The existing sound field control methods based on loudspeaker array can be divided into two types: one method attempts to produce a sound field infinitely close to the desired sound field [
21], including Ambisonics based on spherical harmonic decomposition and wave field synthesis (WFS) based on the Huygens’s principle, and the other approach attempts to concentrate sound energy in one zone (the bright zone) and attenuate it in another zone (the dark zone) [
27]. Though the first type of methods are beneficial for the reproduction of specific sound fields and can control the impinging wave front in the control zone [
28], the source configurations of the first method are susceptible to greater limitations, particularly for WFS and Ambisonics [
4]. The second type of method only considers sound energy and therefore cannot control wave front or the direction of sound wave propagation [
29]. This paper focuses on the reconstruction of the desired sound field in one zone by using a loudspeaker array while weakening the reconstruction of the sound field in another zone.
Choi et al. have proposed a method to maximize the acoustic contrast between the bright zone and the dark zone, which is called the acoustic contrast control method (ACC) [
22], but the ACC method is not designed to reduce the error between the desired sound field and the reconstructed sound field. Shin et al. proposed the energy difference maximization method (EMD) [
26], which is closely related to the ACC method. The EMD method is used to optimize the energy difference between the bright zone and the dark zone, but the ACC method optimizes the energy ratio between the bright zone and the dark zone. Pressure matching (PM) is a numerical optimization method to make the reconstructed sound field approximate to the desired sound field [
30], which could be seen as an extension of study [
3]. Chang et al. proposed a combined acoustic contrast maximization and pressure matching method [
29] by adjusting the weights factor to determine the sound energy in the dark zone and the sound field reconstruction error in the bright zone. With the change of the weight factor between 0 and 1, the solution of the combined acoustic contrast maximization and pressure matching method changes between the acoustic contrast control method and the pressure matching method. Bai et al. proposed two sound field synthesis methods for minimal external radiation [
31], which keeps the sound pressure reconstruction error minimum inside the loudspeaker array (the bright zone) and radiation minimum outside the loudspeaker array (the dark zone). The first method is the pressure-constrained method, which constrains sound pressure in the dark zone and with the objective function to minimize the error of the reconstructed sound pressure in the bright zone; the second method is the pressure–velocity-constrained method, which constrains sound pressure and particle velocity in the dark zone with the objective function also to minimize the error of the reconstructed sound pressure in the bright zone. Based on the pressure matching method, Olivieri et al. proposed a beamforming method [
32]. By selecting control points that depend on frequency and are located on a half ring, this method finds balance between reconstructed sound field quality at the bright point and directivity with a linear loudspeakers array. Later, using compact loudspeaker arrays, they proposed two methods based on the pressure matching method to accurately reconstruct the target sound signal: the weighted pressure matching method and the linearly constrained pressure matching method [
33]. In the zone without accurately reproducing the target, the weight value of the reconstruction error is low with the weighted pressure matching method; the linearly constrained pressure matching method imposes linear constraints on the reconstruction accuracy of the target signal in the specified zone. Experimental results show that the weighted pressure matching method has a good balance between the accuracy and directional performance of sound field reconstruction. Additionally, in study [
34], they proposed a private sound system based on a circular array and the weighted pressure matching method. The proposed system is suitable for different application scenarios. When the input energy is limited, users can control the quality and directivity tradeoff by setting the expected characteristics of the acoustic field frequency response in the listening zone. The weighted pressure matching method weight in the dark zone is set to control the tradeoff so that the input signal meets the expected constraints. Experimental results show that this method is effective over a wide range of frequencies. Badajoz et al. proposed a combined pressure matching and binaural control technique for distance and direction sensing [
35], where a circular loudspeaker array is used to reconstruct the sound field of a nearby sound source. The pressure matching method is used to synthesize the incident acoustic field by minimizing the error between the desired and reconstructed sound fields, and the binaural control technique is used to reconstruct the interaural level differences (ILDs) and interaural time differences (ITDs). On the basis of the pressure matching method, Afghah et al. proposed replacing the traditional Tikhonov regularization method with the eigen decomposition pseudoinverse method to solve the loudspeaker distribution coefficient [
36]. The proposed method is designed to optimize the dark point performance without affecting the bright point performance. Liao et al. proposed personal sound reproduction with the robust control method [
37], which minimizes the acoustic energy in the dark zone while limiting the sound pressure error in the bright zone. The method is applied to local sound field reconstruction of vehicle sound system. Experimental results show that the performance of the proposed method is comparable to that of the algorithm proposed in [
29]. Lee et al. proposed a framework named perceptual VAST [
38], which takes into account the characteristics of the sound signal and human auditory perception to generate the perceptually optimized sound zone, but these characteristics are not taken into account by traditional methods. The listening test shows that the proposed method is superior to the ACC and PM methods in perception measurement: short-time objective intelligibility and perceptual evaluation of speech quality. Then, they have proposed using time-domain variable span trade-off filters or frequency-domain variable span trade-off filters to generate sound zone [
40]. Minimization of weighted pressure error and energy method uses the weight factor to adjust the sound pressure error in the bright zone, sound energy in the dark zone and loudspeaker array effort [
41]. To adjust the reconstructed sound field performance by the minimization of weighted pressure error and energy method linearly and in real time, Ryu et al. proposed a personal audio control method [
42] in which the weights of loudspeaker arrays are simulated as simple continuous functions by using piecewise linear approximation (PLA). Experiments show that the proposed control method can achieve fine tuning and linear adjustment of reconstructed sound field performance, and the performance of the proposed control method is slightly reduced compared with that of the minimization of weighted pressure error and energy method. Additionally, there are some real-time sound control systems; Choi proposed two real-time sound control systems [
43]. The first system uses 24 loudspeakers to fit into a flat-panel TV, which allows listeners at different locations to enjoy different sounds by suppressing interference between two sound zones. The second system allows listeners to control the sound source width and auditory scenery distance in real time, which consists of a linear loudspeaker array and touchpad interface.
The above research indicates that the research on the second type of sound field control method mainly focuses on the restoration of sound pressure within the bright zone and its related improvement techniques because the restoration of sound pressure could improve the accuracy of sound field reconstruction for listeners in the bright zone. However, when the loudspeaker array is non-uniformly placed, the reconstruction system is not stable enough, which is not conducive to practical application. In non-uniform loudspeaker layouts, the pressure matching method often requires too much source strength output, which is not conducive to sensing the position of the virtual source. When loudspeakers are distributed sparsely or irregularly, the pressure matching method has limitations due to spatial aliasing. However, the particle velocity matching method has no limit for the aliasing frequency because it controls the energy flow rather than the pressure on the control surface [
44]. The study in reference [
44] shows that when the loudspeaker array is non-uniformly placed, the control of particle velocity in a single region can obtain more stable loudspeaker strengths than the control of sound pressure in a single region. Some research suggests that sound can be described by sound pressure and particle velocity [
45], so in the aspect of sound field control, particle velocity recovery is also of certain research significance. Therefore, two sound field control methods based on particle velocity are proposed in this paper. The first method regulates the reconstruction error of particle velocity in the range of the bright zone and the square of particle velocity in the range of the dark zone; the second method regulates the reconstruction error of sound pressure and particle velocity in the bright zone and the square of sound pressure and particle velocity in the dark zone. The advantages and disadvantages of the proposed methods and traditional methods in sound field control are evaluated by computer simulation.