An Empirical Study on Convective Drying of Ginger Rhizomes Leveraging Environmental Stress Chambers and Linear Heat Conduction Methodology
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Raw Material: Ginger Rhizomes
2.2. Processing of Raw Material
- Blanched Ginger Rhizomes: Blanched ginger rhizomes have been briefly exposed to boiling water or steam to inactivate enzymes, reduce the microbial load, and partially soften the tissue. This pre-processing step can help retain colour, improve texture, and prolong the shelf life of the dried product. However, blanching may cause some loss of volatile compounds responsible for ginger’s characteristic aroma and flavour.
- Unblanched Ginger Rhizomes: Unblanched ginger rhizomes are raw and have not been subjected to heat treatment before drying. They retain their original colour, aroma, and flavour but may take longer to dry than blanched samples due to the active enzymes and higher initial microbial load. Unblanched samples may also have a shorter shelf life than their blanched counterparts.
- Peeled Ginger Rhizomes: Peeled ginger rhizomes have had their outer skin removed, exposing the inner flesh. This pre-processing step can result in a more uniform drying process and improved product quality, as removing the skin can facilitate moisture loss and enhance heat transfer. Peeled ginger may also be more visually appealing and easier to process or grind after drying.
- Unpeeled Ginger Rhizomes: Unpeeled ginger rhizomes still have their outer skin intact, which may slow down the drying process due to the additional layer that moisture must penetrate to escape. This can lead to longer drying times and uneven drying. However, the skin can protect against the loss of volatile compounds and may help retain some of the ginger’s aroma and flavour during drying.
2.3. Experimental Instruction
2.3.1. Blanched
- Take a big pot and fill it halfway with water. Place it on the stove and turn the heat up to high. Add some salt to the water.
- Peel the outer layer of ginger by slicing it vertically and horizontally.
- Put the ginger in the pot of boiling water. Set a timer for 2 min.
- After blanching, remove the ginger from the pot and transfer it into ice-cold water to stop cooking immediately.
- Wait for 2 min before taking out the blanched ginger. Then, put them on a plate lined with paper towels to dry.
2.3.2. Unblanched
- Ginger that has not been washed and is still fresh.
2.3.3. Peeled
- First, rinse the ginger and remove any dirt.
- Then, take a piece of ginger and use a spoon to scrape off the skin from the edges.
2.3.4. Unpeeled
- Washed ginger and then kept it unpeeled.
2.4. Equipment
2.4.1. ARS-0680 Environmental Stress Chamber
2.4.2. TD1002A—Linear Heat Conduction Experiment
- Consistency and Reproducibility: Having a standard size and shape for all samples ensures that every experiment’s conditions are identical. This consistency is critical for obtaining reliable and repeatable results. It ensures that any differences observed are due to the experimental variables being tested, not differences in the sample sizes.
- Heat and Mass Transfer: A sample’s size and shape can affect the heat and mass transfer rates during drying. Smaller or thinner samples may dry faster due to a larger surface area exposed to the drying conditions, while larger or thicker samples may take longer to dry.
- Quality of Dried Product: The size and shape of the sample can also influence the quality attributes of the dried product, such as its texture, colour, and flavour. Consistent size and shape help ensure uniform quality in the dried product.
- Data Interpretation: When analysing and interpreting the data obtained in this work, knowing that all samples were of the same size and shape eliminates one potential source of variability. This makes it easier to draw accurate conclusions from the data.
3. Methodology
3.1. ARS—0680 Temperature and Humidity Chamber: Drying Experiment
- Blanched;
- Unblanched (pre-treatments);
- Peeled;
- Unpeeled.
3.2. Linear Heat Conduction Experiment
- Sample Preparation: Slice ginger rhizomes into uniform samples with a consistent thickness and cross-sectional area, ensuring the samples are large enough to fit into the TD1002A Linear Heat Conduction apparatus. Record the initial moisture content of the samples.
