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Mindset, Schism and the Contemporary Transformation of the Anglican Communion

Independent Researcher, Melbourne 3084, Australia
Religions 2025, 16(1), 48;
Submission received: 5 December 2024 / Revised: 1 January 2025 / Accepted: 2 January 2025 / Published: 7 January 2025


The phenomenon of mindset provides a lens to understand more clearly the reasons for, the timing of and the resulting transformation of the Anglican Communion (AC) of its schism. It has been transformed by the interaction between those of a strong conservative mindset and those of a strong progressive mindset. The former are now in schism with those who remain in the AC. The schism is usually explained in terms of opposing doctrinal beliefs and values, which is valid as far as it goes. More fundamental is mindset because it explains why people hold these beliefs and values, which determine how they interact in society. The schism of the AC is chosen as a context or case study to which the scientific research behind mindset is applied. However, it is something that is general and fundamental, which operates in society for both the religious and secular domains.

1. Introduction

1.1. Preliminary Comments

The Anglican Communion (AC) is in schism. This schism is like many other schisms in the Christian church since its foundation. In commonsense terms, a schism occurs when one section of a group disagrees with the others on matters of beliefs and values. They claim that their beliefs and values are ‘true’, and the others are not. As disagreement persists, acrimony builds over time, and usually so does the felt threat by the people whose beliefs and values are being criticized. Eventually, the felt threat is so strong they must respond. A common response is to separate from the existing group and for religious schismatics to describe themselves with terms like ‘orthodox’, ‘authentic’ or ‘traditional’. They describe the continuing group as ‘unorthodox’ or ‘heretical’.
There are many factors that may influence the decision to separate. For the religious domain, there are invariably differences in doctrinal beliefs and values. The schism in the AC is usually described in this way. A section of the AC, which may be described as strongly conservative, after much acrimony, decided to separate from the others. The major reason was doctrinal disagreement about the authority of the Bible and how it should be interpreted. The AC traditionally holds that the Bible contains all things necessary for a believer’s salvation. It also holds that the Bible should be read with reference to reason (and science) and tradition. On this, all Anglicans would agree. The disagreement, which ultimately led to schism, was the relative importance to be given to reason and the relative importance to be given to tradition, in discerning the will of God from the Bible. Progressive Anglicans give greater weight to reason and science and criticize what they call the biblical literalism of the conservatives. They call into question the acceptance of much of the supernatural endemic in the scriptures and the relevance today of the Bible’s worldview from thousands of years ago. Conservatives reject their weighting of reason and give greater weighting to tradition, formed from a similar worldview as the Bible.
It was these different views about the nature and authority of the Bible and how it should be interpreted that were at the heart of the schism. This is reflected in the two most recent disagreements which were acrimonious. First is the ‘correct’ doctrine regarding gender equality in the church, particularly the ordination of women to holy orders. Second is the ‘correct’ doctrine regarding homosexuality and gender identity, particularly the blessing of same-sex unions, the ordination of openly gay persons and gender diversity. Disagreements like these are played out in other churches and secular politics.

1.2. Research Purpose

This paper covers several important questions. First, why has the Anglican Communion undergone a substantial transformation? Second, what have been the driving causal forces of the schism? Third, how have these forces worked out in history for the AC? Fourth, is the AC transformation unique or does it have relevance for other parts of the religious domain?
This paper is not primarily about rehearsing all the arguments and counter arguments of the opposing parties on matters of Anglican religious beliefs and values. Its main purpose is to use a different lens to answer the major research questions. The lens is the findings of a substantial body of scientific research, especially psychological and neurological, using the phenomenon called mindset, specifically, strongly opposed mindsets.
Mindset may be viewed as fundamental as it can be considered as the ‘determinant’ of the beliefs and values of a conservative and progressive mindset. It is not a binary phenomenon but a spectrum. For purposes of this paper, it is the strong conservative and strong progressive mindsets that are relevant, as will be argued.

1.3. Research Method

To answer the research questions, the accepted body of scientific theory on mindset was identified, analyzed and then applied to a particular religious context or case study of the AC. The body of received scientific research comes from researchers of many disciplines and from different parts of world. It consistently indicates the attributes of a strong conservative and strong progressive mindset. Whilst any research method usually fails to completely eliminate bias, which is usually unintentional, reference to a large body of received research can counter any individual bias. The author is confident that what is reported here reflects faithfully the findings of that body of research.
The Anglican schismatic make the claim that they are the orthodox Anglicans, with the obvious implication that the continuing Anglicans are not. To ‘test’ this claim, it was necessary to review authoritative sources on the hallmarks of Anglicanism and its history.

1.4. Research Contribution

At first glance, this paper, concerning the AC schism, describes what has been called ‘culture wars’. This is a term that was attributed to James Hunter in his work titled The Struggle to Define America in 1991 (Hunter 1991). This is correct as far as it goes. The contribution of this paper provides a deeper, fundamental understanding of the battles to define Anglicanism using mindset. It explains why people hold the beliefs and values they have in the first place and how they view and interact with society. Some studies, as indicated later, have applied empirical research findings to the domain of secular politics. Little has been undertaken for the religious domain. This paper is offered as a modest contribution to fill that gap. It is anticipated that the case study will confirm the research received on mindset.

1.5. Paper Structure

This paper is structured in the following way. First, addressed in this paper, apart from this Introduction, are the reasons for and the reality of the AC schism. Second is an examination of the concept of a mindset and the attributes of a strong conservative and strong progressive mindset. Third is the relationship between biblical authority and mindset. Fourth is the relationship between gender equality and mindset. Fifth is the relationship between gender identity and acceptance and mindset. Sixth is the timing of the schism. Finally, is some commentary, including the likely future developments for the AC, other Christian bodies and non-Christian religions, in a changing religious and political world.

