1. Introduction
Bottom-fixed marine structures are usually founded on piles driven deep below the seabed. The response of the structures can be highly nonlinear due to structural nonlinearity, soil nonlinearity, and geometric nonlinearity. With respect to foundation design, soil is commonly assumed to be rigid [
2], i.e., fixed conditions at the seabed level, or foundation compliance is accounted through linear elastic springs [
5]. However, as it is well known, soil behaves nonlinearly even at small strains under either static or cyclic loading [
9], affecting the response of the structure. The interaction between the structural response and piled foundations is commonly referred to as soil–pile–structure interaction (SPSI). SPSI effects can reduce the base shear and ultimate strength, and increase the structural displacements in comparison with the ones that would have occurred when foundation is assumed rigid [
10]. When displacements become large, P-Δ phenomena can render SPSI effects detrimental, making their neglect unconservative [
12]. Therefore, it comes to no surprise that, despite the fact that Eurocode 8 [
13] does not give specific guidelines towards the consideration of soil–structure–interaction phenomena, it requires their consideration in structures that are prone to P-Δ effects.
Nonlinear SPSI effects can be considered through numerical analyses by placing distributed nonlinear springs along the embedded piles or by explicitly modelling soil with finite elements. The latter approach can be more rigorous when it employs advance soil constitutive modes that account for soil nonlinearity from small to large strains [
14] and interface elements at pile–soil interfaces to enable gap formation and sliding [
16]. However, due to its complexity, this approach is less frequently used in marine structure studies compared to the simpler and more effective use of nonlinear springs. The approach using springs is commonly referred to as Winkler idealization. It can involve springs acting in all three directions, representing soil reactions (known as subgrade) due to piles’ lateral and axial deformation modes. There are three types of springs that can be used in numerical models. p-y springs aim to represent the soil subgrade reaction, p, due to lateral pile displacement, y. Axial springs, τ-z and q-z, express the shaft, τ, and base, q, resistances of soil due to the pile’s vertical displacement, z.
The p-y springs have been extensively employed in monopile foundations [
17] and can be defined using various formulations that exist in the literature [
23]. More recently, more advanced p-y springs have been developed to account for gapping effects likely to occur in cohesive materials [
27]. Other studies propose p-y springs that consider soil stiffness degradation as strains increase, particularly at small strain levels [
29]. Axial springs have found wide applicability in designing jacket foundations [
33], where the axial behaviour of the soil–pile interaction is of primary importance. As mentioned by Wen [
34], axial subgrade reactions are instrumental in capturing the progressive failure mechanism and in estimating various aspects such as a pile’s axial capacity, as well as the distribution of load and settlement along the pile’s length. The same study summarizes existing formulations, with the one proposed by Randolph and Worth [
35] being the most widely used.
The impact of soil compliance nonlinearity on marine structures is well established from very small strains [
17], i.e., a linear response, to large strains [
37]. By comparing existing subgrade reaction p-y models to represent the linear behaviour of soil, Prendergast and Gavin [
17] and Damgaard et al. [
4] have shown a sensitivity of the natural period of an offshore monopile to the adopted model. As mentioned by Abhinav and Saha [
3], when linear springs are used to represent soil resistance in larger strain problems, the capacity of elastoplastic marine structures can be significantly overestimated. Zeng at al. [
36] further investigated the impact of constitutive behaviour of p-y springs on offshore monopiles, concluding a need to consider the p component resulting from pile–soil friction during lateral loading. In fact, they observed that when this component is neglected, the magnitude and the position of the bending moment acting on monopiles might not be predicted accurately. Similarly, Chigullapally et al. [
37] have shown that the location of the maximum bending moment acting on a bridge pier can shift upwards when increasing the ultimate p stress of shallow layers. The same study showed also the significant impact of the compliance and nonlinearity of the surface soft clay layer on the overall system’s lateral response. The observations made by the latter authors align with those made by Asgarian and Lesani [
38], who emphasized the highly nonlinear behaviour of the shallow soil layers and its impact on the overall static response of a jacket foundation.
