Few-Shot Image Classification Based on Swin Transformer + CSAM + EMD
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- The Swin Transformer is employed for feature extraction, enabling the acquisition of both local and global details from the image are captured and perform CSAM attention mechanism feature weighting on the output feature map.
- (2)
- The EMD measurement module is employed to measure the distance. The main concept involves utilizing block level measurement and incorporating a cross reference weight mechanism to effectively mitigate the influence of significant variations within the same category and cluttered background.
- (3)
- Numerous experiments were conducted on three widely utilized benchmark datasets for FSIC, and the findings demonstrate the significant enhancement achieved by the proposed model. The SOTA classification accuracy for few-shot images has been achieved.
2. Related Work
3. Methodology
3.1. Problem Description
3.2. Feature Extraction Module Based on Swin Transformer Network
3.4. Measurement Module
3.4.1. Problem Description
3.4.2. Application of EMD in FSIC
3.4.3. End-to-End Training
3.4.4. Weight Generation
3.4.5. How to Set K-Shot?
4. Experimental Section
4.1. Dataset Description
4.2. Experimental Environment
4.3. Implementation Details
4.4. Analysis of Ablation Experiment
4.5. Analysis of Experimental Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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FSCbenchmark | Mini-Imagenet | Tiered-Imagenet | |||
Methods | Backbone | Five-Way One-Shot | Five-Way Five-Shot | Five-Way One-Shot | Five-Way Five-Shot |
DPGN [34] | R12 | 67.77 ± 0.32% | 84.6 ± 0.43% | 72.45 ± 0.51% | 87.24 ± 0.39% |
S2M2R [9] | WRN | 64.93 ± 0.18% | 83.18 ± 0.11% | 73.71 ± 0.22% | 88.59 ± 0.14% |
ProtoCompletion [35] | R12 | 73.13 ± 0.85% | 82.06 ± 0.54% | 81.04 ± 0.89% | 87.42 ± 0.57% |
Baseline++ [36] | R18 | 51.87 ± 0.77% | 75.68 ± 0.63% | 51.87 ± 0.77% | 75.68 ± 0.63% |
SimpleShot [37] | WRN | 63.5 ± 0.20% | 80.10 ± 0.15% | 69.75 ± 0.2% | 85.31 ± 0.15% |
ConstellationNet [38] | R12 | 64.89 ± 0.23% | 79.95 ± 0.17% | - | - |
PAL [39] | R12 | 69.37 ± 0.64% | 84.40 ± 0.44% | 72.25 ± 0.72% | 86.95 ± 0.47% |
TIM-GD [40] | WRN | 77.8% | 87.4% | 82.1% | 89.8% |
LaplacianShot [41] | WRN | 70.27 ± 0.19% | 84.07% | 79.13 ± 0.21% | 86.75 ± 0.15% |
BD-CSPN [42] | WRN-28-10 | 70.31 ± 0.93% | 81.89 ± 0.60% | 78.74 ± 0.95 | 86.92 ± 0.63 |
PT + MAP [43] | WRN | 82.92 ± 0.26% | 88.82 ± 0.13% | 85.67 ± 0.26% | 90.45 ± 0.14% |
PEMnE-BMS [44] | WRN | 83.35 ± 0.25% | 89.53 ± 0.13% | 86.07 ± 0.25% | 91.09 ± 0.14% |
TransCNAPS + FETI [45] | R18 | 79.9 ± 0.8% | 91.50 ± 0.4% | 73.8 ± 1.0% | 87.7 ± 0.6% |
TRIDENT [46] | Conv4 | 86.11 ± 0.59% | 95.95 ± 0.28% | 86.97 ± 0.50% | 96.57 ± 0.17% |
P > M > F [33] | ViT-base | 95.3% | 98.4% | - | - |
STCE (Ours) | Swin Transformer | 98.65 ± 0.1% | 99.6 ± 0.2% | 91.6 ± 0.1% | 96.55 ± 0.27% |
FSCbenchmark | FC100 | ||
Methods | Backbone | Five-Way One-Shot | Five-Way Five-Shot |
BML [47] | R12 | 45.00 ± 0.41% | 63.03 ± 0.41% |
