Methodology for Determining the Event-Based Taskload of an Air Traffic Controller Using Real-Time Simulations
:1. Introduction
1.1. CRITERIA Project
- Subjective records of the workload perceived by participants during the course of the simulations.
- Data on neurophysiological variables, in particular electroencephalography (EEG) and eye-tracking data.
- Information on the actions carried out by the participants during the exercises.
1.2. Taskload and Workload
1.3. Hypothesis and Obejctives of the Study
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Methodology
- Previous steps: Includes all the activities that needed to be carried out in order to get the simulation platform up and running and to start working with the participants.
- Simulation campaign and data recording: Includes the process of running the experiment, as well as the recording of all the data associated with the simulations.
- Definition of the best taskload profile: To be able to study the relationship between the evolution of the neurophysiological variables and the ATC events in the simulation, it is necessary to determine the best reference taskload profile. If this profile proves to be different from the designed profile, it will be necessary to define a new methodology to obtain a baseline that considers the actual events that occurred during the simulations. This stage is a decision point represented by a diamond with two possible outputs in Figure 1. Once this baseline is established, the first objective of the paper mentioned in Section 1 will be achieved.
- Event analysis: Once the baseline has been established, the next step is to study which events or combinations of events induce the greatest difficulty in the exercise and the highest workload on the controller. This step addresses the second objective of the paper.
2.2. Events Considered in the Design of Exercises
2.3. Details of the Simulation Campaign
2.4. Data Registered after the Simulations
- Firstly, the video recordings of the radar screen during the simulations. From these recordings, it is possible to obtain information about the events that actually took place, the actions taken by the participants, and the conflict resolution strategies followed.
- Secondly, information that was obtained about the subjective workload values evaluated and the minute of simulation in which each of the values was selected.
- The first variable is the subjective workload value selected in each query by the participant. The possibilities are that a numerical value (1–5) is recorded or, in case the participant did not respond, a “not assessed” is recorded.
- The second variable is reaction time. This variable can take values in the range of 0–20 s, as this was the time that the participant had to select one of the values of the ISA scale before the window closed. Reaction time is calculated as the difference between the time in the simulation when the participant selects one of the values and the time in the simulation when the ISA method window appears.
3. Results
3.1. Analysis of the Reaction Time Variable
- The x-axis of the four graphs represents the time elapsed since the start of the simulation. All exercises lasted 45 min.
- Each graph has two vertical axes: the left vertical axis is associated with the taskload profile and the secondary axis on the right is associated with the reaction time variable.
- The left vertical axis indicates the value of the designed taskload per minute of simulation. In each of the graphs, the upper limit of this axis is different considering that the difficulty increases progressively from the first exercise to the last.
- The vertical axis on the right, i.e., the secondary axis, indicates the reaction time value for each of the participants. In all graphs, the values on this axis range from 0 to 20 s. There are reaction time values every two and a half minutes, as they are recorded at the moments when the participants assessed their workload.
- The taskload profile of Exercise 1 was designed to be symmetric with two cycles of taskload and a low event valley in the central part. In each of the cycles, the taskload was intended to progressively increase to a maximum and then decrease again.
- The taskload profile for Exercise 2 was designed to have two taskload cycles separated, again, by a valley. In this case, the area with fewer events did not have taskload values as low as in the case of the previous exercise.
- The taskload profile of Exercise 3 was designed to be non-symmetric. In this case, the first cycle would reach a taskload maximum lower than the second cycle.
- The profile of Exercise 4 has characteristics similar to those of the previous exercise. The difference is that in this exercise the maximum taskload values are higher.
3.2. Analysis of Subjective Workload Scores
- The general tendency of the participants is to assess the highest workload values out of phase with the designed taskload. This is particularly clear in the graphs of Exercise 1 and Exercise 3. The reason for this is that events that have a higher value of taskload associated with them appear to have a longer duration than in the designed taskload profile. Therefore, participants must implement actions to deal with these events for longer periods of time. Depending on the actions selected by each participant, especially in conflict resolution processes, the taskloads of more complex events can influence the workload of ATCOs for longer periods of time.
- Considering that the purpose of the study is to identify the situations associated with the highest workload values assessed by ATCOs, it is necessary to define a reference profile capable of explaining the events that take place at the moments when the workload values are at their maximum.
- In general, the trend in workload assessments does not follow the designed taskload profile. To continue with the study, this designed taskload is not a good baseline.
- It is necessary to establish a taskload profile based on the actual situation experienced by each participant during the simulations.
- 1.
