Introibo Ad Altare Dei—Visual Displaying and Liturgical Ornamentation of Christian Altars in the Late Medieval Illustrations of the Roman Rite
:1. Introduction1
2. From the Altar to Heaven: Ad te Levavi Animam Meam
3. The Altar and Its Artefacts in Masses Presided over by Saints
4. The Altar in the Contemplation of the Latens Veritas
De palliis. Pallia, quæ in Ecclesia suspenduntur, sunt miracula Christi, quæ in Ecclesia leguntur.15(Honorius of Autun, Gemma animae, Ch. CXXXVII)
Ornantur et altaria et Ecclesiae palliis, cortinis et hollosericis, et lineis, tapetibus historiatis, coronis regalibus, aut aliis ideis, aut diversis characteribus insignitis; quae omnia pertinent ad Christi miracula, vel ad futuram gloriam, quae ex antiquorum exemplis, et meritis nostris, imo gratiae Dei multifariis et fructuosis operibus revelabitur in nobis. […]
Ergo pallia vel cortina candida munditiam, rubea charitatem, viridia contemplationem, nigra carnis morlificationem, variala coloribus virtutum varietatem, linea tribulationem, holloserica significant virginitatem, ut per visibilia ad invisibiles moveamur ornatus, et repositam in coelis gloriam avida mente quaeramus.16(Sicardus of Cremona, Mitrale, Ch. XII)
Circa hoc autem notandum est, quod triplex genus veli suspenditur in Ecclesia, videlicet, quod sacra operit, quod sacrarium a clero dividit, et quod clerum a populo secernit. Primum est nota nostrae legis. Secundum nota nostrae dignitatis, quia indigni sumus, imo impotentes coelestia intueri. Tertium est coercitio nostrae voluptatis carnalis. Primum, videlicet cortinae, quae ab utroque altaris latere extenduntur sacerdote secretum intrante, prout in quarta parte, sub titulo “De secreta”, dicetur, significatum est in hoc, quod sicut legitur Exod. 34, Moyses posuit velamen super faciem suam, quia filji Israel claritatem vultus ejus sustinere non poterant, et sicut dicit Apostolus, hoc velamen adhuc hodie est super corda Judaeorum. Secundum, videlicet cortina quae in quadragesima in officio Missae ante altare extenditur, significatum est in hoc, quod velum infra tabernaculum erat suspensum, quod dividebat sancta sanctorum a sanctis, ut dicetur in prooemio quartae partis, per quod arca populo velabatur, et erat miro opere contextum, et pulchra varietate distinctum, quod in passione Domini scissum est, et illius exemplo hodie cortinae varia pulchritudine texuntur. De praemisso velo, et quales debent esse cortinae, habetur Ex 26, 36.17(William Durandus, Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, Book I, Ch. III)
Ad hoc etiam significandum sacerdos secretam intrans, quasi velatur quibusdam cortinis, quae sunt in lateribus altaris, prout infra dicetur in quarta particula canonis, super verbo Hanc igitur. Dicitur etiam Secreta, quia secrete et sub silentio dicitur; Christus enim ad consecrationem corporis sui venturus, secrete, et solus orabat ab hora coenae, usque dum suspensus est in cruce, quas orationes Secretae significant.18(William Durandus, Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, Book IV, Ch. XXXV)
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | The original concept and framework of this article were conceived following an invitation to deliver a lecture on the visual codification of medieval altars at the 2023 International Congress of the Centre International d’Études Liturgiques (Pazos-López 2024). After a thorough revision and an in-depth exploration of sources and documents, this work has material-ised in the present text. |
2 | Sens. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 18 (Leroquais 1924, vol. 2, nº 265; Hitier 1995). |
3 | Tours. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 190 (Leroquais 1924, vol. 3, nº 821; Dinzart 1995). |
4 | Lyon. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 515 [0435] (Leroquais 1924, vol. 3, nº 647; Samaran et al. 1968, vol. VI, p. 521; Guinard et al. 2002, nº 60). |
5 | Valenciennes. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 118 (Leroquais 1924, vol. 3, nº 575; Platelle 1966, pp. 119–55). |
6 | Bayeux. Médiathèque municipale, Ms. 61 (Leroquais 1924, vol. II, nº 545; Samaran et al. 1984, vol. VII, p. 87; Avril 2001; Guinard et al. 2002, nº 50; Nadal 2017). |
7 | Reims. Bibliothèque de Reims, Ms. 230 (Leroquais 1924, vol. II, nº 418; Samaran et al. 1965, vol. V, p. 588; Branner 1977, nº 229; Stones 2007; Stones 2013). |
8 | Rouen. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 250 (Stones 2013). |
9 | Paris. Bibliothèque Mazarine, Ms. 407 (Leroquais 1924, vol. II, nº 540; Samaran et al. 1959, vol. I, p. 237; Pecqueur 1960, p. 74; Davy-Rigaud et al. 2012, pp. 14–17). Paris. Bibliothèque Mazarine, Ms. 408 (Leroquais 1924, vol. II, nº 541; Samaran et al. 1959, vol. I, p. 414). |
10 | Lyon. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 5122 (Leroquais 1924, vol II, nº 428; Cotton 1965; Dalarun 2002, pp. 310, 395). |
11 | Solesmes. Abbaye Saint-Pierre, Ms. 215. |
12 | Angers. Archives départementales de Maine-et-Loire, 1 J 4139 (Le Goff et al. 1992, pp. 231–33). |
13 | Abbeville. Bibliothèque municipale, Inc. 46 (Copinger 1902, part II, vol. II, nº 4078). |
