Test Fonetico per la Prima Infanzia (TFPI): A New Instrument to Assess Italian Toddlers’ Phonetic Development
:1. Introduction
- PFLI: To collect the language sample, the test proposes a set of 90 cartoons. Its weaknesses are numerous (Zmarich et al., 2012): sentences (words in context) are elicited rather than single words, some cartoons have poor elicitation potential, the representation of phonemes is unbalanced, the psychometric characteristics are not known (reliability and validity are not given), the child’s performance does not receive a score. The major problem is that the normative sample is doubtful, because there is no description (nor a reference to another paper containing a description) of the characteristics of the sample in terms of total number, gender, geographical origin, language proficiency, SES, and the balance of all these features within each age group and among them. Furthermore, each cartoon represents different targets, which could make the recognition of individual lexical items problematic in case the test is administered to children with Speech Sound Disorders (SSDs). In fact, the non-intelligibility of their productions could be such that the researcher cannot infer with certainty to which specific items they refer (Zmarich et al., 2010). In recent years, a team from the University of Genoa has used the PFLI to compile the PhI (as well as a series of other measures of phonetic–phonological abilities) of a sample of children with a typical profile aged 25 to 32 months (Viterbori et al., 2018) and 36 to 42 months (Zanobini et al., 2012). These data can now be used as a reference, although information about when the phonemes attested at 25 months are acquired is still lacking and, adding to this, data on the age range of 32–36 months are absent.
- Articulation Test: This consists of 180 pictures to elicit as many lexical items as possible, in order to evaluate the production of all the phonemes of Italian in the initial (for singletons) and median position of the word (for singletons and geminates), and the most frequent consonant clusters and diphthongs. The normative references for children aged between 3 and 7 years were developed only recently (Tresoldi et al., 2018) and were based on 694 children, divided into ten groups of six months each. A phone was considered to be present in each phonetic inventory if correctly produced in all possible word positions. According to Tresoldi et al. (2018), preliminary psychometric analyses showed satisfactory reliability and validity. Among the negative aspects, firstly, we point out the excessive length of the test, which can be more tiring for younger children and discourage them from completing the test until the end. Secondly, even though the test should be based on a naming task, the elicitation strategy indicated in the experimental protocol allows the use of repetition too. In fact, in case the child is unable to name the picture, the examiner provides a semantic cue and if the elicitation continues to be unsuccessful, the child is asked to repeat the target word. In this way, the collected performances are the product of very different cognitive processes (for the models of speech processing for naming and word repetition, see Vance et al., 2005), which hinders an adequate interpretation of the subsequent results.
- FON-FUN: The test is based on 30 pictures, which the child is invited to describe through short sentences with a Subject–Verb or Subject–Verb–Object structure. However, it cannot be considered a “true” naming test since it stimulates the production of a sentence and not of a single word. Although this procedure could be considered more ecological compared to the production of single words, it puts an additional cognitive load and modifies the ways the target word is produced. Besides, the sample used for the validation of the test is not adequately described: it includes 800 children, whereof 500 are defined as typically developing and 300 as atypically developing; however, no further explanation is given about the distinction between these populations. Moreover, the recruitment allegedly took place in ten different Italian regions, but the authors do not specify which ones. Lastly, the psychometric characteristics are weak, if not absent (reliability and validity are not given).
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subjects
- Informed Consent, which was obtained from all the subjects involved in the study.
- The Medical History Questionnaire, which included two sections, one for each parent, with a custom-made questionnaire about the family’s socio-economic status (SES). In the abovementioned theses, since we did not find a significant relationship between the data collected with the SES and children’s lexical and phonetic development (cf. Lunardi, 2022), we decided not to use SES information any further in the elaboration of the results for the present work.
- The Questionario sugli Stili Parentali (QSP, Venuti & Senese, 2007), an evaluation questionnaire in which each parent is asked to reflect on and evaluate his/her concrete behavior as a parental figure. Since previous results from the abovementioned theses had not shown a significant relationship between the data collected with the QSP and children’s lexical and phonetic development (cf. Gentilli, 2021), we decided not to use the answers to the questionnaire in the elaboration of the results for the present work.