Additionally, the impact of soil nonlinearity on offshore wind turbines when soil strains are within the small stain range and far from yielding has been found to be significant under circumstances. Hanssen [
29] have shown that for small strain problems, p-y springs that account for soil stiffness variations at small strains are more suitable than the more commonly used springs (e.g., API [
39]) that neglect this variation. The same author also showed that for larger strain problems, the former springs do not provide a significant benefit when used for shallow soil layers due to large strains, while a small benefit might be present when used for deeper soil layers. More recently, Zhu [
28] compared results from analyses that use either API’s p-y springs or more sophisticated springs that account for soil stiffness degradation at small strains. The outcome of the study is that the utilization of API’s springs might lead to an overestimation of soil resistance at small displacements and underestimation at large.
The nonlinear behaviour and ultimate capacity of marine structures, including offshore bottom-fixed platforms and jacket structures, is commonly evaluated by the means of pushover analyses [
38]. The use of these analyses, which can be either static or dynamic, is suggested by the widely adopted API [
39] and DNV [
40] guidelines. The pushover approach is used to verify that the capacity of SPSI systems exceeds the ultimate design loads (e.g., wave, current, wind, or earthquake loads), ensuring their safety. It has also found applicability in identifying the critical structural members and failure modes of marine structures. Abhinav and Saha [
3] have shown that in marine structures, neglecting SPSI effects can obscure failure modes, as failure can be associated with soil failure rather than structural yielding. Yee et al. [
41] employed pushover analyses to ensure the sustainability of existing structures in response to aging effects, which, as shown by Wen et al. [
31], can have a positive impact on the shaft capacity of piles. Additionally, results from pushover analyses were exploited by Rahnami et al. [
42] for determining p-y springs.
The above discussion demonstrates the significant impact of SPSI and soil nonlinearity on the response and capacity of marine structures. However, relevant experimental and numerical studies on bottom-fixed marine jetties and platforms are scarce. Especially, there are limited, if any, studies that investigate the role of each resistance mechanism, shaft, base, and lateral, on the responses of such structures [
43]. Such structures usually serve the energy sector, such as oil and gas companies, rendering them critical infrastructure for the operational stability of their respective countries. Due to confidentiality concerns, oil and gas companies often do not share data, contributing to the scarcity of relevant studies, particularly those validated based on real data.
Within this context, this study presents three-dimensional (3D) parametric static pushover analyses of a marine jetty with varied assumptions regarding τ-z, q-z, and p-y springs, as well as steel plasticity. The jetty is representative of an existing structure located in Vasiliko in Cyprus, while geological and geotechnical information is based on information provided by a relevant infrastructure owner with operations in the Vasiliko area in Cyprus. The examined jetty is founded on 24 open-ended inclined piles driven to a maximum depth of 26.35 m below the seabed. Prior to investigating this structure, a simpler marine structure with four inclined piles is also examined using the same foundation data. The aim of these analyses is to facilitate comprehension of resistance mechanisms, which is used to interpret the response of the more complex jetty.
The soil–pile interaction is considered through p-y springs placed along the two horizontal directions, as well as the vertical τ-z and q-z springs placed along the shaft and at the piles’ base, respectively. Springs’ force–displacement behaviour is prescribed based on API’s [
39] guidelines, except for p-y springs for stiff clay, for which the formulation proposed by Reese et al. [
21] is followed. Aiming to investigate the importance of each nonlinear mechanism, all springs behave either linearly or nonlinearly, while p-y springs can even be neglected entirely. The present study highlights the significant role of the axial soil–pile interaction on the jetty response, emphasizing on its role on the failure mode. Concurrently, it indicates the necessity of incorporating p-y springs even though the choice of their constitutive behaviour is found less important. Finally, it is concluded that the choice of springs’ behaviours influences the system’s ductility and the extent of steel yielding in the piles.
