Towards Human Stress and Activity Recognition: A Review and a First Approach Based on Low-Cost Wearables
:1. Introduction
- The need for a low-cost framework with a design that allows capturing physiological signals and human movements through wearables at the same time. Data generated and collected play a key role in the stress response. Therefore, data quality is essential to ensure the best information possible.
- As body area networks generate large volumes of data, the need to manage and maintain these datasets is of great importance.
- The assessment of a wide range of physiological signals could help to better understand the mechanisms of the stress response with different persons and situations.
- Selection of features to produce a good performance using a low number of features at a low computational cost. A reduced number of features reduces the risk of overfitting while a low computational cost contributes to implementing real-time systems using wearable electronics.
- The autonomy of wearable devices is a critical factor during device engineering.
- This paper includes a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art technologies focusing especially on current status and research trends.
- We propose a new wearable low-cost body network with three own designs and an overall of thirteen different measurements.
- Experimental results validate the proposal through the analysis of some functional characteristics such as the signal quality, the packet loss rate, and the battery life.
- A preliminary study is conducted in order to extract the main ECG features for stress detection during rest.
1.1. Related Works
1.1.1. Human Movement Analysis (HMA)
- UCI-HAR Dataset [42]: This was collected by University of California Irvine. The six ADL activities performed in a supervised scenario were standing, lying, walking, walking upstairs, and walking downstairs. The data were collected by triaxial angular velocity.
- OPPORTUNITY Dataset [43]: The project was conducted by the University of Sussex. They built a rich sensor environment consisting of 15 wireless and wired networked sensor systems. As a result, they collected 17 morning activity data.
- PAMAP2 Dataset [44]: This was collected by the Department of Augmented Vision German Research Center of artificial intelligence. The researchers recorded 18 activities including walking, cycling, rope jumping, etc. All subjects wore three IMUs and a heart-rate monitor.
- UniMib-SHAR Dataset [45]: This was collected by the University of Milan-Bicocca. The samples were acquired by a smartphone with Android operating system. The whole dataset was designed to monitor human activity and detect falls. A total of 30 volunteers contributed 11,771 samples.
1.1.2. Stress Detection
2. The Proposed BAN
2.1. Hardware Designs
2.1.1. Type 1: IMU and
2.1.2. Type 2: EDA and Skin Temperature (ST)
2.1.3. Type 3: ECG and Breathing
2.1.4. OpenBCI
2.2. Software
2.2.1. Communication
2.2.2. GUI
2.2.3. Data Synchronization
3. Methodology
3.1. Battery Life and Packet Loss Rate
3.2. Data Quality Assessment
3.3. Human Activity and Stress Recognition
ECG Signal Processing for Stress Recognition
4. Results
4.1. Battery Life and Data Loss Rate
4.2. Data Quality
4.3. Human Activity and Physiological Signals
4.4. Main ECG Features for Stress Detection
5. Discussion
5.1. Hardware Design
5.2. Signal Quality
5.3. Artifacts
5.4. Stress Recognition
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ambient temperature | |
Acc | accelerometer |
ADC | analog-to-digital converter |
ADL | activities of daily living |
ASIC | application-specific integrated circuit |
BAN | body area network |
BLE | bluetooth low energy |
BR | breathing rate |
CNN | convolutional neural networks |
DBN | deep belief network |
