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Aircraft System Identification Using Multi-Stage PRBS Optimal Inputs and Maximum Likelihood Estimator

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
Department of Avionics Engineering, Air University Islamabad, Aerospace and Aviation Campus Kamra, Attock City 43570, Pakistan
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aerospace 2025, 12(2), 74;
Submission received: 7 December 2024 / Revised: 17 January 2025 / Accepted: 17 January 2025 / Published: 21 January 2025
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Flight Dynamics, Control & Simulation (2nd Edition))


A new method to discover open-loop, unstable, longitudinal aerodynamic parameters, using a ‘two-stage optimization approach’ for designing optimal inputs, and with an application on the fighter aircraft platform, has been presented. System identification of supersonic aircraft requires formulating optimal inputs due to the extremely limited maneuver time, high angles of attack, restricted flight conditions, and the demand for an enhanced computational effect. A pre-requisite of the parametric model identification is to have a priori aerodynamic parameter estimates, which were acquired using linear regression and Least Squares (LS) estimation, based upon simulated time histories of outputs from heuristic inputs, using an F-16 Flight Dynamic Model (FDM). In the ‘first stage’, discrete-time pseudo-random binary signal (PRBS) inputs were optimized using a minimization algorithm, in accordance with aircraft spectral features and aerodynamic constraints. In the ‘second stage’, an innovative concept of integrating the Fisher Informative Matrix with cost function based upon D-optimality criteria and Crest Factor has been utilized to further optimize the PRBS parameters, such as its frequency, amplitude, order, and periodicity. This unique optimum design also solves the problem of non-convexity, model over-parameterization, and misspecification; these are usually caused by the use of traditional heuristic (doublets and multistep) optimal inputs. After completing the optimal input framework, parameter estimation was performed using Maximum Likelihood Estimation. A performance comparison of four different PRBS inputs was made as part of our investigations. The model performance was validated by using statistical metrics, namely the following: residual analysis, standard errors, t statistics, fit error, and coefficient of determination ( R 2 ) . Results have shown promising model predictions, with an accuracy of more than 95%, by using a Single Sequence Band-limited PRBS optimum input. This research concludes that, for the identification of the decoupled longitudinal Linear Time Invariant (LTI) aerodynamic model of supersonic aircraft, optimum PRBS shows better results than the traditional frequency sweeps, such as multi-sine, doublets, square waves, and impulse inputs. This work also provides the ability to corroborate control and stability derivatives obtained from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and wind tunnel testing. This further refines control law design, dynamic analysis, flying qualities assessments, accident investigations, and the subsequent design of an effective ground-based training simulator.

1. Introduction

Aircraft System identification provides a platform for the mathematical mapping of a more accurate and robust dynamical model of the aircraft, predicting stability and a control mechanism, and leading to efficient and effective refinement in performance measures. Two approaches are generally adopted for input design; the first is a ‘wide frequency’ range with ‘constant power’ across the complete spectrum; and the second is the input with a specific ‘tailored frequency’ for the aircraft. The broad range includes frequency sweeps and impulse inputs. The second category, input with customized frequency, also referred to as optimal input, is designed as per the dictates of aircraft aerodynamic characteristics, in-line with its natural frequencies. This includes doublets, square waves, and multi-sine inputs [1,2]. In the system identification, an optimal input design remains unique for every set of problems [2], and a customized input for one problem cannot be optimum for any other problem. Our research focuses on discovering a discrete-time, open-loop, longitudinal dynamic model of supersonic aircraft (F-16), using a two-staged optimal input. Therefore, binary periodic inputs with complete control over excitation amplitudes have been chosen [2]. A novel algorithm for multi-stage input optimization has been proposed in this paper, and it demonstrates the stepwise refinement of the input by optimizing PRBS parameters as per aircraft spectral features obtained from the non-parametric model estimation, i.e., FIR, further second stage refinement of frequency, amplitude, order, and periodicity, by maximizing the Fisher Information Matrix by using D-optimality and crest factor.
In Figure 1, the research framework is presented in two colored boxes, as follows: Stage-I (gray color) and Stage-II (blue color). Stage-I sets the foundation for partial optimum PRBS input and Stage-II formulates the fully optimum PRBS input. The dashed boxes and arrows represent the initial values, iterations, processes involving the input–output dataset, parameters, and PRBS inputs; whereas the continuous solid lines indicate the final values, iterations, and processes of the same elements. The blue-colored arrows in Stage-I indicate the FIR modelling cycle. The FIR model, by definition, extracts the finite impulse response characteristics (damping rate, input–output delays) of the aircraft dynamical system within a specific time window, as the output becomes zero after a finite duration [2]. The FDM of F-16 aircraft used in this optimization process has been acquired from Stevens et al. [3].
In Stage-I (gray box), the spectral characteristics of the fighter aircraft (F-16) FDM are discovered by using non-parametric modelling (FIR), i.e., natural frequency, desired input pulse-width, and short-period mode analysis (blue arrows). This dynamical behavior, coupled with aircraft constraints, further leads to the design of the initial PRBS input parameters, i.e., frequency ( f n ), amplitude (U), order (n), and sampling periodicity (Np), through an iterative process. The obtained partial optimum PRBS input is further utilized to excite the aircraft FDM, to acquire the SISO input–output database. Since the research only focuses on longitudinal dynamics, the PRBS input is given as an elevator (δe) input to the FDM, and the output in the form of pitch rate (q) is recorded through successive iterations (necessitating stable response from the FDM). This input–output dataset is used to postulate the initial parameters (stability and control derivatives of longitudinal dynamics, C m 0 ,   C m α ,   C m q ,   C m δ e ) by using Linear Regression and LS estimation. The PRBS obtained in Stage-I is considered to be partial optimal, as the constant nature of the PRBS amplitude causes over-parameterization or misspecification of the dynamical model [1]. To tackle this issue, further optimization of the PRBS input parameters is needed, thus leading this research to Stage-II optimization (blue box).
In Stage-II (blue box), Fisher Informative Matrix (FIM) and Crest factor, coupled with D-optimality criteria have been utilized to acquire plant friendly PRBS input with its optimal parameters i.e., frequency ( f n ), amplitude (U), order (n) and sampling periodicity (Np). To address this problem, input-output dataset as well as a priori longitudinal aerodynamic parameters (stability and control derivatives) obtained in Stage-I are utilized with FIM having D-optimality criteria; further fine-tuned through Crest Factor mechanics. Optimized PRBS input parameters ( f n , U, n and Np) are implemented on four different PRBS types i.e., Full length PRBS, Single Sequence Band Limited PRBS, Time-Skewed Band Limited PRBS and Multi Sequence Scaled Band Limited PRBS. Comparative analysis of each of the PRBS input is conducted using statistical tools (Residual analysis, Standard errors, t-statistics, fit error and coefficient of determination ( R 2 ) ). Finally, ‘Optimized PRBS’ is selected, which excites aircraft FDM, to postulate most accurate longitudinal model parameters using non-linear estimation technique, i.e., Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE).
Designing optimal inputs is more crucial for fighter aircraft due to fast maneuvers and intricate flight constraints. Maximum informative inputs obtained using two-staged optimal algorithm although takes a larger effort than single stage optimization, however, it becomes justified, as accurate model parameters and efficient experimental design cannot be attained without these optimized inputs. Overall contribution of this research is getting accurate SISO longitudinal aerodynamic parameters (stability and control derivatives) using optimized PRBS inputs, thus improving robustness in existing flight controller design of ground based simulator, future modifications, and understanding pilot-aircraft interactions during emergencies.

