, Ratio of first lines selected from seedling stage; 2ndadv, Ratio of second lines selected from first line stage; Intensity, CIELab color component; Hue, hue angles in the a*b* plane of the CIELab color space and vary from 0 to 360° where 0° is red, 60° is yellow, 120° is green, and 180° is cyan; Sat, Saturation: defines the color purity from white to the corresponding primary color; Light, Lightness: represents the range from black to white with pure black having a value of zero and pure white having a value of ten; a*, The range from green to red; b*, The range from blue to yellow; u*, The scale from blue to red; v*, The scale from blue to green; GA, included the green area (GA), which is the proportion of green pixels in an image; GGA, The greener area (GGA) excludes yellow pixels that correlate with senescent leaves; CSI, the Crop Senescence Index (CSI) = (GA − GGA)/GA × 100; NGRDIM, Mean of the image the Normalized Green–Red Difference Index (Rg − Rr)/(Rg + Rr); NGRDISD, Standard Deviation of NGRDI; TGIM, Mean of the image Triangular Greenness Index −0.5[(λr − λb)(Rr − Rg) − (λr − λg)(Rr − Rb)]; TGISD, Standard Deviation of the TGI; Slkwt, Stalk weight of second line trials; Stkct, Stalk count of second line plots; Fiber, % fiber calculated from 10 stalk sample in second lines; Brix2nd, Second Line Brix; Sucrose, % Juice sucrose content; CY, Cane yield Mg ha−1; SY, Sugar yield Mg ha−1; SC, g kg−1 Theoretical recoverable sugar.
Figure 2.
Corrogram of first ratoon spectral traits taken on 28 June 2019 with breeding and yield traits. Only significant correlations are shown and the larger the circle the larger the correlation with color scale describing the correlation. Height, Stalk height (cm); stlkstool, stalks per stool; Diarates, Stalk diameter rating per stool; BAVG, Brix average from field brixing of 20 seedling stools; >Brixstd, Those selected greater than or equal to Brix standard in seedling trials; <Brixstd, Those not selected based on field Brixing less than field standard in seedling trials; Bmin, Minimum Brix of a family in seedling trials; Bmax, Maximum Brix of a family in seedling trials; #Rate, Seedling stalk number rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DIARate, Seedling diameter Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; HTRate, Seedling height Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; ERCTRate, Seedling erectness rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DENSRate, Seedling density rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Overall, Seedling overall Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Springr, Seedling spring ratings; FSY, sugar per acre yield of female parent; FSC, sugar per ton yield of female parent; FCY, tons cane per acre yield of female parent; MSY, sugar per acre yield of male parent; MSC, sugar per ton yield of male parent; MCY, tons cane per acre yield of male parent; cbSC, Combined average of sugar per ton yield of both parents; Seed%surv, Seedling survival counts; 1st_per row, First line selections per row; 1st_total, Total first lines selected; 1stadv, Ratio of first lines selected from seedling stage; 2ndadv, Ratio of second lines selected from first line stage; Intensity, CIELab color component; Hue, hue angles in the a*b* plane of the CIELab color space and vary from 0 to 360° where 0° is red, 60° is yellow, 120° is green, and 180° is cyan; Sat, Saturation: defines the color purity from white to the corresponding primary color; Light, Lightness: represents the range from black to white with pure black having a value of zero and pure white having a value of ten; a*, The range from green to red; b*, The range from blue to yellow; u*, The scale from blue to red; v*, The scale from blue to green; GA, included the green area (GA), which is the proportion of green pixels in an image; GGA, The greener area (GGA) excludes yellow pixels that correlate with senescent leaves; CSI, the Crop Senescence Index (CSI) = (GA − GGA)/GA × 100; NGRDIM, Mean of the image the Normalized Green–Red Difference Index (Rg − Rr)/(Rg + Rr); NGRDISD, Standard Deviation of NGRDI; TGIM, Mean of the image Triangular Greenness Index −0.5[(λr − λb)(Rr − Rg) − (λr − λg)(Rr − Rb)]; TGISD, Standard Deviation of the TGI; Slkwt, Stalk weight of second line trials; Stkct, Stalk count of second line plots; Fiber, % fiber calculated from 10 stalk sample in second lines; Brix2nd, Second Line Brix; Sucrose, % Juice sucrose content; CY, Cane yield Mg ha−1; SY, Sugar yield Mg ha−1; SC, g kg−1 Theoretical recoverable sugar.
