Multi-Label Classification of Complaint Texts: Civil Aviation Service Quality Case Study
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Classification of Complaint Texts
2.2. Multi-Label Text Classification
3. Study Design
3.1. Modeling Framework
3.2. Text Vectorization Representation Layer
3.2.1. BERT Word Embedding
3.2.2. Label Feature Word Embedding
- Feature word set construction for civil aviation service quality complaint text labeling:First, the corpus corresponding to each tag was segmented and lexically labeled sentence by sentence. The noun component of the sentence was taken as the basic transaction, and single-word nouns were filtered to create the basic transaction set. Then, the frequent 1-item sets were obtained using the association rule Apriori algorithm, and the frequent 2-item sets were obtained from .The Apriori algorithm for association rules is a classic algorithm widely used in the field of data mining, aimed at discovering interesting association relationships between item sets in a dataset. This algorithm adopts an iterative strategy of a layer-by-layer search, first identifying all frequent item sets, then constructing new candidate sets based on these frequent item sets and calculating their support to filter out the next order of frequent item sets. This process continues until no more frequent item sets containing more items can be found.Since the frequent item set mining algorithm of association rules does not consider the positional relationships of nouns in the complaint text, the two nouns of may not form a phrase. So, when filtering according to the dependency relation of non-phrase features, only the noun phrases whose relation was a noun phrase (NP) were considered to obtain a new set of frequent 2-item sets, . Then, from the candidate feature set , we introduced domain dictionaries such as “civil aviation” and “civil aviation thesaurus” to supplement the mining of infrequent domain features. This enabled us to collect more comprehensive and accurate domain features, which we used to obtain .The redundant features were then filtered by the minimum independent support. The minimum independent support is the support of the frequent 1-item set containing the feature word minus the absolute support of the frequent 2-item set containing the word. If the minimum independent support of a feature word was less than a threshold value, T, the word was filtered as a redundant feature, and the final set of frequent 1-item sets satisfying the independent support constraint was obtained, referred to as .Finally, the semi-automatic updating of the civil aviation domain feature dictionary was realized by manually updating the dictionary with feedback on the mined frequent features, which saves human effort. After candidate feature mining, pruning, filtering, and infrequent item set supplementation, the domain feature set was finally obtained as .
- Feature word embedding:(1) Training the Word2Vec model:First, we chose the model type. Word2Vec has two main model types, Skip-gram and CBOW (continuous bag of words). Skip-gram usually performs better on small datasets, while CBOW is faster for large datasets.Next, we set the hyperparameters of the model, including the vector dimension, window size, number of training iterations, and others.Then, the model was trained. The Word2Vec model was trained using preprocessed text data. The model learns word vectors by predicting the context of a word (Skip-gram) or predicting a word using the context (CBOW).(2) Obtaining word vectors for the topic feature words:For a feature word set consisting of t words, , we obtained the word vectors of label feature words from the trained Word2Vec model as .
3.2.3. Text Vector Representation Based on Attention Weighting of Label Features
3.3. Multi-Channel Feature Extraction Layer
3.3.1. Text-CNN-Based Localized Feature Extraction
3.3.2. BiLSTM-Based Global Feature Extraction
3.4. Feature Interaction Layer
3.5. Multi-Label Classification Layer
3.5.1. Binary Relevance Model
3.5.2. GBDT Integration Algorithm
3.6. Output Layer
4. Experimental Results and Analysis
4.1. Experimental Data
4.2. Measurement Indicators
4.3. Result Analysis
4.3.1. Model Performance Comparison
4.3.2. Analysis of Ablation Experiments
4.3.3. Label Classification Effect Analysis
- (1)
- High-frequency incidents: Complaints in the categories of ticketing services and irregular flight services are usually closely related to passengers’ daily travel. Problems in these two categories are common and therefore have a higher chance of giving rise to complaints.
- (2)
- Direct impact on the passenger experience: Ticketing and flight services have a direct impact on the overall passenger experience and travel plans. Any problems related to ticketing errors, itinerary changes, flight delays, cancellations, etc., may lead to traveler complaints, as they can significantly affect passenger travel.
- (3)
- Measurability: Problems in the ticket service and irregular flight service categories are usually easily measurable and recordable and therefore more likely to be recorded in complaint data. In contrast, other types of problems may be less easily captured and recorded.
- (4)
- Cumulative effect: Problems with ticketing or flight services that occur during a single trip may result in multiple complaints, as they may affect multiple stages and aspects of the trip. This can lead to an increase in the percentage of complaints in both categories.
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Form | Number of Texts | Proportion of Samples |
Ticketing service | 2988 | 53.39% |
Irregular flight service | 1380 | 24.66% |
Check-in and boarding | 468 | 8.36% |
Baggage services | 248 | 4.43% |
Air services | 127 | 2.27% |
Member services | 108 | 1.93% |
First aid | 99 | 1.77% |
Notice of information | 75 | 1.34% |
Special passenger services | 35 | 0.63% |
Terminal basic services | 29 | 0.52% |
Overselling | 25 | 0.45% |
Airport merchant services | 10 | 0.18% |
Ground transportation services | 5 | 0.09% |
Model | F1 Value | Recall | Hamming Loss |
BR-GBDT | 0.7200 | 0.7504 | 0.0856 |
Multi-Head Co-attention | 0.6952 | 0.7086 | 0.0905 |
MAG (Ours) | 0.7260 | 0.7656 | 0.0847 |
Ablation Experiment | F1 Value | Recall | Hamming Loss |
Model 1 | 0.7130 | 0.7549 | 0.0876 |
Model 2 | 0.7164 | 0.7656 | 0.0876 |
Model 3 | 0.7073 | 0.7362 | 0.0876 |
Model 4 | 0.7182 | 0.7656 | 0.0868 |
MAG (Ours) | 0.7260 | 0.7656 | 0.0847 |
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Cai, H.; Shao, X.; Zhou, P.; Li, H. Multi-Label Classification of Complaint Texts: Civil Aviation Service Quality Case Study. Electronics 2025, 14, 434.
Cai H, Shao X, Zhou P, Li H. Multi-Label Classification of Complaint Texts: Civil Aviation Service Quality Case Study. Electronics. 2025; 14(3):434.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCai, Huali, Xuanya Shao, Pengpeng Zhou, and Hongtao Li. 2025. "Multi-Label Classification of Complaint Texts: Civil Aviation Service Quality Case Study" Electronics 14, no. 3: 434.
APA StyleCai, H., Shao, X., Zhou, P., & Li, H. (2025). Multi-Label Classification of Complaint Texts: Civil Aviation Service Quality Case Study. Electronics, 14(3), 434.