1.1. Related Works

Considerable attention for optimal input design emerged in mid 1960s to early 70s [4,5,6,7,8,9,10] for dynamical systems in general, and aircraft system identification in specific, to estimate aerodynamic stability and control derivatives. Problem for solving optimum input remained well researched in statistics literature, however, initially in engineering community, it mainly revolved around maximizing signal to noise ratio, natural frequency criteria, FIM and its associated alphabetical optimality criteria [1,11]. Klein and Morelli in their book [1] elaborated theory of experiment design and its sub-specialty input design; emphasizing on optimal inputs that includes doublets, square wave and multi-sine inputs. Such techniques mainly utilize single-stage optimization based upon aircraft practical constraints, scalar criterion, switching time scales, frequencies and amplitudes.
Eugene A. Morelli [12] has recently contributed tremendously towards building theoretical concepts underpinning optimal input design for aircraft system identification. Author has drawn comparison between heuristic inputs (used with a priori model) with orthogonal optimized multi-sine inputs (without any prior model knowledge). Where the later technique produces more robust models, however, often yields degraded results due to low SNRs and coarse frequency resolution, resulting in an iterative process design. Earlier, multisine orthogonal inputs with frequency responses were also demonstrated by Grauer et al. [13] using numerical implementation on T-2 airplane and promising results were achieved. However, working in frequency domain poses a problem of disconnection with physical analysis of the plant being studied and may be conducted well in time domain for efficient results [1].
Further categorizing the type of optimal inputs for high-speed airborne vehicles, Morelli [14], explained five different characteristics of optimal inputs such as: Multiple simultaneous inputs, orthogonal inputs, wide band frequency content, small excursions and perturbation inputs. Among them, most popular and widely used for system identification are wide-band frequency content using PRBS inputs due to its lowest crest factor [2]. Morelli et al. [15], research on orthogonal optimized multisine inputs, has been most recent and wholesome contribution to optimal input design for aircraft system identification. Although such inputs are ideal for complex MIMO systems, however, present some sensitivities related to selection of phase angle and power distribution. Alternatively, for SISO problems, simpler solutions using optimized time-domain band-limited PRBS inputs, having similar wide-band frequency characteristics with ease of generation needs exploration.
In a recent study by Ghoreyshi et al. [16], optimal input design for a generic fighter configuration aircraft has been analyzed. Among a class of inputs (chirp, Schroeder, PRBS, random, and sinusoidal signals); PRBS predicted most accurate models for pressure data of the aircraft. In further optimization of input design, Jana et al. [17] effectively utilized FIM for optimization of input signals by deriving a relation between model shape components and FIM. Hosseini et al. [18] obtained robust optimal input design by using dynamic programming and injecting uncertainties to depict practical constraints while designing the inputs, as generally input designs are made by considering an ideal aircraft structure and environment. Lichota et al. [19] optimized input signals using D-Optimality Criterion (maximizing the determinant of the FIM) with use of genetic algorithm. Optimal inputs were found to produce better results than traditional multistep inputs (doublet and 3-2-1-1). In the last decade, substantial contribution has been made in optimal input in aircraft system identification [20,21,22,23,24,25,26] and its implementation on air-borne vehicles [27,28,29,30,31] with an aim to accurately acquire informative content from aircraft. Other than aircrafts, optimal inputs using PRBS has also been successfully used by [32,33,34,35,36,37]. Summary of key studies in optimal input design has been presented in Table 1.

1.2. Research Contribution

Contribution of this research is two-fold; the first one is novelty of technique, for devising a two-stage input optimization of discrete time PRBS signals as per aircraft characteristics coupled with FIM and D-optimality criterion, further refined with Crest factor theory. The second one resides in implementation of optimized PRBS input on fighter jet supersonic aircraft (simulated F-16 FDM) to calculate its longitudinal stability and control derivatives. Proposed algorithm and its implementation scheme is a ready-made solution that can be applied to any fighter jet for obtaining its parameters and further utilized to improve flying quality assessments, improving controller robustness and designing ground based simulator. In continuation to key studies and major contributions towards optimal input design (Table 1), this work presents a simpler, efficient and unique solution towards postulating an accurate model for longitudinal stability and control derivatives of an agile aircraft in time-domain.

1.3. Paper Outline

Paper has been divided into four sections. Section 2 gives an account of optimal input preliminaries as per aircraft flight dynamics and structural constraints. Section 3 gives a detailed account of methodologies containing algorithms and techniques towards designing two stage optimal inputs. Section 4 gives results and analysis. Lastly, conclusion has been presented to give wholesome view of the paper, leading towards possible future research work.