Figure 2.
Corrogram of first ratoon spectral traits taken on 28 June 2019 with breeding and yield traits. Only significant correlations are shown and the larger the circle the larger the correlation with color scale describing the correlation. Height, Stalk height (cm); stlkstool, stalks per stool; Diarates, Stalk diameter rating per stool; BAVG, Brix average from field brixing of 20 seedling stools; >Brixstd, Those selected greater than or equal to Brix standard in seedling trials; <Brixstd, Those not selected based on field Brixing less than field standard in seedling trials; Bmin, Minimum Brix of a family in seedling trials; Bmax, Maximum Brix of a family in seedling trials; #Rate, Seedling stalk number rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DIARate, Seedling diameter Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; HTRate, Seedling height Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; ERCTRate, Seedling erectness rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DENSRate, Seedling density rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Overall, Seedling overall Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Springr, Seedling spring ratings; FSY, sugar per acre yield of female parent; FSC, sugar per ton yield of female parent; FCY, tons cane per acre yield of female parent; MSY, sugar per acre yield of male parent; MSC, sugar per ton yield of male parent; MCY, tons cane per acre yield of male parent; cbSC, Combined average of sugar per ton yield of both parents; Seed%surv, Seedling survival counts; 1st_per row, First line selections per row; 1st_total, Total first lines selected; 1stadv, Ratio of first lines selected from seedling stage; 2ndadv, Ratio of second lines selected from first line stage; Intensity, CIELab color component; Hue, hue angles in the a*b* plane of the CIELab color space and vary from 0 to 360° where 0° is red, 60° is yellow, 120° is green, and 180° is cyan; Sat, Saturation: defines the color purity from white to the corresponding primary color; Light, Lightness: represents the range from black to white with pure black having a value of zero and pure white having a value of ten; a*, The range from green to red; b*, The range from blue to yellow; u*, The scale from blue to red; v*, The scale from blue to green; GA, included the green area (GA), which is the proportion of green pixels in an image; GGA, The greener area (GGA) excludes yellow pixels that correlate with senescent leaves; CSI, the Crop Senescence Index (CSI) = (GA − GGA)/GA × 100; NGRDIM, Mean of the image the Normalized Green–Red Difference Index (Rg − Rr)/(Rg + Rr); NGRDISD, Standard Deviation of NGRDI; TGIM, Mean of the image Triangular Greenness Index −0.5[(λr − λb)(Rr − Rg) − (λr − λg)(Rr − Rb)]; TGISD, Standard Deviation of the TGI; Slkwt, Stalk weight of second line trials; Stkct, Stalk count of second line plots; Fiber, % fiber calculated from 10 stalk sample in second lines; Brix2nd, Second Line Brix; Sucrose, % Juice sucrose content; CY, Cane yield Mg ha−1; SY, Sugar yield Mg ha−1; SC, g kg−1 Theoretical recoverable sugar.
Figure 3.
