We are aware that the elicitation methodology in the EHHA has been focused from the outset on collecting as much intra-individual variation as possible and intralocal variation when more than one informant is used in the locality. This methodology has paid off, so that the project database has become an impressive repository of variation, which is still largely under-exploited.
In this section, we will first argue that intra-individual variation is not socially conditioned and that it is unconscious. Secondly, an attempt will be made to create a theoretical environment which goes some way towards explaining this variation.
4.1. Non-Conditioned and Unconscious Intra-Individual Variation
The data collected in this project are of great value because, among other things, they gives us an opportunity to analyze the oral Basque language in a more natural state than the data collected in any previous project. The investment of time and work in searching for this variation that may be hidden among our informants has led to splendid results.
The fact that, in the same interview, and within a short space of time, the speaker randomly (at least apparently) uses variants of the same word or different words without noticing it and without realizing it (or at least without expressing or implying that he/she is in some way using different forms to express the same thing) leads us to think of variation as something personal to this speaker. This variation in turn may or may not be conditioned and may or may not be conscious.
For variation to be conditioned, there must be underlying conditioning social or linguistic factors: either a person or a situation or an environment of production. In the first case, I understand that a person outside his or her everyday environment (family, neighborhood or friendship) can cause intra-individual variation simply because of his or her “unfamiliar” status to the speaker, i.e., what is termed stylistic variation. In this respect, the fieldworker in the EHHA project falls squarely within this “unfamiliar” status. However, when the fieldworker comes again and again and again to “chat” with the informant, he or she gradually becomes “familiar”. The informant gets on well with the fieldworker, tells him or her about aspects of his or her family life and even more intimate aspects, and becomes someone close, someone that does not make him or her “think” about how to express himself or herself. This is even more the case when the survey becomes a directed conversation in which the fieldworker does not take any notes and the microphone is placed to one side, and in which, sometimes, the informant even percusses the discussion when trying to explain certain things with the help of his or her hands. Moreover, this is also true when the fieldworker tries to use his or her language, trying to imitate as much as possible the informant’s speech.
We never forgot the “observer’s paradox” (
Labov, 1966). There is always a risk of this, even though we always kept this risk in mind both during the preparation phase of the surveys and during the time they lasted. We will not say that it has been 100% overcome, but neither can we say that all the variation collected has been caused by it. In this context, although this risk should not be underestimated, we think that, for the most part, the intra-individual variation collected is not conditioned by the presence of the fieldworker (aware that the risk of linguistic accommodation is always latent, the fieldworker was mandated to accommodate his or her speech to that of the locality. Despite this, we did not consider ourselves safe from this possibility). This leads us to think that the variation collected is mainly non-conditioned by the fieldworker.
As for the production situation, as mentioned above, the variation analyzed occurs in the same survey unit, with the same persons and in the same question, without any hint from the fieldworker about other ways of pronunciation and other words, i.e., the environment has not changed at all. The same applies to the linguistic context: some changes are caused by the linguistic context or the phonological rule, but they do not appear in the first pronunciation or in the second, but, rather, indistinctly, although most of the variants cannot be explained by the linguistic context. This leads us to think that different forms and pronunciations coexist in the spoken language. Moreover, it seems that spoken speech is a mass in which each element or feature has a margin of fluctuation. In this situation, certain features gain prestige, become fashionable, and others disappear. What the written language does is to select one form from among several, in most cases, according to specific criteria.
We are aware that there are many factors that can influence individual variation (e.g., speech rate, energy loss, fatigue, etc.), but in these data we do not seemingly see any influence of them, although these factors can cause the type of variation we study here.
As to whether the collected intra-individual variation is conscious or unconscious, it has to be said that, apart from what has been stated above, the non-specialist speakers have no training in language, especially not those of earlier generations that enjoyed only a very basic literacy and normally in a non-native language such as French or Spanish. To put it simply, they have no knowledge of what a “verb” is in their language; indeed, they even have no knowledge of that term. They know, however, that they do not use the same terms among family members as they do when communicating with a doctor, to give a very common example. However, many speakers of that generation were not able to differentiate their way of speaking among friends and to a doctor or a priest, ignoring certain greeting formulas and some other simple words.
The EHHA surveys were conducted in a fluid way, encouraging flowing conversations at a normal pace in which the topic changed gradually, without breaks, and slowly. The fieldworker tried to carry on the conversation as if it were spontaneous and “casual”, without stopping to ask about the next question in the survey. The four responses obtained in examples (10), (11), and (12) indicate that there is a fluctuation in the speaker’s grammar: sometimes he/she pronounces one variant, then another, and, on the third occurrence, he/she may repeat one of the two or pronounce a third form. Phonetic and phonological fluctuation in this case does not prevent correct understanding between people who have the same grammar references. As there are no phonological rules to explain all the forms collected, we could argue that this linguistic system has fluctuation and that there is, therefore, variation in the linguistic forms.
