Analysis and Control of Partially Observed Discrete-Event Systems via Positively Constructed Formulas
:1. Introduction
- Large block data structures for representing formulas and inference rules;
- Absence of necessity to remove existence quantifiers with a skolemization procedure, which decreases the complexity of the inference;
- Compatibility with application-specific heuristics and general logical inference control heuristics;
- Clarity of the logical inference, which helps to find formalization errors;
- Support for the equality predicate;
- Modifiability of semantics to support nonclassical logics.
2. The PCF Calculus
2.1. The PCF Language
- and are ∃–PCF and ∀–PCF, respectively.
- If is a set of ∀–PCFs, then is a ∃–PCF.
- If is a set of ∃–PCFs, then is a ∀–PCF.
- Any ∃–PCF or ∀–PCF is a PCF.
2.2. The Inference Rule
3. Checking Observability of a Regular Language
3.1. Partially Observable DESs
3.2. Checking Observability via PCFs
4. Conflict Extracting
5. Controlled System Design
6. The Prover for Refutation PCFs
6.1. Question Selection Strategies
- Is the question a goal? Goal questions are scored highest because answering them terminates the inference.
- How many steps ago in the inference was the question answered for the last time? The most distant questions are scored the highest. Such an approach provides a high level of diversity by restricting the usage of the same question several times in a row.
- How many times has the question been answered before? Questions with the lowest value are scored the highest.
- What is the level of the question branching? The ones with the lowest value are scored the highest.
6.2. Answer Selection Strategies
6.3. Evaluated Terms and Commands
- Evaluated function ++ —concatenation of lists and ;
- Evaluated predicate a \in —the membership of element a to list ;
- Evaluated predicate \subseteq —whether is a sublist of ;
- Evaluated function sort()—sorting list items in ascending order;
- Computed function dedup()—deletion of repeating elements of the list;
6.4. Complexity Evaluation
7. Case Study
7.1. Problem Statement
- —reference path following;
- —detouring the detected obstacle from its left sid;
- —detouring the detected obstacle from its right side;
- —navigation to the reference path;
- —searching for an obstacle on the left;
- —searching for an obstacle on the right;
- —wrong position diagnosing;
- —computing a new path.
7.2. System Constraints and Analysis
7.3. Simulation Results
8. Discussion
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
PCF | Positively constructed formula |
ATP | Automated theorem proving |
DES | Discrete event system |
SCT | Supervisory control theory |
CNF | Conjunctive normal form |
EFA | Extended finite automaton |
LTL | Linear time temporal logic |
CTL | Computational trees logic |
FOF | First-order formula |
FOL | First-order logic |
SCOP | Supervisory control and observation problem |
BSCOP | Basic supervisory control and observation problem |
ID | Identifier |
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Additions into the Base | ||||||||
1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||
3 | u | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | , | ||
4 | u | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | , | |
4 | u | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | , | |
4 | v | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | , | |
4 | v | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | , | |
3 | v | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | , | ||
5 | a | 3 | 1 | 1 | ||||
6 | a | 3 | 1 | 1 | ⌀ |
Additions | |||||||||||||
a | 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | v | ||||||
a | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | v | u |
Base Atoms Used | s | q | Additions | ||||
1 | u | 2 | |||||
2 | v | 3 | |||||
3 | a | 4 | |||||
4 | c | 5 | |||||
4 | b | 2 |
Base Atoms Used | s | q | Additions | ||||
1 | u | 2 | |||||
2 | v | 3 | |||||
3 | a | 4 | |||||
4 | c | 5 | |||||
5 | d | 1 |
Name | Triggering Condition | Description |
eOLN | The obstacle detected on the left is near | |
eOLNF | The obstacle detected on the left is not far | |
eNOL | There are no obstacles on the left | |
eORN | The obstacle detected on the right is near | |
eORNF | The obstacle detected on the right is not far | |
eNOR | There are no obstacles on the right | |
eON | The detected obstacle is near | |
eOF | The detected obstacle is far | |
eEAP | The robot has reached the end of the avoidance path | |
eRPR | The robot has reached the reference path | |
eAL1 | eOLNF and (eORN ∨ eON) | The robot detours the obstacle from the left |
eAL2 | eEAP ∨ eOLNF | The robot detours the obstacle from the left |
eAL3 | (eOLNF ∨ eNOL) and (eORN ∨ eON) | The robot detours the obstacle from the left |
eAL4 | eON ∨ eOLNF | The robot detours the obstacle from the left |
eAR1 | eORNF and (eOLN ∨ eOLNF ∨ eON) | The robot detours the obstacle from the right |
eAR2 | eEAP ∨ eORNF | The robot detours the obstacle from the right |
eAR3 | (eORNF ∨ eNOR) and (eOLN ∨ eON) | The robot detours the obstacle from the right |
eAR4 | eON ∨ eOLRF | The robot detours the obstacle from the right |
eRPF | The reference path is found | |
ePC | The path is corrected | |
eER | An error has occured | |
eNPR | A new path is required | |
eNPC | A new path has been computed | |
eOL | The obstacle is lost |
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Share and Cite
Davydov, A.; Larionov, A.; Nagul, N. Analysis and Control of Partially Observed Discrete-Event Systems via Positively Constructed Formulas. Computation 2024, 12, 95.
Davydov A, Larionov A, Nagul N. Analysis and Control of Partially Observed Discrete-Event Systems via Positively Constructed Formulas. Computation. 2024; 12(5):95.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDavydov, Artem, Aleksandr Larionov, and Nadezhda Nagul. 2024. "Analysis and Control of Partially Observed Discrete-Event Systems via Positively Constructed Formulas" Computation 12, no. 5: 95.
APA StyleDavydov, A., Larionov, A., & Nagul, N. (2024). Analysis and Control of Partially Observed Discrete-Event Systems via Positively Constructed Formulas. Computation, 12(5), 95.