1. Introduction
With the rapid development of mobile broadband network communications and artificial intelligence technology, smart video networking services are becoming more and more popular. In order to satisfy the needs of large amounts of data and low transmission delays for video networking devices, edge computing architectures have emerged. The trend of artificial intelligence computing is moving from cloud computing to edge computing that uses a decentralized architecture to shorten the delay of network transmission and accelerate the processing speed of real-time computation. Different computing tasks are processed hierarchically and computing is completed close to the data source or client side to shorten network transmission delays and quickly obtain data analysis results. Edge computing speeds up the response speed of application services through the concept of computing layering and provides a better user experience. To meet the requirements of artificial intelligence (AI) services, the trend of AI computing is moving from cloud platforms to distributed edge computing. Existing edge computing frameworks, such as fog computing, cloudlet, and mobile edge computing, still have many shortcomings [
The need to deploy machine learning models on edge devices is growing rapidly. Edge AI allows inference to be run locally without connecting to the cloud, reducing the data transmission time and making the inference process of neural network models more efficient. Many vendors offer AI edge computing deployment platforms for IoT devices, e.g., Microsoft Azure IoT Edge [
2], AWS Greengrass [
3] Google’s Cloud IoT Edge [
4], and IBM Watson IoT Platform Edge [
5]. Microsoft Azure IoT Edge is built upon Azure IoT Hub that offers a centralized method of managing Azure IoT edge devices and deploying the neural network models to the edge devices. Users that prefer to perform AI tasks at the edge rather than in the cloud can use this service, in which IoT devices can spend less time sending data to the cloud server by shifting AI tasks to the edge. The workflow of deploying machine learning (ML) models on the Azure IoT Edge platform [
6] is as follows: first, create Azure resources; second, configure Edge device; third, build the ML model into the docker image; fourth, deploy the ML model to the IoT Edge; fifth, test the ML module; and finally, tear down resources. In the third step, the user develops an ML model, builds it into a docker image, and registers it into an Azure Container Registry (ACR). In the fourth step, the user deploys modules (running containers from docker images registered in ACR) to the IoT edge device. In the Microsoft Azure IoT Edge architecture, when a neural network model is retrained, the entire neural network model file must be repackaged into a new docker image and then deployed to IoT devices, which is time consuming and requires a large data size to encapsulate the neural network model into the docker image file.
Larger and more diverse data are being gathered as various sensors are placed in mobile phones, vehicles, and buildings. How the diversity and large size of sensor data integrates into artificial intelligence (AI) solutions is an interesting topic of research [
7]. Hence, how to provide a better service experience for users has become an important issue for intelligent AI services.
Traditional machine learning methods include supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and semi-supervised learning. One of the problems with the main visual neural network model of supervised learning is that training a new model from scratch requires a lot of data. If there are not enough training data, the trained neural networks are often prone to overfitting. However, in many application environments, due to various restrictions, it is hard to collect enough training samples for the neural network to effectively converge. Transfer learning technology can solve the overfitting problem of insufficient image samples. It usually starts by initializing a new neural network that retrieves the trained neural layer and weight information in advance from the publicly available high-performance neural network models, and then performs local weight updates. The pre-trained neural network can provide the trained feature weights as an advanced feature extractor. Transfer learning can also be applied to the training of lightweight neural network models, which can be implemented in hardware accelerators; the last layer of the target domain neural network can be quickly retrained and inferred on the hardware of the networked devices [
Transfer learning is the process of using feature representations from a pre-trained model to avoid having to train a new model from the ground up. Pre-trained models are typically trained on large datasets, which are common benchmarks in the fields of computer vision and natural language processing [
10]. Transfer learning has a number of advantages when it comes to the construction of machine learning models. The weights calculated by the pre-trained models can be used as part of the training process for a new model. Generalized information can be transferred across the two neural network models if they are designed to accomplish similar tasks. When pre-trained models are used in a new model, the required computing resources and training time can be reduced [
11]. Meanwhile, in the case of only having a tiny training dataset, transfer learning technologies can utilize the weights from the pre-trained models to train the new model and solve new challenges. Transfer learning has been effectively used in a variety of machine learning applications, including text sentiment classification [