IE [15] | R12 | 47.76 ± 0.77% | 65.30 ± 0.76% |
DeepEMD [11] | R12 | 46.47 ± 0.78% | 63.22 ± 0.71% |
TPMN [16] | R12 | 46.93 ± 0.71% | 63.26 ± 0.74% |
PAL [39] | R12 | 47.20 ± 0.60% | 64.00 ± 0.60% |
ConstellationNet [38] | R12 | 43.80 ± 0.20% | 59.70 ± 0.20% |
BAVARDAGE [48] | R12 | 57.27 ± 0.29% | 70.60 ± 0.21% |
STCE (Ours) | Swin Transformer | 64.1 ± 0.3% | 79.8 ± 0.69% |
FSCbenchmark | CIFAR-FS | ||
Methods | Backbone | Five-Way One-Shot | Five-Way Five-Shot |
ProtoNet [12] | ConvNet-64 | 55.50 ± 0.70% | 72.00 ± 0.60% |
DPGN [34] | R12 | 77.9 ± 0.5% | 90.2 ± 0.4% |
IE [15] | R12 | 77.87 ± 0.85% | 89.74 ± 0.57% |
MAML [49] | ConvNet-32 | 58.90 ± 1.90% | 71.50 ± 1.00% |
PAL [39] | R12 | 77.1 ± 0.70% | 88.00 ± 0.50% |
RENet [50] | R12 | 74.51 ± 0.46% | 86.60 ± 0.32% |
ConstellationNet [38] | R12 | 75.4 ± 0.20% | 86.8 ± 0.20% |
BD-CSPN [42] | WRN-28-10 | 72.13 ± 1.01% | 82.28 ± 0.69% |
S2M2R [9] | WRN | 74.81 ± 0.19% | 87.47 ± 0.13% |
BML [47] | R12 | 73.45 ± 0.47% | 88.04 ± 0.33% |
PEMbE-NCM [44] | WRN | 74.84 ± 0.21% | 87.73 ± 0.15% |
PT + MAP + SF + SOT [51] | WRN-28-10 | 89.94 ± 0.6% | 92.83 ± 0.8% |
STCE (Ours) | Swin Transformer | 86.95 ± 0.2% | 94 ± 0.4% |
FSCbenchmark | CUB | ||
Methods | Backbone | Five-Way One-Shot | Five-Way Five-Shot |
MAML [49] | R10 | 70.32 ± 0.99% | 80.93 ± 0.71% |
BD-CSPN + ESFR [52] | R18 | 82.68% | 88.65% |
ProtoNet [12] | R18 | 72.99 ± 0.88% | 86.64 ± 0.51% |
AmdimNet [24] | AmdimNet | 77.09 ± 0.21% | 89.18 ± 0.13% |
MatchingNetwork [53] | R18 | 73.49 ± 0.89% | 84.45 ± 0.58% |
S2M2R [9] | WRN | 80.68 ± 0.81% | 90.85 ± 0.44% |
FEAT [54] | R12 | 73.27 ± 0.22% | 85.77 ± 0.14% |
BML [47] | R12 | 76.21 ± 0.63% | 90.45 ± 0.36% |
DPGN [34] | R12 | 75.71 ± 0.47% | 91.48 ± 0.33% |
PT + NCM [43] | WRN | 80.57 ± 0.20% | 91.15 ± 0.10% |
DeepEMD [11] | R12 | 75.65 ± 0.83% | 88.69 ± 0.50% |
RENet [50] | R12 | 79.49 ± 0.44% | 91.11 ± 0.24% |
Delta-encoder [55] | VGG16 | 69.8% | 82.6% |
LaplacianShot [41] | R18 | 80.96% | 88.68% |
PEMbE-NCM [44] | WRN | 80.82 ± 0.19% | 91.46 ± 0.10% |
STCE (Ours) | Swin Transformer | 83.1 ± 0.4% | 92.88 ± 0.4% |
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Share and Cite
Sun, H.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, X.; Han, X. Few-Shot Image Classification Based on Swin Transformer + CSAM + EMD. Electronics 2024, 13, 2121. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13112121
Sun H, Zhang P, Zhang X, Han X. Few-Shot Image Classification Based on Swin Transformer + CSAM + EMD. Electronics. 2024; 13(11):2121. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13112121
Chicago/Turabian StyleSun, Huadong, Pengyi Zhang, Xu Zhang, and Xiaowei Han. 2024. "Few-Shot Image Classification Based on Swin Transformer + CSAM + EMD" Electronics 13, no. 11: 2121. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13112121
APA StyleSun, H., Zhang, P., Zhang, X., & Han, X. (2024). Few-Shot Image Classification Based on Swin Transformer + CSAM + EMD. Electronics, 13(11), 2121. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13112121