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Peer-Review Record

Modelling of ML-Enablers in 5G Radio Access Network-Conceptual Proposal of Computational Framework

Electronics 2023, 12(3), 481;
by Malgorzata Tomala * and Kamil Staniec
Reviewer 1: Anonymous
Reviewer 2: Anonymous
Reviewer 3: Anonymous
Electronics 2023, 12(3), 481;
Submission received: 29 November 2022 / Revised: 3 January 2023 / Accepted: 10 January 2023 / Published: 17 January 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Challenges in 5G Networks Design)

Round 1

Reviewer 1 Report

This study proposes a coneptual computational framework of applying ML in 5G radio access network. Overall the proposed approach is well-explained and the manuscript is well-written. However, the limitation is that no numerical evaluation results are presented. Some comments are as follows.

1. While the focus is applying ANN in 5G RAN, the authors may want to add more discussion about those sophisticated AI models as future research directions, e.g., Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)

* DEBBABI F, Rihab J, CHAARI L, et al. Overview of AI-based Algorithms for Network Slicing Resource Management in B5G and 6G//2022 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). IEEE, 2022: 330-335.

* Azimi Y, Yousefi S, Kalbkhani H, et al. Applications of Machine Learning in Resource Management for RAN-Slicing in 5G and Beyond Networks: A Survey. IEEE Access, 2022.

* He S, Xiong S, Ou Y, et al. An overview on the application of graph neural networks in wireless networks. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2021.

* Jiang W. Graph-based Deep Learning for Communication Networks: A Survey. Computer Communications, 2022, 185:40-54.

* Hui N, Sun Q, Wang Y, et al. Wireless Resource Allocation based on Multiplexing and Isolation in Sliced 5G Networks//2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). IEEE, 2022: 1629-1634.

* Rkhami A, Hadjadj-Aoul Y, Outtagarts A. Learn to improve: A novel deep reinforcement learning approach for beyond 5G network slicing//2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC). IEEE, 2021: 1-6.

2. There are actually some open 5G real-world collected datasets. The authors may want to check if they are useable with the proposed approach:

* 5G Campus Networks: A First Measurement Study

* Colosseum ColO-RAN Dataset

This is the dataset for the paper M. Polese, L. Bonati, S. D’Oro, S. Basagni, T. Melodia, “ColoRAN: Design and Testing of Open RAN Intelligence on Large-scale Experimental Platforms,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp. 1–14, July 2022. 

* Colosseum O-RAN COMMAG Dataset

This is the dataset for the paper L. Bonati, S. D’Oro, M. Polese, S. Basagni, T. Melodia, “Intelligence and Learning in O-RAN for Data-driven NextG Cellular Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 21–27, October 2021. 


Raca D, Leahy D, Sreenan C J, et al. Beyond throughput, the next generation: a 5g dataset with channel and context metrics[C]//Proceedings of the 11th ACM multimedia systems conference. 2020: 303-308.

3. Some 5G testbeds and prototypes are already proposed and I think they are highly related to this study. The authors may want to check the proposed approach can be combined with these frameworks or not:

















Author Response

We truly appreciate the shared references and reviewer observations!

For CNN and GNN applicability, we improved slightly text in section 2.2. and 3.7 to reflect the possibility to apply ML-based method in RAN also in a broader paradigm. If the RAN-based methodology is combined with GNN approaches developed for Network Slicing - it could possibly offer a complete solution from e2e perspective.

While the timeline with revision reply is strict, it is not immediately possible to perform numerical validation based on the data from testbed or prototypes, but these are definitely valuable references (all considered in the References list now). The shared source to datasets establish absolutely very good foundation  to develop further studies based on the generated data.  For now we acknowledge their relevance, and consider as references for further research direction. 

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 2 Report

The authors present a hypothetical idea of how ML could be used in 5G mobile phone networks. The authors present in a general way the different types of traffic that 5G can support natively. Both in the air interface and in the network core it is necessary to act adaptively depending on the traffic demanded. In this sense, the authors present the possible parameters that could be requested from the mobile terminals, which would be the input to the ML system. The references are few, although they are very up-to-date. Most references are based on ITU-R or 3GPP standards.

The main shortcoming of the paper is that it only presents the idea, there is no simulation or study of possible cases or anything similar. Obviously, it is very difficult to obtain data to carry out some practical example of those proposed by the authors.

Other appreciations about the paper are summarized below.

S1. I don't know if Figure 1 can be reproduced as exactly as reference [3]. In any case, it is well known.

S2. Section 2.1 could indicate in which context one of these techniques could be used, always thinking about the problem to be solved.

S3. How could neural networks be used in 5G?

S4. Figure 5. Although it appears later, some example could be given of what could be asked of the EU.

S5. It is not clear to me how the data requested from mobile terminals could be used. If it is done individually only or has some collective part. In the RAN interface, it should be taken into account that there are multiple users in the cell.

S6. Nor is it clear to me what kind of actions could take place in the RAN.

S7. Section 3.7 Why choose Random forest?

