Privacy-First Paradigm for Dynamic Consent Management Systems: Empowering Data Subjects through Decentralized Data Controllers and Privacy-Preserving Techniques
:1. Introduction
1.1. GDPR and the Use of a Subject’s Confidential Data
1.2. Privacy by Design
1.3. Dynamic Consent Management Systems (DCMSs)
1.4. Blockchain Technology
- Private and public blockchains: Private blockchains like Hyperledger Fabric need prior approval, whereas public blockchains like Ethereum allow anyone to join and participate in the network procedures [18]. Based on the governance methods, blockchain networks can be classified into three classes—public, private, and consortium networks [18].
- Public blockchain networks are permissionless, allowing players to transact securely in trustless settings. In public blockchains, anyone can enter the network anonymously in Bitcoin [16] and Ethereum [17], and all parties retaining a replica of the ledger can create, verify, and validate transactions.
- Private blockchains are essentially permissioned networks limited to well-known registered participants of an organization granted approval to access and use the network. Permissioned blockchains are more scalable than public blockchains and take less time to reach a consensus, resulting in quicker transactions. However, it is claimed that private blockchains require decentralization.
- Hybrid or federated blockchain networks are semi-decentralized networks that connect public and private blockchain elements. A hybrid blockchain network is available exclusively to set organizations or people who have chosen to share the ledger for transactions. Some common examples are R3 Corda and Quorum.
1.5. Motivation and Contributions
- We introduce a model that delves into the vulnerabilities inherent to DCMSs. Within our proposed model, we underscore the prospective advantages of incorporating blockchain technology to decentralize the abstract concept of the data controller. Furthermore, we endorse the adoption of cryptographic techniques, such as differential privacy, homomorphic encryption, and secure multi-party computation, as a means to enhance the security of the subject’s data when shared with both the data controller and requester.
- We provide precise guidelines and recommendations, backed by formal proofs, algorithms, and definitions, for employing privacy-preserving techniques to encrypt the data of subjects. These guidelines promote secure encrypted data sharing between decentralized data controllers and requesters.
- Finally, we present a holistic overview of the current work on blockchain-based DCMSs and point out the flaws in the privacy of data subjects.
2. Background of Blockchain-based Dynamic Consent Management Systems (DCMSs)
- Data subject (DS): A person who submits their data to a data controller. A DS is an identified person who can be directly or indirectly identified by name or an identification number.
- Data controller (DC): The entity in charge who obtains and stores the data of a DS. A data controller is a lawful person or general management/authority accountable for keeping the subject’s consent/data. The DC is also responsible for establishing the purposes and standards of the personal processing of the DS’s data.
- Data requester (DR): A natural or permitted individual, a general administrator, who processes the private data of the DS on behalf of the DC. The DR could be a researcher who would like to employ the DS’s data for research-associated tasks. From Figure 1, it is clear that a DS is submitting their data/consent to a DC. The DC stores the data/consent granted by the DS regarding their data utility when the DS’s data are shared with the DR. Likewise, the DR wants to use the DS’s data for research-related tasks.
- Excluding the direct connection between the DS and DR: We remark that in our model elaborated in Section 4, we deliberately omit direct communication between the data subject (DS) and data requester (DR). The rationale behind this decision is rooted in the potential challenges associated with a dynamic consent management system (DCMS) where the DS and DR interact directly. In such a system, various issues can arise. Generally, the DS prefers to share their data passively, avoiding time-consuming interactions with all potential DRs, including both legitimate and non-legitimate parties interested in accessing their data. The DS typically seeks to grant consent to a data controller (DC) specialized in managing interactions with DRs. This consent might even be of a general nature, specifying categories of DRs authorized to access the data. From Figure 1 above, it is also clear that the “DC” is the central entity liable for collecting, managing, and sharing the sensitive data/consent of the DS. After carefully examining the work carried out in previously deployed DCMSs using blockchain, as explained in Section 3, we believe that this centralized DC is a weak point for the whole system. The DC stores the DS’s data/consent in a centralized server, and if the server is hacked or damaged due to any issues, then the data/consent of the DS is at stake. Keeping the truth in mind and exploring previously developed DCMSs using blockchain for various use cases, we designed a strategy according to the notion that in a DCMS, instead of decentralizing all the actors, only this DC should be made decentralized, and the DS’s data/consent must be kept over the blockchain in an encrypted form and transmitted to the DR in an encrypted form.
Use Case Description for DCMS
3. State of the Art (Analysis of Existing Blockchain-Based DCMSs)
3.1. Blockchain-Based DCMSs
- DS—data subject.
