Content Analysis of Digital Archives Contributes to the Historical Distribution and Folk Knowledge of the Highly Toxic Cicuta virosa L. in Hungary
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Historical Distribution of the Species
2.2. Vernacular Names of Cicuta virosa
2.3. Incidents of Poisoning
2.3.1. Human Poisoning
2.3.2. Poisoning Among Livestock
3. Discussion
4. Materials and Methods
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Vernacular Name (Number of Mentions) | Region | Notes |
Csomorika (22); Csomorika fű (3); Gyilkos csomorika (19), Mérges csomorika (3) | Berettyó-Sárrét region, Hortobágy (E-Hungary) | Csomorika is the most widespread and currently used name for the plant. The specific epithets (gyilkos, mérges) refer to toxicity of the plant (killer and poisonous, respectively). |
Mételytorzsa (9), Métel (1), Métely (3), Mételfű (1). | Rétköz, Taktaköz, Ecsedi-láp (NE-Hungary) | The Hungarian word torzsa means a thick, fleshy plant stem. The word métely refers to the liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica, Platyhelminthes), a parasite of ruminants. In a general sense, however, the word métely means a pathogenic, harmful organism. Megmételyezni = to spoil, poison, influence in a negative direction. |
Kónyi gyökér (15), Konyer Wurzel (1) | Hanság, Fertő (NW-Hungary) | Kóny is a village in north-western Hungary, where the plant was common in the early 20th century. The word gyökér means root. |
Vízibürök (6), Vízi mérgesbürök (2) Méregbürök (4) | In several regions. | The word bürök is usually used to designate the species Conium maculatum, which also belongs to the Apiaceae family and is severely poisonous too. Cicuta is usually distinguished from Conium based on their habitats (víz means water, vízi is equivalent to aquatic). |
Region | Original Text | English Translation | Source |
Nagy-Sárrét | ‘A lapos és posványos hellyeken levő csomorika nevezetű fű a marhának olly veszedelmes, hogy ha azt megeszi, fél óra múlván elkelletik néki veszni. E miatt is marháinkban esztendőnként nagy kárt szenvedünk.’ | The herb, called csomorika, which is found in marshy places, is so dangerous to cattle that if they eat it, they are forced to die after half an hour. Because of this we also suffer a lot of damage to our cattle every year. | [43]: 331 |
Hajdúság | ‘Egy nyáj juhot téli időben szénával éppen olyan rét aljon étettek, ahol az ilyen Tsomorikának torzsás gyökerei bőven találtattanak. Ezt a juhok még inkább rágták, mint a szénát (minthogy ezt édességének okáért különben is szeretik). De csakhamar kezdetiének is tőle számosan ledobbanni és megdögleni.’ | In winter, a flock of sheep was fed by hay at the bottom of a meadow where the roots of such “Tsomorika” were found in abundance. The sheep like it for its sweetness and chewed it even more than hay. But it soon began to cause many of them to fall and die. | [29] |
Hanság | ‘A’ Hanyságbann is valamint a’ Kónyi-tó mellett a’ Vármegye szélén, bőven találtatik az úgy nevezett Kónyi-gyökér melly olly mérges, hogy ha a’ marha meg találja enni, azonnal feldagad ’s megdöglik.’ | In Hanyság as well as near Lake Kónyi on the edge of the county, there is plenty of the so-called Kónyi root which is so poisonous that if the cattle find it to eat, it swells up and dies immediately. | [44]: 805 |
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Kis, S.; Molnár V., A. Content Analysis of Digital Archives Contributes to the Historical Distribution and Folk Knowledge of the Highly Toxic Cicuta virosa L. in Hungary. Plants 2025, 14, 315.
Kis S, Molnár V. A. Content Analysis of Digital Archives Contributes to the Historical Distribution and Folk Knowledge of the Highly Toxic Cicuta virosa L. in Hungary. Plants. 2025; 14(3):315.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKis, Szabolcs, and Attila Molnár V. 2025. "Content Analysis of Digital Archives Contributes to the Historical Distribution and Folk Knowledge of the Highly Toxic Cicuta virosa L. in Hungary" Plants 14, no. 3: 315.
APA StyleKis, S., & Molnár V., A. (2025). Content Analysis of Digital Archives Contributes to the Historical Distribution and Folk Knowledge of the Highly Toxic Cicuta virosa L. in Hungary. Plants, 14(3), 315.