2. Optimal Input Preliminaries

2.1. Mathematical Groundwork

PRBS Input optimization has been implemented on F-16 FDM, therefore, its mathematical preliminaries needs to be elaborated in this section. 6DOF nonlinear ODEs, rigid body mechanics, referenced to a body-fixed axis system, with constant mass and thrust force along its longitudinal-axis have been implemented in MATLAB ( accessed on 19 September 2024), in accordance with [3,29,30,31,38]. FDM of F-16 Aircraft in Figure 2 demonstrates equations of motions in flat earth, body-axes, in which Φ, θ , ψ are standard Euler angles and u, v, w are the velocities. x, y, z axis represents body axis. p, q, r are roll-pitch-yaw rates, whereas L, M, N are roll-pitch-yawing Moment.
α and β represent angle of attack and sideslip angle, respectively. Velocity vector is indicated by V t . Velocity components in x, y, and z axis are presented as u, v and w .
α = tan 1 w u β = sin 1 v u V t = u 2 + v 2 + w 2
Due to brevity, complete derivation has not been presented. Forces, Kinematics and Moments are elaborated one by one in Equations (2)–(20).
Translational forces are expressed as:
U ˙ = R V Q W g d sin θ + X a + X t / m
V ˙ = R U + P W + g d sin ϕ cos θ + Y a + Y t / m
W ˙ = Q U P V + g d cos ϕ cos θ + Z a + Z t / m
where, U ˙ , V ˙ and W ˙ are the components of linear velocities along the three body axes. P,Q, R are the roll, pitch and yaw rates along body axes and m is mass. ( X a + X t ), Y a + Y t and ( Z a + Z t ) are resultant forces in x, y and z axis. Gravitational constant is indicated by g d .
ϕ ˙ , θ ˙ , ψ ˙ are the Euler angle rates, which represent basic relationship for rotational kinematics in an inertial frame of reference:
ϕ ˙ = P + tan θ ( Q sin ϕ + R cos ϕ )
θ ˙ = Q cos ϕ R sin ϕ
ψ ˙ = ( Q sin ϕ + R cos ϕ ) / cos θ
Rotational moment equations when implemented in body frame of reference, are transformed as:
P ˙ = J x z J x J y + J z Γ P Q J z J z J y + J x z 2 Γ Q R + J x z n Γ + J z l Γ
Q ˙ = J z J x J y P R J x z J y P 2 R 2 + m J y
R ˙ = J x J y J x + J x z 2 Γ P Q J x z J x J y + J z Γ Q R + J x z l Γ + J x n Γ
Γ = J x J z J x z 2
where, J x , J y and Jz are moments of inertia of aircraft and l, m, n are roll, pitch and yaw moments in x, y, z directions, respectively. J x z is the product of inertia in x and z axis and Γ is the inertia matrix component.
Non-dimensional Force and moment coefficients of the aircraft were calculated using following equations [2]:
Force coefficients x-axis, y-axis and z-axis are shown as:
C x = 1 q ¯ S ( m a x T )
C y = m a y q ¯ S
C z = m a z q ¯ S
where a x , a y and a z are the acceleration components in x, y, and z axis and engine thrust is presented as T along x-axis.
Solving Equations (12) and (14), coefficient of Lift ( C L ) and coefficient of drag ( C D ) are shown as:
C D = C x cos α + C z sin α
C L = C z cos α + C x sin α
C L = 1 q ¯ S b J x p ˙ J x z p q + r ˙ + J z J y q r
where terms used in Equation (17) have already been explained in Equations (8)–(11).
Non-dimensional moment coefficients (roll, pitch and yaw) of the aircraft were calculated using following equations [2]:
C l = 1 q ¯ S c ¯ I y q ˙ + ( I x I z ) p r + I x z p 2 r 2 I p p r
C m = 1 q ¯ S c ¯ I y q ˙ + ( I x I z ) p r + I x z p 2 r 2 I p p r
C n = 1 q ¯ S B I z r ˙ I x z p ˙ q r + I y I x p q + I p p q
where, C l , C m , C n are roll, pitch and yaw coefficients of moments, respectively. I p and p are the inertia of the rotating mass and angular velocity, respectively.
Equations (1)–(20) sets mathematical preliminaries for FDM of F-16 aircraft, which will be used for designing initial optimum input development.

2.2. Flight Path Constraints and Linear Analysis

FDM is half-complete, until incorporation of flight path constraints and its linearization [3]. In accordance with [3,29,40], aircraft dynamical model was linearized under constraints of wings level, non-slide slipping, and steady state flight. Numerical technique was implemented to determine trim points for straight and wings level flight condition by changing the values of independent variables and to achieve a cost function value, which is based upon state derivatives computed from aircraft FDM. Subsequently minimizing the cost function through a minimization algorithm. The numerical solution obtained, thus, provided the linearized values. These values of steady state flight conditions ( V t ,   h ,   γ , ϕ ˙ ,   θ ˙ , ψ ,   ˙ C G ) and trim data (Vt, α ,   β , δt, δe, δa, δr, δe, P, Q, R) obtained are shown in Section 4.
For system identification-optimal input design, these flight path constraints are further narrowed down, to keep the aircraft response limited to perturbations about the specified flight conditions. This mandatory condition becomes more sensitive in case of experiment and input design for fighter aircrafts, due to their high maneuverability and unstable characteristics. Usual standards followed for the perturbation amplitude constraints are ±5 degree in angle of attack or sideslip angle, ±20 degree/seconds in body-axis angular rates, and ±0.1 g to ±0.3 g in translational accelerations [1].

3. Methodology

As per research scheme presented in Figure 1, stage-wise techniques implemented are explained in this section.

3.1. Stage-I: Partial Optimum Input Design

3.1.1. Aircraft Spectral Estimates

Optimum inputs for postulating aerodynamic model of aircraft and obtaining its stability and control derivatives is worthwhile because flight-testing is expensive and time-consuming [1]. Obtaining spectral estimates for aircraft include its natural frequency, input-output delays (nk), asymptotic properties, time constant and short period/phugoid model analysis. FIR modelling has been implemented for this purpose, to obtain a finite impulse response of the aircraft dynamical model [3]. These spectral estimates give an insight and leads us to design our PRBS signal to get maximum information content from the aircraft dynamical model. Mathematically, FIR modeling is implemented as per Equations (21) and (22).
y k = l = 0 M g l u k l  
G e j ω = n = 0 g n e j ω n  
where, Equation (21) describes the time domain impulse response and Equation (22) presents its frequency response version for Finite Impulse Response. g is the coefficient of impulse, k is sampling instant for discrete-time and n for continuous time. l denotes delay. In-line with the concept adapted from [2,3], Figure 3 gives account of schematic flow for obtaining spectral estimates of a bare-airframe linearized longitudinal dynamical model of F-16 on MATLAB. Dots inside square brackets symbolize states of each matrix A, B, C and D.

3.1.2. Design Implications

Aircraft constraints due to its geometric, aerodynamic, structural and flight conditions are important implications towards designing an optimized PRBS input. Salient considerations for designing an optimized PRBS input for discovering stability and control derivatives of longitudinal model are [1]:
  • Maximum input-output amplitude is the most important design constraint, which becomes more significant for fighter supersonic aircrafts. Since, F-16 nonlinear simulated model has been linearized (Figure 3), therefore, PRBS input perturbations be limited to keep the output perturbations within linear range. This also satisfies small perturbation requirements for decoupling longitudinal and lateral dynamic equations. These constraints are mathematically expressed as:
    0 T u t T u t d t E   ( Input   energy )
  • Aircraft structure validity demands amplitude constraints such as time duration of input ± 5° in AOA or sideslip angle, ± 20° in p, q, r rates and ± 0.1 g to ± 0.3 g in translational accelerations.
  • A priori knowledge of the aircraft gives insight to its break frequency boundaries. One important implication in this case is PRBS input ‘frequency’ to lie with in natural frequency limitations of the aircraft. Unmatched input frequency may drift the aircraft away from the selected flight condition.
  • The ‘sampling time’ for input design, is chosen in such a way, that dominant frequency of the input is at or near to the already known natural frequency of the aircraft.
  • Maneuver time or time duration for the applied input is selected to keep the aircraft within the trim flight condition, which is more critical for an agile supersonic aircraft. In most of the cases, maneuver time of 10–20 s is generally followed.