- DC—data controller.
- DR—data requester.
- 🗸 indicates that the actor (DS, DC, or DR) is decentralized.
- × indicates that the actor (DS, DC, or DR) is not decentralized.
3.2. Explanation of the Related Works Reported in Table 1
4. Proposed Model
4.1. Use of Privacy-Preserving Techniques along with Blockchains in DCMSs
4.2. Assumptions in the Model
4.3. Model Definitions
- Sharing of DS’s data with DC: The DS uses cryptographic software that applies cryptographic techniques like differential privacy, homomorphic encryption, and secure multi-party computation. The DS uses this software to transform their plaintext data into encrypted data so that the DC cannot learn sensitive information related to the DS (e.g., name and gender) but the level of detail is sufficient for the data to be shared and processed as needed by the DR.
- DC’s reception of data from DS: We assume that the DC receives data from multiple DSs. After acquiring the data in encrypted form, the DC applies aggregation to them. Various studies in the literature have demonstrated the aggregation of encrypted data [29,30,31]. In our model, we assume that the DC aggregates the received data using cryptographic techniques like homomorphic encryption and differential privacy mechanisms, i.e., Laplacian and Gaussian. In the work of Castelluccia et al. [29], the encrypted data were aggregated using homomorphic encryption in wireless sensor networks. Moreover, aggregation operations like randomization and generalization are performed. Randomization techniques alter the quality of any DS’s data in a DCMS to evade the dynamic link between the entity’s data and the entity. The generalization approach generalizes the characteristics of a DS’s data in a DCMS by adjusting the individual hierarchy. After consulting with various studies in the literature on differential privacy and data anonymization techniques, differential privacy was selected as an excellent approach to achieve a balance between the privacy and utility of the subject’s data [32].
- Decentralization of DC:Figure 3 shows the DC node lying on the blockchain service. This demonstrates that to achieve unforgeability and avoid a single point of failure, the DC is the only entity that is decentralized.
- Use of InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for DS data storage: The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a decentralized file system that utilizes distributed hash table (DHT) technology [33]. In the proposed model presented in Figure 3, we explicitly overcome one of the significant overheads highlighted in the blockchain implementations and the IPFS. It is not recommended to burden the blockchain with sensible data since, due to the immutable nature of the blockchain, no data can be removed from it once stored there. This is an apparent violation of one of the significant clauses of the GDPR [1], which states that the data subject has the right to erase their data anytime they want. Due to this reason and to overcome this severe overhead in our proposed model (Figure 3), we suggest the use of a distributed IPFS [34,35,36] to store the patient’s sensitive data while the hash of the subject’s data is held in the blockchain. Keeping only hashes on the blockchain will improve the scalability and limit the transaction time and cost [37] when this DCMS is set up in real time.
- DR requesting DS’s data: Now, when a DR asks for the DS’s data for a research assignment, instead of sharing the data in plaintext format, the DC shares aggregated encrypted data to preserve the confidentiality of the DS’s data. Upon receiving those encrypted and aggregated data, the DR again utilizes the cryptographic software running homomorphic encryption and other cryptographic modules to examine the encrypted DS data. In this way, the DR obtains a reasonable response to their request for the DS’s data, and the confidentiality of the DS’s data is ensured effectively.
- Cryptographic software: By cryptographic software, we refer to software applications in which many operations for encryption and decryption concerning privacy-preserving technologies like homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation, and differential privacy are run, and the state of each of these operations (s) is only triggered when the specified entity, i.e., DS, DC, or DR, is using the software. For instance, if a DS is using the software, then the encryption procedures and anonymization of the DS’s data are implemented, and all the data entered by the subject are converted into a cyphertext. Also, when a DC uses the software, it allows them to analyze and pollute/aggregate the received DS data via the available differential privacy techniques like randomization, generalization, diversity, and T-closeness. The data controller employs these techniques to remove the active link between the data and a particular DS.Similarly, when a DR asks for the DS’s data, the DC does not share the DS’s data in plaintext format. Instead, the data polluted and aggregated using the cryptographic software are transmitted to the DR. Upon obtaining those data, the DR uses the same cryptographic software to obtain the required outcomes from the encrypted data for their research-related assignments. Throughout this entire procedure, there is no possibility of DS data leakage. Hence, in our proposed model shown in Figure 3, we demonstrate that the confidentiality of the DS in the DCMS can be protected using cryptographic techniques and blockchains. Indeed, by having a decentralized DC in the DCMS, we confirm the unforgeability of the entire DCMS, as now there is no single point of failure; instead, the entity that has access to abundant data is decentralized, and privacy is ensured with the utilization of privacy-preserving technologies.