- The complete form of the Parole e Frasi section of the parent report Primo Vocabolario del Bambino (PVB, Caselli et al., 2015), which is the Italian version of the MacArthur Bates Communicative Development Inventories (MB-CDI), Words and Sentences section (Fenson et al., 2007). This form presents a list of 664 words among which the parent identifies those produced by the child. This allows the compilation of the total number of words present in the child’s expressive vocabulary, which is then converted into percentile ranks.
2.2. Instruments
- Phonetics: Each consonantal phoneme appears in at least two or three different words, respectively, for the first and second age group. Each one must appear both in word-initial and in word-medial position, as far as the phonotactics of Italian allows. A total of 65% of the target phonemes appear in a stressed syllable in the word-initial position, and 48% of the target phonemes appear in a stressed syllable in the word-medial position. The prevalence of stressed syllables in the word-initial position is due to the fact that most of the target words are bisyllabic, which in Italian, are paroxytone.
- Semantics/frequency: Each lexical item is a noun with a concrete referent which can be easily depicted. Most of the items have a high frequency of occurrence in the Italian language and are acquired in the very early stages of development. The target words were taken from Appendix A of the PVB questionnaire (Caselli et al., 2015) based on the highest frequency values in the children’s lexicon. Where the PVB did not provide useful lexical targets, these were searched in other repertoires, such as PhonItalia (Goslin et al., 2014).
- Gradually increasing phonetic complexity: The lexical items present a progressive complexity in terms of the number and types of syllables and the type of phones. The list of items for children aged between 18 and 23 months is a subset of the list reserved for children aged 24 to 47 months and presents only CVCV disyllables formed by consonants which, according to the literature, are acquired early (see, for instance, Zmarich & Bonifacio, 2005). The other set consists of the most phonetically complex words, i.e., those with a polysyllabic structure (constituted by up to five syllables, such as the word asciugamano ‘hand towel’) or containing consonant clusters, and all the other consonants. Moreover, the items were selected in order to not have words containing the two main sources of difficulty, i.e., complex phonetic structure and word length. Concretely, this means that short words could contain difficult structures (as in ragno ‘spider’), while long words tend to be formed by CV syllables, the basic syllable type, and by phones that are considered to be acquired early; thus, they are relatively easy to utter (as in elefante ‘elephant’). All the stimuli are stressed on the penultimate syllable, according to the normal stress pattern of Italian words (Marotta & Vanelli, 2021), with the exception of caffè ‘coffee’ and biberon ‘baby bottle’, which are stressed on the last syllable, and scoiattolo ‘squirrel’, scivolo ‘slide’, and nuvole ‘clouds’, which are proparoxytone. The first two words are present in both the lists of target items of the test, while the others are present only in the list addressed to children aged 24–47 months. Concerning consonant clusters, the TFPI does not consider them as specific consonant combinations but as paradigms of the phonologically permissible sequences of sound classes (for example, the sequences [mb] and [nt] fall into the same sequence category, i.e., nasal stop followed by oral stop).