2. Structural Characteristics
The examined structure is a bottom-fixed marine platform that is representative of a T-junction of a marine jetty, such as the one depicted in
Figure 1, located in the Vasiliko area in Cyprus. The T-junction is assumed to connect along its short axis two transverse components (trestles) and one longitudinal component along its long axis (see
Figure 1a, b). The transverse components host four berths, each capable of hosting a large vessel. The T-junction will also be utilized for loading and unloading operations. Given the structural role of the T-junction, combined with the operational activities, as well as wave and seismic loading, it is expected that substantial lateral and vertical forces will be exerted on the SPSI system. These forces are anticipated to induce a highly nonlinear response in the system, which is investigated herein. The behaviour of such marine structures is of particular interest, given the fact that they can comprise significant elements of the country’s, Cyprus in particular, energy infrastructure.
The assumed platform consists of a 1.30 m thick C35/45 reinforced concrete deck with dimensions of 32 m × 20 m in plan and a piled foundation system comprising 24 inclined steel piles.
Figure 2 illustrates the positions and inclination direction of the piles below the deck, with the inclination characterized by a rake of 1:3. The piles are assumed to have a hollow circular cross-sectional area with a diameter of 1067 mm and a thickness of 27 mm, complying with the requirements of class 3 cross-sectional areas. The steel material complies with the API L5 grade X65 and has yield (f
y) and ultimate (f
u) stresses of 450 MPa and 550 MPa, respectively.
Piles of three different lengths, 42.7 m, 45.4 m, and 54.3 m, were driven in the soil by the means of the impact method, with the pile ends reaching depths of 15.35 m, 17.85 m, and 26.35 m, respectively. As illustrated in
Figure 2, the piles of shorter length were placed at the deck’s edges, while the longest piles were placed near the centre of gravity of the deck.
The underside of the concrete deck lies on 7.5 m above the mean sea level. Below this elevation, the piles are connected to the concrete slab through a concrete plug, with the first 2.4 m of piles behaving as composite material. The composite parts of piles are expected to exhibit considerably higher stiffness than the remaining piles. Nonetheless, assumptions regarding their stiffness are necessary due to the absence of additional information.
3. Site Conditions
The examined marine structure is assumed to be founded at the site of the reference jetty in Vasiliko area, which is a site hosting critical energy infrastructure for Cyprus. The structure is located at approximately 1.2 km far from the seashore, where the seabed lies 17.7 m below sea level. Geotechnical and geological information for the site were provided by VTTV, a marine energy infrastructure owner of a marine jetty in the Vasiliko area of Cyprus [
The geotechnical investigation campaign was carried out prior to the construction of the reference jetty. The investigation included borehole drilling, in situ SPT tests and various lab tests, such as particle size distribution, bulk and dry density tests, natural moisture, unconfined compressive strength tests, Atterberg limits and linear shrinkage tests. For all tests, the British Standards were followed [
46]. Boring was conducted by the means of the rotary percussion drilling method with the aid of a jack-up platform. During drilling, SPT tests were carried out, and samples were also retrieved through driving a split spoon barrel sampler. Undisturbed samples were taken from the identified rock formation using a sampler driven by static pressure of the drill rig or by blows of the SPT hammer.
The investigation revealed three types of soil: fine grained cohesionless sandy/silty/clay soil, coarse grained–gravelly soil, and Nicosia marl. The soil stratigraphy is provided in
Figure 3. As the figure shows, fines encountered in the first 1.5 m are characterized as loose sand, which was found to be of very low stiffness, and therefore this layer is disregarded in the ensuing sections. The second and third layers are characterized as dense sand with gravels, while lab data indicated low plasticity, with a plasticity index (PI) ranging between 0 and 15%. SPT tests at this layer provided N-SPT values mostly larger than 60 per 30 cm of settlement at six offshore boreholes along the length of the jetty. Specifically, at a borehole below the T-junction, 30 cm of settlement was not reached after 100 blows, indicating that the gravelly sand layer is of very high stiffness.