4.4. Guidelines for Using Blockchain and Privacy-Preserving Techniques in a DCMS
- DS Sharing Data/Consent with the DC.Definition: A DS is an individual whose personal data are collected and processed by a DC.Formal Description: The DS must use techniques like differential privacy, secure multi-party computation, and homomorphic encryption while sending data/consent to the DC. Using privacy-preserving techniques will ensure that the data/consent are protected and secure while being transmitted.The DS should implement the following steps while sending data/consent to the DC:
- The DS should use differential privacy to add random noise to the sensitive information in order to protect the privacy of the data being transited to the DC.
- To guarantee that the DS’s data/consent are not modified when transmitting them to the DC, the DS can employ secure multi-party computation.
- Correspondingly, the DS can also employ homomorphic encryption to safeguard the data/consent when disseminating them to the DC.
- Eventually, to convert the plaintext data into ciphertext form after using cryptographic software operating secure multi-party computation homomorphic encryptions, the DS sends their data/consent to the DC in the DCMS.
Precise Algorithm- (a)
- Data subject generates a public-private key pair:pub_DS, priv_DS ← KeyGen()
- (b)
- Data subject encrypts the data and consent with their public key:(D’, C’) ← Enc(pub_DS, D, C)
- (c)
- Data subject sends the encrypted data and consent to data controller:Send(D’, C’) to DC
- (d)
- Data controller receives the encrypted data and consent:Receive(D’, C’) from DS
- (e)
- Data controller verifies the authenticity of the message by checking the public key used for encryption:Verify(pub_DS)
- (f)
- Data controller decrypts the message using their private key:(D, C) ← Dec(priv_DC, D’, C’)
- (g)
- Data controller stores the decrypted data and consent securely and associates it with the data subject’s identity:Store(D, C) with the identifier ID_DS
- (h)
- Data controller sends a confirmation message to the data subject:SendConfirmation(ID_DS)
- DC Obtaining, Storing, and Processing DS Data/Consent.Definition: A DC is an individual who collects and processes personal data on behalf of the DS.Formal Proof: The DC should receive the encrypted data/consent and, after performing the necessary aggregation to remove any dynamic links between a data attribute and a particular DS, store them on the blockchain, e.g., a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. This process takes care of the privacy of the DS’s data/consent by aggregating the encrypted data while implementing a private blockchain, i.e., Hyperledger Fabric, that will ensure the security and privacy of DS’s data/consent. This guarantees that the data are secure and tamper-proof.Description: To obtain both data and consent from the DS, the DC could utilize the following approaches:
- Acquire encrypted data/consent from the DS.
- Ascertain the genuineness and integrity of the data/consent received from the DS.
- Apply an aggregation process to the collected data to avoid any active link between the data and a particular DS.
- Keep the encrypted data/consent on a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain.
Precise Algorithm- (a)
- Data subject generates a public-private key pair:pub_DS, priv_DS ← KeyGen()
- (b)
- Data subject encrypts the data and consent with their public key:(D’, C’) ← Enc(pub_DS, D, C)
- (c)
- Data subject sends the encrypted data and consent to data controller:Send(D’, C’) to DC
- (d)
- Data controller receives the encrypted data and consent:Receive(D’, C’) from DS
- (e)
- Data controller verifies the authenticity of the message by checking the public key used for encryption:Verify(pub_DS)
- (f)
- Data controller decrypts the message using their private key:(D, C) ← Dec(priv_DC, D’, C’)
- (g)
- Data controller stores the decrypted data and consent securely and associates it with the data subject’s identity:Store(D, C) with the identifier ID_DS
- (h)
- StoreOnBlockchain(hash_D’, hash_C’)(hash_D’, hash_C’) ← Hash(D’, C’)
- (i)
- DC saves the plain text data (D, C) of DS onto IPFS:SaveOnIPFS(D, C)
- (j)
- Data controller sends a confirmation message to the data subject:SendConfirmation(ID_DS)
- DR Requesting DS Data/Consent.Definition: A DR is an individual who requests access to a DS’s data from the DC.Formal Proof: The DR should ask the DC for the encrypted data of the DS, and the DC should retrieve the data from the blockchain and then transfer them to the DR. The above procedure guarantees that the data of the DS are only transmitted to official and legitimate DRs in the DCMS.Description: The DR should use the following measures to request access to the data/consent of the DS.