DL | deep learning |
DT | decision tree |
ECG | electrocardiography |
EDA | electrodermal activity |
EEG | electroencephalography |
ELM | extreme learning machine |
EMG | electromyography |
EOG | electroeculography |
ET | eye tracking |
GATT | generic attribute profile |
GMM | Gaussian mixture model |
GUI | grafical user interface |
HF | high frequency |
HHC | hierarchical hybrid classification |
HMA | human movement analysis |
HMM | hidden Markov models |
HR | heart rate |
HRV | heart rate variability |
IMU | inertial measurement unit |
LDO | low-dropout regulator |
LF | low frequency |
LSL | lab-streaming layer |
Mrr | the median of RR segments |
NN | neural networks |
NWFE | nonparametric weighted feature extraction |
PA | physical activity |
PCA | principal component analysis |
pNN50 | percentage of successive RR intervals that differ by more than 50 ms |
PPG | photoplethysmography |
PSNS | parasympathetic nervous system |
PSS | perceived stress level |
RF | random forest |
RMSSD | root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats |
ROM | range of motion |
SB | sedentary behavior |
SCR | skin conductance response |
SDNN | standard deviation of NN intervals |
SNR | signal-noise ratio |
SNS | sympathetic nervous system |
SoC | system on-chip |
ST | skin temperature |
STAI | state-trait anxiety inventory |
SVM | support vector machine |
TCP | transmission control protocol |
TSST | trier social stress test |
UUID | universally unique identifier |
VLF | very low frequency |
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Ref. | #Activities | Devices and Placement | Metrics | Classification and comments |
[25] | 6 (standing, sitting, lying, walking, and transitions: sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit) | 3 Acc at chest and both thighs | Sensitivity of 96.2% | DT |
[26] | 7 (sitting, walking, standing, running, cycling, …) | 2 Acc at dominant wrist and ankle | Accuracy of 96% | k-NN classifier |
[27] | 9 (walk, go upstairs, jump, run, stand, sit, …) | 1 IMU at the right hip | Accuracy of 96.1% | Compressed sensing to save energy. It uses sparse lineal combination to identify the training classes |
[28] | 8 (lying, standing, cycling, running, walking, …) | 1 Acc at the back and at three different positions | Accuracy of 79.42% | Several classifiers tested. Best results with J48 when the Acc is at the upper back |
[29] | 3 (standing up, walking, and running) | 5 Acc (head, 2 at the back, arm and forearm) | Accuracy of 80% | Methods based only on thresholds |
[22] | 6 phases associated to drinking | Pressure sensors integrated in a ribbon placed around the arm | Accuracy of 92.3% | ELM classifier with sigmoid functions |
[30,31] | 12 (stair descent/ascent, lying, standing, sitting, walking, …) | 3 Accs placed on chest, thigh and ankle | Accuracy of 96.6% | Best classifier based on k-NN |
[20] | 8 (walking, running, standing, climbing up/down, sitting, jumping, and jogging) | 6 Smartphones around the body and a smartwatch | F-score of 89% | RF |
[32] | 6 (sitting down, standing up, walking, going upstairs, resting, and running). | 1 Acc and ECG | Accuracy of 96.35% | The use of the ECG was crucial for detecting the activities and estimating the energy expenditure |
[33] | 12 from the PAMAP2 dataset | 2 Acc at the wrist and chest | Accuracy of 80.6% (RF) | Two classifiers tested: RF and SVM. The dataset includes 13 sensors. With all of them the accuracy rises up to 91.1% with kNN |
[23] | 33 from the REALDISP dataset | 9 Acc spread all over the body | 96.5% accuracy with 6 sensors | Deep believe network DBN for classification, and PART, RF and DT for feature selection |
[34] | 5 (running, walking, standing, sitting, and dining) | 3 Acc: both wrists and waist | Accuracy of 81%. With 1 Acc at the wrist, the accuracy was of 80%. | Three classifiers tested: RF, DT, SVM |
