1. Introduction
The nature of the cosmic rays of the highest energies is one of the unsolved problems in physics. Their sources and mechanisms of acceleration remain unknown to us, as they are the subject of ongoing research (see, e.g., Ref. [
1] and the references therein). Therefore, a detailed analysis of physical phenomena at the highest energy regime may improve our understanding of the universe and enable us to probe modern physical theories. As far as we understand the interactions of subatomic particles described by the Standard Model, there should be the cut-off of the cosmic ray energy spectrum, due to the interactions of cosmic radiation components with cosmic microwave background radiation. At cosmic ray energies of about 5–6
eV, the collisions of protons in the cosmic ray flux with cosmic microwave background photons may cause the production of the short-lived particle
, which decays into a nucleon with energy lower than the initial proton energy. This phenomenon is called the Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin (GZK) limit (see [
3]). In turn, heavier nuclei of cosmic radiation at energies of about 10
eV may undergo photodisintegration and in this way also lower their energy. Therefore, the maximum distance from the source for the possible observation of the highest energy cosmic rays should be limited.
Recent experimental data [
4] indicate that the cosmic ray energy spectrum is suppressed, but it is impossible to determine whether the observations are consistent with the mentioned theory. On the other hand, the nature of detected cosmic radiation particles with energies exceeding 10
eV is unknown, as there are no potential sources of such particles in the Earth’s vicinity. Thus, investigation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays is significant.
The problem of the highest energy cosmic rays gave rise to new theoretical models and predictions (see, e.g., Ref. [
1] and the references therein) that can be justified or falsified only by detailed analysis of processes at the ultra-high energy regime. One of these predictions is the existence of super heavy dark matter, the decay or annihilation of which may lead to the production of ultra-high energy cosmic ray flux composed mainly of photons (see Refs. [
8]). Hence, the study of ultra-high energy photons can be considered as an indirect search for heavy dark matter particles. Similarly, the rest of the new physical theories predict ultra-high energy (UHE) photon creation. However, the expected UHE photon flux is much higher than the observed one. A possible explanation for lowering the UHE photon flux is the cosmic ray ensembles (CREs) phenomenon. Providing that a UHE photon, namely the photon of energy greater than 10
eV, is cascading already in space, then a group of secondary cosmic rays might reach the top of the atmosphere instead of an individual particle. Thus, instead of only one extensive air shower (EAS) created in the atmosphere, a group of EASs is generated. This correlation may involve arrival time relations and/or spatial distributions to provide a characteristic signature, although a detection of this phenomenon might require an extended detector array, even about the size of the Earth, as proposed by the Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory (CREDO) [
1]. The project aims at analysing data from professional observatories, educational cosmic ray facilities, and also from the smartphones with the CREDO Detector [
10] mobile application, where a CMOS camera is used as a particle detector. For proper collected data interpretation dedicated to identification of CRE, the process of UHE photon cascading, formation of correlated air showers, and detector response need to be correctly modelled. This is the reason why, among other investigations, the CREDO project probes the scenario of UHE photon cascading in the solar magnetic field [
11]. The specific methods dedicated to utilising this phenomenon for planning novel indirect UHE photon searches are presented in this article.
Previous studies of the CRE effect [
11] show that it is possible to observe some photons from cascades generated by the primary UHE photons also in cases where they are not aimed at the Earth. Here, we use the PRESHOWER program [
13] with modifications to include such cases in the simulations for the first time, and deliver complete distributions of CRE photons at the top of the atmosphere which point to relevant observational strategies based on the properties of these distributions.
2. Model of Ultra-High Energy Photon Interaction
We modelled the Sun’s vicinity by a surrounding sphere with radius
. It was also assumed that UHE photon flux reaching the starting sphere is isotropic. However, in the case of the UHE photon direction, only photons that come from outside of the sphere are considered to avoid the case duplication. Limits on the UHE photons are applied in accordance with [
14]. Then, the cascading of the UHE photon in the solar magnetic field is considered.
Physical processes that are responsible for cascading the UHE photon in space are magnetic pair production, the bending of the charged particle trajectory, and synchrotron photon emission. In the considered case, a primary UHE photon may convert to a positron and electron in a sufficiently strong magnetic field. Then, trajectories of the created pair bend due to the presence of a magnetic field. Hence, the positron and the electron emit synchrotron photons that may be observable as photons cascade on the top of the atmosphere. The following mathematical description of the UHE photon cascading is based on Ref. [
12] and the references therein. The mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics of magnetic pair production used in this work were taken from [
16]. On the basis of [
15], the number of pairs created by
photons in transverse magnetic field
B is described by the following expression
is the photon path length and
is the attenuation coefficient that depends on parameter
is the photon energy,
is the electron mass, and
G is the critical magnetic field strength. The attenuation coefficient depends on the probability transition for magnetic pair production. Using the first-order perturbation method and assuming that
, the approximated formula for
may be expressed as
is the fine-structure constant,
is the reduced Compton wavelength, and an auxiliary function
is approximated by
whereas the
in the expression (
2) is the modified Bessel function.
