The Influence of the Saints and Blessed of the Catholic Church on the Cultural Heritage of Kraków
:1. Introduction
- The historical outline of the cult of the blessed and the saints in the territory of Kraków;
- The material dimension of the heritage; especially the most important centres associated with the pilgrimage;
- The intangible dimension of the heritage of the blessed and saints, manifested mainly in the works created and initiated by them.
2. The Cult of Saints in the Church of Kraków
- Middle Ages (12th–15th centuries): Only St. Stanisław the bishop and martyr, whose cult had national significance, was canonized at that time, and he was declared the patron saint of Poland and Kraków.
- Beatifications and canonizations from the late 16th to mid-19th centuries, confirming only the cults initiated in the Middle Ages. Five people were beatified or canonized at that time; in the case of Jan Kanty, both beatification and canonization processes were performed.
- Beatifications and canonizations since the 1980s, which concerned people who lived in various historical periods, both saints of previous historical periods and those associated with Kraków since the late 19th century. A total of 13 people were elevated to the altars in those years (Table 1).
3. The Cultural Heritage Associated with the Cult Centres of Kraków’s Saints and Blessed
4. The Activities of Kraków’s Saints and Their Impact on the Cultural and Social Space of the City
4.1. New Religious Congregations in the City Space
- Bl. Zofia Czeska of the Congregation of the Virgins of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also called the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The rules of the congregation, created by Zofia Czeska, were finally approved after the founder’s death by bishop Andrzej Trzebnicki of Kraków in 1660 (Gąsior 2014).
- St. Józef Sebastian Pelczar of the Congregation of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, also called the Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (1894). The co-founder of the congregation was Bl. Klara Ludwika (Clare Louise) Szczęsna.
- St. Brother Albert of the Congregation of the Albertine Brothers of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis Seraphic Servants of the Poor, called also the Albertine Brothers (1888) and the Congregation of the Albertine Sisters of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis Seraphic Servants of the Poor—the Albertine Sisters (1891). The co-founder of the female branch of the congregation was Bl. Bernardyna Maria Jabłońska.
4.2. Activities Supporting Scientific Centres and Educational Activities
4.3. Works of Charity
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Pruszcz was not really the author of the guide. The author is unknown. |
2 | The Order of Canons Regular of Prémontré. |
3 | Canons Regular of St. Augustine of the Congregation of the Most Holy Savior at the Lateran. |
4 | The Bernardines belong to the Franciscan order—the Friars Minor Observant. |
5 | The term appeared in the mid-16th century in a biography of Blessed Michał Giedroyć written down by Jan of Trzciana, a professor at the Kraków Academy, (Łatak 2021, p. 79). |
6 | In 1855, Angela Truszkowska and her cousin Klotylda Ciechanowska, on the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on November 21 before the image of Our Lady of Częstochowa, made solemn vows of surrender to the care of Mary. This date is considered by the Felician Sisters to be the beginning of their congregation; official approval took place in 1859 (Marecki 2010). |
7 | In 1983, he received an honorary doctorate from the Jagiellonian University in all fields of knowledge represented at the university. |
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Name/Years of Life | Beatyfication (b)/ Cananization (c) | Main Information About Blessed or Saints | Main Worship Centres in Kraków |
Stanisław Bishop 1038–1079 | 1253 (c) | The bishop of Kraków, murdered by king Bolesław Śmiały | Grave in Wawel Cathedral and Skałka Church |
Wincenty Kadłubek 1155–1223 | 1764 (b) | The bishop of Kraków, author of the chronicle of Polish history | Relics in Wawel Cathedral |
Jacek Odrowąż 1200–1275 | 1594 (c) | Dominican, founder of the first Dominican manastery in Poland (Kraków) | Grave in the Dominican church |
Salomea 1211–1268 | 1673 (b) | The Duches of Kraków, the first Polish Poor Clare, founder of the first Order of St. Clare in Poland | Grave in the Basilica of St. Francis, the St. Andrew’s Church |
Jadwiga 1374–1399 | 1979 (b), 1997 (c) | The queen of Poland, donor of the Kraków Academy, known for her activity in aid of the Church and her charity works; she actively supported the Christianisation of Lithuania | Grave in Wawel Cathedral |
Bronisława 1200–1259 | 1840 (b) | Norbertine; the superior of the Norbertine monastery in Kraków; mystic | Grave in Norbertine Church |
