Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Competences in Adolescents in Barcelona and Melilla (Spain)
:1. Introduction
- To describe factors relating to coexistence, religion, and spirituality in contexts of cultural and religious diversity in high schools;
- To identify the degree of interreligious sensitivity among adolescents;
- To analyze adolescents’ competencies for conflict management in the context of diversity;
- To ascertain the prejudices that these young people have towards unaccompanied migrant minors.
2. Results
2.1. Coexistence, Religion, and Spirituality in Diversity
2.2. Interreligious Sensitivity
2.3. Conflict Management in Contexts of Diversity
2.4. Prejudice towards Unaccompanied Migrant Youth
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Population and Sample
3.2. Data-Gathering Instrument
3.3. Data-Gathering and Analysis Procedures
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Significant Differences | Mean | SD | Contrast Statistic | p-Value | |
Context | Barcelona | 53.97 | 10.13 | t = 28.423 | 0.000 |
Melilla | 38.77 | 5.84 | |||
Have you been educated to live with people with different beliefs? | No | 42.17 | 9.33 | t = 2.449 | 0.015 |
Yes | 43.70 | 10.39 | |||
Have you received religious education? | No | 41.38 | 9.68 | t = 5.029 | 0.000 |
Yes | 44.29 | 10.60 | |||
Where have you received religious education? | School | 46.66 | 5.52 | F = 3.917 | 0.021 |
Outside school | 46.93 | 6.93 | |||
School and other contexts | 49.63 | 7.48 | |||
Gender | Female | 50.28 | 6.63 | t = 3.783 | 0.000 |
Male | 48.77 | 7.60 | |||
Do you have friends who have migrated alone? | No | 48.91 | 6.87 | t = 3.018 | 0.003 |
Yes | 50.09 | 7.30 | |||
Have you been educated to live with people of other countries and origins? | No | 50.73 | 6.91 | t = −7.804 | 0.000 |
Yes | 47.69 | 7.11 |
Significant Comparisons | Mean | SD | Contrast Statistic | p-Value | |
Gender | Female | 57.35 | 8.31 | t = 6.393 | 0.000 |
Male | 54.29 | 8.90 | |||
Other | 50.95 | 8.54 | |||
Have you been educated to live with people of other countries and origins? | No | 53.19 | 8.78 | t = 6.810 | 0.000 |
Yes | 56.83 | 8.55 | |||
Have you been educated to live with people of different beliefs? | No | 53.19 | 8.78 | t = 6.810 | 0.000 |
Yes | 56.83 | 8.55 | |||
Has spirituality been worked on at your school? | No | 55.10 | 8.65 | t = 4.223 | 0.000 |
Yes | 57.17 | 8.82 | |||
Do you have a religious education? | No | 54.99 | 8.70 | t = 2.5445 | 0.011 |
Yes | 56.29 | 8.76 |
Significant Comparisons | Mean | SD | Contrast Statistic | p-Value | |
Context | Barcelona | 48.18 | 10.89 | t = 14.122 | 0.000 |
Melilla | 60.65 | 16.39 | |||
Gender | Females | 50.91 | 14.40 | t = −2.787 | 0.005 |
Males | 53.10 | 13.60 | |||
Other | 54.59 | 12.22 | |||
Have you been educated to live with people of other countries or origins? | No | 53.31 | 13.48 | t = −2.079 | 0.038 |
Yes | 51.50 | 14.20 |
City | High School | Frequency | Percentage |
Barcelona | Vedruna | 125 | 13.3% |
CC Arrels | 96 | 10.2% | |
Sagrado Corazón | 72 | 7.7% | |
Lleó XIII | 36 | 3.8% | |
Institut Salvador Espriu | 157 | 16.7% | |
Ins. Galileo Galilei | 98 | 10.4% | |
CC Santíssima Trinitat | 53 | 5.7% | |
CC Ramon Llull | 34 | 3.6% | |
Institut Teresa Pàmies | 95 | 10.1% | |
Ins. Infanta Isabel d’Aragó | 61 | 6.5% | |
Ins Pau Claris | 111 | 11.8% | |
Melilla | Miguel Fernández | 40 | 9.7% |
Leopoldo Queipo | 19 | 4.6% | |
Escuela Arte | 33 | 8.0% | |
Enrique Nieto | 60 | 14.6% | |
Rusadir | 49 | 11.9% | |
Virgen De La Victoria | 208 | 50.6% |
Variable | Barcelona | Melilla | |
Gender | Female | 53.5% | 57.4% |
Male | 43.4% | 39.6% | |
Other | 3.1% | 3.0% | |
Age | 14–15 | 79.6% | 65.5% |
16–17 | 20.3% | 36.6% | |
18–20 | 0.1% | 4.9% | |
Country of family origin | Spain | 54.1% | 64.5% |
Other | 45.9% | 35.5% | |
City of residence | Barcelona | 93.2% | |
Barcelona metropolitan area | 6.8% | ||
Melilla | 95.5% | ||
Nador (Morrocco) | 1.5% |
Items | Scale | No of Items | Cronbach’s Alpha |
Demographic and identification data (gender, age, family background, friends, school, year, and knowledge of religion, coexistence, and spirituality). | Nominal | 10 | - |
Interreligious Sensitivity Scale (Abu-Nimer 2001). | 5-point Likert | 15 | 0.752 |
Beliefs about Friendship Scale | 5-point Likert | 6 | 0.805 |
Relationships with People from Other Cultures Scale | 5-point Likert | 5 | 0.841 |
Inappropriate Behaviors Scale | 5-point Likert | 6 | 0.828 |
Conflict Management in Contexts of Diversity Scale (Frydenberg and Lewis 2000). | 5-point Likert | 17 | 0.735 |
Prejudice towards Unaccompanied Migrant Minors Scale (Etxeberria Balerdi et al. 2012). | 5-point Likert | 21 | 0.865 |
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Share and Cite
Alemany-Arrebola, I.; Gallardo-Vigil, M.Á.; Ortiz-Gómez, M.d.M.; Vilà-Baños, R. Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Competences in Adolescents in Barcelona and Melilla (Spain). Religions 2024, 15, 211.
Alemany-Arrebola I, Gallardo-Vigil MÁ, Ortiz-Gómez MdM, Vilà-Baños R. Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Competences in Adolescents in Barcelona and Melilla (Spain). Religions. 2024; 15(2):211.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlemany-Arrebola, Inmaculada, Miguel Ángel Gallardo-Vigil, María del Mar Ortiz-Gómez, and Ruth Vilà-Baños. 2024. "Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Competences in Adolescents in Barcelona and Melilla (Spain)" Religions 15, no. 2: 211.
APA StyleAlemany-Arrebola, I., Gallardo-Vigil, M. Á., Ortiz-Gómez, M. d. M., & Vilà-Baños, R. (2024). Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue Competences in Adolescents in Barcelona and Melilla (Spain). Religions, 15(2), 211.