Trauma and Sacrifice in Divided Communities: The Sacralisation of the Victims of Terrorism in Spain
:1. Introduction: Sacrifice, Terrorism and Ritual
2. Traumatic Events in a Divided Society
2.1. The Kidnapping and Murder of Miguel Ángel Blanco by ETA
2.2. The 11-M Jihadist Attacks in Madrid
“An Al Qaeda statement posted on the Internet after the March 11th bombings declared, ‘Being targeted by an enemy is what will wake us from our slumber’”.
A post on Facebook went further:On March 12th, the day after the train bombings, a message titled “The Goals of Al Qaeda in Attacking Madrid” had been posted by a writer calling himself Gallant Warrior. Echoing a theme that is frequently repeated on these sites, the writer noted that by carrying out its threat to Spain, Al Qaeda proved that its words were matched by actions: “Al Qaeda has sent a message to the crusading people: do not think that death and fear are only for the weak Muslims. … Aznar, the American tail, has lost. And great fear has spread among the people of the countries in alliance with America. They will all be vanquished. Thank God for letting us live this long to see the jihad battalions in Europe. If anyone had predicted this three years ago, one would have said he was dreaming”.
And on writer named Murad chastised those who condemned the Madrid bombings. “You pity the deaths of those non-Muslims so quickly! If Muslims had died in their lands in the manner the writer discusses, would he have cried for them?” A woman named Bint al-Dawa responded, “Brother Murad, Islam does not allow the killing of innocent people.” A man who called himself “Salahuddeen2” entered the discussion: “We have said that we are against the killing of civilians anywhere, but the enemies of God kill Muslim civilians every day and do not feel shame. They should drink from the same bitter cup”.
3. Institutionalisation of the Sacrificial Sacralisation of the Victims
3.1. From Invisibility to Protagonism of the Sacrificed Victim
3.2. The Delimitation of the Pure and the Impure
3.3. Decorations as Functional Substitutes for Purification Rituals
3.4. Tributes to the Victims in Divided Communities
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | TRANSLATOR’S NOTE: I have used the term “sacrifier”, coined by the English translator of Hubert and Mauss’s original work, as a translation for sacrificante in Spanish (sacrifiant in the original French), for which there is no exact English equivalent. |
2 | Communitas: a concept coined by Turner to designate a unique form of solidarity that occurs in the liminal phase of a transitional ritual between two positions of status. The liminal moment dissolves the normative constraints and levels status distinctions among ritual participants; it fosters the creation of the communitas, in which ritual participants are brought closer to the primordial and existential, distancing them from their cognitive ties to the structured, normative social order and fusing them in a simple community of equals (Alexander 2017, pp. 53–54; Turner 1969). |
3 | Nonetheless, in the idea of violence as an inherent attribute of sacrifice—implicit in the scapegoat—Giesen sees a resource for awarding the supreme authenticity required for success of the ritual (Giesen 2006, p. 337). |
4 | “Sacrifice is an act that presupposes an addresser and an addressee. It is, above all an irreversible offering to an invisible beneficiary whose response must be obtained, hence the immolation. As in ceremonial gift-giving, something of one’s own must be offered—hence the choice of a domestic animal. The fact that the immolated victim is called a victim does not mean that every victim is a sacrificed being. Lynchings, executions, or massacres are not sacrifices but victimization procedures” (Hénaff 2002, pp. 424–25). |
5 | See Blanco and Cohen (2016) about the distinction between “old” and “new” terrorism. |
6 | See, for example, the interpretation of the Real IRA attacks in Omagh (Ireland) and of ETA’s killing of a bus driver in Itziar (Basque Country) in Dingley and Kirk-Smith (2002). |
7 | “Cultural trauma occurs when members of a collectivity feel they have been subjected to a horrendous event that leaves indelible marks upon their group consciousness, marking their memories forever and changing their future identity in fundamental and irrevocable ways” (Alexander 2004). |
8 | |
9 | Although there is no consensus on the number of victims of the Civil War, recent research estimates that counting the combatants, those killed in the reprisal attack, executions and the victims of Franco’s repression after the war, the death toll comes to around 600,000 (e.g., Preston 2012). |
10 | |