Below the dense sand layer, Nicosia marl was found, with the first 2 m being weathered, followed by fresh marl. As documented by previous site investigation studies conducted onshore in Cyprus, Nicosia marl is soft rock with similar characteristics to stiff clay [
50]. Offshore data were also available from another site investigation [
44] conducted prior to the construction of the reference jetty in the area of Vasiliko. SPT tests at the aforementioned six boreholes revealed N-SPT values larger than 40, verifying the high stiffness of the material. Additionally, soil classification studies provided a plasticity index of 30% and liquid limit of 55%, collectively indicating high-plasticity clay (CH) according to the classification chart of British standards [
Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests were carried out on samples retrieved from various depths from the six boreholes. The resulting lab data did not indicate any correlation between UCS values and depth, nor did they differentiate between weathered and fresh marl. The UCS values exhibit considerable variability, ranging from 840 kPa to 1545 kPa. The mean and median Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) values were calculated to be 1180 kPa and 1170 kPa, respectively, with a standard deviation of 233 kPa. In the absence of more precise data, the mean UCS is considered representative of the material’s strength, from which an undrained shear strength (Su) of 590 kPa can be inferred (Su = UCS/2). This Su value is assumed hereafter.
Various relationships correlate the UCS of rock with the small strain Young’s modulus (Esi), but none are specifically suitable for Nicosia marl. Existing studies [
53] propose correlations calibrated against data for claystone, which can be considered a comparable rock type to Nicosia marl due to their similar clayey nature. Applying the correlations proposed by the above studies resulted in Esi values that are larger than expected for the softness of Nicosia marl, rendering them not reliable.
Reese et al. [
21] proposed that for stiff clays, Esi can be expressed as follows:
where H is the depth and k is a parameter that is a function of Su. For Su = 590 kPa, the referred study proposes k = 2000 kN/m
More recently, Loukidis et al. [
50] calculated the stiffness of Nicosia marl as a function of effective vertical stress (
) according to the power of law:
is the atmospheric pressure equal to 100 kPa, while
are dimensionless parameters. The referred authors calibrated these parameters against lab data for Nicosia marl and proposed
= 395 and
= 0.2.
Using Equations (1) and (2), the Esi values for the marl layers are estimated and presented in
Figure 4. Based on these estimates, the Esi profile assumed for the purpose of this study was determined and its variation with depth is shown in the same figure. The weathered layer of marl is attributed to a smaller small strain stiffness than the underlying fresh marl.
4. Numerical Model
All numerical analyses were conducted using the commercial finite element (FE) software ABAQUS/Standard (2020) [
54]. The analyses include simulations of static pushover loading on two marine structures. The first structure is a T-junction of a jetty, as described in
Section 2. The second structure is a simplified version of the above, a marine structure with dimensions 8 m × 8 m in plan supported by four piles, conceptualized to facilitate the investigation and decomposition of the mechanisms of resistance to the base moment and shear. The pushover simulations aim to establish the capacity of the examined SPSI systems for lateral loading, which is the main loading condition for such marine structures. These simulations were carried out under various assumptions regarding the soil–pile interaction and steel nonlinearity. Given the flexibility of these structures and the expected large displacements, all analyses accounted for geometric nonlinearity.
jetty model simulate explicitly the T-junction of the jetty described in
Section 2. As
Figure 5 illustrates, the model consists of a 1.3 thick deck and 24 inclined piles with geometrical characteristics identical to the ones shown in
Figure 2. The deck is free to move laterally, neglecting the impact of the trestles that attach at the three sides of the deck.
Figure 6 presents the SPSI
8×8 model that simulates the 8 × 8 marine structure supported by four piles. The piles have an identical cross-section and length to piles of the T-junction (see
Figure 2), thus reaching a depth of 26.35 m. Similarly, the deck thickness and elevation above sea level, as well as site conditions, are the same for the two examined structures.
4.1. Structural Elements
The deck and piles of the two modelled marine structures share the same mesh discretization and properties. The concrete slab was simulated using 20-node quadratic brick elements with reduced integration (C3D20R), with approximate dimensions of 0.5 m in the x and y directions and 0.325 m in the z direction. The concrete was assumed to behave elastically, as negligible bending is anticipated.
