Deep Learning Research Directions in Medical Imaging
:1. Introduction
2. Overview of Deep Learning Methods
2.1. Machine Learning
I now call it “self-supervised learning” because “unsupervised” is both a loaded and confusing term. In self-supervised learning, the system learns to predict part of its input from other parts of its input. In other words, a portion of the input is used as a supervisory signal to a predictor fed with the remaining portion of the input. Self-supervised learning uses way more supervisory signals than supervised learning, and enormously more than reinforcement learning. That is why calling it “unsupervised” is misleading.
2.2. Artificial Neural Networks
2.3. Recurrent Neural Networks
2.4. Convolutional Neural Networks
- 1.
- Classification models use convolutional layers to extract higher-level features, after which a linear layer is used to classify a given sample using these higher-level features into categorical labels;
- 2.
- Segmentation models are generally fully convolutional networks, which do not use any fully connected layers. The final layer of the model outputs a pixel label for each input pixel;
- 3.
- Generative models are similar to segmentation models in the sense that they generally output a value for each input pixel. The difference is that they do not output a label for the pixel but a value that is from the input domain space. These models are used to either generate novel data that resemble real-world images or to augment a given input sample, e.g., to by improving the clarity of details ([14]) or by enlarging regions of interest in the input image.
2.5. Attention-Based Models
3. Self-Supervised Learning for Computer Vision
3.1. Motivation
3.2. General Computer Vision Methods
3.2.1. Predictive Methods
3.2.2. Generative Methods
3.2.3. Contrastive Methods
3.2.4. Clustering Methods
3.2.5. Distillation Methods
3.2.6. Information Maximization Methods
4. Deep Learning Approaches in Medical Imaging
4.1. Classification
4.2. Segmentation
4.3. Image Retrieval
4.4. Image Enhancement
4.5. Self-Supervised Learning for Medical Imaging
4.5.1. Predictive Methods
4.5.2. Generative Methods
4.5.3. Contrastive Methods
4.5.4. Distillation Methods
4.5.5. Information Maximization Methods
5. Ecosystem
5.1. Hardware
5.2. Tools
5.3. Datasets, Workshops, and Competitions
6. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
ML | Machine Learning |
DL | Deep Learning |
SSL | Self-Supervised Learning |
EL | Ensemble Learning |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
MLP | Multilayer Perceptron |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Networks |
ADNI | Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative |
IXI | Information Extraction from Images |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
CT | Computed Tomography |
PET | Positron Emission Tomography |
ROI | Region of Interest |
GPU | Graphics Processing Unit |
SVM | Support Vector Machine |
RF | Random Forest |
GB | Gradient Boosting |
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Simionescu, C.; Iftene, A. Deep Learning Research Directions in Medical Imaging. Mathematics 2022, 10, 4472.
Simionescu C, Iftene A. Deep Learning Research Directions in Medical Imaging. Mathematics. 2022; 10(23):4472.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSimionescu, Cristian, and Adrian Iftene. 2022. "Deep Learning Research Directions in Medical Imaging" Mathematics 10, no. 23: 4472.
APA StyleSimionescu, C., & Iftene, A. (2022). Deep Learning Research Directions in Medical Imaging. Mathematics, 10(23), 4472.