Corrogram of the remaining 25 selection, yield, and plant cane spectral traits taken on 2 July 2018. Only significant correlations are shown and the larger the circle the larger the correlation with color scale describing the correlation. Height, Stalk height (cm); stlkstool, stalks per stool; Diarates, Stalk diameter rating per stool; BAVG, Brix average from field brixing of 20 seedling stools; >Brixstd, Those selected greater than or equal to Brix standard in seedling trials; <Brixstd, Those not selected based on field Brixing less than field standard in seedling trials; Bmin, Minimum Brix of a family in seedling trials; Bmax, Maximum Brix of a family in seedling trials; #Rate, Seedling stalk number rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DIARate, Seedling diameter Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; HTRate, Seedling height Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; ERCTRate, Seedling erectness rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DENSRate, Seedling density rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Overall, Seedling overall Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Springr, Seedling spring ratings; FSY, sugar per acre yield of female parent; FSC, sugar per ton yield of female parent; FCY, tons cane per acre yield of female parent; MSY, sugar per acre yield of male parent; MSC, sugar per ton yield of male parent; MCY, tons cane per acre yield of male parent; cbSC, Combined average of sugar per ton yield of both parents; Seed%surv, Seedling survival counts; 1st_per row, First line selections per row; 1st_total, Total first lines selected; 1stadv, Ratio of first lines selected from seedling stage; 2ndadv, Ratio of second lines selected from first line stage; Intensity, CIELab color component; Hue, hue angles in the a*b* plane of the CIELab color space and vary from 0 to 360° where 0° is red, 60° is yellow, 120° is green, and 180° is cyan; Sat, Saturation: defines the color purity from white to the corresponding primary color; Light, Lightness: represents the range from black to white with pure black having a value of zero and pure white having a value of ten; a*, The range from green to red; b*, The range from blue to yellow; u*, The scale from blue to red; v*, The scale from blue to green; GA, included the green area (GA), which is the proportion of green pixels in an image; GGA, The greener area (GGA) excludes yellow pixels that correlate with senescent leaves; CSI, the Crop Senescence Index (CSI) = (GA − GGA)/GA × 100; NGRDIM, Mean of the image the Normalized Green–Red Difference Index (Rg − Rr)/(Rg + Rr); NGRDISD, Standard Deviation of NGRDI; TGIM, Mean of the image Triangular Greenness Index −0.5[(λr − λb)(Rr − Rg) − (λr − λg)(Rr − Rb)]; TGISD, Standard Deviation of the TGI; Slkwt, Stalk weight of second line trials; Stkct, Stalk count of second line plots; Fiber, % fiber calculated from 10 stalk sample in second lines; Brix2nd, Second Line Brix; Sucrose, % Juice sucrose content; CY, Cane yield Mg ha−1; SY, Sugar yield Mg ha−1; SC, g kg−1 Theoretical recoverable sugar.
Figure 3.
Corrogram of the remaining 25 selection, yield, and plant cane spectral traits taken on 2 July 2018. Only significant correlations are shown and the larger the circle the larger the correlation with color scale describing the correlation. Height, Stalk height (cm); stlkstool, stalks per stool; Diarates, Stalk diameter rating per stool; BAVG, Brix average from field brixing of 20 seedling stools; >Brixstd, Those selected greater than or equal to Brix standard in seedling trials; <Brixstd, Those not selected based on field Brixing less than field standard in seedling trials; Bmin, Minimum Brix of a family in seedling trials; Bmax, Maximum Brix of a family in seedling trials; #Rate, Seedling stalk number rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DIARate, Seedling diameter Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; HTRate, Seedling height Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; ERCTRate, Seedling erectness rating: 1 best and 9 worst; DENSRate, Seedling density rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Overall, Seedling overall Rating: 1 best and 9 worst; Springr, Seedling spring ratings; FSY, sugar per acre yield of female parent; FSC, sugar per ton yield of female parent; FCY, tons cane per acre yield of female parent; MSY, sugar per acre yield of male parent; MSC, sugar per ton yield of male parent; MCY, tons cane per acre yield of male parent; cbSC, Combined average of sugar per ton yield of both parents; Seed%surv, Seedling survival counts; 1st_per row, First line selections per row; 1st_total, Total first lines selected; 1stadv, Ratio of first lines selected from seedling stage; 2ndadv, Ratio of second lines selected from first line stage; Intensity, CIELab color component; Hue, hue angles in the a*b* plane of the CIELab color space and vary from 0 to 360° where 0° is red, 60° is yellow, 120° is green, and 180° is cyan; Sat, Saturation: defines the color purity from white to the corresponding primary color; Light, Lightness: represents the range from black to white with pure black having a value of zero and pure white having a value of ten; a*, The range from green to red; b*, The range from blue to yellow; u*, The scale from blue to red; v*, The scale from blue to green; GA, included the green area (GA), which is the proportion of green pixels in an image; GGA, The greener area (GGA) excludes yellow pixels that correlate with senescent leaves; CSI, the Crop Senescence Index (CSI) = (GA − GGA)/GA × 100; NGRDIM, Mean of the image the Normalized Green–Red Difference Index (Rg − Rr)/(Rg + Rr); NGRDISD, Standard Deviation of NGRDI; TGIM, Mean of the image Triangular Greenness Index −0.5[(λr − λb)(Rr − Rg) − (λr − λg)(Rr − Rb)]; TGISD, Standard Deviation of the TGI; Slkwt, Stalk weight of second line trials; Stkct, Stalk count of second line plots; Fiber, % fiber calculated from 10 stalk sample in second lines; Brix2nd, Second Line Brix; Sucrose, % Juice sucrose content; CY, Cane yield Mg ha−1; SY, Sugar yield Mg ha−1; SC, g kg−1 Theoretical recoverable sugar.