Our hypothesis that the border dialect areas are more prone to variation than the central areas seems to be confirmed by the few samples that have been presented. The three words in example (13b) fully confirm this. Three words are used to designate an object or a notion and they are not in used in all localities; indeed, this is not typical, and one should say that it is exceptional. The transition from one dialectal zone to another, when it is not an abrupt border, may facilitate this kind of variation. However, we are convinced that speakers are not aware of whether or not they belong to a border zone, linguistically speaking. They know or have a mental map of where they speak “the same” or similarly and where they speak “differently” from those around them. Yet, in terms or grammatical forms they use on a daily basis, they consider them as their own and are often unaware of how far these forms may be extended.
With regard to the unconsciousness of the variation we are dealing with, it is not easy to know for sure that, in all cases without exception, this variation is clearly unconscious. But one of the premises for it to be so is that the informant does not give it away, that is, he/she does not confirm it. If he/she makes no reference to the fact that he/she pronounced a trait differently, then this is (at least initial and not definitive) proof of unconsciousness. Admittedly, there is no conclusive and definitive proof of this. In my honest opinion, I think we should assume that this is strong evidence that the variation is unconscious.
4.2. Framework to Analyze Intra-Individual Variation
If we assume the axiom of the phoneticians that, “On the articulatory and the acoustic level of speech production, no single utterance is exactly the same as another” (
Ulbrich & Werth, 2021, p. 2), we would contend that language is in a permanently fluctuating and unsteady state. Therefore, as a general idea, one could say that language lives only in variation, or, rather, in fluctuation, but nevertheless, speakers of a language variety understand each other. As a second general idea, it must be considered that the types of variation known up to now (diachronic, diatopic, diastratic, and diaphasic) do not, in our view, explain all the variation.
Starting from these two ideas and taking into consideration the various theoretical frameworks that have studied and theorized variation, there has been a great advance, not only in the study of inter-speakers but also in the study of intra-individual variation. Undoubtedly, much of the variation studied here has already been analyzed by different frameworks, especially those based on language use, e.g., (1), (2), (3), (4), and (8): the loss of the intervocalic “-r-” in (2a,b,d), the phonological rule “(a > e/(u, i) (cons.) ___)” in (3), etc. These can be considered cases conditioned by the linguistic context; therefore, they can be considered unlikely to be examples of conditioned IAV.
However, in my view, one type of variation scarcely finds a successful place in these theories, e.g., with regard to examples (9), (10), (11), (12), and (18). These latter examples are intriguing and have prompted this reflection. In other words, there are many variants which coexist in the same speaker, and this is not an obstacle to the correct flow of information in his/her daily communication. This is an indication that the linguistic system of these speakers is fluctuating or vacillating. This linguistic reality, with innumerable variants that have not been detected in previous theories, leads us to consider the representativeness of the linguistic data used so far. It seems that we have been able to elicit only a part of the variation and, thus, only that part of the variation has been taken into account, that is, not all the variation contained in the speakers’ linguistic system.
In the search for the correct framework with which to approach the topic, we have seen that there have been different theoretical approaches to the study of intra-individual variation (
Ulbrich & Werth, 2021, p. 10). One of them is the structuralist notion of “free variation” (
Clark et al., 2007, pp. 116–118);
Parrot (
2009) proposes the apparent time framework;
Eide & Åfarli (
2020) argue between the use of “individual multilingualism” or “subgrammatics” to demonstrate the use of different systems by the same speaker (something similar to the proposal of polylect grammar in the 1970s by
Bailey, 1973;
Bickerton, 1973, and so on). It may be difficult to apply this in the case under consideration here, in which we are dealing with the production of NORM speakers, that is, the speakers least likely to have sufficient knowledge about other dialects or languages. Rule-based accounts, such as Optimality Theory (
Prince & Smolensky, 1993/2002), only include linguistically conditioned variation (
Ulbrich & Werth, 2021, p. 10) and therefore do not fit our data. This framework cannot be advocated because some cases of the EHHA variation presented here are not linguistically conditioned in our view.
There have been authors who, like us, have defended a variation that cannot be attributed to either linguistic or extra-linguistic factors and have conceived it as “non-systematic variability” (
Ellis, 1985), “fluctuations” (
Labov, 1966;
C. K. Chambers, 2003, pp. 13–14;
Van Geert & van Dijk, 2002, p. 342), or “Free variation” (
Kopf & Weber, 2023), among other denominations. In spite of this, and in view of the fact that “there is no coherent theoretical and methodological paradigm dedicated to IAV in a systematic way” (
Ulbrich & Werth, 2021, p. 11), the subject presents a greater obstacle than expected. Nevertheless, the fluctuations we have analyzed in the examples presented, especially in (10), (11), (12), and (13b), lead us to argue that the fluctuating character of spoken language in speakers can be defended against other frameworks. Accordingly, we could state that language is a “fluctuating system” in which each sound and feature has a certain space of fluctuation.