- Apparatus Set-up: Mount the ginger rhizome samples onto the TD1002A Linear Heat Conduction apparatus sample holder, ensuring proper contact with the heat source and the cooling system. Attach temperature sensors at regular intervals along the length of the samples to monitor the temperature gradient during the experiment.
- Drying Process: Using the ARS-0680 Environmental Stress Chamber, subject the ginger rhizome samples to convective drying under controlled conditions. Set the desired temperature, humidity, and air velocity within the chamber to simulate different drying scenarios. Continuously monitor and record the temperature readings from the sensors and the weight loss of the samples to determine the moisture content at different stages of the drying process.
- Data Collection and Analysis: Gather temperature and moisture content data at different stages during the experiment. Use this data to determine the temperature gradient across the samples and compute the associated thermal conductivity with the help of Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction. Create a graph to visualise the drying kinetics and explore the correlation between moisture content and thermal conductivity.
- Comparative Analysis: Compare the thermal conductivity values of ginger rhizomes under various moisture content levels and drying conditions and evaluate how the moisture content impacts the thermal properties of dried ginger rhizomes.
- Conclusions and Recommendations: Drawing upon the experiment’s outcomes, decide on the efficiency of convective drying when applied to ginger rhizomes and how moisture content impacts their thermal characteristics. Additionally, it suggests enhancing the drying procedure and elevating the standard of dried ginger rhizomes.
3.3. Experimental Procedure
- The first phase, known as the preheating phase, involves heating the ginger rhizomes to match the temperature of the surrounding air. During this stage, moisture removal from the samples is slow because most of the heat energy is used to raise the temperature of the ginger.
- The second phase, the constant rate drying phase, occurs when external factors such as humidity, temperature, and air velocity govern the constant pace at which moisture is removed from the ginger rhizomes. This period is characterised by a straight line on the drying curve since there is continuous evaporation of surface moisture while moisture inside migrates towards it.
- Lastly, during the falling rate drying phase, internal factors such as resistance to moisture migration and reduced moisture content gradually decrease the moisture removal rate until an equilibrium point is reached. This stage can be further subdivided into two sub-phases:
- First Falling Rate Period and Second Falling Rate Period. In these periods, there is a gradual decrease in drying rate due to limited moisture migration from deep within the sample and the tightening grip of the remaining retained water bound to solid components of ginger rhizomes. leading to a slower reduction in water content levels.
3.4. Determination of Moisture Content and Thermal Conductivity
3.4.1. Assessment of Moisture Levels
3.4.2. Method for Assessing Moisture Levels
- The initial weight of the ginger sample was documented using “Analytical Plus Electronic Balances”, precise to 0.00001 g.
- The ginger was then transferred into a controlled environment at a steady temperature ranging from 10 °C to 60 °C for 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 18, and 24 h.
- The weight of the dried ginger samples was then measured at the time intervals mentioned above.
- The weighing of the ginger samples continued until a steady, final weight was achieved, indicating an equilibrium state had been reached.
3.4.3. Determination of Thermal Conductivity
- Structure of materials;
- Wetness of the content (moisture content);
- Materials density;
- Temperature and pressure (operational settings) [10].
4. Results and Discussions
- Impact of Drying Air Temperature on Drying Patterns: Increased drying air temperatures lead to a more rapid drying rate, mainly due to the enhanced heat and mass transfer between the ginger rhizome and the surrounding air. At higher temperatures, drying curves usually display a swift initial drying rate, which then transitions to a slower, more steady decline in moisture content. This results in shorter drying durations, a plus for large-scale processing and energy efficiency.
- 2.
- Impact of Drying on the Quality of Ginger Rhizomes: The temperature of the drying air significantly influences the quality of the dried ginger rhizomes. Drying can alter critical quality characteristics like colour, aroma, flavour, and texture.