3.1.3. Designing Partial Optimum PRBS

Designing type and characteristics of PRBS excitation inputs needs careful consideration; with an aim to attain maximum information content for bare-airframe simulated model, while also accounting for aircraft practical constraints such as speed, control surfaces rates and limitations of flight conditions [12]. In this research, four different PRBS inputs have been selected to identify SISO longitudinal parameters (stability and control derivatives) to excite the aircraft in the frequency interval where dynamical modes are most accurate, duly incorporating a priori knowledge of its spectral estimates. Parameters chosen for PRBS design are frequency ( f n ), amplitude (U), order (n) and sampling periodicity (Np).
Figure 4 presents a systematic flowchart for stage-I optimization of PRBS signals. An iterative process has been designed for selecting amplitude, frequency and time duration of PRBS inputs in-line with spectral estimates of aircraft natural frequency, input-output delays and bandwidth (Figure 3). In addition to this, aircraft output constraints are also catered, that includes, available maneuver time, flight conditions, noise and correlations in the data [12]. Process loop continues until stable outputs from aircraft FDM in the form of angle of attack (α) and pitch rate (q) are obtained, such that these outputs remain in linear and stable range. Once stable output range are obtained, PRBS is considered as partially optimal.
In Figure 4; FIR modelling, Aircraft spectral estimates and aircraft FDM have been explained in Section 2 and Section 3.1.1. Remaining blocks are hereby elaborated one-by-one. For elevator inputs (δe), PRBS excitation has been selected. PRBS is a deterministic input, designed to match with white noise, based upon Maximum Length Binary Sequences (M = 2n − 1), where n is the PRBS order [2]. Parameters used to design PRBS are sampling frequency ( f n ), amplitude ( U ), periodicity (Np) and order (n). In accordance with [1], typical linear and stable regime includes ±20°/s in angular rates and ±5° in angle of attack. Therefore, using numerical iterations, the region of attraction for linear and stable regime was carried out to get best results and keep the fighter aircraft remain in Bounded Input Bounded Output (BIBO) region of attraction, as well as fall with-in stable aircraft characteristics and model structure constraints. In accordance with the objective of this research, to optimize PRBS input for identification of aircraft stability and control derivatives, four different PRBS (full length, single sequence, time skewed and multi-sequence) have been designed through an iterative process to match with aircraft spectra (break frequencies, amplitude, bandwidth, input order and maneuver time). Mathematical expressions used for PRBS design [2] having amplitude ±U, length M, mean ( u ¯ ), auto-covariance ( ρ u u ) and power spectrum ( P x x ) are derived in Equations (24)–(27).
Mean :       u ¯ = 1 M k = 0 M 1 u [ k ] = ± U M
Auto-Covariance :   ρ u u = 1 M k = 0 M 1 u [ k ] u [ k l ] = U 2 ,   for   l = 0 or = U 2 M ,   for   l 0
Power   Spectrum :   P x x ( f n = n M ) = 1 M l = 0 M 1 ρ u u [ l ] U 2 j 2 π f n l = U 2 M 2 ,   for   n = 0 = U 2 M ( 1 + 1 M ) ,   for   n = 1 M , , M 1 M
        Order :   n = log ( 2 π T s . f min ) log ( 2 )
where l is the time lag in the signal, k is discrete time step of PRBS and f n is the discrete frequency and f m i n is minimum frequency of the signal. Equation (26) shows that power spectrum that depends upon length M; therefore, it becomes uniform for larger values of M.
In Order to extract band limited PRBS from a full length PRBS, re-sampling is performed P times faster than the frequency at which it was originally generated as per Equation (28).
Band-limited   PRBS :   u ~ [ k ] = 1 P ( u k + u k 1 +   u k P )
In-line with the proposed research framework presented in Figure 1 and Figure 4, initial aerodynamic parameters (stability and control derivatives) are calculated in Stage-I optimization, using linear regression and LS estimation [1] by implementing Equations (29) and (30). Detailed derivation has been skipped due to brevity.
Cos t   Function   for   unknown   parameters :   J ( θ ) = 1 2 ( z X θ ) T ( z X θ )
Estimated   Parameters   ( Stability   &   control   Derivatives ) :   θ ˆ = X T X 1 X T z
where, J ( θ ) in Equation (29) is the cost function by for calculating the unknown aerodynamic parameters (stability and control derivatives, ( θ ) ) in LS sence, which derives from minimization of sum of squared differences measurements ( z ) and model X θ . Here, X is regression matrix. Further derivation for minimizing J ( θ ) brings us to estiamtion of parameters in the form of LS estimator θ ˆ as expressed in Equation (30).
Statistical metric that quantifies the closeness of measured and actual model is the term, coefficient of determination ( R 2 ) [1]. Its percentage value varies from 0 to 1, where 1 represents perfect fit to the data. Mathematical expressions are presented in Equation (31).
Coefficients   of   Determination :   R 2 = θ ˆ X T z N z ¯ 2 Z T z N z ¯ 2
where, N is the number of data points and z ¯ is the mean of measured values.
Scalar Cost Function for minimum values of parameters and maximum value of R 2 :
J ( Θ ,   f p r b s ) m i n = 1 / k i = 1 k [ z i X θ   ] 2 λ 1 ( 1 R 2 ) + λ 2 Ʊ p r b s 2
Summing up, in-line with the theory of optimal inputs for SISO systems [1], a scalar cost function J ( Θ ,   f p r b s ) m i n in the form of Equation (32) has been formulated, from the sum of squared differences of observed values and model, coupled with penalties for estimated PRBS parameters and coefficient of determination ( R 2 ). Here, λ1 and λ2 are regularization factors which are selected within 0.1~0.2. Minimal scalar value input is given to minimization SIMPLEX algorithm [41]. This minimization algorithm is then used to adjust the PRBS values ( f n , U, order (n), Np) with minimal value of cost function and give an output in the form of partial optimum frequency ( f n ), amplitude (U), order (n) and sampling periodicity (Np). This output is further optimized in stage-II optimization using Fisher Information Matrix, D-optimality criterion and crest factor, presented in Section 3.2.

3.2. Stage-II: Optimum Input Design

3.2.1. Fisher Information Matrix

In stage-II optimization of PRBS, a suitable scalar function of Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) has been selected as the performance criterion to obtain valuable insights on the content of information about the parameter to be estimated [2,34]. To achieve this, a novel algorithm has been formulated, that tailors FIM using D-optimality criterion to achieve a PRBS input with optimum frequency ( f n ), amplitude ( U ), order (n) and sampling periodicity (Np). In accordance with concept acquired from [2,35], definition of Fisher Information has been presented in Equations (33) and (34). To maintain brevity, only relevant expressions have been mentioned.
l ( θ , z ) = f ( z ;   θ )
L ( θ , z ) = f ( z ;   θ )
where l( θ , z ) and L( θ , z ) represents the likelihood and log-likelihood function of parameter θ for a given output z . Further assessing the sensitivities (gradient) of the likelihood function with respect to parameters, Equation (35) with score function S( θ , z ) has been presented.
S ( θ , z ) = θ l n f ( z ; θ ) = θ L ( θ , z )
Finally, FIM gets defined in Equations (36)–(38) as variance of score function.
I ( θ ) = var ( S ) = E [ L θ ] 2
I ( θ ) = var ( S ) = E [ ( 2 L θ ) ]
I ( θ ) = var ( S ) = E [ S θ ]
here, the derivative of the log likelihood function L( θ , z ) involves finding the Jacobian ( J F I M ) matrix, whose structure is determinant, based upon number of parameters and no-linear relationship between input and output.