2. The Schism and Resulting Transformation

2.1. Pre-Schismatic

Prior to the schism, the AC was the third largest Christian communion after Roman Catholicism and the Orthodox (Wikipedia 2024c). It was founded in 1867 under the leadership of Charles Longley who was Archbishop of the ancient See of Canterbury. Member churches claim to be part of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church. It formed out of the continuing Church of England dating back to the first Christians (Garbett 1960, pp. 14–15; Maynard 1963, pp. xvii–x; Neill 1965). Anglican Christianity was taken to other parts of the world by British missionaries, trade and military interests during the time of the British Empire. The inheritance of British colonialism has been a decisive factor of the schism.
The Lambeth Conference of Anglican Bishops worldwide is called by the Archbishop of Canterbury approximately every ten years. At the Lambeth Conference in 1888, the bishops passed resolution 11 concerning four important principles which explain the Anglican identity: first, the Bible contains all things necessary for salvation, and it is the rule and ultimate standard of faith; second, the Apostles’ Creed is an important Baptismal symbol, and the Nicene Creed is a sufficient statement of Christian beliefs; third, the primacy of two sacraments ordained by Jesus himself, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, using the words of institution of Jesus; and finally, the Episcopate, which can be locally adapted (Lambeth Conference 1888).
Historic Anglicanism has often been described with reference to four main hallmarks. First, it is both Catholic and reformed. Second is its comprehensiveness, which results from its greater tolerance of its adherents’ different beliefs and values. Third is its appeal to sound reasoning and science. Finally is its reverence of tradition, especially some of the ecumenical councils of the undivided church (Bethel Agreed Statement 2022).
At the reformation, the ancient Church of England saw itself as a continuing Catholic Church. No new church was contemplated (Garbett 1960, pp. 114–17; Maynard 1963, pp. xviii–xx). There was continuity of dioceses and parishes. Most bishops and priests remained in their place. Careful provision was made to ensure Archbishop Parker and the other bishops were duly consecrated to ensure Apostolic succession. The Nag’s Head fable was dreamed up by the ‘Papists’ to repudiate this preservation (Browne 1731). After the reformation, it held the Catholic scriptures, creeds, the two sacraments instituted by Christ himself and the three-fold ministry of bishops, priests and Deacons (Garbett 1960, p. 16). It is reformed Catholicism adopting from Lutheranism and moderate Calvinism. The reformers freed the English church from foreign interference in its affairs both spiritual and temporal; it provided freedom to read and study the scriptures and provided a more open and inclusive worship (Garbett 1960, pp. 18–21).
Given its history, it is not surprising that it is a communion characterized by tolerance and comprehensiveness. Believers can hold different understandings of doctrine and church practice. Historically, whilst other churches say you must, the Anglican church says you may (Garbett 1960, p. 19; Ferris 1964, pp. 9–33). The religious scholar (Neill 1965, p. 424) observed the following regarding historic Anglicanism: treat the faithful not as children to be kept perpetually on leading strings and fenced around with endless rules, but as adult Christians, who must learn to choose and decide, as Before God and in reliance on the promised guidance of the Holy Spirit. Comprehensiveness and tolerance can test the fellowship of believers. Historically, the greater tensions have been between the Anglo-Catholics and Evangelicals (Ferris 1964, pp. 223–43; Bindoff 1962, pp. 212–46). For five hundred years, the fellowship has been maintained, and commonly, the Anglican church was admired for it and described as a successful middle-way for Christianity. The largest group within the church has been described as the broad church which has had no strong alignment to the Anglo-Catholics or the strong Calvinist Evangelicals (Wolf 1979, pp. 155–57).
Anglicanism has always been open to the work of the Holy Spirit in revealing new interpretations of the fundamental Chistian truths. All Anglicans hold to the supreme authority of the sacred scriptures, often described as sola scripture. As God has given humankind the gifts of reasoning and scientific discovery, it believes science and religion are not opposed, as has been observed by (Toynbee 1971, pp. 44–45). The traditional Anglican position concerning the relationship between scripture, reason and tradition can be described with an analogy of a three-legged stool (Diocese of Melbourne 2024). The legs are scripture, tradition and reason. The analogy teaches that all three legs are needed, and if one is taken away, the stool topples over. If one is undervalued or overemphasized, the balance may not be right. All three must be held in a balanced way.
Finally, historic Anglicanism has always revered the traditions of the early church, and the deposit of faith summarized in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. This includes some of the earliest apostolic writings such as The Didache, the First Epistle of Clement and Ignatian Epistles. Also revered among the Church Fathers are Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Athanasius and Augustine. As a reformed Catholic Church, it values the writings of the reformers, especially Thomas Cranmer, Martin Luther and John Calvin. Their mark is heavily imprinted on the 1662 Prayer Book and the 39 Articles of Religion published in 1571. In later times, Anglican Divines had an important influence on Anglican beliefs and values. These include Richard Hooker, Frederick Dennison Maurice and William Temple.
The AC may be said to have four main instruments of communion (Anglican Communion 2024): First, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The See is now vacant after the recent resignation of Justin Welby. A member church is said to be in communion with the Archbishop who is known as ‘the first amongst equals’. Second, the Lambeth Conference. Third, the Anglican Consultative Council, consisting of bishops, priests and laity. It meets every three years and had its first meeting in 1971. Finally, the primates’ meeting which was first held in 1979. The primacy of the See of Canterbury dates from the Norman invasion of England (Neill 1965, p. 140). None of these instruments are binding authorities. They are vehicles for consultation and persuasion. There is no central binding authority of the AC. Each province and diocese have the authority to act independently of any other. Historically, there has been a reluctance to do so for the sake of unity.
The AC is divided into provinces, each headed by a primate. Within a province, there are dioceses, and each diocese consists of a number of parishes. It is often said that each diocese is Episcopally led and Synodically governed (Grant 2010).