- Colour: Elevated drying temperatures can cause browning or discolouration of ginger rhizomes due to non-enzymatic browning reactions or pigment oxidation.
- Aroma and Flavour: The drying procedure may result in the loss of volatile compounds responsible for ginger’s unique aroma and flavour. Higher temperatures can intensify these losses, making a final product less aromatic and flavourful.
- Texture: High drying temperatures can induce case hardening, affecting the texture of dried ginger rhizomes and making them harder to grind or process.
4.1. Measurement of Moisture Content and Thermal Conductivity
4.2. Impact of Air Temperature on Drying Patterns and Its Effect on the Quality of Dried Ginger Rhizomes
4.3. Effect of Moisture Content on Thermal Properties of Dried Ginger Rhizomes
- Thermal Conductivity: The thermal conductivity of ginger rhizomes strongly correlates with their moisture content. Higher moisture content typically leads to higher thermal conductivity values, as water is a more effective heat conductor than the solid elements of ginger. As the moisture content dwindles during the drying process, the thermal conductivity of the dried ginger rhizomes also lessens. This change in thermal conductivity can impact heat transfer and overall drying rates, influencing drying duration and energy utilisation.
- Specific Heat: Specific heat denotes the amount of heat necessary to elevate the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree Celsius. The moisture content influences the specific heat of ginger rhizomes, given that water has a higher specific heat than solid constituents. As the moisture content diminishes, the specific heat of the dried ginger rhizomes also declines, translating into less heat needed to increase the material’s temperature during drying.
- Thermal Diffusivity: Thermal diffusivity assesses the speed at which heat can be disseminated through a material. It is influenced by the material’s thermal conductivity, specific heat, and density. As the moisture content of ginger rhizomes lessens, the thermal conductivity and specific heat decline while the density augments. These alterations can decrease thermal diffusivity, signifying that heat transfer through the dried ginger rhizomes becomes less effective as the drying process advances.
4.4. A Comparative Analysis of Drying Characteristics between Nigerian Ginger Rhizomes and Other Varieties
- Initial moisture content: The moisture content of freshly harvested ginger varies depending on the specific cultivar, growing conditions, and maturity stage at harvest time. The initial moisture content significantly impacts the drying process, including the required drying time and the appropriate drying method. Higher moisture content generally necessitates longer drying periods or more intense drying techniques. As a result, Nigerian ginger may exhibit a different moisture content than other cultivars, consequently influencing its drying characteristics.
- Skin thickness: The thickness of the ginger’s skin also influences the drying process. A thicker skin can impede moisture’s evaporation during drying, prolonging the drying time. Additionally, skin thickness may affect crucial quality aspects of the dried product, such as its colour, texture, and flavour. Nigerian ginger might have a distinctive skin thickness compared to other cultivars, impacting its drying characteristics accordingly.
- Inherent properties: Each ginger cultivar possesses inherent properties, including size, shape, density, oil content, and chemical composition. These properties can significantly impact the rate and efficiency of the drying process. For instance, ginger rhizomes with a higher oil content tend to dry more slowly due to the hygroscopic nature of oils. Similarly, larger or denser rhizomes might require more time to dry than smaller or less dense ones.
- Drying Time: Nigerian ginger rhizomes, like other cultivars, exhibit a typical drying curve with a rapid initial drying rate followed by a slower, more gradual decrease in moisture content. However, Nigerian ginger rhizomes may have a shorter drying time than other cultivars due to their thinner skin and lower initial moisture content. In contrast, cultivars with a higher initial moisture content or thicker skin may require a longer drying time to reach the desired final moisture level.
- Energy Consumption: The energy consumption during the drying process depends on factors such as initial moisture content, drying temperature, and air velocity. Nigerian ginger rhizomes consume less energy during drying than other cultivars with a higher initial moisture content or those requiring higher drying temperatures to achieve similar drying rates. Efficient drying strategies can be employed to minimise energy consumption for all cultivars.