Table 1.
Cross number, parents, number of seedlings and percent selection in first line, second line and second line first ratoon.
Table 1.
Cross number, parents, number of seedlings and percent selection in first line, second line and second line first ratoon.
| | | | | Years Selected/Planted |
| | | Replication | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
| Parents | Number Planted | Percent Selected |
Cross number | Female | Male | Replication | Total | 1st † | 2nd ‡ | 2nd pc Selection ⁋ |
1 | 2 |
CP17-0092 | Ho12-630 | L01-299 | 274 | 268 | 542 | 8.06 | 0.75 | 0.5 |
CP17-0515 | HoCP16-685 | Ho12-630 | 256 | 250 | 506 | 2.44 | 0 | 0 |
CP17-0516 | Ho11-532 | Ho12-630 | 270 | 252 | 522 | 3.81 | 0.45 | 0 |
CP17-0523 | HoCP09-804 | L12-201 | 260 | 264 | 524 | 6.05 | 0.86 | 0.54 |
CP16-0561 | LCP85-384 | Ho11-532 | 266 | 270 | 536 | 7.64 | 0.87 | 0.09 |
CP17-0691 | HoCP16-685 | L12-201 | 268 | 264 | 532 | 2.45 | 0 | 0 |
CP17-0722 | HoCP16-685 | HoL15-993 | 238 | 266 | 504 | 3.28 | 0 | 0 |
CP17-0798 | Ho15-964 | HoCP14-885 | 262 | 268 | 530 | 10.91 | 0.25 | 0.12 |
CP17-1048 | Ho13-739 | HoL15-501 | 266 | 266 | 532 | 12.76 | 1.65 | 1.24 |
CP16-1196 | Ho13-708 | Ho11-573 | 256 | 270 | 526 | 9.91 | 0.94 | 0.55 |
CP16-1739 | Ho13-708 | Ho07-613 | 262 | 268 | 530 | 9.32 | 0.47 | 0 |
CP16-1847 | HoCP09-804 | HoCP14-885 | 260 | 266 | 526 | 14.37 | 0.81 | 0.27 |
Table 2.
List of traits and descriptions.
Table 2.
List of traits and descriptions.