2.2. Post-Schismatic

The AC is now in schism. It is real, and discussion in terms of ‘a rupture in fellowship’ or a ‘tear in the fabric of the church’ or a ‘realignment of the church’ is unhelpful and belies the truth. Some churches who have not ‘officially’ left the AC are schismatic by their words and actions.
To repeat, over the last forty years, there have been two main ‘triggers’ for schism. First was the issue of gender equality, and second was homosexuality and gender identity. The fundamental reason for the schism relates to the authority of the Bible and how it is interpreted. Conservatives hold the view that the Bible is the way God reveals his mind to the church, and as such, its words are infallible and inerrant. These words are divinely inspired, and by using a set of hermeneutical principles, the Holy Spirit will lead the church into knowing what the will of God is. Human reason and scientific discoveries together with tradition can never ‘correct’ scripture according to conservative scholars (Packer 1963; Hammond 1938). This claim goes to the heart of the matter and is challenged by progressives.
A protracted battle between conservatives and progressives over the issue of gender equality in the AC occurred, especially from the 1970s. However, it has had a long history in Christendom (Ranke-Heinemann 1990; Porter 1996), specifically, the ordination of women to holy orders. Resolution 67 of the Lambeth Conference in 1930 stated the order of Deaconesses, not Deacons, was the only one permitted for women. At the Lambeth Conference in 1948, resolutions 113 and 114 advised that the ordination of Florence Li Tim Oi was invalid and that no further discussion on women’s ordination was required (Lambeth Conference 1948). The Lambeth Conference in 1968 passed resolutions 28 to 34 favorable to women’s ordination. The Lambeth Conference in 1978 with resolution 21 recognized the autonomy of each member church the ‘legal’ right to ordain women as priests (Lambeth Conference 1968). At the Lambeth Conference in 1988, the ‘issue’ of women’s ordination was the major debate with the conservatives bitterly opposed to those parts of the AC that had pursued their ‘legal’ right (Lambeth Conference 1988).
Most provinces of the AC now ordain women (Wikipedia 2024c). A diocese within a province may refuse to ordain or do so in a limited way. An example is the Province of Australia which allows its dioceses to ordain. Its largest diocese, Sydney, has steadfastly refused to do this. Giles (2018), for instance, presents the progressive theology for gender equality against Sydney and other conservative dioceses of the AC. During this protracted battle, some conservative parishes would refuse, as a matter of conscience, to attend the Eucharist presided over by a woman. At other times, provision was made for Episcopal oversight by a conservative bishop from another diocese to a parish of another (Brown and Woodhead 2016, pp. 87–88). Again, this was arranged on the grounds of conscience. This bitter dispute, half won by the progressives, prepared the grounds for the actual schism.
The issue the conservatives chose as the battle they must not lose concerned homosexuality in the church. They amassed money, mainly from the West, caucused voting numbers, especially from the large African dioceses, and its anti-progressive propaganda, mainly from the West, went into overdrive (Bates 2005; Brown and Woodhead 2016, pp. 144–15; Hasset 2011; Spong 2000, pp. 425–41). At the Lambeth Conference in 1998, resolution 1.10, Human Sexuality, specifically an amendment to it, passed 389 for and 190 against (Lambeth Conference 1998). The amendment confirmed that same-sex acts were a sin. It was a rout by the well-organized conservatives and their secular political backers. Despite resolution 1.10, parts of the AC begun to authorize same-sex union blessings and ordain openly gay clergy. At the time of the Lambeth Conference in 2008, the schism was a reality. The Lambeth Conference in 2008 passed no resolutions on anything. Regarding the issue of same-sex acts, it decided that this was a time of listening and for reflection (Lambeth Conference 2008).
A useful timeline is provided by (Wikipedia 2024b). During 2002, the Diocese of New Westminster of the Anglican Church of Canada authorized a rite of blessing for same-sex unions. As a result, nine conservative parishes attempted to withdraw from diocesan life. Two other parishes affiliated themselves with the conservative Province of Rwanda. In 2003, Jeffrey John, an openly gay priest with a long-term partner, was appointed as Bishop of Reading in the Church of England (Brown and Woodhead 2016, pp. 164–73). Eventually, Jeffrey declined his appointment because of conservative pressure on the Archbishop of Canterbury. Jeffrey commented ‘we are now in a genuinely evil situation’ (Bates 2005, p. 164). The attempt also resulted in several bishops and priests aligning themselves with other primates, including those of Nigeria, Rwanda and Boliva.
It was in North America that the schism significantly widened. During 2004, The Episcopal Church (TEC) in the United States ratified the appointment of Gene Robinson, who was an openly gay non-celibate priest, as Bishop of New Hampshire (Brown and Woodhead 2016, pp. 169–71). The Anglican Church of Tanzania declared itself as out of communion with TEC because of its action. So did four conservative dioceses of TEC itself. They joined the Anglican Church of the Southern Cone of America, which was formed during 1981 and in 2014 was renamed as the Anglican Church of South America (ACSA). The schism dramatically intensified during 2007–2008 with the formation of the alternative Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). About twelve other jurisdictions broke from TEC and joined the ACNA. The ACNA (2024) refers to itself as ‘authentically’ Anglican.
The Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (GAFCON) was established in 2008. It refers to itself as ‘orthodox’ Anglicans (GAFCON 2024a; GAFCON Australia 2022). Those who are members of and aligned with it represent the majority of Anglicans that existed pre schism. Its membership is overwhelmingly African, as they form the three largest provinces after the Church of England (Wikipedia 2024a). Its website (GAFCON 2024b) indicates it was established because Christian values have been shunned with a substantial portion of the church forsaking the clear teaching of the Bible and conforming to the prevailing culture. This is particularly evident with sexual ethics…
During 2010, the Province of the Indian Ocean declared that it was not in communion with TEC and the Anglican Church of Canada. Archbishop Ernest stated that this was the case until ‘they reverse their theological innovation’. At a meeting in Singapore that year, representatives from twenty provinces demanded that these two churches show genuine repentance for their actions which they claimed contradicts the plain teachings of Holy Scripture. They were referring to the ordination of openly gay priests and the blessing of same-sex unions.
During 2017, GAFCON declared it would appoint a ‘missionary bishop’ to conservative Anglicans in Europe without recourse to the Church of England or the Scottish Episcopal Church. It may be said there was no subtlety in its contempt whatsoever. Also, the signal of ‘black’ African missionaries to ‘white’ Europeans was also devoid of any subtlety. In 2019, the highest church court in the Province of Australia, the Appellate Tribunal, ruled that a diocese may authorize the blessing of a same-sex union. In response, GAFCON Australia threatened a split and realignment within the Australian church. At the same time, the GSFA released a statement that because Canterbury Cathedral had appointed an openly gay man as Dean, it now had no fellowship with it.
GAFCON Australia carried out its threat. During 2022, it established the Diocese of the Southern Cross over the issue of same-sex blessings and progressive interpretations of doctrine (GAFCON Australia 2022). It invites the membership of conservative parishes and groupings not happy with their present affiliation to join it. It is not part of the Australian Anglican Church but has strong conservative support, especially from the dioceses of Sydney and Tasmania. The importance of the ultra-conservative Sydney diocese is well documented by (Porter 2011).
The years 2023 and 2024 witnessed a substantial deterioration in relations between the schismatics and continuing Anglicans. In response to the decision of the General Synod of the Church of England to authorize same-sex union blessings, many dioceses of the AC, including ten from the GFSA, announced that they no longer recognized the Archbishop of Canterbury as ‘first among equals’ and questioned his fitness to lead the AC. The organization (GAFCON Australia 2023) described themselves as a ‘holy remnant’ and ended their communique with a paraphrase of Isaiah 60:1–3: To God be the glory as a new light mercifully dawns on His church in the midst of the growing darkness. This was followed in 2024 when twelve out of the twenty-four primates of the AC refused an invitation to meet with the then-Archbishop of Canterbury in Rome. This included the large African provinces. This was despite a statement by the Archbishop that the amendment to resolution 1.10 of the 1998 Lambeth Conference, declaring same-sex acts to be sin, remains the view of Lambeth and the Archbishop.
The latest development, if it comes to fruition, would considerably weaken the AC further, maybe fatally (Gomes 2024a, 2024b). Since 1896, and many years before, the Church of England, and then the AC, has attempted to persuade the Roman Catholic Church to abrogate (Apostolicae Curae 1896) of Pope Leo XIII. It declared Anglican orders to be absolutely null and utterly void. Historically, the request was strongest from the Anglo-Catholics (Maynard 1963, pp. 130–41). It is therefore surprising that the conservatives, predominantly Evangelical, who historically have been vehemently hostile to Rome, should be discussing union with it and the overturning of the century’s old decision about Anglican holy orders. Ironically, one main issue for the Anglican conservatives is that of Fiducia Supplicans, the pastoral declaration of Pope Francis which permits priests to offer informal and non-liturgical blessing to same-sex couples (Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith 2023). This is the very issue that triggered the Anglican schism. The main issue for the Roman Catholic Church in recognizing Anglican holy orders is that it could not apply to those areas of the AC which have ordained women.
It is now opportune to apply the lens of scientific research and move beyond a discussion of the doctrinal reasons for and the reality of the schism which has resulted in the transformation of the AC.