12] and image classification [
The main purpose of this paper is to develop a collaborative edge computing platform that aims to solve the problems of (1) deploying large numbers of neural network models to IoT devices and (2) reducing the computing resource requirements of cloud servers. With the advance of deep learning algorithms, the file size of the trained model is growing larger and more parameterized in order to increase the prediction accuracy, which creates a deployment issue. When a large number of edge AI computing devices update the new models, the amount of data transmission required is considerable. For neural network models trained with transfer learning technologies, these models will share some of the same weights and parameters. Based on this characteristic, we propose a new model deployment and updating mechanism for solving the problems of deploying large numbers of neural network models to IoT devices. Whenever a new model is trained, the proposed mechanism will compare the feature weight and parameter difference between the old and new models. After the new neural network model is trained, the feature weights are encapsulated into a neural network model patch file after processing through a difference comparison (diff). By dispatching the neural network model patch file to all edge IoT devices for new model updating, only a small amount of data are required to be transmitted to the edge device, and the entire neural network model can be updated. As a result, the amount of data transmission can be significantly decreased for updating edge devices that already have the same shared pre-trained models. A collaborative model publish system is also proposed to assist the delivery and update of neural network models, reducing backbone bandwidth requirements. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed model deployment and update mechanism, two different neural network models are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. The experimental results show that the proposed deployment and update mechanism can significantly lower the bandwidth requirement in model data transmission volume. Meanwhile, the computing resource requirements of cloud servers can be reduced with the proposed collaborative edge computing platform.
2. Related Works
Commercial cloud-based deep learning systems, such as Amazon Rekognition, usually require users to upload their personal data to a remote server for high-quality inference processing. However, uploading all data to a remote location may result in massive data transfers [
15] and potential privacy risks [
16]. Edge computing is a distributed computing architecture that moves the operations of applications, data, and services from the central node of the network to the edge nodes on the network logic for processing. Edge computing includes the following elements: (1) Proximity is in the Edge: Communication between edge nodes is faster and more efficient than communication with remote servers. (2) Intelligence is in the Edge: With the continuous enhancement of the computing power of sensors and smart video networking devices, edge nodes can make autonomous decisions and make immediate responses to the sensed data. (3) Trust is in the Edge: Much sensitive data are usually stored in personal devices (edge nodes). Therefore, trust relationships and sensitive data must also be managed manually at the Edge. (4) Control is in the Edge: Computing, data synchronization, or storage can be selectively allocated or delegated to other nodes or cores, and controlled by edge devices. (5) Humans are in the Edge: Human-centered design should place humans in a control loop, allowing users to control their data. Edge computing decomposes large-scale services that were originally handled by central nodes, cuts them into smaller and easier-to-manage parts, and distributes them to edge nodes for processing. As the edge node is closer to the user terminal device, it can speed up the processing and transmission of data and reduce transmission delay [
There are three main types of edge computing implementation architecture, which can be classified into fog computing, cloudlets, and mobile edge computing (MEC) [
18]. Fog computing is a decentralized computing architecture based on fog computing nodes. Fog nodes consist of multiple elements, including routers, switches, network access points, IoT gateways, and set-top boxes. These nodes can be deployed anywhere between network architectures. Because these nodes are close to the edge of the network, fog computing can provide good real-time transmission quality. The abstract layer of fog computing can mask the differences between the devices, unify the resources of the devices, and form a resource pool that can be used by the upper layer. The edge network is very close to the end user, and the sensing data will be calculated directly at the fog computing nodes without uploading to the cloud computing center. Fog computing makes full use of a large number of smart devices located at the edge of the network. Although the computing resources of individual devices are limited, a large number of devices can play a significant role in a centralized manner. Fog computing can use various heterogeneous networks, such as wired, wireless, and mobile networks, to connect different network devices, which can solve the network delay problem of cloud computing [
19]. Scholars such as Beck introduced the classification and architecture topology of Mobile Edge Computing [
20], as well as emerging technologies and applications of Edge content delivery and aggregation.