- Product Quality: The quality of dried ginger rhizomes is influenced by drying conditions, processing techniques, and the cultivar. Nigerian ginger rhizomes are known for their pungent aroma and high oleoresin content, which contribute to their desirable flavour and medicinal properties. While the drying process may lead to some loss of volatile compounds, the quality of Nigerian ginger rhizomes can be maintained by optimising drying conditions, such as temperature and air velocity, to minimise these losses. Other cultivars may exhibit different quality attributes, which should also be considered when optimising drying processes.
4.5. Analysis of Drying Curves
- High thermal conductivity of water: Water possesses a higher thermal conductivity compared to many common substances found in ginger rhizomes, such as organic compounds. Consequently, as the water content within the rhizome increases, it enhances the efficient transfer of heat, thereby elevating the effective thermal conductivity of the material.
- Continuity of the water phase: Water molecules are dispersed and isolated within the material at low moisture content. However, as the moisture content rises, these dispersed water molecules can form a continuous phase, creating pathways for more effective heat conduction.
- Evaporative cooling: The process of water evaporation requires latent heat energy. This phenomenon aids in distributing heat efficiently throughout the material, which can be interpreted as an increase in thermal conductivity.
- Water as a bridge: Water can act as a bridge between solid particles, enhancing contact between them and facilitating heat conduction.
- Volume expansion: Water tends to expand when heated, and in a porous material like ginger rhizomes, this expansion can lead to an overall expansion of the material itself. Consequently, the structure of the rhizome can change, potentially creating more pathways for heat conduction.
- Preheating Phase: This initial phase involves heating the ginger rhizomes to the drying air temperature. The moisture removal rate during this phase remains relatively low as the heat predominantly elevates the ginger samples’ temperature.
- Constant Rate Drying Phase: This phase transpires when the moisture removal rate remains steady, influenced primarily by external factors such as temperature, humidity, and air speed. Here, moisture from the surface of the ginger rhizomes is readily evaporated while moisture within the samples moves to the surface, maintaining a constant drying rate. A linear trend on the drying curve typically marks this phase.
- Falling Rate Drying Phase: This phase commences when the moisture removal rate begins to decline due to internal factors like reduced moisture content and increased resistance to moisture migration within the ginger samples. The drying curve displays a gradual reduction in the drying rate during this phase, ultimately arriving at an equilibrium moisture content. This falling rate drying phase can be further categorised into two sub-phases:
- (a)
- First Falling Rate Period: This period is defined by a slight decrease in the drying rate as the moisture migration from within the ginger rhizomes to the surface becomes the constraining factor.
- (b)
- Second Falling Rate Period: During this period, the drying rate decelerates even more as the residual moisture is more tightly bonded to the solid constituents of the ginger, and the resistance to moisture migration becomes progressively stronger.
4.6. Impact of Air Temperature during Drying on Ginger Rhizomes
4.7. Impact of the Drying Process on Ginger Rhizomes
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Depiver, J.A.; Mallik, S. An Empirical Study on Convective Drying of Ginger Rhizomes Leveraging Environmental Stress Chambers and Linear Heat Conduction Methodology. Agriculture 2023, 13, 1322.
Depiver JA, Mallik S. An Empirical Study on Convective Drying of Ginger Rhizomes Leveraging Environmental Stress Chambers and Linear Heat Conduction Methodology. Agriculture. 2023; 13(7):1322.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDepiver, Joshua Adeniyi, and Sabuj Mallik. 2023. "An Empirical Study on Convective Drying of Ginger Rhizomes Leveraging Environmental Stress Chambers and Linear Heat Conduction Methodology" Agriculture 13, no. 7: 1322.
APA StyleDepiver, J. A., & Mallik, S. (2023). An Empirical Study on Convective Drying of Ginger Rhizomes Leveraging Environmental Stress Chambers and Linear Heat Conduction Methodology. Agriculture, 13(7), 1322.