Name | Description |
Cross | Cross number |
Seedling stool Measurements and Evaluations |
Height | Stalk height (cm) |
stlkstool | stalks per stool |
Diarates | Stalk diameter rating per stool |
BAVG | Brix average from field brixing of 20 seedling stools |
>Brixstd | Those selected greater than or equal to Brix standard in seedling trials |
<Brixstd | Those not selected based on field Brixing less than field standard in seedling trials |
Bmin | Minimum Brix of a family in seedling trials |
Bmax | Maximum Brix of a family in seedling trials |
Family Ratings |
#Rate | Seedling stalk number rating: 1 best and 9 worst |
DIARate | Seedling diameter Rating: 1 best and 9 worst |
HTRate | Seedling height Rating: 1 best and 9 worst |
ERCTRate | Seedling erectness rating: 1 best and 9 worst |
DENSRate | Seedling density rating: 1 best and 9 worst |
Overall | Seedling overall Rating: 1 best and 9 worst |
Springr | Seedling spring ratings |
Parental Yield Averages |
FSY | sugar per acre yield of female parent |
FSC | sugar per ton yield of female parent |
FCY | tons cane per acre yield of female parent |
MSY | sugar per acre yield of male parent |
MSC | sugar per ton yield of male parent |
MCY | tons cane per acre yield of male parent |
cbSC | Combined average of sugar per ton yield of both parents |
Planting and Advancement Rates |
Seed%surv | Seedling survival counts |
1st_per row | First line selections per row |
1st_total | Total first lines selected |
1stadv | Ratio of first lines selected from seedling stage |
2ndadv | Ratio of second lines selected from first line stage |
Spectral Indices |
Intensity | Intensity, CIELab color component |
Hue | hue angles in the a* b* plane of the CIELab color space and vary from 0 to 360° where 0° is red, 60° is yellow, 120° is green, and 180° is cyan |
Sat | Saturation: defines the color purity from white to the corresponding primary color (Sancho-Adamson et al. 2019) |
Light | Lightness: represents the range from black to white with pure black having a value of zero and pure white having a value of ten |
a* | The range from green to red |
b* | The range from blue to yellow |
u* | The scale from blue to red |
v* | The scale from blue to green |
GA | included the green area (GA), which is the proportion of green pixels in an image |
GGA | The greener area (GGA) excludes yellow pixels that correlate with senescent leaves |
CSI | the Crop Senescence Index (CSI) = (GA − GGA)/GA × 100 |
NGRDIM | Mean of the image the Normalized Green–Red Difference Index (Rg − Rr)/(Rg + Rr) |
NGRDISD | Standard Deviation of NGRDI |
TGIM | Mean of the image Triangular Greenness Index −0.5 [(λr − λb) (Rr − Rg) − (λr − λg) (Rr − Rb)] |
TGISD | Standard Deviation of the TGI |
Second Line Yield Measuements |
Slkwt | Stalk weight of second line trials |
Stkct | Stalk count of second line plots |
Fiber | % fiber calculated from 10 stalk sample in second lines |
Brix2nd | Second Line Brix |
Sucrose | % Juice sucrose content |
CY | Cane yield Mg ha−1 |
SY | Sugar yield Mg ha−1 |
SC | g kg−1 Theoretical recoverable sugar |
Table 3.
Correlation of spectral traits between 2 July 2018 and 28 June 2019.
Table 3.
Correlation of spectral traits between 2 July 2018 and 28 June 2019.
Trait | Correlation | Sig |
Intensity | 0.31 | 0.32 |
Hue | −0.64 | 0.02 |
Saturation | 0.86 | <0.01 |
Lightness | 0.45 | 0.14 |
a* | 0.96 | <0.01 |
b* | 0.87 | <0.01 |
u* | 0.93 | <0.01 |
v* | 0.87 | <0.01 |
GA | 0.95 | <0.01 |
GGA | 0.96 | <0.01 |
CSI | 0.50 | 0.10 |
NGRDIM | 0.92 | <0.01 |
NGRDISD | 0.45 | 0.15 |
TGIM | 0.94 | <0.01 |
TGISD | 0.69 | 0.01 |
Table 4.
Means and significance letters (p = 0.05) of Brix, stalks per stool, Diameter ratings, and Height (cm).
Table 4.
Means and significance letters (p = 0.05) of Brix, stalks per stool, Diameter ratings, and Height (cm).