3.2.2. D-Optimality Criteria

Among a plethora of seven optimal criteria (A, D, E, V, C, G, L) presented in [37], D-optimality criterion has been carefully chosen, as it is more efficient in achieving optimum design solution for quantitative variables. D-optimality takes determinant of FIM matrix (M). This makes D-optimality not only computationally efficient and easier to implement but also beneficial over other criteria as it maximizes the value of det(M( θ )) and, therefore, minimizes the uncertainty of the ellipsoidal confidence region of the parameters being estimated. In accordance with [35], mathematical expressions and cost function are modified in Equations (39) and (40).
Ʊ(M) = −ln det(M)
Cost   Function   ( generic ) :   J λ ( M ) = [ 1 m t r   ( P M 1 P T ) ] 1 λ , f o r   d e t ( M ) 0 or =       f o r   d e t ( M ) = 0
where, Ʊ(M) in Equation (39) represents the determinant of FIM and J λ (M) is the generic cost function for optimality criteria, in which λ = 0 condition is for D-optimality criterion. M is FIM Matrix, P is the weighting matrix, tr is the trace of the matrix.

3.2.3. Crest Factor

Peak refinement of PRBS to make it plant friendly is implemented using crest factor, which enhances the efficiency of input signal using concept of root means square, presented in Equation (41).
C r 2 = m a x t U 2 ( t )   1 / N t = 1     N U 2 ( t )  
C r = m a x X X r m s
where, Cr is the crest factor and u(t) is the elevator input ( δ e ) over time period t. X r m s and X are root mean square and absolute values of PRBS signal, respectively. A good wave is one with small crest factor.
Above mathematical formulations, involved in stage-II optimization of PRBS input, have been summarized in the form of algorithm. Step-wise presentation of stage-II optimization is presented in the Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1: Stage-II optimization of PRBS input
1. Initial Values: Set initial parameter values of PRBS input such as frequency ( f n ), amplitude ( U ), order (n) and sampling periodicity (Np). Stage-I PRBS input excitation gives these initial values.
2. Formulate time-history simulation of input-output (δe,   q ) dataset. Generate PRBS input with initial parameter values and record output in the form of pitch rate (q).
Calculate FIM:
3. Design and compute Jacobian J F I M = [ z θ 1 , z θ 2 ;   z θ 3 ,   z θ 4 ], where θ i = 1 4 are four input parameters of PRBS
4. Calculate FIM matrix I( θ ) using four parameters of input PRBS ( f n , U , n, Ts) and output dataset (z).
D-Optimality Criteria:
5. Apply D-optimality criterion: Ʊ(M).
6. Cost Function: J λ (M), where λ equates to zero.
Minimum Crest Factor Efficiency Check
7. Refine PRBS peaks with Crest factor scalar value.
Optimization Iterations:
8. Apply SIMPLEX algorithm to obtain optimum parameters of PRBS
9. Iterate to maximum det I( θ )
10. Stopping Criteria: Objective function stabilizes J ≤ 1 × 10−6
11. Optimized PRBS parameters ( f n , U , n, Np).
12. Simulate response.

3.3. LS and MLE Estimation

Due to its simplicity and generic applicability, linear regression using LS estimation is generally applied initially to LTI systems [1]. Same has been implemented for attaining a priori knowledge (initial stability and control derivatives) of simulated fighter jet F-16 aircraft. Implementation scheme of LS estimation has already been explained in Section 3.1.3. A step further, MLE estimation is performed for parameter refinement, which has been mathematically derived and implemented using Equations (43)–(50). During optimization of parameters, bounded constraint of 10% uncertainty was applied for all estimates, to achieve optimum stability and control derivatives.
Z ( i )   =   θ 0 + j = 1 n θ j ξ j ( i ) + v ( i )       i = 1 , 2 N   ( data   points )
where, Z(i) is the output measurement of regression Equation (43), θ 1 θ n are parameters (stability and control derivatives), ξ 1 ξ n are regressors and v ( i ) is the random stochastic part of regression equation. Further modification of Equation (43), the Likelihood function for a sequence of measurements Z N = [ z 1 , z 2 , , z N ] will be denoted by L Z N ; θ .
L Z N ; θ = L [ z ( 1 ) , z ( 2 ) , , z ( N ) ; θ ]
= L z ( N ) Z N 1 ; θ C Z N 1 ; θ
L z ( N ) Z N 1 ; θ L z ( N 1 ) Z N 2 ; θ L Z N 2 ; θ
= i = 1 N   z ( i ) Z i 1 ; θ
For computational ease, it is preferable to minimize the negative log of likelihood function than to maximize the likelihood function:
θ ˆ = m a x θ   Z N ; θ
= m a x θ   i = 1 N     L z ( i ) Z i 1 ; θ
m i n θ   i = 1 N     ln L z ( i ) Z i 1 ; θ

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. A Priori Knowledge of Aircraft Dynamics

Nonlinear FDM of F-16 aircraft has been developed by implementing Equations (1)–(20) in MATLAB, and further linearized at straight and level flight condition. Table 2 demonstrates geometry and nominal flight conditions of the aircraft [3]. In this research, identification of decoupled longitudinal dynamics (stability and control derivatives) is presented, therefore, Elevator Deflection (δe) is given to the aircraft FDM in the form of PRBS and output in terms of pitch change rate (q) is recorded. Trim conditions for straight and wings level flight with speed of 1150 ft/s and altitude of 3000 ft above ground level were obtained having other parameters as: Vt = 1150 ft/s, α = 0.15 rad , β = P = Q = R = 0 . Figure 5 shows 6DOF axes of maneuver of an F-16 aircraft. Next in line, comes knowing the frequency response of the aircraft dynamic model. In doing so, non-parametric modelling and frequency response plots are obtained to get an insight into aircraft’s behavior with respect to its longitudinal stability or short period mode analysis. This information will lead towards designing PRBS, according to the aircraft maximum amplitude frequency.