For the piles, 3-node quadratic beam elements (B32) of approximately 0.50 m in length were used. Each pile comprises two different materials: the first 2.4 m, where the concrete plug is present, is prescribed to be significantly stiffer than the remaining pile, which is hollow and made of plain steel. Due to its higher stiffness, the former pile segment is assumed to behave elastically, whereas the plain steel segment is modelled either as elastic (ELsteel) or elastoplastic (EPsteel). For EPsteel, beam elements are assigned to a plastic mechanical behaviour, assuming that a strain hardening behaviour of 10% strain at failure (ε
u) is prescribed for the steel. The stress–strain behaviour is computed according to Ramberg and Osgood [
55] to ensure a smooth elastic–plastic transition and corrected to true stress–strain relationships, following ABAQUS guidelines.
Table 1 presents the plastic properties adopted for the steel piles, while
Figure 7 presents the associated stress–strain curves incorporated into the analyses.
Aiming to simulate the moment connection between the beam elements of the piles and the brick elements of concrete deck, the beam elements are extended and embedded into the brick elements. As discussed by previous studies [
58], this approach is adequate when the individual beam elements are not subjected to torsion. Additionally, as has been shown by the same studies, the moment capacity of the beam–brick element connection is a function of the stiffness of the embedded beam. Herein, rigid embedded beam elements are used to simulate rigid connections. These elements are positioned vertically to ensure common displacement nodes with the host brick elements and have a length equal to the vertical length (z-direction) of two brick elements.
Table 2 summarizes all elastic properties adopted herein for the structural elements.
jetty numerical model consists of a total of 57,750 nodes, 10,852 brick elements, 2248 beam elements of finite stiffness, 48 rigid beam elements, and 5662 spring elements (see
Section 4.2). The smaller model, SPSI
8×8, consists of a total of 6645 nodes, 1024 brick elements, 432 beam elements of finite stiffness, 8 rigid beam elements, and 1280 spring elements (see
Section 4.2). Preliminary sensitivity analyses were carried out for both models and indicated the adequacy of the adopted element sizes, with negligible size effects observed.
4.2. Soil–Pile Interaction
The soil–pile interaction is considered by the action of T-z and P-y springs positioned at all nodes of piles below the seabed level and the action Q-z springs used at the end nodes of piles. Two P-y springs were used for each buried pile node, acting in the x and y directions of the model, with reference the coordinate systems shown in
Figure 5 and
Figure 6. These springs aim to simulate the lateral resistance of soil, while T-z and Q-z springs, which act in the z-direction of the model, aim to simulate the shaft and base resistance of piles, respectively. All springs are prescribed to behave either linearly or nonlinearly, while for simplicity, their constitutive behaviours neglect detachment or sliding between the piles and the soil.
Existing stress–strain relationships expressing the soil resistance are typically distinguished based on whether the loading is static or cyclic. This study applies a static incremental lateral force; hence, the corresponding relationships are utilized. Additionally, soil resistance is typically a function of the soil type, with the established relationships that exist in the literature differentiating between sand and clay soils. In this study, the spring behaviour simulating the soil–pile interaction within the first 7 m, where sand layers are present, is determined using existing relationships derived from sand data. For the remaining springs, which simulate the marl–pile interaction, the spring behaviour is determined based on relationships derived from clay data, considering that marl behaves similarly to stiff clay [
4.2.1. Nonlinear Springs
The nonlinear axial force–vertical displacement behaviours of T-z and Q-z springs were inferred from the corresponding subgrade reactions, τ-z and q-z, determined following the recommendations from API [
39]. The recommended τ-z and q-z curves are provided in
Figure 8. According to these recommendations, nonlinear τ-z and q-z reactions depend on the critical displacements, z
c, at which the shaft and base resistances are fully mobilized, as well as the ultimate shaft (τ
ult) and ultimate base (q
ult) resistances. In the absence of related site investigation data, z
c is taken equal to 1% of the pile diameter (
) for both shaft and base resistances. The recommended q-z curves coincide for sand and clay soils, whereas the τ-z curves differ, as a post-peak softening behaviour is suggested for the clay soils (
Figure 8a). The residual stress (τ
res) is decreased by a factor γ that takes values between 0.7 and 0.9. Herein, γ is taken equal to 0.9.