- The DR asks for the DS’s data/consent from the DC, which are essentially encrypted.
- Once the DC has received the request, they ask the DR to supply credentials demonstrating that they are a legitimate entity asking for the DS’s data/consent.
- Upon receiving a response from the DR, the DC then checks the authenticity of the credentials provided by the DR, i.e., by cross-checking the public key of the DR given to the DC.
- If the DR’s credentials are legal, the DC initiates another process to obtain data and corresponding consent from the Hyperledger blockchain and share the encrypted data/consent with the authenticated DR.
Precise Algorithm- (a)
- Data requester generates a public-private key pair:pub_DR, priv_DR ← KeyGen()
- (b)
- Data requester sends a request for data and consent to data controller for data subjectDS: SendRequest(DS) to DC
- (c)
- data controller receives the request and verifies the authenticity of the message by checking the requester’s public key:ReceiveRequest(DS, pub_DR) from DRVerify(pub_DR)
- (d)
- Data controller encrypts the data and consent associated with data subject DS with the requester’s public key:(D’, C’) ← Enc(pub_DR, D, C)
- (e)
- Data controller sends the encrypted data and consent to the data requester:Send(D’, C’) to DR
- (f)
- Data requester receives the encrypted data and consent:Receive(D’, C’) from DC
- (g)
- Data requester decrypts the message using their private key:(D, C) ← Dec(priv_DR, D’, C’)
- (h)
- Data requester can access and use the data and consent of data subject DS as needed.
4.5. Breakdown of the Proposed Model at Each Actor’s Level
- Techniques used by the DS when disseminating data/consent to the DC.Below are the cryptographic proofs, along with the algorithms that should be performed by the DS while transmitting their data/consent to the DC:
- (a)
- Differential Privacy, (, ). According to [38], differential privacy assures the DS (whose data will be utilized for research-related tasks by the DR) that they must provide consent authorizing their healthcare data to be employed by any researcher. DP adds random noise to the data before they are released, making it difficult for an attacker to identify any specific individual in the dataset [38]. The algorithm for differential privacy involves the following steps:Input: Dataset D, which essentially comprises the data/consent of a DS.Operation: Add random noise to dataset D using a probability distribution, i.e., Laplacian or Gaussian mechanism, that satisfies the privacy guarantee and manages the trade-off between the privacy and utility of the DS’s data, since the DR would like to use DS’s data. If there is too much noise in the DS’s data, then the DR will not be able to use the data for their research-related tasks.Output: A new dataset that is differentially private concerning the input that was D.Formal Definition: A randomized algorithm A satisfies -differential privacy if for any two datasets D and D’ that differ in a single individual and any output O of the algorithm A, the following inequality holds:
- (b)
- Secure Multi-party Computation (SMPC). Secure multi-party computation is a technique that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function using their private inputs without revealing their inputs to each other [39]. In a DCMS, SMPC enables the DS to share their data with the DC securely. Here, we elaborate on the general applicability of SMPC among DS, DC and DC, and DR. The algorithm for SMPC involves the following steps:Input: Private inputs from multiple parties, i.e., between the DS and DC or DC and DR.Operation: In line with the intrinsic features of SMPC, the involved entities (e.g., the DS and DC or the DC and DR) implement a secure computation protocol that allows interacting actors to concurrently compute a function using their private inputs without revealing their inputs to each other.Output: The function output is computed using the private inputs from each of the communication entities in the DCMS.Definition: An SMPC protocol is a protocol that allows the DS and DC or the DC and DR to apply a function to their private inputs without exposing their inputs to each other and without any party knowing anything other than the output of the function.
- (c)
- Homomorphic Encryption (HE). Homomorphic encryption is a technique used to analyze encrypted data without first decrypting them [40]. This enables the DS to encrypt their data/consent before transmitting them to the DC. The algorithm for HE in a DCMS may involve the following steps:Input: A plaintext message m and a public key . For instance, if the DS shares their data/consent with the DC, the DS provides their data/consent and the related as input for the procedure.Operation: Encrypt the plaintext message by employing the public key to obtain the ciphertext c.Output: The ciphertext c.Definition: A public-key encryption technique is homomorphic if for any two plaintext messages and , and their affiliated ciphertexts and , it is likely to compute a ciphertext that decodes to the sum of and .Discussion Summing up, we believe and suggest that if a DS uses the cryptographic techniques and algorithms mentioned above, they may expect that both the security and privacy of their shared data/consent are effectively ensured, as the required data/consent are encrypted before being shared with the DC in the DCMS.
