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Neural Modelling in the Study of the Relationship between Herd Structure, Amount of Manure and Slurry Produced, and Location of Herds in Poland

Department of Biosystems Engineering, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Wojska Polskiego 50, 60-637 Poznan, Poland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Agriculture 2023, 13(7), 1451;
Submission received: 21 June 2023 / Revised: 18 July 2023 / Accepted: 21 July 2023 / Published: 23 July 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Digital Agriculture)


In the presented study, data regarding the size and structure of cattle herds in voivodeships in Poland in 2019 were analysed and modelled using artificial neural networks (ANNs). The neural modelling approach was employed to identify the relationship between herd structure, biogas production from manure and slurry, and the geographical location of herds by voivodeship. The voivodeships were categorised into four groups based on their location within Poland: central, southern, eastern, and western. In each of the analysed groups, a three-layer MLP (multilayer perceptron) with a single hidden layer was found to be the optimal network structure. A sensitivity analysis of the generated models for herd structure and location within the eastern group of voivodeships revealed significant contributions from dairy cows, heifers (both 6–12 and 12–18 months old), calves, and bulls aged 12–24 months. For the western voivodeships, the analysis indicated that only dairy cows and herd location made significant contributions. The optimal models exhibited similar values of RMS errors for the training, testing, and validation datasets. The model characterising biogas production from manure in southern voivodeships demonstrated the smallest RMS error, while the model for biogas from manure in the eastern region, as well as the model for slurry in central parts of Poland, yielded the highest RMS errors. The generated ANN models exhibited a high level of accuracy, with a fitting quality of approximately 99% for correctly predicting values. Comparable results were obtained for both manure and slurry in terms of biogas production across all location groups.

1. Introduction

1.1. The State of Polish Cattle Breeding and the Factors Conditioning Its Development

Over 75% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions stem from energy production and utilisation [1]. Implementing the European Green Deal involves practical energy transformation. Eurostat data from 2019 showed that only 18.8% of the energy consumed by the 28 EU countries originated from renewable sources, with Poland accounting for a mere 12.2% [2]. In September 2022, the European Commission proposed a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared with 1990, necessitating measures to fulfil this requirement. Agriculture, due to production based on biomass (animal and plant origin), can be a valuable source for the production of renewable energy [3]. The use of biomass produced in agriculture for the production of energy and liquid and gaseous fuels may be one of the important directions of development of renewable energy sources (RESs) [4,5]. Agricultural biogas produced from organic fertilisers such as manure or slurry allows for replacement of a certain amount of energy from fossil fuels with renewable energy, but also reduces methane emissions during traditional storage of manure and slurry [6,7]. The following assumption can be made: a reduction in CO2 emissions by 1 kg as a result of replacing fossil fuels with agricultural biogas produced from organic fertilisers translates into an additional reduction in emissions by 1 kg of CO2 as a result of changes in the fertiliser management system [8]. Rational management of the dairy herd is a particular concern from an environmental point of view, but also from the point of view of manure handling, which can be used for energy purposes in agricultural biogas plants. However, this requires farmers to assess their GHG emissions [9].
Factors such as arable and grassland potential and prevailing agricultural land use influence livestock operations [10,11]. The expansion of livestock production results in an increase in the amount of manure produced and the methanogenic potential [12]. Cattle farming, particularly that of dairy and other cow breeds, is estimated to produce the largest quantities of cattle manure across European countries [13,14,15,16]. Farms with larger land areas, averaging over 8 hectares, have a greater likelihood of developing agricultural production. Farms exceeding 15 hectares tend to expand their commercial operations and introduce innovations [17].
In Poland, there is a clear stratification of dairy cattle producers into the following:
Small herds of up to five cows—producing milk mainly for self-consumption, and occasionally selling surpluses (mainly in the summer) at relatively low prices.
Medium-sized herds (10–20 cows)—providing reasonably good raw material for a dairy, but for different reasons not increasing production. This group is slowly but steadily decreasing.
Large herds (40 or more cows)—these farms invest in equipment and infrastructure, increase acreage, and increase milk production, as well as introducing robots for milking cows [18].
The voivodeships Wielkopolskie, Mazowieckie, and Podlaskie have the highest cattle density in Poland and the highest amounts of manure and slurry produced [18]. Figure 1 shows the fraction of permanent grassland in agricultural land and number of cattle heads in herds per 100 ha in individual voivodeships.
In Poland, farms can generally be divided into four regions with different conditions for cattle breeding. One of them is the region of eastern and central Poland, including Podlaskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Lubelskie, and Mazowieckie. In these areas, farmers are specialised in milk production. Farmers have implemented modern technologies of milk production, and cows’ nutrition is mainly based on fodder from grassland [19]. Another important region of milk production, located in the centre of the country, includes Wielkopolskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Łódzkie, and part of Opolskie voivodeship [20]. This region is characterised by the presence of small areas of grassland; however, agricultural culture is the highest in the country. In larger herds of cows, dairy products are maintained throughout the year with a stabulatory system (classical barns), and the cows’ nutrition is based on maize silage as well as on grass and haylage from plants grown on arable land (a mixture of grasses and alfalfa) [21]. In this region, there is a greater variation in the size of the herds, which means that next to herds of about 20 cows there are large herds with 300–500 cows [22]. In the south of Poland, there is a traditional cattle breeding system. This region includes the voivodeships of Małopolskie, Podkarpackie, and Świętokrzyskie. There are small farms with no specific production profile. Cow herds usually number from 2 to 10 heads. The animals are kept in traditional barns with tethers. Forage is mostly obtained from natural grassland. In summer, cows feed on pasture. Winter feeding includes a significant proportion of hay, but hay–silage production is increasingly becoming common.
The Pomeranian, Western Pomeranian, Lubusz, Lower Silesian, and Silesian voivodeships are among the areas for which it is difficult to distinguish regions specialising in milk production. The main feed used is hay and silage.
There is a strong likelihood that there is a close correlation between animal feeding, herd density and head number, and farm size. Given these factors, the voivodeships in Poland were divided into four groups, representing distinct geographical regions with varying livestock maintenance practices, as described above.