- For each exercise, the minutes of the simulation in which the absolute events occurred were recorded. The taskload values associated with each event were the same as those shown in Figure 2. The aim is to enable a comparison between the design and actual taskload profiles.
- 2.
- In addition to the taskload of absolute events, there is the taskload associated with aircraft monitoring. The time interval in which an aircraft is monitored is calculated as the difference between the time at which the identification event starts and the time at which the event associated with the handover ends.
- 3.
- During analysis of the recordings, two new events were identified that had not been considered during the design of the exercises.
- a.
- The first event is the change of flight level. Some participants, upon identifying that two aircraft were about to encounter a conflict, would anticipate the situation and change the flight level of one of the aircraft before being alerted by the conflict detection tool. This event was assigned a base score of 2 points.
- b.
- The second event is the change of speed. As in the previous case, some participants detected in advance that an overtaking conflict was going to occur. In this case, some participants considered that the easiest way to resolve it was to change the speed of one of the aircraft involved. Since the taskload induced is similar to that of flight level changes, this event was also scored with a base value of 2 points.
- 4.
- The events with the highest associated taskload are conflicts. These situations were analysed in great detail. The greatest differences with respect to the designed profile were found to occur as a consequence of conflict resolution. In the design of the exercises, for each of the designed conflicts, a generic vectoring event was assigned for conflict resolution. In actual simulated exercises, several participants needed to try different conflict resolution strategies before resolving a conflict. This was especially acute in the case of the second cycle of Exercises 3 and 4, where two conflicts were designed to take place with a short time interval between.
- 5.
- Taking all of the above into account, a bar chart was designed that represents the taskload associated with each minute of the simulation. This actual taskload can differ from the designed taskload in terms of the number of events, as well as in the start and end times of some events. To understand whether the participant had perceived the exercise as easier or more difficult than initially designed, a combined representation of the actual and designed taskload profiles was made, and tables were created comparing the score values of the two profiles to understand how the actual profile differed from the designed one.
- 6.
- The actual taskload profile obtained for each exercise and for each participant was compared with the subjective workload values assessed by each participant. In this way, it was finally possible to identify which event or set of events led to the highest workload values.
4. Discussion
4.1. Case Study and Generalised Results
4.1.1. Case Study
4.1.2. Generalised Results
- When comparing the workload values with the actual profile, it is possible to explain some values that seemed unusual compared to the design profile.
- In general, there is a correlation between the moments in which the participant evaluates the workload to be at the highest level and the highest taskload values of the exercise.
- The effect of events that produce an increased workload is spread over time. Even if the subsequent taskload is lower, participants evaluate the workload in a sustained way over time. An example of this can be clearly seen in Figure 6 in the workload assessments that take place in the central part of the exercise.
- A common phenomenon is that, once participants have assessed the workload with a value higher than ‘1’, it is very rare that they assess it with the minimum value, except in the valley moments of the exercises or in the last workload assessment at 00:42:30.
- The most complex events are those associated with conflicts and their resolution.
- Events evaluated with a higher workload value include conflicts that are not resolved during the first attempt.
- Simpler events, such as aircraft handovers, are perceived to be more difficult after conflict resolution and with a larger number of aircraft in the sector.
- When comparing the workload assessment of the participants for a given time, differences are especially found in the middle part of the exercise and in the intermediate minutes of the two taskload cycles. These differences are due to the different actions performed by each participant. This fact, once again, justifies the definition of a taskload profile for each participant and each exercise. These differences in actions are particularly remarkable in conflict resolution processes. Some participants implement actions to resolve the conflict that are successful on the first attempt. On the contrary, other participants must implement several conflict resolution strategies if the first attempt is not satisfactory. For this reason, depending on where the participant is in the decision-making process when the workload assessment question is asked, the recorded values may vary.
4.2. Recommendations
- From the beginning of the experiment’s design, it is very important to clearly document the ATC events to be considered. Based on previous work, it is advisable to at least define the mean duration parameter and a designed taskload value. Researchers are advised to keep these values realistic and to consider the opinion of experts with experience in the simulator being used for their definition.
- Based on the values defined in the previous step, in addition to a list of the events to be included in the study, it is recommended to represent the designed taskload profile by, for example, using a bar chart and defining one bar for each minute of simulation. This will allow researchers to have a reference of what is expected to happen during the simulation before they start developing them. If an observer is watching the simulations with this reference profile in front of them, they can already draw some initial conclusions about the performance of the participants.
- Whenever possible, researchers are recommended to register radar screen recordings during the exercises. As demonstrated in this study, they have been vitally important in understanding what actually happened during the exercise and in comparing the airspace conditions during the simulation to the design parameters.
