DICONALE: A Novel German-Spanish Onomasiological Lexicographical Model Involving Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Information
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Foundations
3. Defining the LERNEN/APRENDER Subfield
4. Information Regarding the Paradigmatic Relationships within the Framework of the DICONALE Model
5. Syntagmatic Information in the Framework of the DICONALE Model
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix. Descriptive model of DICONALE: different levels and modules.
Level 1 ►MACROSTRUCTURE DIC | Structure: conceptual subfield 1st degree List of lemmas (LL) for each SCCl | 1.1. LLG1German 1.2. LLG1Spanish | |
Level 2 ►MICROSTRUCTURE | Description in each language of each lemma and of each of the relevant meanings of a lexico-semantic paradigm. | 2.1. Description of German lemmas 2.2. Description of Spanish lemmas | |
M 1 | General information on each meaning: ► Map of the expression: word class, type of conjugation, suprasegmental features, morphological make-up (separable-no separable). ► Map of the content: the signified: semantic features, verbal character, Aktionsart, aspect. ► Word formation: general for all meanings: relevant forms: (selection) ► Links | ||
M 2 | Relevant meanings/variants for the semantic field (LAfr) : ► Explanation of the signified with an indication of paradigmatic relations and distinctive features. ► Internal description of the signified: semantic features. ► Paradigmatic relations: within and outside the paradigm ► Structural schema ► Register, illustrative examples, frequency of each meaning with respect to the overall appearance of the lemma: | ||
M 3 | Combinations of each meaning and correspondence in the contact language Foundation: tertium comparationis: Semantic structure + ASTM ► Model of the argument structure (ASTM) ► Sentence schema (SBP) ► Specification of the arguments (A): syntactic + semantic frequency ► Contexts, examples, correspondencies, commentaries… | ||
M 4 | Other grammatical information: Use and frequency: passive voice, alternatives to the passive, Mode, syntactic conversion, (Deverbal nominalizations)... | ||
Level 3 ►MACROSTRUCTURE DIC | Structure: Conceptual subfields: 2nd/3rd degree | Classification of lexemes → obtaining / setting out the léxico-semantic subparadigms for both languages | |
Level 4 (for each language) ►Mediostructure DIC | Structure (for each language): Lexico-semantic subparadigms | 4.1. Léxico-semantic (sub)paradigms: German 4.2. Léxico-semantic (sub)paradigms: Spanish ►Different types of structuring according to different parameters of description | |
Level 5 (bilingual) ►MEDIOSTRUCTURE DIC ►MICROSTRUCTURE | 5.1. Contrast of structures (bilingual): Lexico-semantic subparadigms 5.2. Contrast of lexemes separately 5.2.1. German -> Spanish 5.2.2. Spanish -> German 5.2.3. bilateral: German ↔ Spanish | ► Different possibilities of contrast Type 1: Subparadigms in contrast Type 2: Paradigms in contrast Type 3: Contrast of each lexeme: Ger. → Sp. / Sp. → Ger. / Ger. ↔ Sp. |
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Field: Cognition | Subfield: Lernen/Aprender Conceptual reference system: Erwerb Mental Kenntnisse |
German | anlernen, sich anlesen, auffassen, auslernen, sich beibringen, bimsen, pauken, einlernen, erlernen, memorieren, lernen… |
Spanish | adiestrarse, aplicarse, aprender, comprender, cursar, cultivarse, educarse, empollar, estudiar, ilustrarse, memorizar, repasar… |
German ➔ | Meaning | Potential Spanish equivalent |
lernen1 | ‘sich ein spezielles Wissen aneignen’ (E-VALBU) | aprender1 (MM 22002) |
Semantic distinctive features | [+Aneignung] | [+Aneignung] |
lernen2 | ‘sich, seinem Gedächtnis einprägen’ (DUW 62007) [53] | aprender2 (MM 22002) |
Semantic distinctive features | [+Gedächtnis] | [+Gedächtnis] |
Pauken1 | ‘(ugs.) sich einen bestimmten Wissensstoff durch intensives, häufig mechanisches Lernen oder Auswendiglernen anzueignen suchen’(DUW 62007) | Empollar1 ‘Estudiar mucho, por ejemplo, en vísperas de exámenes’ (MM 22002) |
Semantic distinctive features | [+Intensität] | [+Intensität] |
SPANISCH ➔ | Meaning | Potential German equivalent |
aprender1 | ‘adquirir conocimientos o el conocimiento de cierta cosa’ (MM 22002) | lernen1‘ (E-VALBU) |
Semantic distinctive features | [+Aneignung] | [+Aneignung] |
aprender2 | ‘fijar algo en la memoria’ (MM 22002) | lernen2 (DUW 62007) |
Semantic distinctive features | [+Gedächtnis] | [+Gedächtnis] |