In the present study and following the DNV guidelines [
40] for piles driven in sand, τ
ult is expressed as follows:
is the effective overburden pressure and β is a dimensionless shaft friction factor. The β factor is a function of the soil relative density, and for the present study it is taken equal to 0.37 that corresponds to medium dense to dense sand [
For piles in cohesive soils, τ
ult and q
ult can be calculated as follows [
where α and ψ are dimensionless parameters, with ψ = Su/
For all nonlinear τ-z curves, an identical behaviour was adopted for upward and downward movements of the pile. In contrast, the nonlinear Q-z springs are designed to resist compression only, with zero tensile strength. Aiming to further investigate the impact of the constitutive behaviours of these springs on the SPSI response, in some analyses, Q-z springs were assigned to a tensile strength equal to the compressional one.
For the sand layers up to 7 m depth, the nonlinear force–displacement behaviour of the lateral P-y springs is calculated using Equations (7)–(9) recommended by the guidelines of API [
40]. The P*-y (P* expressed in force/pile length units) relationship is a function of the pile diameter (
), initial modulus of a subgrade reaction for lateral loading (
) and ultimate capacity in lateral pressure (
). The latter, which is a function of
, is calculated based on modern provisions [
59], assuming an angle of shearing resistance, φ′ equal to 30
. The subgrade reactions were estimated using Equation (9) proposed by Vesic [
60]. Parameters required for the calculation of
are the soil’s small strain Young’s modulus (
) and Poisson’s ratio (
), as well as the pile’s
, Young’s modulus (
) and moment of inertia (
39] provides guidelines on the lateral stress–displacement, p-y, behaviour of a soft clay–pile interaction, whereas less guidance is provided for stiff clay, which reflects soil conditions for the marl layers. Reese et al. [
21] propose specific guidelines to define p-y curves suitable for stiff clay, which are adopted in the present study.
Figure 9 presents the proposed curve defined using Equations (10)–(16).
where A′ is an empirical adjustment factor for static loading, p
c is the ultimate resistance, ε
c is a strain corresponding to a stress of 50% of the ultimate stress, γ′ is the effective unit weight of soil, and H is the depth. Following the recommendations of the referred study, [
21], A′ = 0.3, k = 2000 kN/m
3 (as justified in
Section 2), and ε
c = 0.004.
Table 3 and
Table 4 present the soil and structural properties, respectively, input in the above equations to define the behaviours of all spring sets. As shown in
Table 3, the first 1.5 m of soil is disregarded as the site investigation indicated loose sand of very low stiffness susceptible to scouring. The properties of the remaining layers were based on outcomes of the site investigation and lab experiments, as described in
Section 2.
It is evident from the above that spring behaviour is depth-dependent. However, for simplicity, the soil–pile interaction within each layer is represented by a series of springs with the same force–displacement behaviour. For each layer, this behaviour is computed by following the above procedure and assuming the mid-depth of the layer. For the fresh marl layer, the utilized depth is the one between the weather marl–fresh marl interface and the pile tip. For the case of the SPSIjetty model, where piles of three different lengths were driven to different depths, three distinct force–displacement behaviours are employed, each corresponding to the springs of the respective pile.
Following the above process, τ-z and q-z for both sand and marl layers and p-y for the marl layer are determined, with τ, q, and p being expressed in stress units. In order to convert them to force units, τ is multiplied by the pile perimeter and spacing between springs, p is multiplied by the pile diameter and the spacing, while q is multiplied by the close area of pile end. This approach assumes that piles became plugged during driving, which is reasonable for driving piles in stiff cohesive materials [
40]. Finally, the P*-y curves defined for the sand layer are converted to force units by multiplying P*, which is expressed in force/pile length units, by the spring spacing.