1.2. The Use of Neural Networks in Modelling Several Cattle Herd Parameters

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) bring a new cognitive quality to the modelling of phenomena occurring in nature. During the learning process, an ANN can, all by itself, find an arbitrary, nonlinear model of the considered problem, with no need to provide any initial assumptions on its architecture [23]. The use of ANNs therefore significantly increases the utilitarian potential of the modelling process [24]. In this context, they are an extension of and complement to linear statistical methods. The generated neural models also provide an estimate of the level of significance of the ANN input variables, which provides further insight into the qualitative hierarchy of the extracted empirical data [25].
There are several scientific studies reported in the literature using machine learning or neural networks in agriculture and livestock production [26,27,28,29,30]. Usage of artificial intelligence in the form of artificial neural networks (ANNs) in modelling dairy cow herd parameters is relatively new, but promising [19,31]. ANNs are employed to forecast various production [23,32,33], health [34,35], and behaviour indicators [36] that are essential for managing dairy cow herds [37,38].
Manure and slurry management is an important aspect of dairy farming, as it involves handling and utilising the waste produced by the cows [29].
ANNs can be trained using data on various factors that influence the quantity of natural fertiliser and liquid manure generated, such as the number of cows, their diet composition, feeding practices, and environmental conditions. By inputting these parameters into the ANN model, the model can learn the complex relationships and patterns between these factors and the resulting manure and slurry production [29,39]. The trained ANN model can then be used to predict the volume of organic fertiliser and liquid production based on current or future inputs. This information is valuable for farmers to plan and optimise manure management strategies, including storage capacity, nutrient content, and utilisation practices.
However, not every mathematical model can be used for complex dynamic processes such as livestock production, which often requires an adaptive approach as farm animals constitute complex, individual, time-varying dynamic systems [40]. Considering animal welfare, algorithms are mostly very complex with too many restrictions to control the process inputs. To better explain a case where there is a need to control the inputs to a process, it is necessary to assess the effects of environmental factors such as temperature on the average daily gain, feed intake, heat production, or physiological status of the animals [41].
There are several options in animal product monitoring. Authors have used various bovine measurements and characteristics such as size, age, and sex [42], while others [43] have used egg production data or milk samples [44].
It is important to make the right decision to use neural networks for a specific livestock case study. Simulation refers to imitating the operations and processes of a system in the real world, while modelling is the process of understanding and describing the behaviour of a system [45].
The real-time data obtained, as well as those based on expert knowledge, enable farmers to make the right decisions, improving the milk yield of the herd, improving the health conditions of animals [46], or optimising the biogas yield [47].
For analysis by neural networks, large amounts of data are needed, and this requires performing an extensive data review and then making the appropriate categorisation. The results obtained from neural modelling can be used for the purposes of animal husbandry and can also be considered in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions [48,49].
The main purpose was to find the relationship between the structure of the herds and the actual amount of the generated slurry and manure (calculated for four regional groups) considered. The data were subjected to neural modelling in order to find and indicate the most important animal types within the herd for each region responsible for slurry and manure production. This is the first study which considers herd structure and geographical location in the production of biogas from cattle manure or slurry, and it provides valuable insights for decision making in dairy farming.