4.2. Stage-I: Partial Optimum PRBS Design

In our case of optimal input optimization, dealing with SISO dynamics, within fixed limited maneuver time, the process reduces to scaler value optimization of amplitude and frequency [1]. For a PRBS excitation, signal order (n) and periodicity (Np) have also been added in the optimization framework, being an important element of optimum input. Agile fighter jet aircrafts are open-loop unstable due to high maneuverability, therefore, put more constraints on input design and getting a stable output. In accordance with Figure 4 and Equations (24)–(27), an iterative process has been implemented for attaining stage-I optimization of PRBS input. Design scheme has been initiated with non-parametric (FIR) modelling and aircraft spectral estimates (short period mode analysis) to calculate a priori characteristics of the aircraft in the form of natural frequency, input-output delays, periodicity and bandwidth. Figure 6 and Figure 7 and Table 3 shows FIR model, Bode plot and impulse response values of a simulated F-16 FDM, respectively. This, a priori knowledge, lays foundation stone for developing a partial optimum PRBS input signal for our problem.
Figure 6 shows finite impulse response of aircraft dynamical system to an Elevator (δe) impulse input to pitch change rate (q). Damping of pitch change rate just after 2.5 s shows that longitudinal mode is heavily damped (short period mode). In addition to damping behaviour, Figure 6 presents the input-output delays in the dynamical system, which is zero. As clearly indicated using an arrow, the first discrete response bar is achieved at time (t) = 0, which indicates that there is no delay in the input-output response of the simulated FDM of supersonic aircraft. The blue shaded area shows the confidence interval around the impulse response, however, impulse estimates crossing the blue shaded area are insignificant and may be disregarded, as the aim here at this initial stage is to assess the spectral properties (input-output delays and resonant frequency values) of the aircraft and not the accuracy of the model. Accuracy of the model is improved using optimized PRBS input signals in the subsequent stage of our research.
Figure 7 shows frequency response of the aircraft longitudinal dynamic model. It is observed that short period mode is heavily damped with peak magnitude at frequency just before 0.1 Hz and maximum magnitude between 0.1–2.5 Hz. Therefore, the PRBS input frequency has been selected in between 0.1 Hz to 2.5 Hz through iterations (Figure 4) and minimized scalar cost function (Equation (32)). As marked in Figure 7 (using dash-line box and arrows), the resonant frequency of the aircraft dynamical system needs to be within the marked region. Within this frequency, the input given to the aircraft dynamical model shall excite maximum modes of the aircraft; hence result in maximum accuracy of the model prediction.
Table 3 shows frequency response parameters of the aircraft dynamical model. The first two poles represent phugoid mode and remaining two poles represent short period mode. Since this paper investigates longitudinal dynamics of the aircraft, therefore, short period mode has been focused. Short period mode natural frequency ( ω n ) is 1.92 Hz and damping ratio is 0.628, which further narrows down our selection for initial PRBS input frequency. The periodicity (Np) has been set to 1. Total maneuver time has been set to 10~20 s for exciting the longitudinal mode of aircraft.
Optimization algorithm (Figure 4) has been applied on four different PRBS inputs namely Full length PRBS, Single Sequence Band Limited PRBS, Time skewed PRBS and Multi-Sequence Scaled PRBS. Simulated measurement time histories of PRBS inputs (as elevator inputs, δe) and outputs (pitch change rate, q) have been shown in Figure 8a–d.
Figure 9 demonstrates cost function implementation using Equation (32) for all four PRBS inputs and its further optimization using Simplex algorithm to get optimum parameters for the PRBS inputs. Table 4 shows detailed results of initial and partial optimum parameters ( ω n , U, n, sampling time, periodicity and coefficients of determination R 2 ) of four different PRBS inputs. Coefficient of Pitch Moment ( C m ) plots for aerodynamic model and predicted model are also calculated and demonstrated using LS estimation equation.
Figure 10a–d and Table 5 presents the results for pitching moment stability and control derivatives of F-16 aircraft obtained by implementing four different partial optimum PRBS inputs using LS and MLE (Equations (43)–(50)).
In the table above, θ ˆ shows parameter estimates, S( θ ˆ ) are the standard errors, t 0 values are the t-statistics showing ratio of θ ˆ to S( θ ˆ ), and the last column shows the fit error of each of the coefficients. Coefficient of determination R 2 (%) comes from Equation (31) which depicts proportion of the variation in the predicted model in comparison to the aerodynamic model. Table 5 demonstrates promising results for single sequence band limited PRBS, Time skewed Band Limited PRBS and Multi sequence Scaled band limited PRBS, however, full length PRBS has lesser accuracy due to higher order (n) values of input.
Single Sequence Band limited due to its best results among four different input signals is further optimized is stage-II optimization using FIM with D-optimality criteria to optimally design an input signal for a high performance and agile fighter aircraft.

4.3. Stage-II: Optimum PRBS Design

Implementation of Algorithm 1 using (Equations (33)–(42)) finalizes the fully optimized Single Sequence PRBS input; duly equipped with its optimum parameters ( f n , U, order (n), Np). PRBS input design features are calculated first in the form of Fisher Information matrix, as presented in Equation (51).
FIM = 3.9501   0.0190   0.0436     0.0002   0.0190     3.8061 0.0871     0.0003 0.0436 0.0871   9.0511   0.0190   0.0002   0.0003 0.0190     1.1
where the higher diagonal values (blue colour) of FIM matrix represent the strong gradient (influence) of parameters with the output dataset. On the other side, lower non-diagonal values of FIM matrix clearly shows ‘non-collinearity’ of parameters, thus, an accurate and optimum model fit. Table 6 shows input design features of optimum PRBS input in the form of score function variance, D-optimality criterion FIM determinant Ʊ(M), I( θ ) and crest factor refinement.
Higher value of determinant Ʊ(M) implicates a desirable non-singular information matrix. Moreover, with an input amplitude range of ±3 to ±5°, a crest factor of 4.4721 is considered satisfactory. Figure 11 shows a visual comparison of partial optimum and fully optimum PRBS input and its output response. Whereas, Table 7 and Table 8 presents parameter values of optimized PRBS input along with stability and control derivatives attained using MLE, respectively.
It can be observed in Figure 11 that lower optimized amplitude of 4.4° and refined frequency of 1.5975 Hz produced a larger output response of 12° per sec of pitch change rate (q) in comparison to a pitch change rate of less than 5°/s. Results are presented and analyzed in Table 7 and Table 8.

5. Conclusions

The problem of designing optimal PRBS input in time-domain for system identification of LTI SISO longitudinal dynamical model of supersonic aircraft has been solved using a novel two-stage optimization approach. The element of novelty resides in designing a unique stage-wise optimal PRBS input and its further implementation in determining coefficients of pitch moment (stability and control derivatives) of a supersonic aircraft. Stage-I optimization of PRBS input was obtained using a priori knowledge of the aircraft, its spectral features, aerodynamic constraints and minimization of a scalar cost function. PRBS parameters such as frequency ( f n ), amplitude ( U ), order (n) and sampling periodicity (Np) were optimized in first stage. In stage-II, Fisher Information Matrix with D-optimality criteria coupled with crest factor were utilized for achieving fully optimized PRBS input parameters. After attaining optimized PRBS input, time histories of input-output dataset were utilized to determine stability and control derivatives of pitch moment coefficient using MLE technique. A statistical approach was adopted for validation of results using Coefficients of Determination, t-statistic and fit error.
Four different classes of PRBS inputs were made part of our investigation; to select a PRBS type, best suited for identification of supersonic aircraft longitudinal model. Single Sequence Band limited PRBS gave best fit results with coefficient of determination of more than 95%. While drawing comparisons, no significant difference was observed between Single Sequence and Time Skewed Band limited PRBS inputs, however, Single Sequence was considered more suitable due to principle of parsimony (lower PRBS order and lesser amplitude involved). However, one of the limitations of using this algorithm with constant amplitude PRBS, may cause mis-specification and may be dealt using Amplitude-Modulated (AM) PRBS. For future research, same approach can be validated for lateral-directional dynamics of aircraft with modified PRBS inputs such as Multi-valued PRBS and AM PRBS for MIMO systems.

