Taro Leaf Blight—A Threat to Food Security
:1. Introduction
2. History of Taro Leaf Blight Epidemics and Impacts
3. Diseases Symptoms
4. Origin, Dispersal and Distribution of Disease
5. Biology of the Pathogen
5.1. Host Range
5.2. Life Cycle
5.3. Infection Process and Conditions
5.4. Genetic Variability and Heterothallism
6. Disease Epidemiology
7. Disease Management Strategies
7.1. Cultural and Biological Control
7.2. Chemical Control
7.3. Resistant Cultivars and Genetic Resources
7.4. Breeding for Resistance to Taro Leaf Blight
8. Role of Regional Networks for Controlling Taro Leaf Blight
9. Way Forward for Mitigating Impact of TLB on Food Security
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Singh, D.; Jackson, G.; Hunter, D.; Fullerton, R.; Lebot, V.; Taylor, M.; Iosefa, T.; Okpul, T.; Tyson, J. Taro Leaf Blight—A Threat to Food Security. Agriculture 2012, 2, 182-203. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture2030182
Singh D, Jackson G, Hunter D, Fullerton R, Lebot V, Taylor M, Iosefa T, Okpul T, Tyson J. Taro Leaf Blight—A Threat to Food Security. Agriculture. 2012; 2(3):182-203. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture2030182
Chicago/Turabian StyleSingh, Davinder, Grahame Jackson, Danny Hunter, Robert Fullerton, Vincent Lebot, Mary Taylor, Tolo Iosefa, Tom Okpul, and Joy Tyson. 2012. "Taro Leaf Blight—A Threat to Food Security" Agriculture 2, no. 3: 182-203. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture2030182
APA StyleSingh, D., Jackson, G., Hunter, D., Fullerton, R., Lebot, V., Taylor, M., Iosefa, T., Okpul, T., & Tyson, J. (2012). Taro Leaf Blight—A Threat to Food Security. Agriculture, 2(3), 182-203. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture2030182