3. Mindset

3.1. The Concept

The phenomenon of mindset and its sub-sets, the conservative mindset and the progressive mindset, has been the subject of much scientific research, especially in psychology, sociology and psychiatry. This research is critical to understanding why conservatives and progressive Anglicans think and act as they do. It is relevant to all societies and domains.
Important here is the understanding of the Anglican conservatives’ response to progressive challenges to their religious beliefs and values which threaten their claim that only they can interpret God’s will. Also important is the challenge that comes from secular society to conservative religious beliefs and values, a society which they view as evil and hostile. What heightens their felt threat is their belief that progressive Anglicans have adopted these sinful secular beliefs. Progressives are viewed as fifth columnists or a Trojan horse, as they are within.
A mindset may be described as a set of brain and behavioral affiliations (or attributes) held by a person or a group of like-minded people which influence how they view themselves and others within society (Mendez 2017). This can include culture, philosophy, beliefs, values, outlook and disposition. It is used to make sense of the world and themselves as they interact with it. Interactions require a response which is strongly influenced by the mindset. Often, the discourse on mindsets has been associated with politics, but it also applies to religion. The researchers (Garrett and Bond 2021) found that conservatives compared with liberals are worse at distinguishing truths and falsehood. They claim this is partly explained because the most widely shared falsehoods promote conservative positions. Common is the crossover from political to religion as conservative Christians have become very politicized since the 1980s. (Lienesch 1982). There is also the crossover of religion to politics (O’Brien and Abdelhadi 2020, pp. 474–503; Du Mez 2020; Novis-Deusch et al. 2022).
An overriding question is, what is the influence of nature and nurture on a person’s mindset? Can we agree with Gilbert’s libretto from the opera Iolanthe for instance?
I often think it’s comical-Fal, la, la!
How Nature always does contrive-Fal, lal, la!
That every boy and every gal
That’s born into the world alive
Is either a little Liberal
Or else a little conservative
The answer to this rhetorical question is a guarded yes. Research suggests that genetics substantially forms a mindset, but not as strongly as suggested by Gilbert and other researchers (Denworth 2020; Hibbing et al. 2014). The researcher (Mendez 2017, p.86) states that Conservatism-liberalism is also associated with differences in personality, attention, memory, perception, emotional reactions, problem-solving, and response choices. Although neurobiological mechanisms affecting conservatism-liberalism are not clearly deterministic, some investigators suggest an evolutionary protective origin, with some situations favoring more conservative orientations and others permitting more liberal ones. Again, researchers (Ruish et al. 2020) identified a correlate of political ideology—taste sensitivity—finding evidence that political conservatives have a more sensitive sense of taste, suggesting it might be highly heredity. This may prove to be similar for religious conservatives and act a predictor of conservative religiosity. The literature also addresses fixed mindsets and the possibility they may be changed (Lassetter and Neel 2019; van der Linden et al. 2018; Acosta and Hemmelmeier 2022). If this be the case, it may prove hopeful for progressives in their discourse with conservatives about new interpretations of Anglican religious beliefs and values.

3.2. Brain and Behavioral Affiliations

Like most phenomena, mindset is envisioned as positioned on a spectrum. This paper is primarily concerned with people who have strong conservative mindset and those of a strong progressive mindset. People possessing a strong mindset will inevitably have the power to influence and command support from those of a more moderate view on that end of the spectrum, a case of followers and leaders. The same applies to a strong progressive mindset. In the context of the AC schism, those of a strong conservative mindset were able to persuade many moderate conservatives, mainly Evangelical, to support their schismatic actions.
A useful metaphor is to imagine that this spectrum is not fixed in space but has the ability to shift or be stretched back and forth over time. There appears to be widespread support, especially for the Western world, that is currently shifting or being stretched to the strong conservative end of the spectrum. Confirmatory religious examples may be the influence of Evangelical megachurches, support of the Russian Orthodox hierarchy for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the support of male white Evangelicals of Donald Trump. Confirmatory secular examples may be the rise of autocratic and populist leaders and the electoral successes of ‘right-wing’ parties.
The following is a useful table for a discussion of strong conservative and progressive mindsets by (Mendez 2017, p. 87) (see Table 1). This table is adapted for the purposes of this paper, using the findings from other studies and the summary from (Minogue and Dagger 2024; Clifton 2023).
Cognitive studies reveal that conservatism is associated with a negativity bias (Nash and Leota 2022). Some studies emphasize that conservatism is a psychological defense against negative stimuli and events which conservatives experience (Jost et al. 2003; Jost et al. 2007; Jost and Amodio 2012). They desire order, routine and tidiness (Xu et al. 2020; Kanai et al. 2011). They prefer to maintain the status quo, revere tradition, and so are resistant to change (Xu et al. 2020). Faced with ambiguity and novelty, the conservative brain processes information with a strong emotional response (Kanai et al. 2011; Jost et al. 2003).
Other studies emphasize conservatism as a consequence of increased dispositional sensitivity to negative stimuli and events (Hibbing et al. 2014; Wright and Baril 2014). Yet other studies are able to confirm the integration of psychological defense and dispositional sensitivity (Nash and Leota 2022). Specifically, if the psychological defense fails, conservatives show heightened sensitivity to negative stimuli. Recently, (Clifton 2023) has speculated that the main belief which explains the differences between conservatives and progressives is that the former believe that strict division is an inherent part of life whilst progressives do not. This may supersede or soften the accepted idea that conservatives have a negativity bias. It is an area for future research.