2.3. Procedure
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
1. pre-test nonna |
2. pre-test cane |
3. pre-test cavallo |
Animali |
4. coniglio |
5. drago |
6. elefante |
7. gallina |
8. gatto |
9. giraffa |
10. maiale |
11. pesce |
12. pinguino |
13. ragno |
14. rana |
15. scimmia |
16. scoiattolo |
17. tartaruga |
18. zebra |
Cibo |
19. caffè |
20. carote |
21. cioccolata |
22. formaggio |
23. fragola |
24. gelato |
25. latte |
26. limone |
27. pane |
28. pizza |
Parti del corpo |
29. baffi |
30. bocca |
31. braccio |
32. capelli |
33. coda |
34. denti |
35. dito |
36. gambe |
37. lingua |
38. mano |
39. naso |
40. piede |
41. pugno |
42. unghie |
43. zampa |
Abbigliamento |
44. cappello |
45. ciabatte |
46. guanti |
47. pigiama |
48. scarpe |
49. sciarpa |
Oggetti familiari, della casa |
50. asciugamano |
51. biberon |
52. bici |
53. bottiglia |
54. chiave |
55. ciuccio |
56. cucchiaio |
57. cuscino |
58. disegno |
59. palla |
60. sedia |
61. spada |
62. spazzolini |
63. straccio |
64. tappo |
65. tavolo |
66. tazza |
67. valigie |
68. vaso |
69. zaino |
All’aperto |
70. foglia |
71. fumo |
72. fuoco |
73. luna |
74. nuvole |
75. piscina |
76. sassi |
77. scivolo |
78. sole |
79. strada |
80. tetto |
Persone |
81. babbo natale |
82. mamma |
83. nano |
84. strega |
Routine |
85. nanna |
Colori |
86. giallo |
87. rosso |
88. verde |
1 | The Northern regional varieties of Italian are characterized by the following phenomena involving consonants: (i) the contrast /ʦ/ vs. /ʣ/ is neutralized in favor of the latter in the word-initial position, i.e., the word zio ‘uncle’ is pronounced [ˈʦio] in standard Italian, but [ˈʣio] in the Northern varieties; (ii) the contrast /s/ vs. /z/ is neutralized in favor of the latter in the word-medial intervocalic position, i.e., the word [ˈkjeze] stands for both ‘asked.3sg’ and ‘churches’, whereas in standard Italian, the two words form a minimal pair pronounced as [ˈkjɛse] and [ˈkjɛze], respectively; (iii) the articulation of /ʧ, ʤ, ʎ, ɲ/ is slightly more anterior compared to standard Italian, to the extent that the two palatal consonants may be realized as [lj, nj]; (iv) Northern varieties tend to have an orthography-driven pronunciation; however, they lack consonant quantity and, therefore, the production of all geminate consonants is generally less consistent compared to the other varieties (Bertinetto & Loporcaro, 2005). Taking a closer look at the regional varieties of Veneto and Romagna, both present the voicing of /ʦ/ in the word-initial position and the degemination of geminated or strengthened consonants in all word positions (Telmon, 1993). The differences between Veneto and Romagna concern the dialects more rather than the regional varieties of Italian, and additionally, they involve the vowel system more than consonants. For example, the palatalisation of stressed /a/ in an open syllable is typical of Romagnolo but absent in Veneto, e.g., the word lago ‘lake’ pronounced as [ˈlago] in standard Italian, becomes [ˈlɛg]. Instead, the preservation of unstressed vowels in the word-final position is typical of Veneto but not of Romagnolo, e.g., the word manico ‘handle’, pronounced as [ˈmaniko] in standard Italian, becomes [ˈmanego]; there are only two exceptions, namely /e/ is deleted if it precedes /n, l, r/ as singletons, e.g., the word cane ‘dog’, pronounced as [ˈkane] in standard Italian, becomes [ˈkaŋ]; and /o/ is deleted if it follows /n/, e.g., the word pieno ‘full’, pronounced as [ˈpjeno] in standard Italian, becomes [ˈpjeŋ] (Loporcaro, 2009). |
2 | Expressive vocabulary was tested with the PVB for all the subjects of the sample, even though the instrument is designed only for children up to 36 months of age. The rationale behind this decision lies in the fact that the PVB gives the possibility to calculate the lexical age of the subjects, which we used as an inclusion criterion. In fact, in our sample, we only included those children who showed a difference between chronological age and lexical age lower than 12 months. To give a concrete example, if a 47-month-old child obtained a score equal to the score that is expected from a 34-month-old child (as reported in the normative data of the PVB), then the difference between his/her chronological age and lexical age was equal to 13 months, meaning that the child had to be excluded. |