2. Materials and Methods

In this article, all voivodeships were characterised in terms of the amount of the biogas generated from cattle manure or slurry.
Data for modelling were obtained (for 13 voivodeships) through the following procedures, as previously indicated [50]:
Data collection from the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (raw data provided by the Agency upon request from A. Wawrzyniak). These data pertained to livestock production in rural areas, categorised by voivodeship/province. The obtained data included cattle counts for the selected provinces in Poland.
Conversion of voivodeship-level cattle numbers into livestock units (LSUs) using conversion factors provided by the 2010 GUS Agricultural Census [51] specifically designed for cattle and specific livestock systems (as described in our previous work [19]).
Calculation of the quantity of manure and slurry based on data from the GUS Agricultural Census 2010 [46].
The following equation was used to calculate amount of manure:
L o = x · L S U · ( 1 S B S S s + S B S ) · O [ tonnes ]
while the equation below was used for calculation of the amount of slurry:
L G = x · L S U · S B S S s + S B S [ m 3 ]
  • L o —amount of manure [tonnes]
  • L G —amount of slurry [m3]
  • x—cattle population [pcs.]
  • LSU—livestock unit—an index of animals per unit according to Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 14 February 2018 [52]
  • O—average amount of manure per year per cattle unit [Mg/LSU · year]
  • G—average amount of slurry per year per cattle unit [m3/LSU · year]
S B S and S s are the conversion factors based on animal keeping systems in barns, as listed in Table 1. The amount of obtained biogas was calculated as presented previously [53].
The following was assumed for cattle:
An amount of 1 ton of manure produces an average of 60 m3 of biogas.
An amount of 1 m3 of slurry produces 28 m3 of biogas on average.

Simulation Studies

For simulation studies, a dataset comprising nine input variables and one output variable was prepared. Initially, data related to the location were provided in the form of text descriptions. Recoding the names of voivodeships and provinces was necessary for the correct interpretation of the values of the input variables by neural models. The coding scheme published in “The List of Identifiers and Names of the Units of the Territorial Division of the Country” was used from Central Statistical Office [54].
This approach ensured that the dataset included two variables containing information about the location, which is further associated with geographical, nutritional, and climatic conditions. The subsequent seven variables provided detailed information on the number of individual groups of animals within the dairy herd, as shown in Table 2 below.
The neural network had nine independent input variables (input: (1), (2), ……, (9)) and one output variable (one from PC_O through PZ_G) either for slurry or for manure for the four examined groups of voivodeships located in the centre, southern, eastern, and western parts of Poland (marked as in Table 1). The structure of the input set was adjusted to the requirements of the ANN simulator implemented in the commercial STATISTICA package (v13.3, Statsoft, Cracow, Poland).
Neural networks were used as a predictive instrument. The learning set contained a varying number of data (between 449 and 719). In the process of generating neural models, the division of the dataset in the ratio of 2:1:1 (training, testing, validation files) was adopted. The structure of the learning files for the 4 examined groups of voivodeships with the amount of data per training, validation, and test files is shown in Table 3.
Independent models were generated for manure and slurry as well as for 4 examined groups of locations.
In the initial stage of the work, an automatic neural network designer tool was used to initially assess the information contained in the learning sets. Network topologies with radial basis functions and multilayer perceptron (with different number of layers) were tested. As a result, neural model topologies with a single hidden layer were selected for further analysis in the next stage. Further work consisted of manually modifying the model structure, i.e., changing the number of neurons in the hidden layer, in order to obtain the highest possible quality of the network’s response to input data. In all the created networks, the input layer consisted of neurons with a linear PSP (postsynaptic function) and a linear activation function. The hidden layer consisted of a different number of sigmoid neurons, i.e., it had a linear PSP function and a logistic activation function. Single sigmoid neuron was obtained as the output of the networks. The generated neural models were trained using the BP (back propagation) method in 5 cycles of 1200 epochs and optimised with the CG (conjugate gradients) algorithm for 200 epochs. In the process of training the network, the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm was used, tuning the network through 50 epochs.
The following parameters were adopted in the learning process with the BP error back propagation algorithm: decreasing learning coefficient (from η = 0.3 to 0.03), momentum factor α = 0.4.
The system automatically evaluated the performance of the best network as excellent (provided a low regression coefficient and a correlation close to 1). The degree of accuracy required for prediction usually depended on the application. However, it was roughly assumed that a standard deviation quotient of 0.1 (or less) indicated that the generated ANN performed well in the regression, while a quotient above 0.7 (or more) discriminated the generated neural model. Regression statistics were independently determined using standards for the training and test sets. The quality of ANN performance was evaluated via the calculation of the summary error (RMS) made by the generated model on the learning (training, testing, and validation) datasets according to Equation (3).
RMS = i = 1 n     y i z i 2   n            
where n—case number, yi—empirical (actual) value, zi—value generated by the ANN.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Results