In this fluctuating state, each grammatical element and each word would have a margin of pronunciation according to the phonic elements of which they are composed. This would depend on the changes that are taking place in the linguistic system and the elements that are in the process of change would be the most prone to fluctuating states. An example of this would be the loss of the intervocalic “-g-” as demonstrated in (1), the loss of the intervocalic “-r-” in example (2), and the assimilation of “a” into “e” as seen in examples (3,4). In this state of fluctuation, different variants are competing with each other simultaneously and each linguistic unit is supported by several more stable elements (stressed syllables, and so forth), which allows for the easy and rapid identification of the elements in question by the interlocutors. We believe that not all elements fluctuating in a system cause variation. We understand that some are in a latent state and can “survive” in this state for an indeterminate time, as long as various factors allow them to do so.
The likelihood of use or occurrence of each variant in this fluctuating system would be boosted due to a number of personal factors, among which should be included the rhythm of elocution, persuasiveness, emotional situation, lapses, errors, etc. All the emotional and personal aspects of each speaker influence his or her speech and all of them influence it in one way or another. This is the case both in spontaneous conversation, in which there is no special emotional, muscular, or scientific tension, and when there is a conditioning factor, whether external or internal, which stresses linguistic production.
By this, we mean that external factors do not cause but, rather, favor variation. In other words, such variation exists in the oral language of all speakers and is inherent to them. This fluctuating situation of the language is innate in speakers. They do not even realize that they speak differently and even claim that they always speak the same way, even though they never speak the same way.
Language changes by itself, because it is in a permanent state of flux, in which different pronunciations of the same word or expression can coexist. This occurs not only at the phonetic or pronunciation level, but also at the morphological, syntactic, and lexical level; while some forms may be monolexematic or invariant (expressed in a single way throughout the geographical extension of the language. In Basque, the singular absolutive suffix ‘-a’ is an example, which is common to all the varieties), others may have local and/or diatopic variants. In this permanent fluctuating state, extra-linguistic factors favor the appearance of one variant to the detriment of another. This means that there is always some element that produces variation and is in the process of changing. Such an element begins by producing variation and, in a later state, this variation may produce a change in the system; however, it may also be that this variation is subsequently reduced or disappears without producing any change. However, we consider that not all elements of a language are in a state of flux at all times, but, instead, that there are always a number of elements which produce variation. Moreover, it can be said that very few elements are stable at the level of pronunciation in the spoken language.
What is more, it can be said that the greater the influence of the written language, the less variation there is in the spoken variety. The standard written language provides stability to the system and directly influences the reduction in variability. The laxity in the variability of the spoken language system allows the speaker to accommodate his or her production to personal extra-linguistic factors, which may be derived from intra- or extra-speaker factors. Casual, informal conversation is the ideal situation for producing unconditioned, unconscious variation. Contextual relaxation helps.
We fully agree with Ulbrich and Werth when they state that, “The central aim in usage-based approaches is the detailed description of speaker- and listener-specific variants, more explicitly, the differentiation and detailed observations of speech events as opposed to generalization. The structure of a language is seen to emerge from language use, whereby individuals rely on general cognitive skills” (
Ulbrich & Werth, 2021, p. 13). We grasp that not all variation leads to language change, but only that which has spread throughout a society can produce linguistic change. Although linguistic variation is a
sine qua non of the production of linguistic change, not all variation ends in change. For linguistic change to occur, such variation must encounter linguistic or extra-linguistic factors that facilitate its expansion.
We understand the linguistic system as something that is not inflexible, rigid, and immobile, but, rather, diffuse and flexible with fluctuating elements in which the probability of each individual using one characteristic or another depends on various factors, which may be social, linguistic, or personal (tiredness, euphoria, attention, and so on). This fluctuating system has greater or lesser internal variation, in which changes in characteristics or internal laws occur at different speeds, depending on many factors. If in the same speaker there are cases of compliance with the rule “a > e/(i, u) ___”, for example, this does not mean that this speaker has two linguistic systems. We understand that it is more feasible to speak of such a system as being in a phase of decline or loss of force, or in a phase of expansion and gaining more force. Speakers are of course not aware of these fluctuations (only specialists are aware of them). The speaker in a spontaneous conversation chooses one or the other possibility provided by the system unconsciously, because normally his/her attention is concentrated on the message, not on the way in which he/she expresses that message. This is not the case in a formal situation, in which the form of the message is as important as the message itself. Therefore, the linguistic system encompasses variation. With this in mind, one can understand the amount of intra-individual variation in the EHHA data. This is the clearest way to understand all the variation that has been collected in the EHHA project.