3 | We did not further analyze children’s scores from the TFL because we decided to focus on the subjects aged from 24 to 36 months, given that we had the information about their lexical development from the PVB questionnaires. The same information was provided by the test TFL for children aged over 36 months, i.e., outside the age range covered by the PVB, but not for every subject of the sample. In fact, 10 children included in our sample (aged over 36 months) were originally part of the thesis project by Giacometti (2021) and they had not been administered the TFL. |
4 | www.internationalphoneticassociation.org/IPAcharts/IPA_chart_orig/pdfs/IPA_Kiel_2020_full.pdf (last accessed on 7 September 2022). |
5 | In case an agreement was not reached, which happened for just a few phones, in Phon, it was possible to mark the individual items containing them to be excluded from the analyses. |
6 | The first tier is dedicated to the orthographic transcription of the segmented word; the second tier contains the phonetic transcription of the word as it is pronounced in standard Italian; the third tier indicates the phonetic form of the word actually produced by the child; the fourth tier reports the same notes that had been inserted in the Notes tier in Praat. |
7 | All the allophones, independent of their nature as free variants or contextual variants, were identified in the children’s productions thanks to the Query function in Phon, and were then calculated once the software’s reports were exported to Excel. The Query function allows us to find specific phenomena in the whole corpus by expressing punctual commands with the Phonex language. Specifically, to adjust the calculation of the PCC, we had to identify all the productions of allophones that had to be counted as correct, and not as substituted phones. Hence, we used a Phone Query to look for each of the following sequences of phones in the IPA Actual tier:
To adjust the compilation of the PhIs, we had to first calculate the total number of possibilities where an allophone could be produced. Hence, we conducted the following queries in the IPA Target tier:
Each of these results was subtracted from the calculation of the amount of the respective phoneme in the IPA Target Inventory of the Phon report. Then, the same queries were run again but in the IPA Actual tier, and the results were integrated in the IPA Actual Inventory so that we could eventually calculate the percentage of occurrence of each phone. |
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Bilabial | Labio-Dental | Dental | Alveolar | Post-Alveolar | Palatal | Velar | Labial-Velar | |
Plosive | p b | t d | k g | |||||
Affricate | ||||||||
Nasal | m | n | ɲ | |||||
Trill | r | |||||||
Fricative | f v | s z | ʃ (ʒ) | |||||
Approximant | j | w | ||||||
Lateral approximant | l | ʎ |
Age Range | Age | Numerosity | Gender | ||
Mean | SD | Males | Females | ||
24–29 months | 26.30 | 1.889 | 10 | 5 | 5 |
30–35 months | 32.86 | 1.292 | 14 | 7 | 7 |
36–41 months | 39.30 | 1.767 | 10 | 9 | 1 |
42–47 months | 44.61 | 1.852 | 18 | 9 | 9 |
24–29 months | 30–35 months | 36–41 months | 42–47 months | |
p | ||||
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MASTERY | 4 | 12 | 14 | 13 |
ACQUISITION | 4 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
CUSTOMARY | 7 | 8 | 7 | 5 |
24–29 months | 30–35 months | 36–41 months | 42–47 months | |
p | ||||
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MASTERY | 5 | 13 | 16 | 13 |
ACQUISITION | 4 | 1 | 1 | 5 |
CUSTOMARY | 7 | 7 | 6 | 4 |
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© 2025 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Zmarich, C.; Bonichini, S.; Motterle, M.; Palmieri, M.; Sanfelici, E.; Bonifacio, S. Test Fonetico per la Prima Infanzia (TFPI): A New Instrument to Assess Italian Toddlers’ Phonetic Development. Languages 2025, 10, 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages10010015
Zmarich C, Bonichini S, Motterle M, Palmieri M, Sanfelici E, Bonifacio S. Test Fonetico per la Prima Infanzia (TFPI): A New Instrument to Assess Italian Toddlers’ Phonetic Development. Languages. 2025; 10(1):15. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages10010015
Chicago/Turabian StyleZmarich, Claudio, Sabrina Bonichini, Marta Motterle, Maria Palmieri, Emanuela Sanfelici, and Serena Bonifacio. 2025. "Test Fonetico per la Prima Infanzia (TFPI): A New Instrument to Assess Italian Toddlers’ Phonetic Development" Languages 10, no. 1: 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages10010015
APA StyleZmarich, C., Bonichini, S., Motterle, M., Palmieri, M., Sanfelici, E., & Bonifacio, S. (2025). Test Fonetico per la Prima Infanzia (TFPI): A New Instrument to Assess Italian Toddlers’ Phonetic Development. Languages, 10(1), 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages10010015