- Techniques used by the DC while storing/sharing the DS’s data/consent:
- (a)
- Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain. Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned blockchain platform that allows for secure, private, and tamper-proof data storage [41]. The DC uses Hyperledger Fabric to store the encrypted data/consent received from the DS. The DC might use a blockchain query protocol like Chain-code or the Fabric query language to retrieve the encrypted data/consent from the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. The algorithm for storing data/consent on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain involves the following steps:Input: Encrypted data/consent from the DS.Operation: Storing the encrypted data/consent on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain using a smart contract invocation.Output: Confirmation of successful data/consent storage on the blockchain.Assumption: A network of nodes comprises the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain, with each node having a copy of the ledger. Here, we assume that there can be many DS nodes, but for the algorithm’s description, we assume a single DC.Step 1: A client (the DC) proposes a transaction, including the encrypted data/ consent of the DS.Step 2: The transaction is validated by the endorsing peers (other DCs), who execute the smart contract code to ensure it meets the necessary criteria.Step 3: The validated transaction is then broadcast to the ordering service, which orders the transactions and creates blocks. Here, we assume that some DC nodes are selected as ordering peers to render transactions on the shared ledger of the Hyperledger blockchain.Step 4: The blocks are then distributed to the peers, who validate them and add them to their copy of the ledger.
- (b)
- DC Retrieving DS’s data from the Blockchain and Sharing Them with the DR. The DC implements the process that essentially involves obtaining the data/consent from the private blockchain, where the data/consent are in an encrypted form; then, the data/consent are transmitted to the authenticated DR.Input: The credentials of the DR proving their right to access the DS’s data/consent and the encrypted data/consent kept on the Fabric blockchain.Operation: The DC retrieves the required DS data/consent from the blockchain and shares these encrypted data/consent with the authenticated DR.Expected Output: Encrypted data/consent shared securely with the DR.Discussion The detailed step-by-step procedures described above demonstrate how privacy-preserving techniques can help to ensure the privacy of the DS’s data/consent while sharing them with the DC and DR when only the DC is placed on the blockchain. We comprehensively discussed the possible tools and techniques that could be vital in the practical realization of such cases to ensure the security of the entire system by using blockchain technology to decentralize only the abstract entity of the DC and achieve privacy with the help of privacy-preserving techniques like differential privacy, secure multi-party computation, and homomorphic encryption.
- Techniques used by the DR while requesting the DS’s data/consent.After receiving the encrypted data and corresponding consent from the DC, several cryptographic techniques and tools can be used by the DR to perform research tasks with the DS’s data while maintaining their security and privacy. The DS encrypts their data/consent using cryptographic software that essentially runs homomorphic encryption. We elaborate below precisely how both encryption and decryption can be conducted using homomorphic encryption, protecting the privacy and security of the DS’s data/consent in a DCMS. Here, we discuss only the use of HE for precision. The use of differential privacy is also relevant to this entity in a DCMS.
- (a)
- Differential Privacy Mechanism. The differential privacy mechanism can be used by the data requester to protect the privacy of the subject’s data. The algorithm for the differential privacy mechanism is as follows:Input: Dataset D, privacy parameter .Output: Dataset .Assumption: The data are discrete and numerical.Algorithm:
- Set the sensitivity of the dataset as d.
- Calculate the noise to be added to the data as , where = d∖.
- Add random noise to each data point in the dataset.
- Return the dataset with the added noise.
Expected Output: The dataset with added random noise maintaining the subject’s data privacy. - (b)
- Secure Multi-Party Computation. Secure multi-party computation (SMPC) can compute functions over encrypted data without revealing the data themselves [39]. The algorithm for secure multi-party computation is as follows:Input: Two parties A and B with inputs x and y, respectively, and the function to be computed.Output: The result of the function .Assumptions: The parties must have encrypted inputs and a secure communication channel.Algorithm:
- Both parties encrypt their input data.
- The parties then perform a secure computation of the function without revealing their input data.
- The parties decrypt the result of the function to obtain the final output.
Expected Output: The result of the function computed over the encrypted input data without revealing the input data themselves. - (c)
- Homomorphic Encryption (HE). Homomorphic encryption can be used to perform computations on encrypted data without decrypting them [40]. We assume that the DR obtains the encrypted data of the DS from the DC, which were encrypted using the homomorphic encryption operation running in the cryptographic software explained in the model. The algorithm for homomorphic encryption is as follows:Input: Encrypted data D of the DS, homomorphic encryption key K, function to be computed.Output: The result of the function computed on encrypted data D of the DS.Assumptions:The DS data are encrypted using a homomorphic encryption scheme with the help of cryptographic software, and the function is compatible with the homomorphic encryption scheme.Algorithm:
- The data D are encrypted using the homomorphic encryption key K.