- Before going directly toward a study of the temporal evolution of neurophysiological parameters, it is necessary to invest some time in determining a good profile that considers the actual situation of what happens in simulation exercises. This study has proposed a methodology to determine the best reference profile.
- In order to obtain the best reference profile for the study of neurophysiological variables, it is recommended to use an intermediate tool that allows researchers to conclude graphically whether the profile considered is consistent with the perception of the participants during the simulation. In this study, values related to the subjective assessment of workload that were obtained via the ISA method were used.
5. Conclusions and Future Work
- The events with the greatest associated difficulty are conflicts and their resolutions.
- Difficulty increases as the number of simultaneous conflicts in the sector increases.
- As the number of aircraft in the sector increases, certain events initially considered simple are perceived as more difficult due to the different aircraft that need to be monitored.
- At first, it was suspected that the factor of greatest difficulty was the number of simultaneous conflicts. However, it has been shown that a factor that causes the difficulty to increase greatly is the conflicts that are not resolved at the first attempt and which require a new resolution strategy, i.e., those situations in which the participant tries a resolution strategy, it does not work, and it is thus necessary to change the strategy.
- Those situations perceived as more difficult are not necessarily those where two conflicts occur in parallel, but those where the resolution of a conflict is prolonged over time, especially when the participant has tried different forms of resolution that are not effective and that worsen the situation of the first conflict detected.
- In relation to the above, it was found that events that were initially assigned a low taskload value were perceived as more difficult if they occurred while one or more conflicts were present in the sector and when the participant had to deal with them immediately after the resolution of a conflict.
- The general tendency in the assessment of workload in Exercises 2, 3, and 4 is to assess only the lowest value before the occurrence of the first conflict. Once the participants have to resolve the first conflict, even if the situation in the sector is under control and no additional events occur, it is very rare that the value chosen in the ISA scale is ‘1’.
- Once the methodology has been shown to work and is of interest, it will be necessary to extend the process to a larger number of participants.
- Taking the event-based taskload as a reference, the evolution of neurophysiological variables will be related to the ATC events recorded and the relationship between these variables and the traffic conditions in the sector that are established.
- Firstly, the small number of participants included in the study.
- Secondly, the participants were ATCO students and therefore did not have the experience of real controllers. The results obtained could vary when repeating the study with ATCOs in service.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Exercise | Total Designed Taskload | Maximum Taskload | Minute Maximum Taskload |
1 | 141.40 | 7.425 | 0:11:00 |
2 | 165.20 | 10.400 | 0:29:00 |
3 | 193.25 | 10.875 | 0:30:00 |
4 | 228.55 | 11.400 | 0:31:00 |
Designed | Actual | |
Total taskload | 141.400 | 146.800 |
Event taskload without monitoring | 118.000 | 124.600 |
Monitoring taskload | 23.400 | 22.200 |
Maximum taskload | 7.425 | 11.600 |
Minute of maximum taskload | 00:11:00 | 00:35:00 |
Number of absolute events | 44 | 47 |
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Zamarreño Suárez, M.; Arnaldo Valdés, R.M.; Pérez Moreno, F.; Delgado-Aguilera Jurado, R.; López de Frutos, P.M.; Gómez Comendador, V.F. Methodology for Determining the Event-Based Taskload of an Air Traffic Controller Using Real-Time Simulations. Aerospace 2023, 10, 97.
Zamarreño Suárez M, Arnaldo Valdés RM, Pérez Moreno F, Delgado-Aguilera Jurado R, López de Frutos PM, Gómez Comendador VF. Methodology for Determining the Event-Based Taskload of an Air Traffic Controller Using Real-Time Simulations. Aerospace. 2023; 10(2):97.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZamarreño Suárez, María, Rosa María Arnaldo Valdés, Francisco Pérez Moreno, Raquel Delgado-Aguilera Jurado, Patricia María López de Frutos, and Víctor Fernando Gómez Comendador. 2023. "Methodology for Determining the Event-Based Taskload of an Air Traffic Controller Using Real-Time Simulations" Aerospace 10, no. 2: 97.
APA StyleZamarreño Suárez, M., Arnaldo Valdés, R. M., Pérez Moreno, F., Delgado-Aguilera Jurado, R., López de Frutos, P. M., & Gómez Comendador, V. F. (2023). Methodology for Determining the Event-Based Taskload of an Air Traffic Controller Using Real-Time Simulations. Aerospace, 10(2), 97.