Empollar1 | ‘Estudiar mucho, por ejemplo, en vísperas de exámenes’ (MM 22002) | Pauken1 ‘sich einen bestimmten Wissensstoff durch intensives, häufig mechanisches Lernen oder Auswendiglernen anzueignen suchen’(DUW 62007) |
Semantic distinctive features | [+Intensität] | [+Intensität] |
Field | Subfield | German Lexemes | Paradigmatic Relations in German | Spanish Lexemes | Paradigmatic Relations in Spanish |
Cognition | LERNEN | lernen1 intellectual perception | Hyperonym: sich Inhalte aneignen, erwerben Hyponym: memorieren Antonym: verlernen | aprender1 | Hyperonym: adquirir conocimiento Hyponym: aprender de memoria Antonym: desaprender |
Cognition | LERNEN | aprender2 memorize | Hyperonym: sich Inhalte aneignen, erwerben Antonym: verlernen | aprender2 | Hyperonym: adquirir conocimiento Synonym: memorizar Co-hyponym: estudiar |
Cognition | LERNEN | pauken1 to swot (colloquial) | Hyperonym: sich ausbilden, Synonym: büffeln, bimsen (colloquial) | empollar1 (colloquial) | Hyperonym: cultivarse Synonym: chapar (colloquial) |
German | Spanish | |
Meaning | (ugs.) ‘sich einen bestimmten Wissensstoff durch intensives, häufig mechanisches Lernen oder Auswendiglernen anzueignen suchen’ (DUW 2007) | ‘Estudiar mucho, por ejemplo, en vísperas de exámenes’ (MM 22002) |
Scenario | jmd (A1) paukt (etwas)(A2) | alg. (A1) empolla (algo) (A2) |
Syntactic plan Argument structures | <S (DO)> A1: S A2: opt.: DO | <S (DO)> A1: S A2: opt.: DO |
Syntactic plan Clause realizations | <s (DO)> A2: w-clause (w- Satz) | <s (DO)> |
Semantic valence Semantic features | A1: S:[+anim] [+hum][−zool] A2: DO: opt.[-anim][ −mat][+ mat][+cogn][+intens] | A1: S: [+anim] [+hum] [−zool] A2: DO: opt. [−anim] [−mat][+mat] [+cogn][+ intens] |
Semantic preferences Examples | A2: Zu Hause muss gepaukt werden: Spieltheorie, die Motorik und welche Zahlen im Kessel nebeneinanderliegen.HAZ07/AUG.01178 Hannoversche Allgemeine, 24.08.2007, S. 24;) A1: Ihre Weiterbildung fand sie anspruchsvoll und umfangreich. Ich musste richtig paukenHAZ08/JAN.04219 Hannoversche Allgemeine, 23.01.2008, S. 18; A1, A2: Die Schüler pauken Mathe, bevor auch ihr Arbeitstag endlich vorbei ist HAZ09/MAR.03096 Hannoversche Allgemeine, 18.03.2009, S. 6; Pauken für den Aufstieg). A2: er paukt, was er fürs Ingenieurstudium braucht. (HAZ09/MAI.00045 Hannoversche Allgemeine, 02.05.2009, S. 6;). Früher mussten die Kinder pauken, wie man ein Eichenblatt von einem Buchenblatt unterscheidet, (M01/FEB.11028 Mannheimer Morgen, 16.02.2001 | A1, A2: ¿Y qué? no has visto el Barroco, nada, te lo tienes que empollar tú por tu cuenta, una cantidad de folios así y bueno, ¿me entiendes? CREA Canal cara a cara. Testimonio oral. A1: En Filosofía, existe, quizás, un mayor porcentaje de personas que tengan intereses culturales, pero también existe una gran cantidad de gente que va a empollar solamente, ¿no?, y que se sabe todo de memoria. CREA CANAL=cara a cara. Testimonio oral. A1, A2: Galdós escribiría en una de sus novelas que un estudiante viejo contaba en los últimos años de Isabel II cómo don Lorenzo empollaba las lecciones hasta en los portales de las casas, de noche; CREA Ortiz-Armengol, Pedro Aviraneta o la intriga Espasa-Calpe (Madrid), 1994 A1: En el fondo de nuestra conciencia reconocíamos que el primero de la clase podía ser repelente-niño-vicente pero era inteligente y empollaba como un poseso, y que el último nos parecía listo y divertidísimo pero no pegaba sello. CREA Tusquets Blanca, Óscar Todo es comparable Anagrama (Barcelona), 1998 |
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Share and Cite
Sánchez Hernández, P. DICONALE: A Novel German-Spanish Onomasiological Lexicographical Model Involving Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Information. Educ. Sci. 2016, 6, 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci6020017
Sánchez Hernández P. DICONALE: A Novel German-Spanish Onomasiological Lexicographical Model Involving Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Information. Education Sciences. 2016; 6(2):17. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci6020017
Chicago/Turabian StyleSánchez Hernández, Paloma. 2016. "DICONALE: A Novel German-Spanish Onomasiological Lexicographical Model Involving Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Information" Education Sciences 6, no. 2: 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci6020017
APA StyleSánchez Hernández, P. (2016). DICONALE: A Novel German-Spanish Onomasiological Lexicographical Model Involving Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Information. Education Sciences, 6(2), 17. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci6020017