1. Introduction
Crime, known as a perennial, widespread phenomenon, can be classified into two categories, crimes against persons and crimes against property [
1]. Crime is a prevalent phenomenon in all societies, accompanied by many costs and, therefore, is of wide concern to residents, police, planners and decision makers. In Canada, there were 5190 incidents per 100,000 people according to Boyce et al. [
2], which means that one out of 20 people may be a potential offender.
The cost of crime has always had negative influences on the society and the analysis of crime has consistently been considered as a challenge because crime could be influenced by a large number of factors while their influences may vary in different cities. The research of crime ranges from ecological and psychological to geographical and spatial approaches. These theories of crime based on different approaches can date back to the early nineteenth century [
There are three essential elements usually being considered for research on the geography of crime: place, distance, and direction [
4]. The place-based theory considers the distribution of crime as the intersection of victims and offenders [
5]. When time and space are appropriate, motivated perpetrators would commit crimes against suitable targets.
More modern work on crime employing a spatial perspective basically builds on two theories: social disorganization theory and routine activity theory. However, even though both theories can support the explanation of the geography of crime, social disorganization theory tends to be the more well-researched one. According to the routine activity theory, built features and routine activities are two factors influencing crime [
5]. Land use can be concerned with specific features as well as unique attractiveness, such as vegetation and transportation networks.
Both vegetation and crime prevention should be considered for urban planning. However, little research has been done to discover the interconnection between vegetation and crime occurrence. Vegetation could be considered as one important factor influencing people’s behaviors while the actual influences remain ambiguous. The correlation between dense vegetation and a higher potential for crime has been well known as vegetation provides the offender concealment [
6] and was also positively associated with increased fear of crime [
7]. Nevertheless, even though vegetation appears to conceal offenders, more modern research has found the effects of vegetation on crime tend to be mixed and even provide deterrence [
12]. Kuo and Sullivan [
8] suggested that crime appeared to be deterred by high-canopy trees as well as grass. Encouraging use of open space, which has mental restorative effects, appears to control crime.
However, this debate continues, and little research has taken into account the spatial effects in terms of the relationship between crime and vegetation. Moreover, no research has explored this spatial relationship within Canada. Since crime can be considered as a location-based phenomenon, the distribution and situation of crimes may vary depending on the cities’ characteristics. The relationships which exist in other cities and countries cannot be simply referred to in order to explain the situation in Canada. Even though different types of vegetation tend to have various effects on crime, this study considers all green space as vegetation.
There is also debate surrounding the relationship between transportation networks and crime. The first theory linking crime to street use was found by Jacobs [
13] and was based on inference. She believed that people on the street could provide informal surveillance, which was known as “the eyes on the street”. As a consequence, she inferred that people would suffer more crimes in areas with few witnesses. However, other researchers have found a positive relationship between crime and high accessibility of road network [
16]. Nevertheless, these studies either used linear models regardless of spatial patterns or employed qualitative methods to provide some suggestions. Even though most researchers realized the spatial association issues during their research, they appeared to consider spatial issues as a nuisance.
Urban characteristics have also been associated with crime. In 1999, Rephann [
17] demonstrated that higher crime rates usually emerged in urbanized metropolitan areas in contrast to rural areas. Boggs [
18] concluded that the highest crime rates were likely to appear in Central Business Districts (CBDs) within urban areas. However, there is no research that studies the potential different impacts of vegetation and transportation networks on crime at urban central-peripheral gradient. The only study we could find that considered urban-rural gradient for the spatial relationship between crime and vegetation was conducted by Troy et al. [
This study investigates the validity of the relationship between crime and variables rooted in routine activity theory, to see whether their relationships can extend beyond specific circumstances, especially for the medium-size city. Secondly, this study addresses the gap in published studies examining the spatial relationship between crime, vegetation, and transportation networks in Canada. Thirdly, the spatial statistical technique is employed in this study instead of the classical statistical techniques in most previous literature. Fourthly, crimes against persons and crimes against property are examined separately with four specific types of crime (assault, sex offenses, drugs, and vehicle theft) tested. Fifthly, the smallest standard geographic unit dissemination area is adopted in contrast to census tracts found in previous literature [
19], and may provide another insight to illuminate this debate. Finally, the urban central-peripheral gradient is considered to explore the possible spatial non-stationarity existing for the relationship between vegetation, transportation networks, and crime.