[14] | 4 exercises (biceps curls, lateral raises, contraction, and vertical raises) | EMG y Acc at the arm | Accuracy of 85.7% | Only 3 participants in the study. Authors used the k-NN classifier |
[35] | 8 (standing, walking, running, climbing up stairs, downstairs, sit-up, vacuuming and brushing teeth) | 5 biomedical sensors (ECG, EMG, BR, force, and Acc | Accuracy OF 99.86% | The best of out of three classifiers was k-NN. |
[19] | 13 (house activities, walking at different speeds, …) | Smartwatch and pressure sensor in the shoe sole | Accuracy of 89%. With only the pressure sensor the accuracy was of 81% | The study also includes free-living activities |
Ref. | #Activities | Devices and Placement | Metrics | Classification and Comments |
[21] | 6 (coughing, walking, standing, sitting, squatting or lying) | ECG, and Acc at the chest | Accuracy of 96.92% | Classifier based on DT |
[24] | 24 ( running at differnt intensities, walking in different scenarios, standing, lying, …) | 1 Acc at the wrist | Accuracy of 92.7% (GMM) and 94.7% (HMM). The accuracy for free-living activities was of 80% | Temporal and frequency features obtained in laboratory to train GMM and HMM models |
[15] | 11 sports + 10 ADL from a dataset | 2 IMUs at wrist and ankle | Accuracy of 98.23% (ADL) and 99.55% (sports) | Feature selection NWFE and PCA |
[36] | 12 (sitting down, standing, lying, walking, running, going upstairs) with/without weight. | Smartphone in the left pocket of the pants and ECG | Accuracy of 94% | Uses a set of weighted classifiers |
[37] | 13 (walking, jogging, squatting, …) | Elastic belt around the chest containing an Acc and that can measure BR | Accuracy of 97.22% | HHC combining DL and methods based on thresholds |
[17] | 4 (walking, running, sitting down, and getting on a bus) | 3 Acc at hip, thigh and ankle. Other 3 Acc on clothes close to the other sensor placements | High correlation between the two datasets | Studies the reliability and performances of slack sensors |
[16] | 11 sports + 10 ADL from a dataset | 1 IMU at the thigh | Accuracy of 95.16% | It detects activities involving cyclic movements in lower limbs. It uses HMM, GMM and Expectation-Maximization |
[38] | Group 1 (eating, writing, and clapping) Group 2 (walking, sitting down, and running) | Smartphones and smartwatches | Accuracy of 94.9% (Group 1) and 92.1% (Group 2) | Several classifiers. Best results with RF |
[18] | 4 (lying, sitting down, standing up, and walking) | 1 Acc | Accuracy of 93% | It uses the kNN classifier |
[39] | Multiple benchmark datasets, namely UCI-HAR, OPPORTUNITY, UniMib-SHAR and PAMAP2 | UCI-HAR (smartphone), OPPORTUNITY (72 sensors distributed on body), PAMAP2 (3 IMUs and an ECG), UniMib-SHAR (smartphone) | UCI-HAR (accuracy of 96.98%), OPPORTUNITY (accuracy of 80.23%), PAMAP2 (accuracy of 91.93%), UniMib-SHAR (accuracy of 75.42%) | A shallow CNN that considers cross-channel communication |
[40] | UCI HAR database (6 activities), USC HAR database (12 activities), SKODA database (11 activities) | Accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer embedded on a smartphone placed on the waist | UCI dataset (accuracy of 99.29%), USC dataset (accuracy of 99.02%), SKODA dataset (accuracy of 97.21%) | Deep CNN architecture that is trained to extract features from different transformed spaces |
Ref. | Purpose/Biosignals | Methodology/# Participants | Instruments | Results |
[69] | Detecting stress in real-world driving with ECG, PPG and Acc | Driving for a minimum of 10min several times for the same route/21 | RELIEFF for feature reduction. LDA, DT, k-NN, and an Ensemble classifier with Hill-Climbing | Accuracy of 86.9% for binary detection of stress with physiological and driving features |