11 | Support from radical nationalists in the Basque Country was strengthened by the dirty war waged against ETA by sectors of the security forces remaining from the dictatorship (González 2012; Woodworth 2001). |
12 | This measure, which is still in place, was intended by the state to hinder ETA’s control over its prisoners. |
13 | Some time later, the press reported that, before ETA issued its communiqué, the Minister of the Interior’s secretary received a threatening call, saying: “You bastards, you’re going to pay for what happened with Ortega Lara. Long live the Free Basque Country!”. |
14 | Even the media changed the way in which they reported their attacks (Caminos et al. 2013). |
15 | It is the second bloodiest attack in Europe after Pan Am flight 103, brought down over Lockerbie in 1988 (Pérez-Ventura 2014). |
16 | After the Madrid attacks, one of Prime Minister Aznar’s advisers apparently said to him: “If it was ETA, we’ll win by a landslide, but if it was the jihadists, the PSOE will win” (Ortega Dolz 2019). |
17 | The mass protests held the previous year against Spain’s participation in the Iraq War, a decision taken unilaterally by Prime Minister Aznar, were still very present. Ninety-one percent of Spaniards were opposed to the war and 80% considered that it harmed the country (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas CIS 2003). In February 2003, this rejection had led over three million people to turn out in Madrid and Barcelona under the slogan “¡No a la guerra!” (“No War!”), the largest protests since the murder of Miguel Ángel Blanco (Martínez-Fornes 2003). |
18 | |
19 | One example was the accusations levelled against the Socialist Party by the People’s Party for organising 20,000 people to protest in front of the PP’s offices on the 13th, despite the fact that the event was a “flash” protest, spread by text message (Sampedro Blanco 2009). |
20 | Ley 32/1999 de Solidaridad con las Víctimas del Terrorismo. |
21 | Royal Decree Law 3/1979 on protection of the public security in which the state assumed responsibility for issuing compensation to the victims. |
22 | Ley 29/2011 de Reconocimiento y Protección Integral a las Víctimas del Terrorismo. |
23 | As stated above, according to Hénaff, victims of terrorist attacks are not always sacrificial. Furthermore, strictly speaking, a distinction must be made between martyr, national hero and suicide bomber, as they represent different historical manifestations of the post-sacrificial narrative. As Beriáin (2007) indicates, the martyrs embody the post-sacrifice narrative introduced by Christianity; they are victims who know that they are going to die and who choose to do so by endowing their death with a solidarity meaning with a discriminated group. In the process of modern secularization, the national hero takes the martyr’s place, so the duty of dying for the country provides meaning to his potential death. The suicide bomber rises in late or global modernity as a reinvention of the historical archetype of the martyr, signifying both the duty to die for the ummah and the rejection of Western modernity. |
24 | Ley Orgánica 6/2002 de Partidos Políticos. |
25 | This taboo remains operative to this day. In 2018, for example, Alfonso Sánchez, President of the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT), was removed from his post for holding institutional encounters with leader of the Basque nationalist left (Ballesteros 2018). |
26 | Real Orden de Reconocimiento Civil a las Víctimas del Terrorismo. |
27 | The recognition of Spain’s linguistic plurality is the subject of political dispute. A structured review of linguistic repression can be found in Torrealdai (1998). |
28 | El dia que Raimon va ser xiulat per cantar en valencià ( (accessed on 20 November 2020). |
29 | The date of the celebration has great significance: “The 10 November, the only day in the calendar on which there have been no victims of terrorist acts” (Lecumberri 2018). |
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Alemán, E.; Pérez-Agote, J.M. Trauma and Sacrifice in Divided Communities: The Sacralisation of the Victims of Terrorism in Spain. Religions 2021, 12, 104.
Alemán E, Pérez-Agote JM. Trauma and Sacrifice in Divided Communities: The Sacralisation of the Victims of Terrorism in Spain. Religions. 2021; 12(2):104.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlemán, Eliana, and José M. Pérez-Agote. 2021. "Trauma and Sacrifice in Divided Communities: The Sacralisation of the Victims of Terrorism in Spain" Religions 12, no. 2: 104.
APA StyleAlemán, E., & Pérez-Agote, J. M. (2021). Trauma and Sacrifice in Divided Communities: The Sacralisation of the Victims of Terrorism in Spain. Religions, 12(2), 104.