Cross | Rep | Brix | Letter Group † | Stalks Per Stool | Letter Group | Diameter Ratings ‡ | Letter Group | Height cm | Letter Group |
92 | 1 | 18.87 | FGH | 9.16 | CDEF | 6.5 | A | 177.7 | DEF |
92 | 2 | 18.94 | FGH | 10.48 | BC | 5.1 | H | 198.07 | A |
515 | 1 | 16.98 | GHIJKL | 9.2 | CDE | 6 | C | 158.8 | I |
515 | 2 | 17.65 | KL | 7.5 | FGH | 5.3 | EFGH | 166.12 | GHI |
516 | 1 | 17.43 | JKL | 7.7 | DEFGH | 6.2 | BC | 181.97 | BCDE |
516 | 2 | 17.24 | IJK | 8.4 | DEFGH | 5.2 | GH | 191.06 | AB |
523 | 1 | 18.31 | DEFG | 8.3 | DEFGH | 6.3 | ABC | 175.26 | DEFG |
523 | 2 | 19.35 | GHIJ | 9.18 | CDEF | 5.5 | DE | 181.71 | BCDE |
561 | 1 | 19.56 | HI | 8.68 | DEFG | 6.5 | A | 183.29 | BCDE |
561 | 2 | 18.34 | CDEF | 16.04 | A | 5.3 | FGH | 182.58 | BCDE |
691 | 1 | 17.3 | L | 8.22 | DEFGH | 6.3 | ABC | 158.5 | I |
691 | 2 | 16.24 | IJKL | 7.84 | DEFGH | 5.4 | DEFG | 180.64 | CDE |
722 | 1 | 16.64 | IJK | 7 | GH | 6.2 | BC | 147.62 | J |
722 | 2 | 17.56 | KL | 9.3 | CD | 5.6 | D | 177.85 | DEF |
798 | 1 | 20.79 | A | 7.56 | EFGH | 6.2 | BC | 183.9 | BCD |
798 | 2 | 21.18 | AB | 7.82 | DEFGH | 5.5 | DEF | 189.03 | ABC |
1048 | 1 | 20.47 | CDEF | 6.92 | H | 6.3 | ABC | 174.14 | EFG |
1048 | 2 | 19.52 | ABC | 9.2 | CDE | 5.3 | EFGH | 182.98 | BCDE |
1196 | 1 | 18.66 | EFGH | 9.06 | CDEF | 6.4 | AB | 167.64 | GHI |
1196 | 2 | 19.07 | FGH | 11.74 | B | 5.1 | H | 168.5 | FGH |
1739 | 1 | 20.79 | FGH | 7.3 | GH | 6.3 | ABC | 161.44 | HI |
1739 | 2 | 18.99 | AB | 11.39 | B | 5.1 | H | 178.36 | DE |
1874 | 1 | 20.11 | BCDE | 8.3 | DEFGH | 6.4 | AB | 182.58 | BCDE |
1874 | 2 | 20.03 | BCD | 10.56 | BC | 5.2 | GH | 181.2 | CDE |
Table 5.
Mean significant differences and F values for sugarcane seedling first ratoon height, stool diameter rating stalks per stool, Brix average, first line advancement rates and Overall family rating.
Table 5.
Mean significant differences and F values for sugarcane seedling first ratoon height, stool diameter rating stalks per stool, Brix average, first line advancement rates and Overall family rating.
Family | Height cm | Letter | Diameter Ratings ‡ | Letter | Stalks Per Stool | Letter Group | Brix Average | Letter | 1stadv | Letter | Overall Rating ‡ | Letter |
92 | 187.88 | A | 5.8 | AB | 9.82 | BC | 18.91 | C | 0.08 | CDE | 6 | AB |
515 | 162.46 | D | 5.7 | B | 8.35 | DEF | 17.06 | D | 0.02 | G | 7.5 | A |
516 | 186.51 | A | 5.7 | B | 8.05 | F | 17.34 | D | 0.04 | EFG | 6.5 | AB |
523 | 178.49 | B | 5.9 | A | 8.74 | CDEF | 18.9 | C | 0.06 | DEFG | 6.5 | AB |
561 | 182.93 | AB | 5.9 | AB | 12.36 | A | 18.95 | C | 0.08 | CDEF | 6.5 | AB |
691 | 169.57 | C | 5.9 | AB | 8.03 | F | 16.69 | D | 0.02 | G | 6.5 | AB |
722 | 162.64 | D | 5.9 | A | 8.15 | EF | 17.24 | D | 0.03 | FG | 7 | AB |
798 | 186.46 | A | 5.8 | AB | 7.69 | F | 20.98 | A | 0.11 | ABC | 5.5 | B |
1048 | 178.56 | B | 5.8 | AB | 8.06 | F | 20 | B | 0.13 | AB | 5.5 | B |
1196 | 168.07 | CD | 5.7 | B | 10.4 | B | 18.87 | C | 0.1 | BCD | 6 | AB |
1739 | 169.9 | C | 5.7 | B | 9.33 | BCDE | 19.89 | B | 0.09 | BCD | 6.5 | AB |
1847 | 181.89 | AB | 5.8 | AB | 9.43 | BCD | 20.07 | B | 0.14 | A | 5.5 | B |
H | Pr > F | H | Pr > F | H | Pr > F | H | Pr > F | H | Pr > F | H | Pr > F |
0.72 | <0.0001 | 0.00 | 0.19 | 0.25 | <0.0001 | 0.89 | <0.001 | 0.87 | 0.001 | 0.04 | 0.45 |
Table 6.