3.3. Mindset and the Bible

A strong conservative mindset explains the reactions of Anglican conservatives, especially over the last forty years, as the threats to their belief system have increased. The progressive threat is primarily aimed at the lynchpin of their entire belief system, the largely literalist interpretation of an infallible and inerrant Bible which is equated with the Word of God. This has been challenged at the highest level in the AC and in parts of the wider church. Recent examples include the Doctrine in the Church of England (1938), a 1922 report of the commission on Christian doctrine appointed by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 1922 and published in 1938, Bishop John Robinson and his 1963 publication of Honest to God (Robinson 1963), the debate which it generated (Edwards and Robinson 1963) and Bishop John Spong with his many publications which include Living in Sin: A Bishop Rethinks Human Sexuality (Spong 1988), Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism (Spong 1991), Why Christianity Must Change or Die (Spong 1998), Here I Stand (Spong 2000) and The Sins of the Scripture (Spong 2005). Other Christian faiths also have their impressive progressive scholars, for instance, Marcus Borg’s The Heart of Christianity (Borg 2003) and Huns Kung’s On Being a Christian (Kung 1978). To employ the cliché, they stand on the shoulders of earlier progressive giants, including Kierkegaard, Barth, Bultmann, Dodd, Niebuhr and Tillich. The progressive challenge is not recent but goes back centuries.
Because of these threats to the most important part of their belief system, conservative Anglicans have redoubled their efforts to defend their view of biblical authority. Despite their power within the AC and their disposition to use it, they have suffered a series of defeats, as illustrated by Lambeth Conference decisions: allowing the use of contraception (Lambeth Conference 1930), relaxing the strictures on divorce and remarriage (Lambeth Conference 1958), a withdrawal of support for capital punishment (Lambeth Conference 1958) and the ordination of woman to holy orders (Lambeth Conference 1978). Lambeth has not approved same-sex union blessing and the ordination of openly gay priests. Same-sex acts remain a sin according to resolution 1.10 of 1998. These and many other decisions, at all levels in the AC, are in conservative eyes unbiblical, untraditional and a novelty.
In scientific terms, as this threat became stronger, the psychological defenses of Anglican conservativism were breached. This led to heightened dispositional sensitivity, so much so that many have declared they are no longer in communion and fellowship with continuing Anglicans. This is not surprising, as research shows that making distinctions with an out-group is a common characteristic for the conservative mindset (Strickland 2008; Mendez 2017, p. 87; Steward and Morris 2021). Those with a progressive mindset are often their own worst enemies in debates because they are more willing to compromise and even vote against resolutions, they favor for the sake of unity, goodwill or the maintenance of fellowship (Spong 2000, pp. 340–41).
Research also reveals that conservatives are characterized by what is called ‘motivated reasoning’ (Kahan et al. 2012). When confronted with convincing evidence that a belief or set of beliefs are mistaken or in error, the conservative response is often to ‘knuckle down’ even more and claim that the evidence is contrary to ‘the Word of God’. A strong conservative mindset can be so closed that it loses the ability to concede any mistake or error (Obaidi 2020).
The researcher (Strickland 2008, p. 37) states that the reluctance to introspect may be viewed as a defense mechanism which allows conservatives to disregard any fear, anxieties or personal weakness. The conservative temperament displays an aversion to abstract argument or theorizing. They favor less complexity and adopt a much harder categorization in their discourse. This may help explain why they downplay the role of reason in interpreting the Bible preferring a more literal simpler interpretation. They prefer a simpler style of thinking which minimizes complexity (Obaidi 2020). Reason is seen as a threat to conservative hermeneutical principles used to interpret the Bible. Conservative Anglicans actually categorize ‘reason’ as an alternative authority to the Bible or the Magisterium of Catholicism or tradition of the Orthodox (Packer 1963, pp. 46–51; Hammond 1938, p. 35). It is a false categorization because historic Anglicanism views reason and tradition as important in discerning the mind of God as revealed in the sacred scriptures. Ignoring reason and opposing science has resulted in the God of gaps and has inflicted irretrievable harm to Christianity (Bonhoeffer 1944; Coulson 1955). As reason and science demolished all the unnecessary and excessive claims made for the Bible, the conservatives shrank God and humanity. Progressives remind conservatives that the Bible is about Jesus Christ’s call to follow him, not science, not history, not psychology, not psychiatry or any other branch of God-endowed knowledge of humankind.
Studies confirm the common observation that conservatives have a negative disposition towards humankind, whereas progressives have a more positive disposition (Dagger and Ball 2024; Obaidi 2020). Conservatives prefer conformity, purity, order and structure, authority and expressions of power. It is not surprising that conservative Anglicans embrace wholeheartedly the doctrine of Original Sin and the fall of humankind. Sometimes, they reference the associated doctrine of Total Depravity of strong Calvinism. It follows that conservatives are strong advocates of family, church and the law to control what they perceive to be humankind’s base and destructive instincts. This is shared by political conservatives, for example, the founder of articulated conservatism, Edmund Burke, together with Joseph de Maistre (Britannica 2024). Burke had a view of human beings driven by passions and desires which lead to selfishness, anarchy, irrationality and violence. He argued for the need of restraint from institutions like family, church and school and learning self-discipline. If they fail to learn, then it is to be compelled by the law. Burke praised the Roman Catholic Church as the most effective barrier against radicalism. There is considerable truth in the claim that political conservatism derives from religion. Readers may wish to discover the close relationship by reviewing Ten Conservative Principles by Russell Kirk (Kirk 2024).
Conservatives favor expressions of power over expressions of warmth and empathy (Britannica 2024). A common conservative political view is that opportunities exist for people to make a living, and those who find themselves in poverty are likely to be so because they are lazy and shirk hard work. Kirk (2024) states that conservatives feel affection for the proliferating intricacy of long-established social institutions and modes of life, as distinguished from the narrowing uniformity and deadening egalitarianism of radical systems. For the preservation of a healthy diversity in any civilization, there must survive orders and classes, differences in material condition, and many sorts of inequality. The only true forms of equality are equality at the Last Judgment and equality before a just court of law; all other attempts at levelling must lead, at best, to social stagnation. Progressives claim conservatives lack empathy with others who are victims of inequality and lack of opportunity. They claim this may explain why they are prone to pointing out other people’s faults and attempt to curtail the use of a God-endowed free will.
The dominant theology of Anglicans with a strong conservative mindset is to emphasize one view of the life and work of Jesus Christ. Their preferred belief about the saving work of Jesus is the doctrine of the Penal Substitutionary Atonement. In common language, it postulates that since the fall of humankind, it is in a wretched state of sin in the eyes of a wrathful God. God’s justice demands the penalty of death. It demands sacrificial propitiation. Thus, in the fullness of time, God the Father sends his Son to be sacrificed in our place. Often, conservatives will simply say Jesus died in your place or you killed Jesus by your sin or you have been washed in the blood of the Lamb.
The progressive mindset claims that this conservative emphasis is an inadequate understanding of the life and work of Jesus and lacks the balance against an equally acceptable view. It chooses to emphasize other biblical narratives. One alternative Anglican progressive view is best summed up by John 3:16–17: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. It notes the positivism that God was not condemning the world but through Jesus was saving the world. Jesus’s death was not to propitiate an angry God but rather it was to heal and restore all creation, including humankind. The progressive view stresses expiation rather than propitiation, and this understanding has always been present in historic Anglicanism. It has always been the understanding of the Eastern Orthodox Communion (Ware 2015, p. 223). Progressives stress biblical passages like the Sermon on the Mount, the two great commandments, the fruits of the Spirit and the story of the Good Samaritan as a better discernment of the mind and character of God and the saving and healing work of Jesus. These two interpretations are not mutually exclusive. What is telling, but consistent with the research, is the emphasis given to the ‘negative’—sacrificial propitiation—over the ‘positive’—healing and restoration.

3.4. Mindset and Gender Equality

Those of a strong conservative and strong progressive mindset read the same scriptures but discern the will of God on a doctrinal or moral issue differently; often, the outcome is diametrically opposed. Gender equality in the church is one such issue, as it is for political conservatism. Readers may like to refer to (Atkins 1975) and (Devereux 2023) as examples of conservative theology on gender. Their main argument against qualified women exercising leadership and teaching in the church is that God is ‘male’ and so is Jesus his son. It is noted that some conservatives offer a more nuanced argument than what follows but it is not changed substantially. When the Bible refers to God as ‘Father’ and Jesus as ‘Son’, these male terms are meant to be taken literally not metaphorically. Biblical affirmation is mainly from the writings of Paul, especially Ephesians 5:21–32, 1 Corinthians 11: 1–16 and 1 Timothy 2:11–15. The head of every man is Christ. The head of a woman is her husband, and the head of Christ is God the Father. They argue that God wills this hierarchy of leadership. It follows that God has authority over the Son, he sent him into the world, but they are equality in deity (the Trinity). It also follows in marriage that the husband has authority over his wife though they are equal in personhood. It is a short step to conclude that God wills only males to exercise leadership and teaching in his church. In Catholic Churches, for example, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Anglo-Catholic, a woman cannot be a priest and preside at the Eucharist because only a man can represent Jesus offering himself as sacrifice to the Father because Jesus was male.
Progressive Anglicans (Lindsay and Scarfe 2012) and (Lee 2021) argue that both men and women have the same dignity, ability and leadership in the sight of God. Qualified women are permitted to exercise the same leadership and teaching in the church as qualified men. They remind all of the orthodoxy that God is everlasting, without body, parts or passions, and also that Genesis 1:27 states that man and woman are made in Gods likeness and image. They suggest that the Bible was written from within a strongly patriarchal society which abounded in sexism and misogyny. This does not have the same acceptance for contemporary society although much of that remains. Progressive secular counterparts argue that whilst much has been achieved through ‘feminism’, harms emanating from the acceptance of male headship still afflict society. They point to the strong link between male headship and domestic violence and the wind-back on women’s reproductive rights and the inclusion of LGBTIQA+ people. A recent example reported in the press were two ‘Christians’ displaying signs at a Texas University stating, ‘Homo is Sin’ and ‘Women are Property’ (Del Ray 2024).