We hypothesize that higher vegetation density is related to lower crime density, while higher transportation network density increases crime density. Additionally, vegetation and transportation networks may have a more significant influence on crime in the urban center. We test this hypothesis by conducting spatial regression analyses and inspecting the relationship between crime, vegetation, and transportation networks statistically at the macro-size level. Furthermore, other social-economic or social-demographic variables, which have been known with impacts on crime, were controlled in this study.
5. Interpretation of the Relationships between Vegetation, Transportation Network, and Crime: Results
Moran’s I statistics revealed that spatial autocorrelation did exist for residuals obtained from OLS regression and had been reduced by using the spatial lag model (
Figure 3 and
Figure 4).
For crimes against persons, the value of Moran’s I based on OLS’s residuals was 0.32 and its
p-value based on 199 permutations was 0.005, which means the spatial autocorrelation for residuals is highly significant. However, the value of Moran’s I based on the spatial lag model’s residuals could be reduced to −0.009 while its
p-value based on 199 permutations was greater than 0.1, which demonstrated that the spatial autocorrelation had been eliminated and was no longer a significant issue. The same situation occurred for crimes against property in that the value of Moran’s I was reduced by using the spatial lag model from 0.23 to −0.03. By testing the spatial autocorrelation for residuals, it could be found that spatial autocorrelation does exist so that the OLS regression model may not be suitable for this study. Residuals’ spatial autocorrelation could be significantly reduced by using the spatial lag model according to
Figure 3 for crimes against persons and
Figure 4 for crimes against property. Hence, spatial lag models can provide better explanations by taking into account the spatial pattern.
OLS regression models were first employed and then spatial lag models were explored for both crimes against persons and crimes against property.
Table 4 presents detailed information for the spatial relationship and the significance of those variables.
By using OLS regression, only 8.02% of occurrences could be explained for crimes against persons while only 10.31% of occurrences could be explained for crimes against property. The value of R-squared could be significantly enhanced by using spatial lag models for both crimes against persons and crimes against property. The value of pseudo R-squared reached 34.23% for crimes against persons and 26.16% for crimes against property. The higher log-likelihood value represents the better model fit and this value has been increased by using the spatial lag model. In spatial lag models, the magnitudes of coefficients are lower than those in OLS models for both vegetation density and transportation network density. For crimes against persons, the magnitude of vegetation density coefficient decreased from −0.0001 to −7.4863 × 10
−5 while the magnitude of transportation network density coefficient increased from 0.0028 to 0.0036. For crimes against property, the magnitude of vegetation density coefficient dropped from −0.0002 to −0.0001 and the magnitude of transportation network density coefficient also decreased (0.0037 vs. 0.0034). A
p-value less than 0.01 represents the 99% confidence level while a
p-value less than 0.1 only represents the 90% confidence level. For both types of crime, vegetation density remains significant at the 99% confidence level and negatively correlates with these two types of crime, while transportation network density can only retain significance at the 90% confidence level when using the spatial lag model for crimes against property, but is positively associated with both crimes. For other control variables, only single-parent family density can retain significance at the 90% confidence level for crimes against persons and the 95% confidence level for crimes against property. This means that single-parent family density can boost criminal events while population density is not a significant variable for both crimes against persons and crimes against property. Different from the studies from Shaw and McKay [
20], Wolfe and Mennis [
11], poverty is also not a significant term influencing the distribution of crimes in the Kitchener-Waterloo Region since it retains significance at less than the 90% confidence level for both crimes against persons and crimes against property.
Four specific types of crime were also examined by using the spatial lag model and the diagnostics results are presented in
Table 5. The models of assaults and drugs have the greatest explanatory power with the values of pseudo R-squared around 0.30. However, only 15.70% of variation in the vehicle theft density and 13.04% of variation in the sex offence density can be explained by these independent variables in this study.