Many mobile devices now incorporate a large number of artificial intelligence application services, such as face recognition and voice translation. However, these mobile devices have very limited resources, such as limited battery power, network bandwidth, and computing storage capacity. Most artificial intelligence application services upload data to a cloud computing server, use the powerful computing and storage capabilities of the cloud computing center to process and store the data, and then send the computing results back to the mobile devices. However, with the development of the Internet of Things and the rapid growth of mobile devices, the transmission of large amounts of data to the cloud computing center can easily cause backbone network congestion, and network latency has become the bottleneck of cloud computing. Therefore, some scholars have proposed the concept of cloudlets. Cloudlets are resource-rich hosts or clusters of hosts. They are placed at the edge of the network and placed on the network closest to the mobile devices [
21]. In this way, data can be sent to cloudlets for processing and return the results. At the same time, calculations that cannot be completed by the cloud nodes can be transferred to the cloud computing center for processing by the cloud server. Cloudlets have the following characteristics: (1) Proximity: cloudlets are very close to mobile devices and can be reached through one hop of the network. (2) Resource-Rich: compared with fog computing nodes, cloudlets are specially deployed computing or data storage nodes, and their computing and data storage capabilities are much higher than those of fog computing [
Edge computing architectures such as fog computing, cloudlets, and MEC still have much room for improvement in the implementation of artificial intelligence application services. The traditional edge computing architecture and collaborative algorithms do not support the training update of deep neural network models and the pre-trained network models; therefore, how to provide an efficient edge server that supports various neural network model updates has become a major issue for the successful deployment of large-scale artificial intelligence application services.
4. System Evaluations
In the proposed collaborative edge computing platform, we use the Django framework [
23] to implement the neural network model publish server and use the Celery framework [
24] to perform the model
diff task in the background; the Redis broker [
25] server is used to store the Celery tasks. In Celery, task queues are used to distribute work across threads and machines. Dedicated worker processes constantly monitor task queues for new work to perform. Celery usually uses a broker, i.e., Redis broker, to help clients and workers talk to each other through messages. A Celery system can have multiple workers and brokers, allowing for high availability and horizontal scaling.
Using a publish/subscribe model, the MQTT protocol [
26] provides a lightweight method of messaging. The MQTT protocol is appropriate for Internet of Things messaging, such as with low-power sensors and mobile devices. In the proposed collaborative edge computing platform, when a neural network model
diff task is completed, the Mosquito MQTT broker [
27] server is used to notify the edge servers to download and update the existing model. After the edge server downloads the model, it will notify the edge IoT devices to update the local neural network model through the Mosquito MQTT broker server. Each IoT device in the proposed platform comes with a pre-installed client system, which will automatically monitor the MQTT messages, update the AI model, and hand off control to the AI task for making inferences after the model is updated.
Figure 5 shows the detailed workflow of the neural network model publish process in the proposed collaborative edge computing platform.
In the experiment, a model publish server used in the experiment utilized an Intel(R) Core (TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60 GHz, 64 GB RAM, a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti video card, a 512 GB SSD, and the operating system of Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. The experiment uses the Google Colab (Colaboratory) deep learning platform for model development with TensorFlow 2.5 and the Keras framework. The basic neural network test models used are MobileNet v2 [
28] and VGG-19. MobileNet v2 enhances mobile model performance across many benchmarks and model sizes, which is built on an inverted residual structure. In the intermediate expansion layer, MobileNet v2 filters features using lightweight depthwise convolutions [
28]. The VGG-19 is a deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture for image classification, with 16 convolutional layers and 3 fully connected layers [
29]. Common convolutional neural network models, such as MobileNet v2 and VGG-19, are frequently utilized as pre-training network models for various transfer learning tasks. Consequently, these two network pre-training models are employed to implement image classification tasks in the experiment with the dataset of the custom six persons’ dataset captured by a home camera, as shown in
Figure 6.
