Magnetar Wind-Driven Shock Breakout Emission after Double Neutron Star Mergers: The Effect of the Anisotropy of the Merger Ejecta
:1. Introduction
2. The Model
2.1. Anisotropic Merger Ejecta
2.2. Magnetar Wind
2.3. Shock Dynamics and Breakout Emission
2.4. Integration over the Emission Surface
3. Results
4. Conclusions and Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Here, the shocked energy is considered to distribute approximately uniformly behind the shock, which is different from [25], where the shocked energy is assumed to be concentrated within a thin shell immediately behind the shock front. |
2 | An exact expression of had been given by Mihalas [85] as
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Wu, G.-L.; Yu, Y.-W.; Li, S.-Z. Magnetar Wind-Driven Shock Breakout Emission after Double Neutron Star Mergers: The Effect of the Anisotropy of the Merger Ejecta. Universe 2022, 8, 633.
Wu G-L, Yu Y-W, Li S-Z. Magnetar Wind-Driven Shock Breakout Emission after Double Neutron Star Mergers: The Effect of the Anisotropy of the Merger Ejecta. Universe. 2022; 8(12):633.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWu, Guang-Lei, Yun-Wei Yu, and Shao-Ze Li. 2022. "Magnetar Wind-Driven Shock Breakout Emission after Double Neutron Star Mergers: The Effect of the Anisotropy of the Merger Ejecta" Universe 8, no. 12: 633.
APA StyleWu, G.-L., Yu, Y.-W., & Li, S.-Z. (2022). Magnetar Wind-Driven Shock Breakout Emission after Double Neutron Star Mergers: The Effect of the Anisotropy of the Merger Ejecta. Universe, 8(12), 633.