These spatial lag model results demonstrate that the spatial lag term is significant for each specific type of crime. However, vegetation density and transportation network density tend to have various impacts on these four types of crime. Transportation network density is significantly and positively correlated with drugs while it is not a significant explanatory variable for assaults, vehicle thefts and sex offences. Vegetation density is significant at the 99% confidence level for vehicle thefts and significant at the 95% confidence level for assaults and drugs. Additionally, vegetation density is not a significant variable for sex offences. The relationship between vegetation density and crime remains negative. The greatest magnitude of vegetation density coefficient appears for drugs while the transportation network density also has the greatest impact on drugs. As for other socio-economic and socio-demographic control variables, single-parent family density retains significance for assaults and vehicle thefts while population density is only significant for sex offences (p < 0.1).
The urban dummy variable was also added in the model to examine the differences between urban center and urban periphery.
Table 6 and
Table 7 present the spatial regression results for crimes against persons, crimes against property, and four specific types of crime.
By adding this urban dummy variable, the spatial lag model can provide better explanations for either crimes against persons or crimes against property. The value of pseudo R-squared for crimes against persons was enhanced to 0.4120 and the value for crimes against property reached 0.3179. In addition, the value of log likelihood for crimes against persons and crime against property was increased to 3701.33 and 3506.98, respectively, demonstrating that this added urban dummy variable can improve model fit. The spatial lag term remains significant at the 99% confidence level for both models and this added urban dummy variable also remains significant at the 99% confidence level. The significance of transportation network density for crimes against person decreases to the 90% confidence level while it is not even significant at the 90% confidence level for crimes against property. Additionally, the magnitude of the transportation network density coefficient decreases for both crimes against persons and crimes against property. The significance of vegetation density remains at the same confidence level while the magnitude also decreases slightly for both crimes against persons and crimes against property. The magnitudes of the other coefficients were also reduced since the urban dummy variable is known as a significant component of the explanation of crime distribution in this study.
All of these crime distributions except the sex offences distribution can be better explained by adding this urban dummy variable. The value of pseudo R-squared was enhanced to 36.34%, 25.67%, and 34.92% for assaults, vehicle thefts, and drugs, respectively. The value of log likelihood was also improved for assaults, vehicle thefts, and drugs separately, representing the better model fit. The urban dummy variable remains significant (p < 0.01) for all types of crime except for sex offences. Transportation network density is only significant for drugs (p < 0.1), and vegetation density is significant for assaults (p < 0.01), vehicle thefts (p < 0.01) and drugs (p < 0.05). Different from models without an urban dummy variable, population density is significant for assaults, vehicle thefts, and sex offences, while single-parent family density is no longer significant. This spatial lag model with an urban dummy variable was considered as the final model in this study.
The geographically weighted regression model was then employed in this study and independent variables used in this model included poverty density, population density, single-parent family density, vegetation density and transportation network density. The urban dummy variable was not added to the geographically weighted regression models because it had already taken into account the urban center features and hence may influence the results and introduce bias into the coefficient’s distribution. The results of the geographically weighted regression model had smaller AICc values compared to results obtained from OLS regression model for both crimes against persons and crimes against property. Smaller AICc values represent an improvement from 0.0802 to 0.2635 and from 0.1094 to 0.2730 for crimes against persons and crimes against property, respectively. Coefficients of vegetation density and transportation network density obtained from the geographically weighted regression could be seen to provide some insights into the spatial non-stationarity of these explanatory variables.
Figure 5 presents the spatial variation of transportation network density’s impact on crimes against persons and
Figure 6 presents the different impacts of vegetation density on crimes against persons.
The greatest positive relationship between crime and transportation network density tends to occur in uptown Waterloo and downtown Kitchener. Urban central areas selected fall within the boundary representing the highest coefficients. The coefficients of transportation network densities remain positive for almost the whole region while the values of coefficients in peripheral areas appear to be smaller.
Figure 5, areas drawn in brighter colors represent stronger negative relationships between crime and vegetation density. Vegetation appears to provide more deterrence in the urban center than in the urban periphery. Those selected dissemination areas represented for urban centers also fall within the inner circle associated with the smallest coefficient values, which, in fact, reveal stronger deterrence. Additionally, this negative relationship between vegetation density and crimes against persons remains for almost the whole study region.
