This section presents the empirical results and related discussions with Sunspot dataset details. The emphasis is on analyzing daily data on sunspot data for the period of January 1749 to December 2023.
5.1. Data Used for the Study
The data chosen for this study are annual sunspot data counts. The descriptive statistics of these data are presented in
Table 1. There are two main sources for these data—firstly, the data known as the “Wolfer” sunspot data, which are often attributed to
Waldmeier (
1961), and the more recent data from the Royal Observatory of Belgium, which are documented in
Clette et al. (
This study uses the later data from the Royal Observatory of Belgium, with an end date of 2017. It is noted here that many of the properties of the original Wolfer dataset appear to be very similar to these data, as observed by
Hunt et al. (
2022)—particularly the periodicity of the data. As shown in
Figure 3, the sunspot data exhibits clear cyclical patterns over time.
This study is dedicated to estimating and comparing the predictive capacity through hybrid models, specifically, the fitting of GARMA-LSTM using sunspot time series data.
The focus on sunspot activity is due to their significant impact on space weather and solar physics studies. Sunspot activity exhibits marked cyclical patterns and fluctuations, which provide a challenging yet interesting case for time series forecasting. The analysis of this variable contributes to a better understanding of the behavior of solar activity, together with improvements in methodologies of forecasting that could be helpful in many applications, from satellite operations to power grid management.
This data-driven approach seeks to leverage the advanced capabilities of hybrid models in capturing the complex interactions and non-linearities present in solar activity time series, providing a comprehensive assessment of their performance and applicability in space weather studies.
The linear component estimation for sunspot numbers was conducted over a time horizon from January 1749 to December 2023, spanning 275 years. The dataset was divided into a training set covering the period from January 1749 to December 1959 and a test set from January 1960 to December 2023.
In assessing the seasonal pattern of climatic variables, seasonal indices were calculated. Methodologically, the factors are obtained as an application of the decomposition method; the mathematical representation of this method is as follows:
= the current value of the time series at time t
= seasonal component at time t
= trend component at time t
= random component at time t
Although, there are different approximations to the functional relation in (
9), in our case, we will use the multiplicative form because it is very effective when the seasonality is not constant. Therefore, we begin with the following representation of (
The idea is to estimate the seasonal component from which the seasonal indices are constructed. In the first stage, we estimate the annual moving averages of
, which, being annual by definition, cannot contain seasonality (
). In turn, they will contain little randomness (
) since they fluctuate around zero and by adding positive and negative values, they cancel each other out to a large extent. Therefore, it is obtained that the moving average will be an estimation of the cycle trend of the time series
In the second stage, if we divide
by the series of moving averages (
), we obtain an approximation slightly closer to the seasonal component
Since the randomness
is conceived as the remainder of the series
, once it is stripped of the seasonal, trend and cycle components, then the remaining error term will fluctuate randomly around the origin. Therefore, its average will be very close to zero. Finally,
where the overbar denotes the average.
5.1.1. Methodological Considerations for Sunspot Data
Several methodological considerations underpin the analysis of the sunspot data. The time series modeling approach employed a combination of complementary techniques to capture both the quasi-periodic nature of sunspot cycles and their inherent irregularities. For the GARMA models, we investigated two distinct period specifications (11 and 10.5 years) to account for the variable nature of the solar cycle.
For the machine learning models, including LSTM, ANN, and XGBoost, we implemented consistent feature engineering using a sliding window of 12 time steps (n_lags = 12) as input features. This window size was selected to encapsulate a full cycle of solar activity, ensuring that the models could learn from complete pattern sequences. The XGBoost model’s hyperparameters (eta = 0.1, max_depth = 8) were specifically tuned to balance model complexity and predictive accuracy.