According to Equation (
1), the probability of conversion within an infinitesimal distance
and for larger distance
L it should be calculated as
The conversion rate is negligible unless the condition is satisfied. Thus, the magnetic pair production has not been observed so far.
The parameter
also determines the shape of the pair-member energy distribution, which is given by the expression
is a fraction of the primary photon energy carried by the pair-member. The derivation of this formula is presented in detail in [
16]. The radial acceleration of electron and positron in the solar magnetic field is calculated using
is a velocity versor,
q is particle charge,
E is particle kinetic energy and
is an external magnetic field. For a short time interval
, altered particle direction
may be approximated with the Taylor series expansion
and in this case
In the PRESHOWER simulator, an appropriate time interval
is chosen according to the particle energy and the magnetic field variability. During the first half of the
period, the particle propagates in the previous direction. Then the particle direction is recalculated in accordance with (
5) and in the second half of the
the particle is moving in an altered direction. In the end, the particle direction is recalculated once again.
The energy distribution of the emitted synchrotron radiation for an electron at an ultra-relativistic regime, according to [
17], is expressed by
with the parametrisation
, where
E is the electron/positron energy, and
is the emitted photon energy. In turn, the energy emitted by the electron or the positron within the path length
is equal to
P is the radiation power and
is the classical electron radius. Therefore, one can obtain that the probability of emission of a synchrotron photon within infinitesimal path length
is the number of photons with energy
, emitted within the path length
. According to [
18], at an ultra-relativistic regime, synchrotron photons are emitted in a half opening angle
around charge particle direction, where
is the Lorentz factor. The azimuthal angle of emitted photon direction is random, consistent with uniform distribution. Therefore, at the ultra-relativistic regime, the direction of the emitted synchrotron photon is nearly tangential to the electron or positron trajectory. In this way, synchrotron photons may reproduce the projection of a pair-member trajectory onto the atmosphere plane. For that reason the spatial distribution of secondary photons on the top of the atmosphere is expected to be a very thin curve.
The efficiency of the simulation method presented in this article is independent of the Sun magnetic field model. Here, for simplicity, we use a dipole approximation with a magnetic dipole moment equal to
, but any other could also be used, e.g., DQCS [
19], as was done in Ref. [
3. Materials and Methods
In order to model the UHE photon cascading in the solar magnetic field, the PRESHOWER program is used in this work. In this program, interactions are modelled by Monte Carlo simulations. However, the program had to be modified to enable the time cumulative distribution of secondary photons on the top of the atmosphere. The detailed description of the PRESHOWER program is presented in [
13]. Unfortunately, the article refers to the simulator of the UHE photon interaction with the geomagnetic field, so the simulator version applied in this work is different. However, this section and the indicated article provide sufficient knowledge to understand research methods.
The PRESHOWER simulator generates sample data for determined initial conditions. Simulation parameters that could be changed were the primary photon energy, the impact parameter, and the heliocentric latitude of the primary photon trajectory. Therefore, only two coordinates of the simulation starting point could be adjusted. What is more, the primary photon direction was completely determined after the choice of parameters. For these reasons, it was necessary to update the PRESHOWER simulator, with the purpose of applying the more realistic model. The introduced modifications and program functioning are described in the following sections.
The coordinate system used in the simulator is shown in
Figure 1. The applied coordinate system is similar to the heliocentric ecliptic coordinate system, but in contrast to this system, the Earth’s motion is not simulated. Therefore, the
x axis is determined by the centre of the Earth and the centre of the Sun. The Earth’s centre is also the coordinate system origin. The
plane contains the ecliptic. In fact, the simulator neglects the Earth and its atmosphere curvature. The atmosphere flat is modelled by a plane with equation
km. In the scheme, simulation parameters–the impact parameter and the heliocentric latitude of the primary photon trajectory—are indicated. The impact parameter in this model is the distance between the primary photon trajectory and the Sun’s centre, whereas the heliocentric latitude is defined as the angular distance between the ecliptic and a simulation starting point in the heliocentric coordinate system. In this way, the simulation starting point is completely determined because the
x coordinate of the starting point is a constant value for all simulations equals to
km, which is implemented in the code and cannot be adjusted.
Moreover, the primary photon is always aimed at the centre of the atmosphere plane. Therefore, it is assigned after a simulation parameter choice. In this case, the heliocentric latitude remains unchangeable throughout the primary photon propagation.