Figure 7 illustrates the structure and parameters of the neural network test models based on MobileNet v2 and VGG-19 models. The pre-trained model is reused by simply removing the final layer and using it to classify new image categories. Layers are added to a model that has already been trained and they are frozen to prevent losing the information they contain during future training processes. On top of the frozen layers, trainable layers are added. In the test model based on the MobileNet v2 pre-trained model, the total params are 2,626,854; the trainable params are 368,870 and the nontrainable params are 2,257,984. In the test model based on the VGG-19 pre-trained model, the total params are 20,172,070; the trainable params are 147,686 and the nontrainable params are 20,024,384. The trained neural network model is saved with the TensorFlow model file format, which includes variable index (variables.index), variable value (variables.data-00000-of-00001), and GraphDef (*.pb) files. The GraphDef (*.pb) format contains serialized data and calculation graphs of protobuf objects. The operating system of the computer equipment used by the client is ubuntu, and the file difference comparison (
diff) and neural network model patch file merge test are performed. In the experiment, the difference comparison tool used is hdiffz, and the correction tool used in the neural network model patch file is hpatchz [
30]. The experiment explores the original model size of the neural network model, the size of the neural network model patch file after the difference comparison, and the data saving ratio.
The experiment needs to upgrade the related files of the neural network model, variable index (variables.index), variable value (variables.data-00000-of-00001), and GraphDef (*.pb) files. After the difference comparison of model files (
diff), the model publish server generates neural network model-related patch files. Then, the neural network model-related patch files are packaged and transmitted to edge servers and edge IoT devices. After the new neural network model is updated on the edge IoT devices, the new neural network model can be loaded for inference and prediction. The experimental results are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1 shows the relevant file sizes of the MobileNet v2 and VGG-19 neural network models after transfer learning with the six categories of person images. Among them, the neural network-related files after diff comparison are based on the MobileNet v2 neural network. With the transfer learning techniques, the models share the same weights of the basic neural network model, which can reduce the transmission data after differential comparison. The VGG-19 neural network model has up to 19 layers, and its basic neural network model variable value reaches 80,109,019 bytes. After the differential comparison, only 1,778,387 bytes need to be transmitted, which greatly reduces the need to transmit the total amount of model data. The new neural network model with MobileNet v2 transfer learning can save up to 72.93% of data, while the new neural network model with VGG-19 transfer learning can save data as much as 97.76%.
The generated neural network model-related files, i.e., variable index (variables.index), variable value (variables.data-00000-of-00001), and GraphDef (*.pb) files, are all compared with the original file with the SHA256 checksum, which verifies whether it is consistent or not after the patch update. The experimental verification monitors the checksum codes of the neural network model-related files, which are all correct, indicating that all the neural network model-related files are successfully deployed and updated. The time required for comparing (diff) the different file part among the new model with the six categories of person images and the original MobileNet v2 model is about 1.376 s and the patch time required for recovering (patch) the new model with the MobileNet v2 patch file is about 0.004 s in the experiment machine. The time required for comparing (diff) the difference among the new model with the six categories of person images and the original VGG-19 model is about 8.439 s and the patch time required for recovering (patch) the new model with the VGG-19 patch file is about 0.013 s in the experiment machine.
For investigating the system performance, the edge IoT node number is changed from 100 to 1000 for evaluating the simulation performance. In the simulation environment setup, the number of edge servers is set to 4; the available download bandwidth from a cloud server to edge server is set to 100 Mbps; the available download bandwidth from an edge server to an edge IoT is also set to 100 Mbps. The cloud to edge server’s propagation delay is set to 300 ms and the edge server to edge IoT node’s propagation delay is set to 30 ms.