[71] | Create a dataset for interactive and perceptive tasks collecting EDA, ECG and PPG | Tasks: math, logic problems, Stroop test and audio stimuli to evoke emotions in 4 quadrants/62 | SVM classifier | Accuracy of 78.2% for high/low concentration and 88.9% for high arousal/low valence in ECG + EDA. Arousal 798%. Valence (71.6%) |
[60] | Assess the accuracy of a wearable sensor for stress detection based on EDA and PPG | Five lab conditions: rest, pace breathing, standing, Stroop, speech task and two ecological conditions (slow walking, keyboard typing)/40 | Correlation. Bland–Altman plot | Mean HR showed the best accuracy over all conditions |
[61] | Propose a CNN for robust emotion recognition based on EDA | Play music videos/DEAP dataset | CNN for four emotional quadrants: high valence and arousal (HVHA), HVLA, LVLA, LVHA | Accuracy of 82% for person-independent classification |
[72] | Stress monitoring using smart bands (ST, PPG, EDA and Acc) and contextual information | Exams with a jury/16 | Several classifiers. Feature reduction through PCA | Accuracy of 80% with MLP for two-class output. Improvement was obtained by including weather information |
[70] | Recognize drivers’ stress patterns from EEG | Three virtual driving scenarios with different environmental variables/50 | Different classifiers SVM, NN, RF | Accuracy of 97.95% for SVM |
[73] | Find relationship between PSS and physiological signals/EOG, HR, Acc, and Gyro. | Two phases: resting/stressful by performing a time-limited task/20 | Statistics. PSS | Only HR correlated with PSS |
[66] | Detection of changes in GSR with pleasant and unpleasant stim-uli | Videos to elicit emotions/17 | EmpaticaE4 and Shimmer3GSR at different body places | Best places for measuring: left-hand fingers and right foot |
[62] | Create indicators for cognitive markers based on EDA, HR, Acc | Tasks: Reaction time task Breathing exercises, Mental calculation, Affective memory task, etc./48 | Phsyco. tests: PANAS, SST, Physio: EP, ED, and CL | Accuracy of 89% |
[74] | Study the effect of listening to music on the ECG | Play music of different rhythms: <40 BPM, 60–80 BPM and 120–140 BPM. 8 sessions/14 | TP, HF, LF, HFR and LFR | Fast music reduces activity in PSNS (LFR and TP ↑, HFR ↓; Intermediate music inhibits the activity (LFR ↓, HRF ↑; Slow music does not affect |
[75] | Stress assessment during virtual wheelchair guidance using EMG and EEG | Participants drove a virtual wheelchair and filled in tests (SAM, NASA-TL)/10 paraplegics | Frequency bands from EEG and amplitude, PSD, Freq,.. from EMG. PCA, ANOVA | Time pressure stressors were the most influent. Thumb muscle, parietal, and frontal regions were the most correlated with stress |
[63] | Detect phsychological stress in the presence of PA using wristband biosignals: PPG, EDA, Acc | Three levels: (1) non-stressful events; (2) Meetings, drivings,.. (3) Stroop, IQ, … tests /34 | STAI, feature reduction through PCA, Classifiers. PA level measured by MET | The best classifier was based on SVM with a 99.1% for PA and 92% for stress. Similar PA for all subjects |
[64] | Analyze biosignal to evaluate a a car setup. EDA at both hands, ECG, ET | Three setting with a simulator: oversteering, normal and understeering/4 | Skin pulse response for EDA, HR and puils size. Statistical significance. SVM classifier | Accuracy of 72% on EDA. No significant changes on HR and pupil size |
[65] | Detection of stress during user experience evaluations with EDA | EDA from the WESAD database, containing 3 affective states: neutral, stress and amusement/15 | TSST. The SCR is used to train several classifiers | Accuracy of 91.1% for SVM for stress/no-stress |