Best multiple regression models for the prediction of yield traits by RGB spectral indices.
Table 6.
Best multiple regression models for the prediction of yield traits by RGB spectral indices.
2 July 2018 |
| Spectral Traits | R2 | Coeff Var | Root MSE | F Value | Pr > F |
Height | rep, NGRDISD, Hue, Saturation | 0.81 | 3.15 | 5.55 | 20.47 | <0.0001 |
Stalks per stool | Rep, lightness | 0.41 | 17.60 | 1.59 | 7.22 | <0.01 |
Brix Average | rep, NGRDIM, TGISD | 0.65 | 4.79 | 0.90 | 12.15 | <0.0001 |
# greater than Brix standard | rep, NGRDIM, TGISD, b, CSI | 0.75 | 25.19 | 3.46 | 10.78 | <0.0001 |
# less than Brix standard | rep, NGRDISD, TGISD, Intensity | 0.44 | 83.61 | 3.73 | 3.71 | 0.02 |
Brix Minimum | rep, NGRDISD, TGISD, Intensity | 0.41 | 8.63 | 1.35 | 3.36 | 0.03 |
Brix Maximum | rep, NGRDIM, TGISD | 0.41 | 6.27 | 1.35 | 4.65 | 0.01 |
1stadv | Rep, Hue, NGRDIM, TGIStD | 0.83 | 25.52 | 0.02 | 22.52 | <0.0001 |
2ndadv | Rep, GGA | 0.46 | 82.27 | 0.06 | 8.84 | 0.002 |
28 June 2019 |
Height | rep, GGA | 0.60 | 4.36 | 7.69 | 15.80 | <0.0001 |
stalks per stool | rep | 0.23 | 19.65 | 1.78 | 6.43 | 0.02 |
Brix Average | rep, intensity GGA | 0.48 | 5.79 | 1.08 | 2.21 | 0.004 |
# greater than Brix standard | rep, lightness, GGA | 0.56 | 31.83 | 4.38 | 8.34 | 0.0009 |
# less than Brix standard | rep, Intensity, Saturation | 0.33 | 89.28 | 3.98 | 3.22 | 0.04 |
Brix Minimum | rep, GGA, NGRDISD | 0.25 | 9.54 | 1.50 | 2.19 | 0.12 |
Brix Maximum | rep, Saturation, CSI | 0.40 | 6.34 | 1.36 | 4.42 | 0.015 |
1stadv | rep Lightness, GGA | 0.48 | 43.14 | 0.03 | 6.05 | 0.004 |
2ndadv | Rep, GGA | 0.43 | 84.23 | 0.06 | 7.95 | 0.003 |
Table 7.
Best multiple regression models for the prediction of selection rates and Brix by the field measurements height, diameter, stalk number and estimated weight.
Table 7.
Best multiple regression models for the prediction of selection rates and Brix by the field measurements height, diameter, stalk number and estimated weight.
| Measured Traits | R2 | Coeff Var | Root MSE | F Value | Pr > F |
s23adv | Rep, height | 0.13 | 54.36 | 0.04 | 1.52 | 0.24 |
s34adv | Rep, height | 0.21 | 99.39 | 0.07 | 2.75 | 0.09 |
Brix Average | Rep, height | 0.17 | 7.14 | 1.34 | 2.19 | 0.14 |