Although the ANN simulator was focused on different ANN topologies such as the MLP (multilayer perceptron) and RBF (radial basis function), the generated topologies selected as optimal were ANNs of the MLP type.
In our approach, two independent models, separately for the biogas amounts generated from manure and slurry, were obtained for each of the four location groups.
Table 4 shows the regression statistics for the obtained best-fitted neural models, while Table 5 contains the calculated RMS error values.
Table 6 shows the sensitivity analysis for each of the nine input variables separately for the training and validation files. The concordance of the indications for both subfiles is an indicator of the correctness of the sensitivity assessment.
Sensitivity is given in the form of three parameters, namely rank, error, and quotient. A key issue in sensitivity analysis is determining the “significance” of the variables. In ANNs, the input variables are ranked according to the loss which the network suffers when an indicated variable is not considered. The error parameter indicates the quality of the generated ANN in the absence of the variable. A large value indicates that the network loses a great deal without that variable. The quotient is the result of dividing error by the error obtained with all variables. Sensitivity analysis provides insight into the utility (significance level) of individual input variables (the lower the rank of a variable, the higher its significance level in the generated neural model), and indicates variables that (without losing network quality) can be omitted and key variables that should not be excluded.

3.2. Discussion

Various approaches and models have already been used to assess biogas potential or nitrogen excretion from cattle. A thorough review on Forecasting Turkey’s cattle and sheep manure-based biomethane potentials until 2026 was based on several previous publications and included mathematical models [55,56].
ANNs have previously been used to model the distribution of bovine manure-based biogas potential in Turkey to 2030 [57]. The studies of Chen et al., 2022 [25] aimed to compare the performance of multiple linear regression with different machine learning algorithms, including ANN models, in prediction of the nitrogen excretion from lactating dairy cows. It was shown that ANNs had a lower root mean square error (RMSE) as compared with other approaches.
Interestingly, none of the authors paid attention to the possible connection between biogas potential and the structure of the cattle herd. The presented work is a continuation of our earlier work on this issue [19]. We previously noticed that the animal keeping system resulting from the localisation might be of importance. We intended to check whether the amounts of biogas produced from manure and slurry is affected by the herd localisation. We assumed that the geographic location and the presumptions for the establishment of herds in particular locations have an impact on their structure and thus on their biogas potential.
Based on our earlier findings, the ANN simulator was focused on ANN topologies such as the MLP (multilayer perceptron) and RBF (radial basis function). RBF networks can be used when we do not need to have many hidden layers. We wanted to test this possibility. MLPs have higher accuracy than RBF networks, but have lower resistance to interference [58,59,60]. As in the previous studies, the generated topologies selected as optimal were ANNs of the MLP type, which indicated the correctness of the model selection.
MLP unidirectional multilayer perceptron-type networks are among the best-researched and most widely used network topologies in practice. The multilayer perceptron represents the so-called parametric class of neural models (the number of neurons constituting its structure is significantly smaller than the size of the learning set) [51]. MLP networks are often used in prediction [23,30]), classification [25,59], or regression [58,60,61].
Advantages of MLP networks include their compactness and high potential for practical applications [62,63].
In our previous study, the input parameters describing location were not considered. In this case, we considered the biogas potential for all the voivodeships. In our previous studies, the three voivodeships characterised by the highest number of cattle breeds and the highest expected biogas potential were selected for the study: Podlaskie, Mazowieckie, and Wielkopolskie [19]. In our study, Podlaskie voivodeship is included in the group of eastern voivodeships, while Mazowieckie and Wielkopolskie are considered as central voivodeships. As described above, they were characterised by different herd management parameters (size and structure of the herds) and different availability and types of feed used. Our research has shown that after including two additional parameters indicating location (voivodeship and province) in this case, the networks showed greater complexity, which was expressed as a higher number of neurons in the hidden layer. For example, in the case of the amount of the biogas produced from manure, 17 or 20 neurons were obtained in the hidden layer for provinces located in the south or east, respectively. In the previous study, where only the Podlaskie province in the east was considered, the hidden layer had seven neurons. Previously, the southern provinces were not taken into account.
At first view, the sensitivity analysis of the input variables for the examined output variables produces rather surprising results. Considering herd structure, the first factor influencing biomethane production was dairy cows. This confirms our previous studies [19].
For the amount of biogas from slurry, the analysis showed that in the case of voivodeships belonging to the groups located in the centre, in the east, and in the west, dairy cows have the highest rank; in the case of voivodeships located in the south, the voivodeship has the highest rank.
In the south of Poland, there is a traditional cattle breeding system. This region includes the provinces of Małopolskie, Podkarpackie, and Świętokrzyskie. Here, there are small farms without precise production profiles, which may account for such a result. For voivodeships located in the south and east of the country, the next important factors were dairy cows and provinces, as shown in Table 5. Meanwhile, for the voivodeships in the west and in the centre, factors with ranks 2 and 3 are heifers aged 12 to 18 months and bulls aged 12 to 24 months. Differences in ranks between individual groups of voivodeships most probably result from different geographical conditions affecting the way dairy cattle are fed. Voivodeships in the west of the country specialise in milk production, focused on high milk yield [12]. The situation is similar in the centre, although farms are smaller than in the west. In the case of eastern and southern voivodeships, small farms dominate; often, the location of farms and the size of the herd are determined by natural conditions related to the feeding of animals and the search for cost-effective nutritional solutions [12].
Sensitivity analysis for the amount of biogas from manure indicated that in the case of voivodeships belonging to the centre, east, and west groups, the first factor is dairy cows, while for the south it is voivodeship. The second factor is calves in the centre, bulls aged 6–12 months in the west, and voivodeship for the eastern voivodeships.