3.5. Mindset and Homosexuality

Scientific studies reveal that conservatives have a strong disposition towards making moral judgements and possess a sensitivity to disgust (Wright and Baril 2014; Ruish et al. 2020). The researcher (Lakoff 1996) argues that conservatives and progressives hold two different conceptual models of morality. He describes them as the ‘strict father’ and ‘nurturant parent’. The moral beliefs of conservatives have been linked to decreased cortical volume in the anterior cingulate cortex of the brain (Kanai et al. 2011). It is an area of conflict detection, negativity and pain. Often, these moral judgements are about others. Conservative Anglicans insist on moral behavior from thousands of years ago as God-given. The progressives argue much of this is irrelevant to the Christian today.
Progressives argue that sexual behavior has always been of utmost concern, perhaps even an obsession for conservatives, religious and secular. The church has used sexual behavior to exert power over Christians, especially women (Ranke-Heinemann 1990; Porter 1996). It is an area where the strong desire by religious and political conservatives for conformity, purity and restraint is dominant. So too is their desire for order, structure and closure. New experiences, self-expression and the tolerance of ambiguity by progressives are felt as a threat to conservatives. The conservative disposition for a lack of tolerance for ambiguity goes some way to explaining their intolerance of blurring gender identity and roles, such as for those people identifying as LGBTIQA+.
Specific moral behavior saturates the Bible, from thousands of years ago. Conservative Anglicans claim only they can discern what is relevant for Christians today. The religious scholar (Harrison 2016) is an example of defending conservative views on gender and marriage. It is this area, perhaps more than any other, where conservatives violate their own hermeneutical principles of interpreting the Bible. They pick and choose those biblical passages most compatible with their mindset and ignore others. Leviticus (Lev) is a great book to illustrate. It is a single sentence from that book, 18:22 and 20:13, that they claim strongly supports that same-sex acts are an abomination to God and that God requires those involved be punishable by death. In a literal reading of Leviticus, the following are unacceptable to God: breeding two kinds of cattle, sowing a field with two kinds of seed or making clothing with two different cloths Lev19:19; rounding off the hair of your temples or marring the edges of your beard Lev 19:27; or Lev 19:28 making cuttings in your flesh (tattoos). According to Lev 20:27, a medium or a wizard shall be put to death. Not to forget Deuteronomy 21:18–21, where God in a simplistic literal reading approves the stoning of a disobedient son. Now there would be few conservatives who would insist on the above commands. However, the literal reading of what appears to condemn same-sex acts is treated as an exemption. There is no justification for why it should be treated as such. There are dozens of other examples from the old and new testaments. The point here is that Anglican conservatives are inconsistent in what they claim God condemns and therefore they condemn. The scholars in (Wright 2012) examine the supposed texts condemning homosexuality and provide progressive and nuanced views on the relevant biblical passages.
The terms homosexual and homosexuality were never used by the writers of the old and new testaments. Bible translations that do use it are in error. The Bible does refer to Sodomites and Sodomy. Jesus certainly did not speak about homosexuality or Sodomy. Science informs us that some people are born with same-sex attraction. It is not a lifestyle; it is not a choice (American Psychological Association 2024a). It certainly not a mental sickness or disordered condition, moral depravity, deviant or evil as some religious and political conservatives still claim. Progressives argue that same-sex attraction is God-endowed. Why would a loving God demand of a person they not act as fully human and demand they deny who they are? A book by (Keane 2001) presents the conservative view; its title is What some of you were: stories about Christians and homosexuality. It talks about Christians who do not wish to embrace a gay identity, p. 7, or adopt homosexuality as a lifestyle, p. 12. It does not accept the science. It supports the harmful practice of attempting to use drugs and/or the power of prayer to change a person’s sexual orientation. Conservative politicians frequently support these practices, but due to progressive agitation, many Western jurisdictions now closely regulate or criminalize it.
Similarly, science explains that Gender Dysphoria results from hormones that trigger the development of biological sex not working on the brain, reproductive organs and genitals, causing differences between them (American Psychological Association 2024b). Progressives argue if a loving God is in control, why would a conservative Christian find any fault with any of these Christian brothers and sisters all made in God’s image. They ask, is the conservative mind so fixated on order and hard categorization that it cannot cope with the challenge to the binary order of male and female? Again, why would a loving God demand of a person they not act as fully human and demand that they deny who they are?
Homosexuality and Transsexuality are a major part of the so-called culture wars, especially in the West. Despite the increased acceptance of science by society over the last few decades and the legislative provisions against the discrimination and vilification of LGBTIQA+ people, the political conservative often exhibits a bare tolerance through homophobia/transphobia. These hard-won rights by progressives are likely to be under threat in the future. Progressives are concerned about a reintroduction of civil criminality for homosexuality and that policies for greater inclusion will be wound back.

3.6. Summary

Genetics predisposes people to view and understand the world in different ways (Hibbing et al. 2014). Nurture has an influence. Ideally, conservatives and progressives should acknowledge in the other that they do see and understand differently. Any discourse between the two should respect the other with the mutual assumption that those beliefs and values are genuinely held. The unfortunate truth is that the strongly different mindsets may be irreconcilable if one group asserts that only they know the mind of God and claim they are the ‘authentic’ or ‘orthodox’ of this or that, for example, Anglicans. This means discourse is probably a waste of time. Perhaps all that is left for the progressives is to say what Oliver Cromwell said on 3 August 1650 to the General Assembly of Scotland, who were supporting Charles II: I beseech you in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken. The AC schism is probably the result of that irreconcilability. Historic Anglicanism had tolerated different mindsets for 500 years with their inevitable tensions, but they have been held in balance until now. So why the schism now?

4. The Timing of the Schism

4.1. Introduction

To repeat, the schism in the AC is a reality, and there is every sign that it will widen. The question is, why has this happened now, that is, over the last forty years? It is because the threats to the conservatives’ belief system have strengthened, and the conservatives have responded predictably. These threats are internal and external. Attention has already been given to internal threats, so little more is said here. The external threat arises from the seismic change occurring in contemporary society, especially for the Western world. This is often referred to as secularization.