4.2.2. Linear Springs
The stiffness of the linear T-z (
) and Q-z (
) springs is inferred from the initial slope of the nonlinear springs. The stiffness of the P-y springs,
, is inferred through the subgrade reaction,
, defined by Equation (9) proposed by Vesic [
60], as described earlier. This spring stiffness is calculated by multiplying the above reactions by the pile diameter and spacing between nodes.
Table 5 provides the computed stiffness of the linear springs.
4.3. Loading
For both marine structures under examination, SPSI
8×8 and SPSI
jetty, the external loads consist of a vertical load (V) and a horizontal load (Fx). For simplicity and exploiting the rigidity of the slab, both loads are applied statically as point loads at the centre of the deck, as illustrated in
Figure 5 and
Figure 6. The vertical load, with magnitudes of 3.9 MN for SPSI
8×8 and 39 MN for SPSI
jetty, represents the dead and live loads and it is applied incrementally prior to the application of the horizontal one. The static horizontal load intends to simulate simplistically the dynamic lateral forces resulting from wind, waves, current, or earthquakes, as well as lateral loads from the adjacent trestles. It is applied incrementally until the examined marine structures reach their capacity for lateral loading or the horizontal load reaches a magnitude of 50 MN.
4.4. Sequential Numerical Analyses, Interpretation Approach, and Validation
This study conducts parametric analyses with varied assumptions regarding nonlinearities. The aim of these analyses is to decompose the contributions of the lateral, shaft, and base soil resistances and to emphasize the importance of the associated nonlinear mechanisms, as well as steel plasticity. The approach involves systematically incorporating one nonlinear mechanism per analysis for each of the two examined systems (SPSI8×8, SPSIjetty) separately. The first analysis is linear elastic, while the second one incorporates nonlinear shaft soil resistance. Subsequently, the nonlinearity of the base resistance is added to a third analysis, while the fourth analysis accounts for the nonlinear behaviour of all shaft, base, and lateral soil resistances. Finally, steel plasticity is incorporated. A systematic comparison between analyses is presented to highlight the importance of each nonlinear mechanism in the response.
The response is evaluated through applied force and resultant displacements curves. The stiffness of the response is assessed through the slope of the force–displacement curves, while the system’s capacity is indicated by a plateau in the same curve. Additionally, the springs reactions are analysed to demonstrate the contributions of the three resistance mechanisms to the base shear and moment.
In the absence of field data, which would have provided a more rigorous validation, the numerical models were validated based on equilibrium checks. In particular, the lateral reactions were compared with the applied vertical load, and the sum of spring reactions acting in the (lateral) x-direction was compared with the applied horizontal load. Finally, the numerical results were compared with the design study, showing reasonable agreement for the analyses conducted with boundary conditions and inputs that align with the design study.
6. Discussion
The above investigations verify that SPSI phenomena can decrease the base shear and capacity while increasing the displacements of marine structures compared to systems where SPSI is neglected. These observations have been well established in the literature for marine structures [
43], and they are a consequence of the increased flexibility induced by soil compliance and nonlinearity.
Analyses of both SPSI
8×8 and SPSI
jetty structures demonstrated that the critical resisting mechanism is the axial behaviour of piles. In fact, the systems’ capacity for lateral loading is found to be strongly associated with the axial capacity of piles, especially those subjected to tensile loading. The axial capacity of tensile piles can be reached well before the capacity of the compressional piles due to the tensionless behaviour of base resistance. As observed for the SPSI
8×8, which has only four piles, when the shaft capacity of the two tensile piles is reached, then the system fails in a brittle manner, due to its incapability to sustain equilibrium in the vertical direction. The same behaviour was not observed on SPSI
jetty which is founded on 24 piles, as the axial forces can re-distribute once some piles reach their axial capacity. Nevertheless, both examined marine structures failed due to the axial failure of piles, which contradicts the failure due to structural yielding expected if SPSI was neglected. In agreement with [
3], the latter denotes that it can be unconservative to neglect SPSI effects as it can lead to wrong predictions regarding the failure modes, and therefore a wrong prediction regarding the critical elements of marine structures.