For proper functioning of the program, many functions with different destinations need to be applied, among others, the CERN routine DBSKA for calculating the modified Bessel functions. The most important function of the simulator performs a loop on particles and simulates physical processes involving them and propagates them. The loop includes only the primary UHE photon and possibly the primary pair, because secondary photons’ directions are not altered and they do not need to be propagated step-wise. Thus, their position at the top of the atmosphere is calculated just after their generation and potential secondary photon cascading is neglected.
The function calculates a simulation starting point for given input parameters. Then, it propagates the UHE photon and simulates its conversion gradually. In each step, the probability for conversion is computed according to Formula (
For a stochastic sampling of the probability for the process occurrence, the long period pseudo-random number generator is used. Generated numbers are consistent with the uniform distribution. Therefore, thanks to imposing the condition that the process occurs if the generated number is less than the calculated probability, the simulation reflects the probability distribution for the considered process. When the electron-positron pair is created, the fractional energy is simulated similarly to the conversion probability, with respect to its probability distribution (
Then, the electron and positron are propagated step-wise according to Formula (
5). The distance
chosen in each step, which refers to the time interval
, depends on the magnetic field strength for the particle location in space and the current particle energy. Secondary photon emission is simulated by analogy with the primary photon conversion. The probability for this process is computed on the basis of Formula (
6). The approximation (
7) is adopted as the angle of synchrotron photon deflection from the electron or positron trajectory. In turn, the angle of photon direction in the plane horizontal to the emitting particle trajectory is sampled from the uniform distribution. The simulation ends when the primary photon or the created particles reach the top of the atmosphere. All obtained particle data are stored in a matrix, which has a fixed size. Therefore, the maximum number of particles generated in the simulation is limited.
On the basis of the simulation results, the spatial distribution of secondary photons at the top of the atmosphere may be analysed in detail in the case of the UHE photon aimed at the top of the atmosphere. The influence of simulation input parameters on the distribution of secondary photons at the top of the atmosphere was the subject of a previous study [
Previous results indicated that it is justified to consider a more realistic case, in which UHE photons reaching the Sun’s vicinity from every direction are modelled. Furthermore, it was assumed that the UHE photon flux is isotropic. Nevertheless, this approach required substantial changes in the program’s functioning.
The most crucial modification concerned the arbitrary direction of the UHE photon, which implies the need for new simulation parameters and a new method of calculating the simulation starting point. On the basis of assumptions made about the UHE photon flux, it was found that the most suitable for simulations is the heliocentric coordinate system.
Figure 2 illustrates the modified coordinate system. It is worth mentioning that the inclination angle
in the coordinate system is defined as an angle between the
x axis and the position vector.
In the new version of PRESHOWER, simulation starting points should be isotropically distributed at the sphere surface. Therefore, the radius of this starting sphere was chosen as the simulation parameter, whereas the position on the starting sphere is generated in such a way that every solid angle is equally probable. This condition may be described as
is the number of UHE photons at the starting sphere in the solid angle
. Therefore, the probability of generating the primary photon at the position with the azimuthal angle from interval
should be equal to
N is the total number of UHE photons reaching the starting sphere. The probability density function of the azimuthal angles is constant
and the variable is described by the uniform distribution. Similarly, one may obtain that
is uniformly distributed. Therefore, in the applied function
are randomly generated from uniform distribution and then the simulation starting point is calculated using the standard transformation between spherical coordinates and Cartesian coordinates. In the transformation, the redefinitions of the
angle and the Sun’s position are included. The isotropic primary photon direction is modelled analogically. Nevertheless, the transformations from
coordinates to coordinates used in the simulation are more complex. Due to the fact that
are defined in the local coordinate system related to the position on the starting sphere, generated angles are firstly transformed to the local Cartesian system
The minus sign results from considering primary photons coming from the outside of the starting sphere. The local versors may be identified as spherical versors
related to the position on the starting sphere
. Therefore, they are expressed in coordinates used in the simulator (
Figure 1) using formulas
Additionally, the drawn value belongs to the interval since we consider only the range of polar angles , which responds to directions beneath the sphere surface.
The generalisation of the program for an arbitrary primary photon direction required also changes in the simulation end condition. The previous condition may be effectively applied only to primary photons aimed at the atmosphere plane. Thus, assuming the plane is infinite, the previous condition is placed on photons with the negative component of the direction versor. In other cases, the simulation end condition is the distance to the Sun’s centre larger than 7 . What is more, the propagation of the primary photon, electron, or positron is aborted in case the particle lands on the Sun. In turn, secondary photons aimed at the Sun are not even included in the particle table. In the previous version of the program, these additional conditions were not needed, because of the specific determination of the primary photon direction. This approach enables considering also the potential special cases of the UHE photon cascading. For instance, it takes into account the primary photons not aimed at the Earth that may generate observable secondary photons after conversion thanks to the change of electron or positron direction in the magnetic field.