4.2. Internal Threat

Despite having the power and the disposition to use it, the conservatives have failed to combat the progressives’ influence within the AC, at least for most Western-world provinces. Recently, this has played out in regard to the particular issues of gender equality and homosexuality and gender identity in the church. After a protracted and bitter battle over gender equality, many parts of the AC, including moderate conservatives, chose to ordain women to holy orders. Yet it is a battle only half won by the progressives. Recently, the more protracted and bitter battle was over homosexuality and gender identity. Conservatives determined this was one battle they could not lose. They had the numbers and the money and were strong on threats to leave the AC. The conservatives won the battle, but it proved a pyrrhic victory. They were shocked when parts of the AC introduced a blessing of same-sex unions and ordaining and appointing openly gay persons as priests and bishops. It was a challenge to the traditional meaning of Christian marriage as only being between a man and a woman. Secular conservatives in the Western world also share this traditional meaning. It should be noted that the Bible appears to permit polygamy and concubine ‘marriage’.
It may also be noted that it is politically easier for religious conservatives to fight ‘proxy wars’ than convict progressive priests and bishops on charges of heresy for challenging conservative interpretations of the Bible, although this was attempted against the American priest Walter Righter, for instance (Spong 2000, pp. 408–9). Proxy wars are a different matter. The proxy wars of gender equality and homosexuality and gender identity have witnessed religious hatred, and as (Graham 1994, p. 115) has observed, Christian hatred is powerful because it arises out of deep convictions which really matter to the haters. Again, homophobia, sexism and misogyny remain a problem within secular society, as well as for the church.
So why a schism now? Conservative fear reached its tipping point, although no province or diocese has officially ‘overturned’ the fundamentals of Anglicanism of sola scripture, the creeds and the 1662 Prayer Book. Progressives have argued that the words of the Bible, creeds and the Prayer Book require new interpretations, but this does not in their view represent the rejection of the fundamentals. What drives the conservative mindset is the heightened fear of these new interpretations. Their psychological defenses were finally breached, and they chose to separate out from those who they identify as the source of this fear.

4.3. External Threat

The decline in Christian church affiliation in the Western world is well documented. In many places, another tipping point has been reached with the prediction that a church or groups of churches will continue the decline, possibly to extinction. The Church of England is one of them (Brown 2001; Brown and Woodhead 2016). This has largely been brought about by powerful forces of change in contemporary society.
Conservative Anglicans, as well as those from other Christian communions and churches, respond to this external threat in three main ways, often in combination. The first way is to ignore it and claim that God will not let the church die. The second way is the call for a double down of effort and advocate for a return to ‘biblical’ Christianity. This refers to their interpretation. The third way is to blame progressives, who they claim to have adopted sinful secular values and beliefs and have ‘sold out’ the church. Progressives respond by claiming they have been made scapegoats for the poor mission record of conservatives.
Studies around the world reveal that church attendance has declined dramatically in the Western world (Peterson 2017; Inglehart 2021; Tickle 2012). Currently, numbers are holding or increasing in Africa, Asia and South America (Goodhew 2017; Stanton 2019). The AC in the West has exhibited the steepest decline, including conservative congregations. Australia is an example and mirrors what is similar elsewhere. The Census of 1971 revealed Christian affiliation to be 86% of the population, which declined to 50% by 2021. Anglicans and Catholics are the largest Australian communions. Catholics declined from 30% in 1971 to 20% in 2021, whilst Anglicans declined from 30% in 1971 to 10% in 2021 (Bragger 2022). The seismic forces at work are predicted to accelerate in the future, and as a result, institutional Christianity may well be transformed beyond recognition. It may survive, even continue to grow, amongst the developing world, but eventually these same seismic forces will impact it in the same manner.
As mentioned, conservatives from all Christian communions and churches argue that the progressives are important contributors to the decline in numbers. The claim is that this is because progressives have forsaken ‘true’ Christianity and have accepted prevailing secular values and beliefs. Progressives view the conservative solution of a return to ‘biblical Christianity’ as naïve. They argue it is the prevailing conservative doctrinal beliefs and values which are the cause of the decline (Root 2022; Dickerson 2013; Stanton 2019). Ironically then, the argument may be put on its head. Conservatives have had, for a very long time, the power and influence in all the major Christian Communions. The sad state of affairs in the Western church should be viewed as their mission failure to the secular world. They have been a stumbling block for believers not the progressives. They need to embrace missio Dei, God’s outward movement to humanity (Gibbs and Bolger 2005).
In the West, secular society has little to do with the institutional church; America may be an exception. They view it as being irrelevant to their lives. It is not because they are hostile to it; worse, they are simply indifferent to it. Despite this, conservative politicians still court and value religious conservative support. Many of these are likely to be not committed Christians and at best are loosely aligned with a church.

4.4. The Developing World

Conservative Anglicans proudly point to the thriving churches of the Global South, especially the African provinces. Here, conservative Anglicanism may last for many more decades. However, as incomes rise, security is established, opportunities for education increase, and there is a shift from pro-fertility norms to individual choice norms (Inglehart 2021, pp. 1–16), it is likely they will experience similar secularization as has happened in the West.
It may be noted that the African Anglican churches are deeply conservative and strongly opposed to homosexuality. Some provinces are homophobic. The primates of Uganda, Nigeria and Rwanda, for instance, publicly support some of the harshest and discriminatory legislation in the world against LGBTIQA+ persons. Criticism recently from the former Archbishop of Canterbury concerning the Primate of Uganda for supporting such harsh laws drew a rebuke, and he was told that the days of colonialism are gone and any advice from Canterbury was unwelcome (Guardian 2023).
Many Africans, like those Anglican primates, deny that homosexuality was, and is, prevalent in Africa. When it is pointed out this claim is patently untrue, a common response is that it was introduced by white men from the West (Msibi 2011; Bright 2021). In fact, the reverse may be true. Anti-homosexuality attitudes were introduced to Africa by the white conservative missionaries, not its promotion (Aranyev and Poyker 2021). Conservative Anglican missionaries were prominent in Africa.
Conservative African Anglicans have been very important in making the schism a reality. Their overwhelming numbers have been decisive in opposing the progressives and in ensuring the schism and the transformation of the AC into something it traditionally never was. For some conservatives in the West, they are becoming an embarrassment to the cause (Brown and Woodhead 2016, pp. 136–39).
So why a schism now? Again, fear generated by secularization has reached the tipping point as conservatives experience a decline in the power and influence they once wielded in the church and society. Progressives argue that the conservative call to double down and return to ‘biblical’ Christianity will be their ultimate downfall as secular society in the West views them as irrelevant to their lives.

4.5. Summary

In summary, the churches of the Anglican schismatics possess little of the four hallmarks of Anglicanism. They are no longer Catholic and reformed but are now congregations of a strong Calvinistic theology. They no longer embrace tolerance and comprehensiveness but confess to a narrow range of Evangelical beliefs and values. Reason and science are undervalued and ignored where they appear to contradict biblical literalism. Finally, insofar as tradition is valued it is only that which again accords with their strong Calvinistic beliefs and values. As the internal threat from progressives and the external threat from secularization gather momentum, more parishes and dioceses will become schismatic. The schismatic congregations possess vestiges of the Anglican hallmarks. Their claim that they are the ‘orthodox’ Anglicans is false.