Author Contributions

All authors contributed to the research conception, design and results. M.F.M. contributed to the conceptualization, data formulation, analysis, methodology, software, writing—original draft & editing. M.W. contributed to the methodology, and validation. M.A. contributed to the data correction and improvement of results. J.R. contributed to design and improvement of results. R.F.S. contributed to the improvement of draft and sequencing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The authors declare that no funds, grants, or other support were received during the preparation of this manuscript.

Data Availability Statement

The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due to propriety of the organization.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


○ Aerodynamic force coefficients: C D , C L
○ Aerodynamic moment coefficients: C l , C m , C n
○ Throttle position: δt [0 1]
○ Inertia in x, y and z axis: Jx, Jy, Jz
○ Roll, Pitch and Yaw Rates: p, q, and r
○ Roll, Pitch and Yaw acceleration: p ˙ , q ˙ , and r ˙
○  F r e e   s t r e a m   d y n a m i c   p r e s s u r e : q [ N / m 2 1 b / f t 2 ]
○  I X , I Y , I Z moments of inertia about x, y , and z body axes, k g m 2 (slug- f t 2 )
○  I x z : p r o d u c t   o f   i n e r t i a   t o   x and z body axes, k g m 2 (slug- f t 2 )
○  C X : X -axis force coefficient A e r o d y n a m i c   x-axis   f o r c e q S ¯
○  C X , t : Total X -axis force coefficient
○  C Y : X -axis force coefficient A e r o d y n a m i c   y-axis   f o r c e q S ¯
○  C Y , t :   X -axis force coefficient
○  C z   :   Z-axis force coefficient A e r o d y n a m i c   z-axis   f o r c e q S
○  C Z , t : Total z -axis force coefficient
○  C m : pitching-moment coefficient A e r o d y n a m i c   p i t c h i n g   m o m e n t q ¯ S c ¯
○  C m , t : total pitching-moment coefficient
○  c ¯ : wing mean aerodynamic chord, m ( f t )
○ Probability Density Function: p.d.f
Longitudinal Stability and Control Derivatives
○  M α =   q S C I y   C m α
○  M q =   q S C I y
○  C m q M δ e =   q S C I y   C m δ e
○ Determinant: det
○ Finite Impulse Response: FIR
○ Flight Dynamics Model: FDM
○ Fisher Information Matrix: Ϝ
○ Centre of Gravity: CG
○ Mach Number: M
○ Aircraft mass: m [kg (slugs)]
○ Wing Span: b [m, (ft)]
○ Wing Area: S [m2 (ft2)]
○ Airplane body axes: x,y,z
○ Center of gravity location: Xcg
○ Single input Single Output: SISO
○ Degree of Freedom: DOF
○ Linear Time Invariant: LTI
○ Feet: ft
○ Ordinary Differential Equations: ODEs
○ Velocity: Vt
○ Height: h
○ Minimum: Min
○ Maximum Likelihood Estimation: MLE
○ Angle of attack: α (AOA)
○ Sideslip angle: β
○ Roll, pitch and yaw angles: Phi(φ), theta (θ), pssi(ψ)
○ Deflections in elevator, rudder and aileron: δe, δr, δa
○ Flight path angle: γ
○ Air Density: ρ
○ .: Time derivative
○ T: Transpose
○ ^: Estimate
○ Vector symbols are used in bold text and scalar symbols are mentioned as regular text with italics