In the hybrid approaches, such as GARMA-LSTM and GARMA-ANN, we applied GARMA models to capture the fundamental cyclical patterns and then used neural networks to model the residuals. This sequential methodology leverages the strengths of GARMA in handling periodic components while allowing the neural networks to capture more complex, non-linear relationships in the residual variations. Similarly, the GARMA-TBATS hybrid combines statistical and algorithmic techniques to effectively manage both the regular and irregular components of the solar cycle.
5.1.2. Fitting GARMA Model for Sunspot Prediction
For the sunspot number data under study, we fitted the GARMA model to capture the long-memory and cyclical patterns inherent in solar activity. The model was applied to the sunspot number time series, focusing on its ability to capture the approximately 10.5-year solar cycle. We combined GARMA with TBATS in an ensemble approach to enhance prediction accuracy, as shown in
Figure 4.
5.1.3. GARMA-LSTM Hybrid Model
Following the GARMA model fitting, we implemented a hybrid GARMA-LSTM model to capture both the linear and non-linear components of the sunspot time series, as illustrated in
Figure 5. The LSTM network was designed to model the residuals from the GARMA component, enhancing the overall predictive capability of the model.
5.1.4. Model Comparison and Evaluation
To evaluate the performance of our GARMA-LSTM hybrid model, we compared it with other models, including GARMA[11], GARMA[10.5], ARIMA, TBATS, ANN, XGBoost, and additional hybrid models. The models were assessed using various performance metrics, including the Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and R-squared (R2).
Table 2 presents the comparative performance of these models:
The results demonstrate that:
The GARMA-LSTM Hybrid model outperforms other models in terms of MSE, RMSE, and MAE, indicating its superior overall predictive accuracy.
The XGBoost model with optimized meta-parameters (eta = 0.1, max_depth = 8) shows very competitive performance, closely following the GARMA-LSTM Hybrid in all metrics.
The GARMA-ANN-LSTM Hybrid and the average of GARMA[10.5] and TBATS[10.5] also show strong performance, suggesting the effectiveness of hybrid and ensemble approaches.
GARMA[10.5] continues to show better performance compared to GARMA[11], supporting the effectiveness of using a non-integer seasonal period to capture the solar cycle more accurately.
Traditional models like ARIMA and standalone TBATS are outperformed by the more advanced models, highlighting the complex nature of sunspot prediction.
The ANN model shows poor performance, indicating that simple neural network architectures may not be suitable for capturing the intricacies of sunspot patterns.
5.3. Quarterly Australian Beer Production
This section presents the analysis of quarterly beer production in Australia, beginning with a description of the dataset and followed by detailed examination of its characteristics.
5.3.1. Dataset Description
The dataset used for this research is the Quarterly Australian Beer output dataset, which documents the total quarterly beer output in Australia, in megaliters, from 1956:Q1 to 2010:Q2 with 218 observations spread out across 54 years. The dataset is publicly available and can be accessed through the fpp2 (v2.5) package in R.
Figure 6, the total quarterly beer production from 1956 to 2010 further emphasizes the seasonal fluctuations and the structural trend changes over time. These characteristics make the dataset well suited for statistical and machine learning models that can capture trend and seasonal patterns.
Figure 7 displays the decomposition of the time series into its main components:
Data: This is the original time series of beer production, showing distinct seasonal patterns and an upward trend until the early 1980s, followed by a relatively stable or slightly declining trend.
Trend: The trend component reflects the general long-term progression of beer production, initially increasing until approximately 1980 and then stabilizing or declining slightly thereafter.
Seasonal: The seasonal component, showing regular fluctuations at a quarterly frequency, highlights the recurring seasonal impact on beer production, with peaks and troughs corresponding to specific times of the year.
Remainder: The remainder component captures the irregular, non-seasonal variations in beer production, representing random noise or unstructured variability in the data.
Table 4 shows that the mean quarterly beer output is 415.37 megalitres, less than the median of 422.0, indicating a slightly left-skewed distribution. The standard deviation indicates moderate variability around the mean. The production volume range is 386.0 megalitres, from 213.0 to 599.0 megalitres.