4. Conclusions

Neural modelling, combined with expert knowledge, can be a unique tool for decision support in dairy cow herds. The transparency of the modelling result depends on a good recognition of data categorisation and inventory issues. Taking into account the geographical conditions in Poland, which determine the development of rural areas, the location of provinces in Poland can be divided into four regions with similar characteristics. The results of neural modelling confirm this division. In the case of regions located in the central and western parts of the country, the development of multicrop farms specialising in milk production with the use of advanced technologies will be of greatest importance; here, the main factors influencing the amount of the produced biogas are dairy cows, young heifers, and bulls. For the eastern and southern regions of the country, where a high degree of farm fragmentation prevails and the dairy cows present on the farm only meet the needs of the farm, a good location with access to natural fodder and the possibility to breed the animals will be important; there is a great contribution from parameters expressing location.

Author Contributions

Conceptualisation, A.W., A.P., A.S. and P.B.; methodology, A.W., A.P., A.S. and P.B.; software, A.P., P.B. and M.Z.; validation, A.W., A.P, A.S. and P.B.; formal analysis, A.W., A.P., A.S. and P.B.; investigation, A.W. and A.P.; resources, A.S.; data curation, A.W. and A.P.; writing—original draft preparation, A.W., A.S. and A.P.; writing—review and editing, A.W. and A.S.; visualisation, A.W. and A.P.; supervision, A.S. and M.Z.; project administration, A.S.; funding acquisition, A.S. and M.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Fraction of permanent grassland in agricultural land and number of cattle heads in herds per 100 ha [18].
Figure 1. Fraction of permanent grassland in agricultural land and number of cattle heads in herds per 100 ha [18].
Agriculture 13 01451 g001
Table 1. Conversion factors based on animal keeping system indicators [52].
Table 1. Conversion factors based on animal keeping system indicators [52].
Animal Keeping System in Barns
Voivodeship S B S S s
Table 2. Input and output variables of created ANNs; values without dimensions were considered in the model.
Table 2. Input and output variables of created ANNs; values without dimensions were considered in the model.
Input variables
Descriptors (1)–(7)—number of animals of a certain type in the herd structure
Descriptors (8) and (9)—coded information about location
(1) Calves
(2) Bulls 6–12 months
(3) Bulls 12–24 months
(4) Bulls > 24 months
(5) Heifers 6–12 months
(6) Heifers 12–18 months
(7) Dairy cows months
(8) Voivodeship
(9) Province
Output (optional)
PC_OBiogas from slurry for central voivodeships
PP_OBiogas from slurry for southern voivodeships
PW_OBiogas from slurry for eastern voivodeships
PZ_OBiogas from manure for western voivodeships
PC_GBiogas from manure for central voivodeships
PP_GBiogas from manure for southern voivodeships
PW_GBiogas from manure for eastern voivodeships
PZ_GBiogas from manure for western voivodeships
Table 3. Empirical data structure of the learning set.
Table 3. Empirical data structure of the learning set.
Training FileValidation FileTesting FileFile
Validation FileTesting File