Figure 7 and
Figure 8 depict the impacts of transportation network density and vegetation density on crimes against property. Their impact on crimes against property appear to be different from their impact on crimes against persons, but there are still some common characteristics.
The general trend depicted in
Figure 7 is similar to
Figure 5. Some peripheral areas seem to have a greater positive relationship between transportation network density and crime. However, the coefficients of transportation network density in the urban central areas still fall within the highest gradient or the second highest gradient. The coefficients also remain positive among most of the region.
Figure 8 portrays vegetation within the urban center that still has the strongest deterrence to crimes against property. Additionally, another area along with the arterial road also tends to have a greater magnitude of the coefficient. However, vegetation density retains a negative relationship with crimes against property among the whole region.
6. Discussion
The results of this case study suggest an inverse relationship between vegetation and crime, while the relationship between transportation networks and crime retains positive. After controlling other socio-economic and socio-demographic variables, vegetation density still retains a significant negative relationship with both crimes against persons and crimes against property. Meanwhile, transportation network density consistently contributes to occurrences of crimes against persons and crimes against property. Even though different types of tree cover may have various influences on crime, which were not tested in this study, the overall contribution of vegetation to the society appears to be positive based on this study. Vegetation can be a deterrence to criminal events. This result also matches the studies from Wolfe and Mennis [
11] and Troy et al. [
10]. In addition, even though transportation networks can attract more eyes on the street, it also provides the convergence between offenders and criminal targets. Additionally, transient strangers attracted by transportation networks improve the potential for crime. Transportation networks may have both positive and negative influences on crime in that they tend to have stronger impact on increasing criminal events. Furthermore, both vegetation and transportation networks appear to have a stronger impact on crimes against property. The reason why vegetation has a stronger deterrence for crimes against property may be explained by the “Broken Window” theory, which states that well-maintained green space presents authority, and, hence, crimes against property such as breaking and entering, and vehicle theft, will be reduced. However, transportation networks seem to have a stronger relationship with crimes against persons, and they are not significant for crimes against property. This conclusion may be different from the conclusion supported by Brantingham and Brantingham [
43], who found that criminals who targeted property always committed crimes in areas with a completed road network so that they could find ways to easily escape. It may also violate the standpoint of Jarrell and Howsen [
44], i.e., that strangers in an area can have significant impact on crimes against property and few influences on crimes against persons. In another words, crimes against property can be more influenced by vegetation and crimes against persons can be more influenced by transportation networks. The spatial lag term is significant for both models. It indicates that spatial cluster does exist and impacts on crime occurrence, making it possible for offenders to easily move from one block to another. The spatial influence may also be explained by reputations of specific areas or referred to ranges of routine activities of perpetrators.
Four specific crime types have also been examined by using spatial lag models. There is no significant relationship between vegetation, transportation networks, and sex offence in this study, and it is probably due to low rates of sex offences happening in this area. Vegetation density has a significant relationship with assaults, vehicle theft and drugs and it may still be associated with the influence of well-maintained green spaces. Additionally, a large proportion of green space tends to attract more people outside and thus provides more surveillance. Transportation network density appears to have a significant positive relationship with assault, but its significance was reduced by adding an urban dummy variable. However, transportation networks impact significantly on the occurrence of drug-relevant crimes. The relationship is consistent with the findings of Weisheit et al. [
68], who found that drug trafficking was facilitated by highway improvements. Even though the size of the Kitchener-Waterloo Region tends to be a medium-size region with a relatively low poverty rate, the relationship between vegetation and crime still remains the same as other cities, like Philadelphia [
11] and Portland [
12], while the relationship between transportation network and crime is the same as other studies in British Columbia, Canada [
Spatial analyses, by adding urban dummy variables in spatial regression models, and geographically weighted regression analyses, indicate that urban factors are associated with higher crime density. However, transportation networks still have a stronger positive impact on crimes compared to this urban factor. Based on those visualized results, the impacts of vegetation and transportation networks tend to vary over space. Vegetation appears to be more important in the urban center because it can provide more deterrence than it can provide in the urban periphery. However, vegetation still retains a negative relationship with crime in the urban periphery and this conclusion may be different from the study of Troy et al. [
10], in which some positive relationships between vegetation and crime were found in rural areas. Additionally, transportation networks in the urban center can attract more criminals. Perpetrators may still choose the urban center to commit crimes because higher accessibility produced by dense transportation networks can potentially provide perpetrators convenience. Also, land use in the urban center, such as commercial land use [
31], may also lead to the difference between the urban center and the urban periphery. In addition, transportation network density and vegetation density have the greatest magnitude not only in the urban center but also in the areas around the arterial roads, which are designated as arterial commercial corridors [
64]. However, the different impact of commercial and residential land use needs to be further inspected.