5. Commentary and Conclusions

There were four main questions addressed in this paper. The first question was, why has the AC undergone a substantial transformation? The schism is usually explained as a result of opposed doctrinal beliefs and values between progressives and conservatives. The latter felt so threatened that they eventually separated themselves out from the progressive threat and in their own words viewed themselves as a holy remnant. In doing so, they minimized the risk of pollution from those who held, in their view, unorthodox or heretical beliefs and values. Mindset provides an understanding that is fundamental. It explains why these beliefs and values are held in the first place and how people of different mindsets interact with each other in society. Genetics is very important but is supplemented by lived experience. Those who possess a strong conservative or progressive mindset find it difficult to engage in effective discourse. This is particularly because of the attributes common to a strong conservative mindset. This can lead to irreconcilable differences and the absence of effective discourse. The result is for those of each strong mindset to coalesce into broad groups, divided by their very different beliefs and values, competing for those of more moderate mindsets. Ideally, those of a strong mindset should recognize that science reveals that it is significantly determined by genetics. This means those of the opposing mindset should acknowledge that the others hold genuinely held beliefs and values which determine how they interact with society. Unfortunately, as the research reveals, this is difficult because those of a strong conservative mindset possess inherent attributes that may preclude the ability to reciprocate such acknowledgement. As the felt threat of progressive criticisms of the keystone of their beliefs and values, their Word of God, together with the external threat of secularization reached their tipping points, they reacted predictably.
People with a strong progressive mindset are often at a disadvantage compared to those of a strong conservative mindset. In the first place is having to often deal with a closed conservative mind. In the second place is the inherent attribute that conservatives seek expressions of power and are willing to use it. In the third place is the difficulty in acknowledging that conservatives really do see and interact with the world differently and that they hold genuine beliefs and values which should be respected. Although, where this is conceded, progressives claim this is seldom reciprocated. Finally is the greater readiness of conservatives to accept that the ends justify the means, which inflicts harm which they often fail to see or which they minimize.
The second question was, what have been the driving causal forces of the schism? Applying the research about mindset, two main driving forces were identified. These constitute the threats, real or perceived, felt by those of a conservative mindset. Both threats have been gathering momentum for some time. In the first place is the progressive criticism of the how the conservatives viewed the Bible and how it should it be interpreted. Progressives deny that the Bible is simply the Word of God, claimed to be inerrant and infallible. Progressives also criticize the hermeneutics used by conservatives. They argue that a simple literalist interpretation is inadequate as it identifies as God-given beliefs and values, many of which are not relevant for today, and is incompatible with a loving and merciful God. Conservatives fear if this authority is weakened then the whole edifice of their belief system and its underlying values will collapse. As mindset predicted, the progressive successes within the AC were aggressively responded to by the conservatives. When against the odds these successes continued, a tipping point was reached, and any of the threatened conservatives separated themselves away from those who threatened them.
At the same time, those of a conservative mindset were threatened by powerful forces at work in a secular society they view as evil. It resulted in a dramatic fall in affiliations with the AC and other Christian communions and churches. Another tipping point was reached. Again, according to mindset, the conservatives acted predictably. They denied science. They called for a return to biblical Christianity, their brand, and they blamed the progressives for their own mission failure.
A third question was, how have these forces worked out in history for the AC? Our reference to Anglican history suggested that from the reformation there were inherent tensions between different groups. These traditionally have been identified as the Anglo-Catholics and Evangelicals. In fact, the main opposing groups were those with a strong conservative mindset and those with a progressive mindset. The former comprised many Anglo-Catholics who preferred much of the ‘old religion’ as well as the overwhelming majority of protestant Evangelicals. Progressives were always represented within the ‘broad church’ group but had to wait for the Enlightenment to further their progressive beliefs and values. As has been mentioned, it has taken some time for this to gather momentum. These tensions were largely kept under control, and the Anglican church/Communion was often admired for its comprehensiveness and tolerance. The conservative schismatics display the opposite attributes. As has been argued, they have transformed/are transforming the AC into something different, and their claim to be ‘orthodox’ Anglicans cannot be substantiated.
As was discussed earlier in this paper, the Anglican Communion was characterized as a religious organization that was more open to progressive ideas than others. It was/is not a confessing church which is decentralized in structure. It insisted on a few doctrinal essentials and allowed great freedom to its adherents. It also had a more positive view of secular society than many other churches. It was also a church that historically insisted that the Bible be interpreted with due regards to science and tradition. It is not surprising that under the impact of the powerful forces of secularization it should experience schism compared to the other major Christian communions. The strong conservative mindset has a disposition to use power for its purpose, and that is what has happened recently.
A fourth question was, is the AC transformation unique or does it have relevance for other parts of the religious domain? The short answer is that the AC transformation is not unique. Reference was just made that given the nature of historic Anglicanism it was suspectable to the strong conservative disposition to use, and exercise, power when threatened. Progressives have a more formidable challenge against the highly centralized Magisterium of the Catholic Church or the strong ethnic and cultural identification of the Orthodox, whether it be Russian, Greek or Serbian, for example. The application of mindset suggests that denominations are considerably less important now than in the past. What is now important is the strong conservative mindset and the strong progressive mindset. It is likely that progressives from all denominations will increasingly coalesce into some new arrangement. There is a future for progressive Anglicanism and progressive Christianity as a whole. The same coalescence will occur for conservatives. Substantial transformation is occurring now for Anglicanism. It has begun with other Christian communions and churches. The conservatives will be overwhelmingly superior in number to begin with. However, it may be argued that the conservative refusal to adapt and change will be their downfall and result in the continued decline in conservative church affiliation in the West. Over time, the forces causing the decline in Christianity in the Western world will impact the present-day developing countries as they achieve development. This may be decades into the future, but it is likely this will happen.


This research received no external funding.

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Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

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No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is not applicable to this article.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. Mindset Reported Behavioral Affiliations: Strong Conservative and Strong Progressive.
Table 1. Mindset Reported Behavioral Affiliations: Strong Conservative and Strong Progressive.
CognitiveNegativity biasNo clear bias
Psychological defense
High dispositional sensitivity to threat or lossSensitivity to cues for altering habitual response patterns
Sensitivity to disgust
PersonalityStability and opposition to changeNovelty
ConformityUnconventional and desire self-expression
TraditionNew experiences and sensations
Order, structure and closureFlexibility and variability
Favor less complexity and prefer harder categorizationTolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity
PurityHarm minimization
Distinction with out-groupsUniversal community
Expressions of powerExpressions of warmth
PhysiologicalGreater activation of the right amygdalaGreater conflict-related anterior cingulate cortex activity
NeuroimagingIncreased gray matter volume in right amygdala and other right anterior structuresIncreased gray matter volume in anterior cingulate cortex
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Sandy, G.A. Mindset, Schism and the Contemporary Transformation of the Anglican Communion. Religions 2025, 16, 48.

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Sandy GA. Mindset, Schism and the Contemporary Transformation of the Anglican Communion. Religions. 2025; 16(1):48.

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Sandy, Geoffrey A. 2025. "Mindset, Schism and the Contemporary Transformation of the Anglican Communion" Religions 16, no. 1: 48.

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Sandy, G. A. (2025). Mindset, Schism and the Contemporary Transformation of the Anglican Communion. Religions, 16(1), 48.

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