Tool Support for Improving Software Quality in Machine Learning Programs
:1. Introduction
- A novel maintenance technique that helps ML application developers or end users detect and correct anomalies in the application’s reasoning that aims for predictions that failed to achieve the functional requirements.
- A prototype, open-source, plug-in implementation in the Eclipse IDE that blends data maintenance features (i.e., model personalization, data version diff, and data visualization) with the IDE platform to hinder the separation of code, data, and model maintenance activities.
- A thorough case study that validates our approach by applying a text corpus in the bioengineering domain, demonstrating MLVal’s effectiveness in the model training and tuning processes.
2. Related Work
3. Design Principles
4. Design and Implementation
5. Approach
5.1. Preprocessing
5.2. Feature Extraction
6. Evaluation: A Case Study
- RQ1. Can MLVal help a user optimize an ML model?
- RQ2. Can MLVal help a user detect bugs in an ML model?
6.1. RQ1: Tool Support for Model Optimization
6.2. RQ2: Tool Support for Bug Detection
7. Threats to Validity
8. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Our Tool | Chameleon [43] | |
User | ML model developers and builders, model users, non-experts (e.g., bioengineering researchers), educators | |
ML Model Visualization | Explore and contrast the old and new version and highlight feature differences by controlling a diff threshold. | Visualize a primary and a secondary version and show version summaries. |
Interactive Support | Allow users to observe how the input data and hyperparameters affect the prediction results. | |
Eclipse IDE plug-in application incorporating code editing, program running, and model behavior validation. | Visual analysis tool support focusing on data iteration with hyperparameter updates. | |
Model/Feature View | Visualizing learned features to understand, explore, and validate models for the best performance model. | |
Tabular style in a tab widget. | Histogram style in multiple boxes. | |
Experimental Datasets | Datasets concerned with the process of model development and evolution. | |
23,500 main documents and 458,085 related documents in the bioengineering research domain. | Sensor data for activity recognition in 64,502 mobile phones. |
Topics | Top Term Probability |
Topic 1 | (“metal”, 0.025), (“activation”, 0.022), (“form”, 0.016),.. |
Topic 2 | (“microscopy”, 0.004), (“pathology”, 0.003), (“paper”, 0.003),.. |
Topic 3 | (“deposition”, 0.013), (“synthesize”, 0.013), (“mechanism”, 0.013),.. |
Topic 4 | (“conjugate”, 0.001), (“assemble”, 0.001), (“protection”, 0.001),.. |
Topic 5 | (“affinity”, 0.005), (“supercapacitor”, 0.005), (“progenitor”, 0.005),.. |
Topic 6 | (“transient”, 0.004), (“validation”, 0.004), (“detect”, 0.004),.. |
Topic 7 | (“biofilm”, 0.024), (“expression”, 0.024), (“sae”, 0.024),.. |
Topic 8 | (“duodenal”, 0.001), (“dictyostelium”, 0.001), (“evade”, 0.001),.. |
Topic 9 | (“osteogenic”, 0.004), (“light”, 0.004), (“explore”, 0.004),.. |
Topic 10 | (“material”, 0.013), (“thermal”, 0.013), (“direction”, 0.007),.. |
Cosine Similarity between Topic Words and Document Attributes | Document Attribute—Titles and Abstracts in Target Paper | ||
Document Attribute—Introduction in Target Paper | |||
Document Attribute—Titles in Cited Paper | |||
Document Attributes—Abstracts in Cited Paper | |||
Document Attributes—Titles in Reference Paper | |||
Document Attributes—Abstracts in Reference Paper | |||
BM25 Similarity between Topic Words and Document Attributes | Document Attributes—Titles, Abstracts, and Introduction in | ||
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Share and Cite
Cheng, K.S.; Huang, P.-C.; Ahn, T.-H.; Song, M. Tool Support for Improving Software Quality in Machine Learning Programs. Information 2023, 14, 53.
Cheng KS, Huang P-C, Ahn T-H, Song M. Tool Support for Improving Software Quality in Machine Learning Programs. Information. 2023; 14(1):53.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCheng, Kwok Sun, Pei-Chi Huang, Tae-Hyuk Ahn, and Myoungkyu Song. 2023. "Tool Support for Improving Software Quality in Machine Learning Programs" Information 14, no. 1: 53.
APA StyleCheng, K. S., Huang, P.-C., Ahn, T.-H., & Song, M. (2023). Tool Support for Improving Software Quality in Machine Learning Programs. Information, 14(1), 53.