Given the established critical role of the axial behaviour of the soil–pile interaction, the present study examined further the base resistance, which is one of the two components consisting this behaviour. Base resistance is sometimes assumed to be capable of sustaining tensile forces, either by prescribing spring stiffness with symmetric behaviour for positive and negative pressures or by assuming full compatibility between the pile and soil elements for the case when the soil is explicitly modelled. This unreasonable assumption is shown to render the examined SPSI systems stiffer and increase their lateral load capacity in an unconservative manner. This is attributed to the fact that tension-resistant q-z springs significantly enhance the tensile capacity of piles, rendering the compressive piles the weakest components. Additionally, the assumption of tension-resistant q-z springs significantly changes the distribution of forces in comparison with those expected when tensionless springs are employed. In particular, for marine structures with a significant number of piles, like the examined SPSIjetty structure, the adoption of such q-z springs can lead p-y forces to increase, substantially approaching their capacity.
While the choice between the linear or nonlinear behaviour of p-y springs was not found to be important for the examined marine structures, their entire omission was shown to lead to a significantly more flexible response and lower capacity system. Omitting p-y springs intensifies the axial loads carried by the piles, causing the system to fail at a lower lateral force due to soil–pile interaction failure. Their absence would lead to an incorrect distribution of spring forces, resulting in inaccurate predictions of the forces and bending moments acting on the piles. In the same manner, it was shown that steel plasticity can be triggered at larger forces and smaller displacements when either p-y or q-z springs are assumed to be linear. Although further investigation is required, the above observations indicate that piles’ bending moments and forces depend on the assumptions made on all three spring sets (τ-z, q-z, and p-y). This agrees with conclusions made from pushover analyses by Chigullapally et al. [
37], who showed that the magnitude and the location of peak bending moment depend on the ultimate p pressure of the shallow soil. Additionally, a comparison between linear and nonlinear analyses indicates that soil nonlinearity can result in weaker forces and bending moments acting on the structural members, as the system’s failure is controlled by soil failure. This observation aligns with the concept of “reversal of capacity design” introduced and implemented by previous studies [
63]. According to this concept, soil failure can be considered as a means to avoid structural collapse under extreme loading. However, the applicability of this approach on marine structures requires further research and is beyond the scope of the current study.
Whether or not plastic regions are created on piles is a function of the number of piles and the capability of the system to re-distribute the forces after the failure of some piles. A brittle behaviour without any plastic yield was observed for the case of the 4-pile SPSI
8×8 structure, while a more ductile behaviour was observed for the jetty structure. This is due to the fact that forces re-distribution allowed a further increase in the lateral force and hence the creation of yielding areas on the piles, as well as further progressive yielding of spring elements. This ductile behaviour would have not been observed if SPSI effects were neglected, as was also shown by [
3]. Therefore, considering that SPSI phenomena can work positively in increasing a system’s ductile behaviour, they facilitate compliance with the demands of provisions for structural design against dynamic (e.g., wave or seismic) loading.
It is noted that the above conclusions are drawn from analyses that account for SPSI effects though the most widely used, yet simplified, approach, which involves springs recommended by the API provisions. To validate these conclusions, experimental field tests and in-field monitoring are required. Additionally, experimental data can account for site-specific conditions in determining soil nonlinearity and the bearing capacity. As documented by previous studies, relying solely on modern provisions for these determinations can be inappropriate under certain circumstances [
65]. In-field monitoring and diagnostic inspection of marine structures are essential for ensuring operational safety and effective management. They are also critical before undertaking any rehabilitation, maintenance, or restoration work on existing structures [
67]. To this end, an in-field laboratory has been developed at the site of jetty, consisting of accelerometers, weather stations, and wave readers. Some information about this laboratory is provided by Onoufriou et al. [
68] and Demetriou et al. [
70], while its detailed description will be presented in future work.