Jan Kanty 1390–1473 | 1680 (b), 1767 (c) | Priest; professor of the Kraków Academy; died with a reputation for sanctity; one of the so-called Kraków saints at the end of the 15th century | Grave in the Church of St. Anne |
Izajasz Boner 1400–1471 | beatification procedures have begun | Augustinian; died with a reputation for sanctity; one of the so-called Kraków saints at the end of the 15th century | Grave in the Church of St. Catherine |
Michał Giedroyć 1425–1485 | 2018 (b) | Sacristan, known for his piety and humility; one of the so-called Kraków saints at the end of the 15th century | Grave in St. Mark’s Church |
Stanisław Kazimierczyk 1433–1489 | 1993 (b), 2010 (c) | The Lateran Canon; preacher and protector of the poor; one of the so-called Kraków saints at the end of the 15th century | Grave in the Basilica of Corpus Christi |
Szymon of Lipnica 1438–1482 | 1685 (b), 2007 (c) | Bernardine; preacher; died during a typhus epidemic while helping the sick; one of the so-called Kraków saints at the end of the 15th century | Grave in the church of St. Bernard of Siena |
Świętosław Milczący d. 1489 | in 1998 the beatification process stopped (the lack of documents) | Vicar; died with a reputation for sanctity; one of the so-called Kraków saints at the end of the 15th century | Grave in St. Mary’s Basilica |
Zofia Czeska | 2013 (b) | Founder of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgen Mary; founder of the first school for girls in Poland | Grave in the Church of St. John |
Maria Angela Truszkowska 1825–1899 | 1993 (b) | Founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Felix of Cantalice in Poland, known for her charitable activities | Grave in the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (church of the Felician Sisters) |
Józef Sebastian Pelczar | 1991 (b), 2003 (c) | Professor of the Kraków Academy; founder of the Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; the bishop of Przemyśl | Relics in the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Albert Chmielowski (the Brother Albert) 1845–1916 | 1983 (b), 1989 (c) | Painter, later a monk, founder of the Albertines Brothers and Albertine Sisters; as a monk, he devoted himself entirely to serving the homeless and the poor | Mortal remains in the Albertine Sisters’ Sanctuary Ecce Homo |
Urszula Ledóchowska 1865–1939 | 1983 (b), 2003 (c) | Teacher and educator at the Ursuline school; superior of a convent in Kraków | Chapel of the Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union in Kraków |
Bernardyna Jabłońska 1878–1940 | 1997 (b) | Co-founder and Mother General of the Albertine Sisters, she conducted numerous charitable works | Relics in the Albertine Sisters’ Sanctuary Ecce Homo |
Aniela Salawa 1881–1922 | 1991 (b) | Maid; mystic; known for her piety | The Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi |
Klara Ludwika Szczęsna 1863–1916 | 2015 (b) | Co-founder of the Congregation of the Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, known for her activity for the charity | Grave in the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Hanna Chrzanowska 1902–1973 | 2018 (b) | Nurse; initiator of home nursing in Poland, she took care of many seriously ill people | Grave in the Church of St. Nicholas |
Faustyna Kowalska 1905–1938 | 1993 (b), 2000 (c) | Nun, a mystic, and propagator of the cult of Divine Mercy | Mortal remains in the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy |
Hilary Januszewski 1907–1945 | 1999 (b) | Nun, superior of the Carmelite monastery in Kraków, and prisoner of the concentration camps in Sachsenhausen and Dachau; died of the tuberculosis in Dachau | The Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Józef Kowalski 1911–1942 | 1999 (b) | Salesian; prisoner of the Auschwitz concentration camp; tortured to death | St. Stanisław Kostka Church |
Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II) 1920–2005 | 2011 (b), 2014 (c) | Bishop and archbishop of Kraków; professor, cardinal, and pope; remarkable philosopher, theologian, and mystic | The Sanctuary of John Paul II |
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Sołjan, I.; Gierek, B. The Influence of the Saints and Blessed of the Catholic Church on the Cultural Heritage of Kraków. Religions 2025, 16, 162.
Sołjan I, Gierek B. The Influence of the Saints and Blessed of the Catholic Church on the Cultural Heritage of Kraków. Religions. 2025; 16(2):162.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSołjan, Izabela, and Bożena Gierek. 2025. "The Influence of the Saints and Blessed of the Catholic Church on the Cultural Heritage of Kraków" Religions 16, no. 2: 162.
APA StyleSołjan, I., & Gierek, B. (2025). The Influence of the Saints and Blessed of the Catholic Church on the Cultural Heritage of Kraków. Religions, 16(2), 162.