- The function is applied to the encrypted data D.
- The resulting encrypted output is decrypted by the DR using the homomorphic encryption key K with the help of the cryptographic software explained in the model.
Output: The result of the function computed on encrypted data D of the DS without decrypting them. - (d)
- Differential Privacy. If the DS pollutes their data/consent using any of the differential privacy mechanisms of noise addition, then they are able to hide sensitive details in their data and would be happy to share these data with the DR. At the same time, there is concern regarding the privacy parameter of the differential privacy . If the value of is set higher, then a substantial amount of noise is added to the DS’s data, and the DR would be unable to use these highly polluted data. At the same time, if is smaller, then significantly less noise is introduced to the DS’s data, and as a result, the DR may have access to sensitive attributes of the DS’s data, which is again a big issue. To address this, researchers have suggested that there should be a significant focus on choosing an appropriate value of so that the trade-off between the privacy and utility of the DS’s data is balanced and well managed. Hence, choosing a concrete epsilon value is a complex task. It requires careful considerations, depending on the data one intends to pollute using the DP framework.
- (e)
- Secure Multi-Party Computation using Homomorphic Encryption.Secure multi-party computation can also be performed using homomorphic encryption. The algorithm for secure multi-party computation using homomorphic encryption is as follows:Input: Two parties A and B with inputs x and y, respectively, and function to be computed.Output: The result of the function computed using the encrypted input data.Assumptions: The parties must have encrypted inputs and a secure communication channel. The function is compatible with the homomorphic encryption scheme.Algorithm:
- Both parties encrypt their input data using the homomorphic encryption key K.
- The parties then perform a secure computation of the function using the encrypted data without revealing their input data.
- The resulting encrypted output is decrypted using the homomorphic encryption key K.
Expected Output: The result of the function computed on encrypted input data without revealing the input data themselves.Discussion. Summing up, we stated that with the help of homomorphic encryption schemes running on cryptographic software, the DR can obtain the data needed to perform their research-related tasks. Through the use of privacy-preserving homomorphic encryption, the DS’s data/consent remain confidential, while the DR can perform the necessary operations on the basis of the data. Likewise, in addition to homomorphic encryption, the use of differential privacy by the DS to add random noise to the data could also be helpful. In this way, the DR obtains polluted data that can still be analyzed, as the trade-off between the privacy and utility of the data is managed by choosing an appropriate noise addition mechanism (e.g., Laplacian and Gaussian).
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Data subject | |
Data controller | |
Data requester | |
Dynamic consent management system | |
Two different data sets | |
A non-negative privacy parameter that specifies the level of privacy guaranteed | |
Function applied to particular inputs in SMPC | |
n | Security parameter |
m | Plaintext messages |
Key generation algorithm | |
Message signing algorithm | |
Key verification algorithm | |
Data sharing algorithm | |
Public key | |
Secret key | |
Secure multi-party computation | |
Homomorphic encryption | |
Differential privacy | |
C | Cyphertext |
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Share and Cite
Khalid, M.I.; Ahmed, M.; Helfert, M.; Kim, J. Privacy-First Paradigm for Dynamic Consent Management Systems: Empowering Data Subjects through Decentralized Data Controllers and Privacy-Preserving Techniques. Electronics 2023, 12, 4973.
Khalid MI, Ahmed M, Helfert M, Kim J. Privacy-First Paradigm for Dynamic Consent Management Systems: Empowering Data Subjects through Decentralized Data Controllers and Privacy-Preserving Techniques. Electronics. 2023; 12(24):4973.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKhalid, Muhammad Irfan, Mansoor Ahmed, Markus Helfert, and Jungsuk Kim. 2023. "Privacy-First Paradigm for Dynamic Consent Management Systems: Empowering Data Subjects through Decentralized Data Controllers and Privacy-Preserving Techniques" Electronics 12, no. 24: 4973.
APA StyleKhalid, M. I., Ahmed, M., Helfert, M., & Kim, J. (2023). Privacy-First Paradigm for Dynamic Consent Management Systems: Empowering Data Subjects through Decentralized Data Controllers and Privacy-Preserving Techniques. Electronics, 12(24), 4973.