[67] | Find features that reflect emotional and cognitive states from EDA signals | Three different stress tasks/20 | 47 features and three applications: LedaLAB, cvxEDA, snd sparsEDA. SVM with feature selection | Best consistent features over all participants were the number of response of driver function from ledalab and cvxEDA and TVSymp. Accuracy of 88.52% |
Signal | Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 | OpenBCI |
Accelerometer (3 axis) | 26 | 26 | 26 | 25 |
Gyroscope (3 axis) | 26 | 26 | 26 | − |
13 | 13 | 13 | − | |
Battery | 13 | 13 | 13 | − |
EDA | − | 26 | − | − |
ST | − | 13 | − | − |
ECG | − | − | 208 | − |
BR | − | − | 26 | − |
EEG | − | − | − | 250 |
Domain | Feature | Description |
Time | HRV | Heart rate variability |
SDNN | Standard deviation of NN intervals | |
RMSSD | Root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats | |
pNN50 | Percentage of successive RR intervals that differ by more than 50 ms | |
Frequency | VLF | Very low frequency, 0.003–0.04 Hz |
LF | Low frequency, 0.04–0.15 Hz | |
HF | High frequency, 0.15–4 Hz |
Device | Battery (h) | Lost Frames (%) |
Type 1 | 15.68 | 0 |
Type 2 | 16.06 | 0 |
Type 3 | 15.56 | 0 |
OpenBCI | 17.97 |
Name | p-Value | Name | p-Value |
ΔSDNN | 0.97 | ΔRMSSD | 0.25 |
ΔpNN50 | <0.01 | ΔMrr | <0.01 |
ΔVLF | 0.39 | ΔfmVLF | 0.51 |
ΔLF | 0.65 | ΔfmLF | 0.69 |
ΔHF | 0.80 | ΔfHF | 0.79 |
Ref. | Autonomy/Consumption | Size (mm) | Weight (g) | Raw Data | Storage Unit | Wireless | Physio. Signals | IMU |
Xsens MTW | 3.5 h | 34.5 × 58 × 4.5 | 27 | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Xsens Mti-G | 660 mW | 57 × 42 × 23.5 | 58 | Yes | No | No | No | Yes |
Xsens Mti-610 [31] | <1 W | 41 × 28 × 13 | 8.9 | Yes | No | No | No | Yes |
Physilog 3 | 71 mA | 50 × 40 × 16 | 36 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
UAV V3 | 420 mW | 38 × 70 × 25 | 34 | Yes | No | No | No | Yes |
activPAL [19] | 7 days | 53 × 35 × 7 | 15 | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Shimmer3 Ebio | 8 h † | 65 × 32 × 12 | 31 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ours | 16 h/60 mA/222 mW | 57 × 39 × 18 | 45 | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
[26] | 12.2 mA/51 mW | 39 × 33 × 5 | – | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
[28] | – | 31.5 × 21.5 × 6 | 9 | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
[21] | 48 h/<5 mA | 43 × 43 × 6 ‡ | – | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
[15] | – | 56 × 37 × 15 | 16 | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Feature | [101] | [102] | [77] | Ours |
Bandwidth (Hz) | [0.05 100] | [0.5 40] | [0.1 30] | [4.5 30] |
(Hz) | NA | 1000 | 256–1200 | 208 |
(dB) | 5.77 | 7.01 | 11.96 | 9.78 |
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Castro-García, J.A.; Molina-Cantero, A.J.; Gómez-González, I.M.; Lafuente-Arroyo, S.; Merino-Monge, M. Towards Human Stress and Activity Recognition: A Review and a First Approach Based on Low-Cost Wearables. Electronics 2022, 11, 155.
Castro-García JA, Molina-Cantero AJ, Gómez-González IM, Lafuente-Arroyo S, Merino-Monge M. Towards Human Stress and Activity Recognition: A Review and a First Approach Based on Low-Cost Wearables. Electronics. 2022; 11(1):155.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCastro-García, Juan Antonio, Alberto Jesús Molina-Cantero, Isabel María Gómez-González, Sergio Lafuente-Arroyo, and Manuel Merino-Monge. 2022. "Towards Human Stress and Activity Recognition: A Review and a First Approach Based on Low-Cost Wearables" Electronics 11, no. 1: 155.
APA StyleCastro-García, J. A., Molina-Cantero, A. J., Gómez-González, I. M., Lafuente-Arroyo, S., & Merino-Monge, M. (2022). Towards Human Stress and Activity Recognition: A Review and a First Approach Based on Low-Cost Wearables. Electronics, 11(1), 155.