There are limitations in this study that could affect its accuracies and conclusions. First, not all variables were considered in this study because of data limitation. Since Statistics Canada’s collection of data in 2011 was totally different from that done in 2006, not all socio-economic datasets in 2011 could be obtained at the dissemination area level. As a consequence, other socio-economic variables such as education and ethnicity cannot be considered in this study even though these variables have proven associations with crime. The impact of these omitted variables may have a significant influence on the results. Also, human mobility has not been considered in this study because of the lack of data pertaining to residents’ activity. A recent study by Mburu and Helbich [
69] suggests that the ambient population considering human mobility can improve the analysis of crime. Not only place-based analysis could be conducted for analyzing crime but also direction-based analysis may help explain the occurrence of crime. Furthermore, with limited variables being included, the overall R-squared values were relatively low.
Additionally, these data sources were obtained from different years and this may introduce bias into this study. Even though the majority of land use remained the same during these years, there are still some potential differences for vegetation cover between 2009 and 2013. Moreover, the socio-economic and socio-demographic situations change over time. However, the datasets from 2011 are the latest census datasets that could be obtained. Furthermore, the date of the Landsat imagery employed in this study may also influence the reliability of results since some plant species had not turned green in May, and, hence, that vegetation might have been misclassified.
The classification accuracy of land use maps is another limitation. Since the resolution of the final integrated image was 8 m × 8 m, some areas with trees may not be classified as vegetation. There is no appropriate library land use classification dataset available for the Kitchener-Waterloo Region and the classification map used was the best resource we could obtain. In addition, without the support from high-resolution imagery, vegetation cannot be better classified according to its type and, therefore, further inspection cannot be conducted based on this land use classification map. The calculation of vegetation density based on pixel counting may reduce the accuracy. Some pixels divided by the boundary line had to be counted as a whole for one specific dissemination area only.
The modifiable area unit problem (MAUP) might be another issue. The datasets applied in this study were all at the dissemination area level, which is the smallest statistic spatial unit in Canada. However, other studies may be based on different spatial units. Troy et al. [
10] conducted their research based on the census block, which is the smallest spatial unit in US, while Wolfe and Mennis [
11] processed their study based on census tracts. The conclusions based on different spatial units may be totally different, while no research has inspected this influence on exploring the relationship between crime and vegetation. We have provided further insight based on this spatial unit, extending previous studies.
7. Conclusions
The findings from this research based on Kitchener-Waterloo provide strong evidence for the relationship between vegetation, transportation networks and crime in a number of ways. First, vegetation retains negative association with both crimes against persons and crimes against property while transportation networks retain a positive relationship with crimes against persons and crime against property. Second, this result holds for both crimes against persons and crimes against property, but vegetation tends to have stronger impacts on crimes against property and transportation networks tends to have stronger impacts on crimes against persons. Third, spatial autocorrelation has been counted and these two spatial relationships remain the same. Fourth, vegetation can be considered a deterrence for assaults, vehicle thefts and drugs, while transportation networks can be a facilitator for drugs. Fifth, urban character affects the spread of crime while urban centers tend to attract more crime. Finally, both vegetation and transportation networks may have a stronger impact in the urban center than in the urban periphery.
These findings address the gap in the literature in terms of the association between vegetation and crime in Canada. However, because of different urban characteristics in different cities, the analyses based on other cities may provide opposite findings and conclusions. The analysis of crime is complicated and should be explored further. Additionally, the relationship between crime and transportation networks can be understood based on neighborhood influences. This study can provide suggestions for better policies for governments and communities.