5.3.2. Methodological Considerations for Ausbeer
Several important methodological considerations underpin this analysis. After decomposing the time series using STL (Seasonal and Trend decomposition using Loess), the GARMA model was specifically applied to the seasonal component of the data, rather than being applied separately to both trend and seasonal components. This targeted application aligns with GARMA’s strengths in modeling periodic patterns, while the SARIMA model handled the original series.
For the feature engineering approach, both the LSTM and XGBoost models utilized consistent input structures. Specifically, a sliding window of 4 time steps (n_lags = 4) was implemented as input features, corresponding to one year of quarterly data. This consistency in feature engineering ensures fair comparison across models while effectively capturing the quarterly seasonal patterns in the beer production data.
The choice and optimization of model parameters also played a crucial role. The XGBoost model’s hyperparameters (eta = 0.1, max_depth = 8) were carefully tuned to balance model complexity with predictive accuracy. Similarly, the LSTM architecture was designed to capture both short-term patterns and longer-term dependencies in the seasonal data.
These methodological decisions significantly influenced the models’ performance characteristics. The complementary approach of the hybrid GARMA-LSTM model, combining GARMA’s strength in seasonal pattern modeling with LSTM’s capability to capture non-linear relationships, proved particularly effective. This strategic combination helped achieve a balance between capturing seasonal patterns and adapting to underlying trend changes in the beer production data.
5.3.3. Results and Discussion for “Ausbeer”
This empirical study investigates the performance of various time series forecasting models, with a particular emphasis on the application of the hybrid GARMA-LSTM model to forecasting Australian beer production volumes. Our objective was to assess these models’ effectiveness in capturing the seasonal patterns and non-linear dynamics inherent in beer production data and to identify optimal configurations for accurate forecasting.
Our analysis, as presented in
Table 5, shows the comparative forecasting accuracy of several models, including the hybrid GARMA-LSTM, TBATS, GARMA, LSTM, and traditional approaches like SARIMA. Through this comparison, we aimed to determine which model more effectively minimizes error metrics such as the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), thereby providing insights into each model’s strengths in dealing with seasonal time series data.
The TBATS model outperformed all other examined models in predicting Australian beer production, with the lowest MSE of 2.0932 and RMSE of 1.4468. The MAE of 1.3233 provides further evidence of its greater predictive accuracy. It should be mentioned that the TBATS model had a fairly high MAPE of 15.3581%, which means that although it does well in absolute error metrics, the percentage of error relative to real values was higher than in other models.
After achieving an MSE of 5.2233, the Hybrid GARMA-LSTM model scored second in terms of RMSE with a value of 2.2855. Compared to the TBATS model, the hybrid model demonstrated a notable MAE of 1.6768 and a MAPE of 6.9668%. The results show that the hybrid model outperforms the other models in terms of percentage errors, accurately capturing both linear seasonal patterns and the non-linear dynamics.
The RMSE and MSE for the GARMA model were 2.5954 and 6.7359, respectively, with an MAE of 2.0466 and a MAPE of 12.2102%. However, the TBATS and hybrid GARMA-LSTM models demonstrated significantly greater effectiveness. This suggests that the GARMA model can only model seasonal patterns and not non-linear data.
The LSTM model demonstrated slightly better results, with an RMSE of 4.1665 and an MSE of 17.3598, along with an MAE of 2.8121. It was interesting to see that, although it had larger absolute mistakes, its comparatively low MAPE of 6.2917% indicated that it performed better in terms of percentage errors. It may need some more adjustments to get the seasonal components right, but this demonstrates that the LSTM model can model non-linear interactions, which is impressive. The top RMSE and MSE values were 10.4246 and 108.6723, respectively, for the SARIMA model. The MAE was 8.4710 and the MAPE was 2.0630%, respectively. The SARIMA model had trouble predicting the beer production data, even if its MAPE was low. This was probably because it could not handle the complicated seasonal structures and non-linear patterns in the data.