Small Signal Stability of a Balanced Three-Phase AC Microgrid Using Harmonic Linearization: Parametric-Based Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. System Modeling Using HL
3. Mathematical Modeling of the Impedances at the PCC
4. Simulation Results
- First, stability was assessed by changing the parallel clustering (penetration) of grid-connected active loads.
- Then, the stability was evaluated by changing the distance of active loads from the PCC.
- Afterwards, the stability at the PCC was assessed by changing the serial clustering (size) of active loads.
4.1. Effect of Penetration
4.2. Effect of Distance from PCC
4.3. Effect of the Sizes of Active Loads
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Model | Disadvantages | Reference |
Lyapunov Methods (Time Domain) | A detailed system modeling is required for this method, so it does not work well for complex large systems. Its converter model is unable to capture the harmonic effect. | [28,29,31,33] |
Probabilistic Methods (Time Domain) | It requires huge computational effort, so this method is very time consuming. Inaccurate first approximation may lead to faulty conclusions. Not all applied schemes work for complex large systems. | [32] |
Phasor Model | It is often not differentiable due to significantly higher dimensions. | [20] |
Bifurcation Theory | It is slow in the time domain and more complicated in the frequency domain for a higher order system. | [30] |
SRF Method | Limited to only balanced three-phase systems. | [20,33] |
Parameter | Symbol | Value | Symbol | Value |
Power Source | P | 2500 MVA | V | 120 kV |
Line Section | [0.1153] | |||
Line Section | [0.413] | |||
Industrial Load | P | 30 MW | Q | 2 MVar |
Residential Load 1 | P | 2 MW | Q | 0 |
Residential Load 2 | P | 100 kW | Q | 0 |
Penetration | Distance at PCC | Size | Effect on Stability |
Increasing | Constant | Constant | Improve |
Constant | Increasing | Constant | Improve |
Constant | Constant | Increasing | Deteriorate |
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Rahman, A.U.; Syed, I.; Ullah, M. Small Signal Stability of a Balanced Three-Phase AC Microgrid Using Harmonic Linearization: Parametric-Based Analysis. Electronics 2019, 8, 12.
Rahman AU, Syed I, Ullah M. Small Signal Stability of a Balanced Three-Phase AC Microgrid Using Harmonic Linearization: Parametric-Based Analysis. Electronics. 2019; 8(1):12.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRahman, Atta Ur, Irtaza Syed, and Mukhtar Ullah. 2019. "Small Signal Stability of a Balanced Three-Phase AC Microgrid Using Harmonic Linearization: Parametric-Based Analysis" Electronics 8, no. 1: 12.
APA StyleRahman, A. U., Syed, I., & Ullah, M. (2019). Small Signal Stability of a Balanced Three-Phase AC Microgrid Using Harmonic Linearization: Parametric-Based Analysis. Electronics, 8(1), 12.