Religion and Ways of Belief and Existence of Two Generations of People: A Qualitative Investigation into the Braga District of Portugal
:1. Introduction
1.1. Religion, Secularization, and New Expressions of Religiosity
1.2. The Generational Perspective
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. The Religiosity of People of the 1940–1950 Generation
3.1.1. The Generational Frame
3.1.2. Belief and Belonging
3.1.3. Religion and Values
3.2. Beliefs and Ways of Believing of 1965–1975 Generation
3.2.1. The Bridging Generation
3.2.2. Religious Experiences, Life Trajectories, and Expressions of Belief
3.2.3. Religious Beliefs and Democratic Values
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Durán Vázquez, J.F.; Duque, E. Religion and Ways of Belief and Existence of Two Generations of People: A Qualitative Investigation into the Braga District of Portugal. Religions 2025, 16, 122.
Durán Vázquez JF, Duque E. Religion and Ways of Belief and Existence of Two Generations of People: A Qualitative Investigation into the Braga District of Portugal. Religions. 2025; 16(2):122.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDurán Vázquez, José F., and Eduardo Duque. 2025. "Religion and Ways of Belief and Existence of Two Generations of People: A Qualitative Investigation into the Braga District of Portugal" Religions 16, no. 2: 122.
APA StyleDurán Vázquez, J. F., & Duque, E. (2025). Religion and Ways of Belief and Existence of Two Generations of People: A Qualitative Investigation into the Braga District of Portugal. Religions, 16(2), 122.