Mindset, Schism and the Contemporary Transformation of the Anglican Communion
:1. Introduction
1.1. Preliminary Comments
1.2. Research Purpose
1.3. Research Method
1.4. Research Contribution
1.5. Paper Structure
2. The Schism and Resulting Transformation
2.1. Pre-Schismatic
2.2. Post-Schismatic
3. Mindset
3.1. The Concept
3.2. Brain and Behavioral Affiliations
3.3. Mindset and the Bible
3.4. Mindset and Gender Equality
3.5. Mindset and Homosexuality
3.6. Summary
4. The Timing of the Schism
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Internal Threat
4.3. External Threat
4.4. The Developing World
4.5. Summary
5. Commentary and Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Cognitive | Negativity bias | No clear bias |
Psychological defense | ||
High dispositional sensitivity to threat or loss | Sensitivity to cues for altering habitual response patterns | |
Sensitivity to disgust | ||
Personality | Stability and opposition to change | Novelty |
Conformity | Unconventional and desire self-expression | |
Tradition | New experiences and sensations | |
Order, structure and closure | Flexibility and variability | |
Favor less complexity and prefer harder categorization | Tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity | |
Purity | Harm minimization | |
Authority | Equality | |
Conscientiousness | Empathy | |
Distinction with out-groups | Universal community | |
Expressions of power | Expressions of warmth | |
Physiological | Greater activation of the right amygdala | Greater conflict-related anterior cingulate cortex activity |
Neuroimaging | Increased gray matter volume in right amygdala and other right anterior structures | Increased gray matter volume in anterior cingulate cortex |
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Sandy, G.A. Mindset, Schism and the Contemporary Transformation of the Anglican Communion. Religions 2025, 16, 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel16010048
Sandy GA. Mindset, Schism and the Contemporary Transformation of the Anglican Communion. Religions. 2025; 16(1):48. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel16010048
Chicago/Turabian StyleSandy, Geoffrey A. 2025. "Mindset, Schism and the Contemporary Transformation of the Anglican Communion" Religions 16, no. 1: 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel16010048
APA StyleSandy, G. A. (2025). Mindset, Schism and the Contemporary Transformation of the Anglican Communion. Religions, 16(1), 48. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel16010048