Author Response

With appreciation to the valuable comments, we provide answers as follows:

S1. I don't know if Figure 1 can be reproduced as exactly as reference [3]. In any case, it is well known.

Ad S1: Indeed, the Figure 1 is the exact copy of FIGURE 2 in the reference [3]. It was used to complete the descriptive text on the main 5G use cases (eMBB, URLLC, MTC), which is in a form of generic characteristics of the use cases, without giving examples and applicability as illustrated in the Figure (e.g., eMBB for 3D video, augmented reality, URLL for self-driving cars, etc). As we acknowledge this well-known 5G pyramid, it can be either skipped with improved descriptive part or reproduced, as in the enclosed update (section 1.1, with original Figure 1 and (Alt) Figure 1).

S2. Section 2.1 could indicate in which context one of these techniques could be used, always thinking about the problem to be solved.

Ad S2: Suggested revision enclosed. Since the section is the Background, we are reviewing the generic use cases applicability (Changes in section 2.1).   

S3. How could neural networks be used in 5G?

Ad S3: Section 3.5 proposes to adopt neural networks model to parametrize 5G input data as a sequence of layers. For instance, one representing 5G traffic performance (user-centric) data sets, and the other representing parameters that characterize RAN Optimization use case (network-centric) specific measures. Clarifying text inserted in section 3.5, with revision marks inserted as “ReplyToReviewer2”)

S4. Figure 5. Although it appears later, some examples could be given of what could be asked of the EU.

Ad S4: Examples added in text (section 2.3). Figure 5 updated too.

S5. It is not clear to me how the data requested from mobile terminals could be used. If it is done individually only or has some collective part. In the RAN interface, it should be taken into account that there are multiple users in the cell.

Ad S5: All the requested data can to be collected individually: the data classified as 5G traffic characteristics (section 3.2.1) and data representing radio measures for particular optimization use case (section 3.2.2). However, the input data for the latter (for RAN optimization use case) makes sense, only if observed collectively on a cell level, from a number of users. Looking at the Figure 9, it would imply that a single user/terminal can contribute to A and B data sets, but to achieve a coverage optimization RAN node needs to repeat the procedure towards number of terminals, observe collectively, learn and infer B based on the same procedure from large number of terminals. This has been shortly introduced in the beginning of section 3.3. “Data Selection Model”.

S6. Nor is it clear to me what kind of actions could take place in the RAN.

Ad S6: The Action in RAN starts from ‘Data processing’ (sections 3.5, 3.6), data training and observation (Figure 9 and description below), applying requested changes to data sets and analysis of the collected values of parameters, whether the target values are met to predict traffic tendency. One type of Action is to order required datasets, other to analyse what is the Outcome (metric results), in order to determine some prediction. Further changes added in 3.5. and 3.6 for clarity.

S7. Section 3.7 Why choose Random forest?

Ad S7: This is suggested strategy for RAN action that could be taken on Outcome Evaluation (section 3.7) in case there are parallel optimization processes ongoing, and no specific operator policy is applied. For instance, no strengthen requirements on Coverage or Mobility optimization, but averaged ‘good performance’ is deemed. To clarify this aspects, further text amendments are added in section 3.7

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 3 Report

The paper addresses the problem of applying AI/ML for RAN optimization in 5G networks. Based on the functional framework proposed by 3GPP for RAN intelligence, the work identifies and classifies performance metrics related to different 5G traffic types and RAN optimization use cases, which can be collected by the end users and used as input data to ML models, and proposes models and procedures for data selection, filtering, processing, and ML model outcome evaluation. The paper addresses an interesting topic and is, in general, well written.

However, not all concepts presented in the paper are discussed in sufficient detail. In this regard, more elaboration is needed on the implementation of equation (8) and the presented grouping and interrelation of the nodes belonging to the hidden layers of the ANN depicted in Figure 8. The same holds for the description of the combined evaluation methodology illustrated in Figure 9. Addressing these points would make the contribution more solid. Furthermore, adding a thorough discussion on how the proposed solutions advance the state of the art would be helpful to better highlight the novel contributions of the paper.

The paper does not include any study on the performance of the proposed mechanisms. Adding simulation or experimental results (or at least providing a discussion on how the validation of the framework could be conducted) would help enhance the quality of the manuscript.

Author Response

We do appreciate the remarks on the equation (8) and Figure 8 and Figure 9. An attempt to further clarify the implementation of the method is amended in the additional text added in section 3.5 and description of Figure 9 (changes marked with "ReplytoReviewer3"). 

Since the simulation or experimental results for validation of the framework target either real 5G data collection or system level (instead of link level) simulations, the ambition is to proceed with these in continued research work. 


Round 2

Reviewer 1 Report

Dear authors,

Thanks for revising and resubmitting the manuscript. Previous concerns are resolved and no further comments.

Reviewer 2 Report

The authors have responded to the suggested changes appropriately.

Reviewer 3 Report

The authors have taken into account the reviewers' comments in the revised version of the manuscript. The quality of the paper has increased significantly.

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