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Figure 1. Research Framework—Optimal Input Design Algorithm.
Figure 1. Research Framework—Optimal Input Design Algorithm.
Aerospace 12 00074 g001
Figure 2. Nonlinear 6DOF Dynamics of Aircraft [39].
Figure 2. Nonlinear 6DOF Dynamics of Aircraft [39].
Aerospace 12 00074 g002
Figure 3. Injecting excitation Impulse Input to a linearized F-16 Bare Airframe Model.
Figure 3. Injecting excitation Impulse Input to a linearized F-16 Bare Airframe Model.
Aerospace 12 00074 g003
Figure 4. Stage-I: Partial Optimal Input (PRBS) Design Algorithm.
Figure 4. Stage-I: Partial Optimal Input (PRBS) Design Algorithm.
Aerospace 12 00074 g004
Figure 5. F-16—6 DOF Motion in Bod y-axis [38].
Figure 5. F-16—6 DOF Motion in Bod y-axis [38].
Aerospace 12 00074 g005
Figure 6. Nonparametric (FIR) Model of Aircraft.
Figure 6. Nonparametric (FIR) Model of Aircraft.
Aerospace 12 00074 g006
Figure 7. Frequency Response Plot of Aircraft.
Figure 7. Frequency Response Plot of Aircraft.
Aerospace 12 00074 g007
Figure 8. (a) Full Length PRBS vs. Pitch Change Rate (b) Single Sequence Band Limited PRBS. (c) Time Skewed PRBS vs. Pitch Change Rate. (d) Multi-sequence Scaled PRBS.
Figure 8. (a) Full Length PRBS vs. Pitch Change Rate (b) Single Sequence Band Limited PRBS. (c) Time Skewed PRBS vs. Pitch Change Rate. (d) Multi-sequence Scaled PRBS.
Aerospace 12 00074 g008
Figure 9. Scalar Cost Function of Four PRBS parameters.
Figure 9. Scalar Cost Function of Four PRBS parameters.
Aerospace 12 00074 g009
Figure 10. (ad) Model fit to Pitch Moment Coefficient ( C m ) to Longitudinal Maneuver using four different PRBS inputs.
Figure 10. (ad) Model fit to Pitch Moment Coefficient ( C m ) to Longitudinal Maneuver using four different PRBS inputs.
Aerospace 12 00074 g010
Figure 11. Stage-II PRBS Input optimization and Output Response.
Figure 11. Stage-II PRBS Input optimization and Output Response.
Aerospace 12 00074 g011
Table 1. Summary of Key Studies.
Table 1. Summary of Key Studies.
ReferencesOptimal Inputs & Optimization ApproachesImplementation & Outcomes
[1,2,12]Multi-step (doublets), Square Wave, frequency sweeps and Impulse inputs; optimized using a priori model and break frequencies of aircraftImplemented on fixed-wing sub-sonic to supersonic range of aircrafts; Longitudinal and lateral bare-airframe identification conducted.
[21]Multistep and Square Wave Input; optimized using Dynamic Programming and Cramer-Rao boundsImplemented on F-18 supersonic aircraft; closed loop parameter identification conducted.
[1,12,13,14,15]Frequency Domain Orthogonal Optimized Multisine InputX-43A, X-51A, F-15B, T-2 Sub-scale aircrafts; stability and control derivatives calculated.
[2,16]Time accurate input signals (Chirp, Schroeder, PRBS, random, and sinusoidal)Generic Fighter configuration Aircraft; aerodynamic parameter identification conducted.
[2,11,12,18,19]Square wave and Multi step excitation using Fisher Informative Matrix, Alphabetic-Optimality, Genetic AlgorithmBoeing 707 aircraft and heavy transport aircraft; longitudinal aerodynamic model discovered.
[28]Frequency Sweep, sine wave, tuned function inputF-16 Supersonic Aircraft; longitudinal model identification
[30]Multi step excitation (doublets, frequency left) using Single stage optimization based upon spectral analysis of aircraftUAV, Helicopter, F-18 Supersonic aircraft; longitudinal and lateral model identification conducted.
Table 2. Aircraft Geometry and Nominal Flight Conditions.
Table 2. Aircraft Geometry and Nominal Flight Conditions.
b (wing span)30ft
c ¯ (wing mean aerodynamic chord)11.32ft
S (wing area)300 f t 2
W (weight)20,500Lbs
gd32.17ft/ s 2
Vt (velocity)1150ft/s
h (height)3000 ft
q ¯ (dynamic pressure)300psf
Xcg (CG location)0.3 c ¯ ft
Ixx (moment of inertia x-axis)9496slug- f t 2
Iyy55,814slug- f t 2
Izz63,100slug- f t 2
Ixz (product of inertia)982slug- f t 2
Table 3. Frequency Parameters Obtained from Impulse Response.
Table 3. Frequency Parameters Obtained from Impulse Response.
PolesDampingFrequencyTime Constant
−8.71 × 10−3 + 0.074i0.1177.45 × 10−21.15 × 102
−8.71 × 10−3 − 0.074i0.1177.45 × 10−21.15 × 101
−1.2 +1.49i0.6281.920.832
−1.2 − 1.49i0.6281.920.832
Table 4. Stage-I Optimization Results-Partial Optimum PRBS Input Parameters.
Table 4. Stage-I Optimization Results-Partial Optimum PRBS Input Parameters.
Type of PRBS ImplementedParametersInitial ValuesPartial Optimum Values
Full Length R 2 (%)54.01%77.01%
Freqyency Range ( ω n )0.1 to 2.5 Hz1.5 to 2 Hz
Amplitude (U)±5°±2°
Order (n)307
Sampling Time0.1 s0.1 s
Periodicity (Np)11
Single Sequence Band Limited R 2 (%)63.48%94.28%
Frequency Range ( ω n )0.1 to 2.5 Hz1.5 to 2 Hz
Amplitude (U)±5°±5°
Order (n)85
Sampling Time0.1 s0.1 s
Periodicity (Np)11
Time Skewed Band Limited R 2 (%)40.89%94.24%
Freqyency Range ( ω n )0.1 to 2.5 Hz1 to 2 Hz
Amplitude (U)±5°±5°
Order (n)106
Sampling Time0.1 s0.1 s
Periodicity (Np)22
Multi Sequence Scaled Band Limited R 2 (%)62.11%91.77%
Freqyency Range ( ω n )0.1 to 2.5 Hz1 to 2 Hz
Amplitude (U)±5°±2°
Order (n)87
Sampling Time0.1 s0.1 s
Periodicity (Np)33
Table 5. Pitching Moment Coefficients from Partial Optimum PRBS (Stage-I).
Table 5. Pitching Moment Coefficients from Partial Optimum PRBS (Stage-I).
Type of PRBS ImplementedParameters θ ˆ S ( θ ˆ ) t 0 100 [ S ( θ ˆ ) / θ ˆ ]
Full Length C m 0 0.02645.62 × 10−32.9221.28
C m α −0.02713.19 × 10−36.4611.77
C m q −6.43771.79 × 10−11.490.27
C m δ e 0.04013.22 × 10−35.57.98
R 2 (%)77.01
Single Sequence Band Limited C m 0 0.19612.67 × 10−33.23331.827
C m α −0.08901.68 × 10−33.14551.88
C m q −6.15133.71 × 10−17.98840.603
C m δ e 0.19562.36 × 10−37.20121.74
R 2 (%)94.28
Time Skewed Band Limited C m 0 0.20026.5 × 10−21.400.1457
C m α −0.03431.93 × 10−31.300.0562
C m q −6.7270.35254.80.094
C m δ e 0.20321.2 × 10−26.650.0974
R 2 (%)94.24
Multi Sequence Scaled Band Limited C m 0 0.20485.08 × 10−32.430.1245
C m α −0.02373.15 × 10−33.650.1329
C m q −6.65830.61997.910.0138
C m δ e 0.20604.32 × 10−26.50.0586
R 2 (%)91.77
Table 6. Optimum PRBS Input Design Features.
Table 6. Optimum PRBS Input Design Features.
PRBS Optimum Design CharacteristicsValues
Score functionI( θ )[8.6 × 102, 0.004.8 × 102, 5.8923 × 102, 3.001 × 101]
FIM Determinant Ʊ(M)149.3748
Crest Factor C r 4.4721
Table 7. Stage-II Optimization Results—Fully Optimum PRBS Input Parameters (Comparison of Stage I & II).
Table 7. Stage-II Optimization Results—Fully Optimum PRBS Input Parameters (Comparison of Stage I & II).
Type of PRBS ImplementedParametersStage-I OptimizationStage-II Optimization
Fully Optimum Single Sequence Band Limited R 2 (%)94.28%95.34%
Frequency Range ( ω n )1.5 to 2 Hz1.5975 Hz
Amplitude (U)±5°±4.4°
Order (n)56
Sampling Time0.1 s0.1 s
Periodicity (Np)11
Table 8. Pitching Moment Coefficients from Fully Optimum PRBS.
Table 8. Pitching Moment Coefficients from Fully Optimum PRBS.
Type of PRBS ImplementedParameters θ ˆ S ( θ ˆ ) t 0 100 [ S ( θ ˆ ) /   θ ˆ ]Validation
Fully Optimum Single Sequence Band Limited C m 0 0.19664.77 × 10−36.47650.175Validation of the pitching momnet coefficients is carried out by comparing the results with boundary conditions given in Appendix A to [3]. All coefficients remain within the boundary conditions.
C m α −0.21091.83 × 10−23.18150.0698
C m q −6.69680.23896.47880.0246
C m δ e 0.19971.54 × 10−36.36070.0113
R 2 (%)95.34%---
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MDPI and ACS Style

Mazhar, M.F.; Wasim, M.; Abbas, M.; Riaz, J.; Swati, R.F. Aircraft System Identification Using Multi-Stage PRBS Optimal Inputs and Maximum Likelihood Estimator. Aerospace 2025, 12, 74.

AMA Style

Mazhar MF, Wasim M, Abbas M, Riaz J, Swati RF. Aircraft System Identification Using Multi-Stage PRBS Optimal Inputs and Maximum Likelihood Estimator. Aerospace. 2025; 12(2):74.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mazhar, Muhammad Fawad, Muhammad Wasim, Manzar Abbas, Jamshed Riaz, and Raees Fida Swati. 2025. "Aircraft System Identification Using Multi-Stage PRBS Optimal Inputs and Maximum Likelihood Estimator" Aerospace 12, no. 2: 74.

APA Style

Mazhar, M. F., Wasim, M., Abbas, M., Riaz, J., & Swati, R. F. (2025). Aircraft System Identification Using Multi-Stage PRBS Optimal Inputs and Maximum Likelihood Estimator. Aerospace, 12(2), 74.

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