The Politics of Vulnerability Concerning Sexual and Spiritual Abuse in the Catholic Church
:1. Introduction
2. Method of Analysis
3. Definitions of Vulnerability
3.1. ‘Vulnerability’ in Research Ethics
3.2. ‘Vulnerability’ in Research Settings
3.3. ‘Vulnerability’ in Feminist Ethics and Philosophy
4. Deconstruction: The Meaning of ‘Vulnerable Persons’ in Church Texts
4.1. Vatican Texts
4.2. Regional Norms for Germany and Australia
4.3. Consequences and Impacts
5. Our Conceptual Framework: Vulnerance—A Situational-Systemic Approach
5.1. Vulnerability Beyond the Label ‘Vulnerable Person’—Vulnerability as a Social Construct
5.2. Vulnerance and Situationally Constructed Vulnerability
6. Challenges for the Research Process
6.1. Vulnerability of the Cohort
6.1.1. Vulnerance of Religious Life
6.1.2. Vulnerance of Disclosure
6.1.3. Assumptions of Vulnerability
6.1.4. Vulnerability and Traumatization
6.1.5. Benefits from Research and the Resilience of the Survivors
6.2. Vulnerance and Vulnerability of Researchers
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Usually the term “Clergy sexual misconduct” (CSM) or “Adult clergy sexual abuse” (ACSA), is used to describe any sexualized behavior on the part of a religious leader toward a person under his or her spiritual care. However, because not only religious leaders and clerics/priests are perpetrators, but female/non-clergy perpetrators are also known, we do not use the specification “clergy”. |
2 | All quotes that were not originally English were translated by the authors of this article. |
3 | It is noteworthy that the German term ‘vulnerabel’ (‘vulnerable Erwachsene’ is in English ‘vulnerable adults’) does not appear in the German original, but it does in the officially approved English translation. In the German version, the bishops use the term ‘in need of protection and help’ (dt. ‘Schutz- und Hilfebedürftigkeit’). Since the bishops offer the English translation on their homepage, it can be assumed that the two terms ‘vulnerable’ and ‘in need of protection’ can be understood to be congruent. |
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Hürten, M.; Leimgruber, U.; McEwan, T.; McPhillips, K. The Politics of Vulnerability Concerning Sexual and Spiritual Abuse in the Catholic Church. Religions 2025, 16, 137.
Hürten M, Leimgruber U, McEwan T, McPhillips K. The Politics of Vulnerability Concerning Sexual and Spiritual Abuse in the Catholic Church. Religions. 2025; 16(2):137.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHürten, Magdalena, Ute Leimgruber, Tracy McEwan, and Kathleen McPhillips. 2025. "The Politics of Vulnerability Concerning Sexual and Spiritual Abuse in the Catholic Church" Religions 16, no. 2: 137.
APA StyleHürten, M., Leimgruber, U., McEwan, T., & McPhillips, K. (2025). The Politics of Vulnerability Concerning Sexual and Spiritual Abuse in the Catholic Church. Religions, 16(2), 137.