Figure 8 shows the simulation results. Label ‘vgg_cloud’ means that for a cloud server to transmit the VGG-19 model to 1000 edge IoT devices, it needs about 13,237 s. For the proposed diff model publish system, it only needs about 225 s to deploy new VGG-19 models to 1,000 edge IoT devices. For MobileNet v2, a similar result can be observed. The simulation results show that the proposed collaborative edge computing platform can speed up the deployment of artificial intelligence services.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Edge AI makes it possible to execute AI inference tasks locally without connecting to the cloud. Machine learning models must be quickly deployed on edge devices. Many cloud service providers provide AI edge computing deployment platforms for IoT devices, including Microsoft Azure IoT Edge [
6], AWS Greengrass [
3], Google’s Cloud IoT Edge [
4], and IBM Watson IoT Platform Edge [
When a neural network model is trained in the Microsoft Azure IoT Edge architecture, the complete neural model file must be repackaged into a new docker image before being deployed to IoT devices, which takes time and requires a sizable amount of data [
6]. Machine learning models that are created, trained, and optimized in the cloud and run inference locally on devices are part of AWS IoT Greengrass [
3]. Data gathered from the IoT devices can be sent back to AWS SageMaker where they can be used to continuously improve the quality of machine learning models [
31]. AWS IoT Greengrass is capable of deploying components to IoT devices. Each IoT device operates on a combination of the software from the deployments that target the devices. Deployments to the same target device, however, overwrite any previous deployment components there. When a deployment for a target device is updated, the outdated components are swapped out for the updated components [
Google IoT Core contains two modules: (a) Device Manager allows users to set-up, authenticate, configure, and control IoT devices remotely; (b) Protocol Bridge operating with MQTT and HTTP protocols is in charge of service connectivity. Cloud Pub/Sub data are redirected to Google cloud services. For edge computing and AI in the Google IoT ecosystem, Google’s Cloud IoT Edge is performed via its branded Edge TPU chip [
33]. With the Coral platform for ML at the edge, Google’s Cloud TPU and Cloud IoT are enhanced to offer an end-to-end (cloud-to-edge, hardware + software) infrastructure that makes it easier for clients to develop AI-based solutions. The Coral platform offers a full developer toolkit in addition to its open-source TensorFlow Lite programming environment, allowing users to create models or retrain a number of Google AI models for the Edge TPU, combining Google’s experience in both AI and hardware. However, the deployment method is not extensively defined [
IBM Edge Application Manager (IEAM) is designed specifically for edge node management to minimize deployment risks and to manage the service software lifecycle on edge nodes fully autonomously. Software developers develop and publish edge services to the management hub. Administrators define the deployment policies that control where edge services are deployed. IEAM publishes an existing Docker image as an edge service, creates an associated deployment pattern, and registers IoT edge nodes to run that deployment pattern. Similar to Microsoft Azure IoT Edge [
6], the complete neural model file must be packaged into a new docker image before being deployed to IoT devices, which takes time and requires a sizable amount of data [
Existing edge IoT deployment platforms do not take into account the issue of sharing pre-trained models when deploying trained models, which leads to significant data consumption. Our work is different from the above system, and the proposed Cloud-Edge Smart IoT architecture and model publish system aims to solve the problems of deploying large numbers of neural network models to IoT devices and reducing the computing resource requirements of cloud servers. Only a small amount of data are required to be transmitted to all edge IoT devices for new model updating, and the entire neural network model can be updated. Existing edge computing architectures do not support updating the weights of various neural network models, nor are they optimized for storage, updating, and transmission of various neural network models for a large number of edge IoT devices. The proposed collaborative edge computing platform uses pre-trained neural layers and weight information to train and update the neural network model. Through differential comparison, the edge server only needs to send a small-part neural network model patch file to complete the deployment of new neural network models on IoT devices. The experimental results show that the proposed neural network model weight comparison mechanism can speed up the deployment of artificial intelligence services.