14 | Auriphrygia and grammata are embellishments in the form of gold embroidery or ornate fabrics that frequently adorned albs during the Late Middle Ages, some of which persisted into later centuries. These decorative elements were typically applied to the sleeves, the chest, or the lower hem, serving as a kind of ornamental border or footline (Pazos-López 2015). |
15 | On the curtains. The curtains, which are suspended in the Church, are the miracles of Christ, which are read in the Church (freely translated by the author). |
16 | Both the altars and the churches are adorned with pallia, curtains of silk, linens, tapestries embroidered with stories, royal crowns, or other ornaments, or marked with various characters; all of which pertain to the miracles of Christ or to the future glory, which shall be revealed in us through the examples of the ancients, through our merits, and indeed through the multifaceted and fruitful works of the grace of God. Therefore, the pallia or white curtains signify purity; the red, charity; the green, contemplation; the black, mortification of the flesh; those of varied colours, the diversity of virtues; those of linen, tribulation; and those of pure silk signify virginity, so that through visible adornments we may be moved towards the invisible, and with eager minds seek the glory stored up in the heavens (freely translated by the author). |
17 | Concerning this, it must be noted that a threefold type of veil is suspended in the Church, namely, that which covers sacred things, that which divides the sanctuary from the clergy, and that which separates the clergy from the people. The first is a sign of our law. The second is a sign of our unworthiness, because we are unworthy, indeed incapable, of beholding heavenly things. The third is a restraint upon our carnal desires. The first, namely the curtains, which are extended on both sides of the altar as the priest enters the secret place, as shall be explained in the fourth part under the title On the Secret, is signified in this: that, as is read in Exodus 34, Moses placed a veil over his face because the children of Israel could not endure the brightness of his countenance; and as the Apostle says, this veil remains even today upon the hearts of the Jews. The second, namely the curtain which is extended during Lent before the altar in the office of the Mass, is signified in this: that the veil was suspended within the tabernacle, which divided the holy of holies from the holy place, as shall be explained in the prologue in the fourth part, whereby the ark was veiled from the people, and it was wrought with marvellous workmanship and marked with beautiful variety; this veil was torn at the Passion of the Lord, and following its example, curtains today are woven with beautiful variety. Concerning this veil and what sort of curtains they ought to be, Exodus 26:36 provides guidance (freely translated by the author). |
18 | To signify this also, the priest, entering the Secret, is as though veiled by certain curtains, which are on the sides of the altar, as shall be explained below in the fourth part of the canon, on the words Hanc igitur. It is also called the Secret, because it is said secretly and in silence; for Christ, when about to consecrate his body, prayed secretly and alone from the hour of the supper until he was hung upon the cross; these prayers are signified by the Secrets (freely translated by the author). |
19 | Paris. Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Ms. 1130 (Samaran et al. 1959, vol. I, p. 443; Camille 1991, p. 268). |
20 | Lyon. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 5142 (Samaran et al. 1968, vol. VI, p. 524). |
21 | Paris. Bibliothèque Mazarine, Ms. 410 (Leroquais 1924, vol. III, nº 707; Samaran et al. 1959, vol. I, p. 415; Pecqueur 1960, p. 74; Davy-Rigaud et al. 2012, pp. 52–57). |
22 | Paris. Bibliothèque Mazarine, Inc. 208 (Hillard 1989, vol. VI, p. 244). |
23 | Tours. Bibliothèque municipale, Ms. 218 (Dalarun 2002, pp. 310, 395; Glodt 2019). |
24 | Paris. Bibliothèque Mazarine, Ms. 1290 (Avril 2001, pp. 268, 273, 281; Stolte 2001, p. 95). |
25 | Lyon. Bibliothèque municipale, Rés Inc. 57 (Parguez 1991, pp. 58–59, nº 215). |
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Pazos-López, Á. Introibo Ad Altare Dei—Visual Displaying and Liturgical Ornamentation of Christian Altars in the Late Medieval Illustrations of the Roman Rite. Religions 2025, 16, 112.
Pazos-López Á. Introibo Ad Altare Dei—Visual Displaying and Liturgical Ornamentation of Christian Altars in the Late Medieval Illustrations of the Roman Rite. Religions. 2025; 16(2):112.
Chicago/Turabian StylePazos-López, Ángel. 2025. "Introibo Ad Altare Dei—Visual Displaying and Liturgical Ornamentation of Christian Altars in the Late Medieval Illustrations of the Roman Rite" Religions 16, no. 2: 112.
APA StylePazos-López, Á. (2025). Introibo Ad Altare Dei—Visual Displaying and Liturgical Ornamentation of Christian Altars in the Late Medieval Illustrations of the Roman Rite. Religions, 16(2), 112.