The Shape of the Chameleon Fifth-Force on the Mass Components of Galaxy Clusters
:1. Introduction
2. Chameleon Gravity and Field Profile
3. Multi-Component Chameleon Solution
3.1. Comparison with a Single NFW Profile
4. Validation with Numerical Solutions
5. Constraints on Chameleon Gravity with Kinematics and Lensing Analyses of Galaxy Clusters
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Marginalized Distributions from the Analysis of the Mock Clusters
1 | |
2 | While it is possible to extend the analysis to distinct field couplings to the chameleon field, this is not the objective of the manuscript and will be explored in future investigations. |
3 | The standard NFW case was recovered for . |
4 | Note the superscript is being used here to distinguish from of the dark matter mass density profile. |
5 | The mass profile of member galaxies was obtained from [55]. The gas mass was provided by A. Biviano from S. Ettori via private communication. |
6 | Namely, at the centre of the mass distribution and at infinity. |
7 | A previous version of the code is publicly available at |
8 | The exploration of the parameter space was meticulously performed using a Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, with the first 10, 000 points considered as burn-in phase. |
9 | In this case, the Gaussian priors are centred on and , with the same relative uncertainties. |
10 | (accessed on 29 November 2024). |
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Parameter | Lower Bound | Upper Bound |
0 | 2 | |
0.5 | 5.5 | |
0.5 | 5.5 | |
4.20 | 4.74 | |
0 | 1 | |
0 | 1 |
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Pizzuti, L.; Amatori, V.; Pombo, A.M.; Haridasu, S. The Shape of the Chameleon Fifth-Force on the Mass Components of Galaxy Clusters. Universe 2024, 10, 443.
Pizzuti L, Amatori V, Pombo AM, Haridasu S. The Shape of the Chameleon Fifth-Force on the Mass Components of Galaxy Clusters. Universe. 2024; 10(12):443.
Chicago/Turabian StylePizzuti, Lorenzo, Valentina Amatori, Alexandre M. Pombo, and Sandeep Haridasu. 2024. "The Shape of the Chameleon Fifth-Force on the Mass Components of Galaxy Clusters" Universe 10, no. 12: 443.
APA StylePizzuti, L., Amatori, V., Pombo, A. M., & Haridasu, S. (2024). The Shape of the Chameleon Fifth-Force on the Mass Components of Galaxy Clusters. Universe, 10(12), 443.