Table 4. Regression statistics of the obtained optimal neural models. S.D. ratio—quotient of standard deviations determined for errors and for data. Correlation—standard R-Pearson correlation coefficient between the results given by the generated neural model and the actual output values.
Table 4. Regression statistics of the obtained optimal neural models. S.D. ratio—quotient of standard deviations determined for errors and for data. Correlation—standard R-Pearson correlation coefficient between the results given by the generated neural model and the actual output values.
Location Learning FileValidation FileTest FileType of Neural Network
PC_O (Centre)S.D. ratio0.022650.074190.03517MLP:7-7-1
PP_O (South)S.D. ratio0.022780.039710.1016316MLP:9-3-1
PW_O (East)S.D.0.015020.0089930.01077MLP:9-13-1
PZ_O (West)S.D. ratio0.0093150.1462650.1044095MLP: 9:5:1
PC_G (Centre)S.D. ratio0.055910.12515410.1285517MLP:9-7-1
PP_G (South)S.D. ratio0.085170.12366880.03971MLP:9-17-1
PW_G (East)S.D. ratio0.01304820.075710.8656994MLP:9-20-1
PZ_G (West)S.D. ratio0.12130940.17665280.1817097MLP: 9-5-1
Table 5. RMS error values for the generated models.
Table 5. RMS error values for the generated models.
Optimal ANN Model for Slurry
RMS (training file)81,912.23261,325.2093,139.65253,852.20
RMS (testing file)78,234.73240,343.8091,196.73228,024.20
RMS (validation file)70,017.96206,987.3083,445.25219,190.00
Optimal ANN Model for Manure
RMS (training file)240,528.30145,290.6049,754.44250,897.00
RMS (testing file)234,303.70143,887.9037,722.03168,558.30
RMS (validation file)224,914.60142,241.4025,680.62125,145.20
Table 6. The sensitivity analysis of the input variables for the examined output variables.
Table 6. The sensitivity analysis of the input variables for the examined output variables.
CalvesBulls 6–12 MonthsBulls 12–24 MonthsBulls >24 MonthsHeifers 6–12 MonthsHeifers 12–18 MonthsDairy CowsVoivodeshipProvinces
PC_OSlurry analysis for training set
PP_OSlurry analysis for validation set
PW-OSlurry analysis for training set
PZ-OSlurry analysis for validation set
PC_GManure analysis for training set
PP-GManure analysis for validation set
PW_GManure analysis for training set
PZ-GManure analysis for validation set
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wawrzyniak, A.; Przybylak, A.; Boniecki, P.; Sujak, A.; Zaborowicz, M. Neural Modelling in the Study of the Relationship between Herd Structure, Amount of Manure and Slurry Produced, and Location of Herds in Poland. Agriculture 2023, 13, 1451.

AMA Style

Wawrzyniak A, Przybylak A, Boniecki P, Sujak A, Zaborowicz M. Neural Modelling in the Study of the Relationship between Herd Structure, Amount of Manure and Slurry Produced, and Location of Herds in Poland. Agriculture. 2023; 13(7):1451.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wawrzyniak, Agnieszka, Andrzej Przybylak, Piotr Boniecki, Agnieszka Sujak, and Maciej Zaborowicz. 2023. "Neural Modelling in the Study of the Relationship between Herd Structure, Amount of Manure and Slurry Produced, and Location of Herds in Poland" Agriculture 13, no. 7: 1451.

APA Style

Wawrzyniak, A., Przybylak, A., Boniecki, P., Sujak, A., & Zaborowicz, M. (2023). Neural Modelling in the Study of the Relationship between Herd Structure, Amount of Manure and Slurry Produced, and Location of Herds in Poland. Agriculture, 13(7), 1451.

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