On Modeling of Sorted Cost Consensus Negotiation Considering Efficiency and Time Based on the Stochastic Programming
:1. Introduction
- Preferences/opinions of DMs. In consensus decision making, DMs evaluate alternatives in terms of a specific preference structure. Different DMs express their preferences based on their knowledge background and habits regarding a range of issues in various forms including preference orderings [18], utility function [19], preference relation [20], etc. In addition to crisp preferences [21], preferences are expressed with incomplete information when the DM cannot comprehend the decision topic [13]. Since DMs are more likely to be in a state of hesitation and uncertainty when making judgments, subjective preference forms including fuzzy preferences [22,23], natural linguistic preferences [24] and so on have been widely studied. Confidence level/probability and belief degree are separately used for opinions/preferences obeying random distributions and uncertainty distributions [25] to present the credibility of DMs’ opinions, which can more realistically fit the uncertain opinions of DMs. For example, Zhang et al. [26] studied a minimum cost consensus model based on random opinions.
- Behaviors of DMs. Cooperative and noncooperative behaviors frequently exist in GDM problems. Cooperative behavior manifests itself as DMs giving in or compromising to accept a collective solution, which is some kind of collaboration [27]. Noncooperative DMs behave as making independent decisions based on bounded rationality [28,29], where DMs may express their opinions dishonestly or refuse to adjust their opinions [30]. Chao et al. [31] constructed a consensus model that can detect and manage noncooperative behavior of DMs concerning heterogeneous preferences. Dong et al. [32] also proposed a method based on self-management mechanism to manage noncooperative behaviors. Apart from noncooperative behaviors, there is no doubt that DMs also exhibit individual behaviors such as tolerance and compromise limit in the CRP [33].
- Consensus costs. In the CRP, the moderator who plays the role of leader and negotiator [34] influences DMs’ opinions and dominates the whole evolutionary process of consensus reaching. Known as the cost consensus problem is where moderators to take advantages of approaches like personal charisma and resource allocation to persuade DMs to change their opinions gradually towards an optimal consensus opinion with minimum cost consumption [35]. This problem has been a research hotspot in recent years, and research findings have been obtained including: minimum adjustment consensus models using position indexes [36], optimization consensus models under aggregation operators [37], cost-constrainted [17] and asymmetric costs consensus models, for instance, Wu et al. [38] modeled the minimum cost consensus problem involving asymmetric unit costs; minimum cost and maximum return consensus models [3,39], consensus models for heterogeneous preference [25,40], multiattribute consensus models [41,42] and multistage optimized consensus models [43], where Wu et al. [44] proposed a multistage optimized consensus model considering preference relations and individual consistency.
- Evolution or feedback research on opinions of obeying specific random distributions is relatively scarce. Confidence level/probability are used for opinions/preferences obeying random distributions to present the credibility of DMs’ opinions.
- There is a lack of research on the external factors of GDM and on the impact of the inner psychology (satisfaction) of DMs on CRP and costs of consensus.
- There is no research on how to conduct consensus negotiations with a reasonable sequence so as to improve the efficiency of CRP when taking into account preferences of DMs and consensus costs.
- In this paper, the negotiation sorting issue against DMs is introduced into consensus research, and opinion influence level and ranking satisfaction level are quantified to measure the efficiency of opinion order.
- A cost coefficient based on sorted negotiation efficiency is proposed to explore the impact of negotiation sequences on consensus costs against different DMs.
- Optimal efficiency sorted negotiation models with cost chance constraints are developed assuming that opinions of DMs obey specific random distributions and extended to the case where multimoderators participation and time constraints are considered.
- The optimum set of influential individuals based on opinion similarity is determined, and thus assessment criteria that can validate the reasonableness of sequence are produced.
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Minimum Cost Consensus Models
2.2. Opinion Dynamics Models
- (1)
- Bounded confidence modelThe bounded confidence (BC) model is one of the continuous models in opinion dynamics. BC means that two DMs will trust each other only if the difference of opinions between them is lower than a given threshold [15]. Let be the opinion of DM in the tth round. Let be the BC level. BC models include two important models: the DW model [9,51] and the HK model [10]. The two models are briefly described as follows.
- (a)
- DW model
Any two DMs will determine whether to interact according to the BC. If , the two DMs will think that opinions are too far apart to interact; otherwise, the evolution rule will be:- (b)
- HK model
Let be the weight that DM gives to at round t, which is described as:Then, the opinion evolution rule is as follows:If there exists an ordering such that two adjacent opinions are within the BC level , then the opinion profile is called an profile. Hegselmann and Krause [10] argue that the opinion profile will be an profile for all times if a consensus is reached for an initial profile. Moreover, two DMs will remain separated forever if they split at some time [50]. - (2)
- Snajzd modelThe Snajzd model is a discrete opinion dynamics model for the one-dimensional case [50], which is based on the characteristic of “United we Stand, Divided we Fall”. The opinion is a binary opinion of DM at round t. Then, the opinions evolve according to the following rules:
- (a)
- In each round a pair of DMs and is selected to influence their nearest neighbors, i.e., the DMs and .
- (b)
- If , then .
- (c)
- If , then and , or or at random.
Two types of stable states are always reached in this model: complete consensus or stalemate.
3. Definitions of the Sorted Negotiation
Decision Variable
- (1)
- For any , .
- (2)
- For any , , .
4. The Sorted Negotiation Model Based on Optimal Efficiency
4.1. Basic Assumptions about the Sorting Principles of Group Negotiation
4.2. Construction of the Optimal Efficiency Sorted Negotiation Models
- Uncertain chance constraints regarding the negotiation costs,
- Constraints related to the opinion order efficiency,
5. The Optimal Efficiency Sorted Negotiation Model Considering Multi-Moderators Participation and Negotiation Time Constraints
5.1. Basic Assumptions
5.2. Decision Variable
- (1)
- For any , .
- (2)
- For any , .
5.3. Description of Negotiation Time
5.4. Construction of the Optimal Efficiency Sorted Negotiation Models Considering Multimoderators Participation and Negotiation Time Constraints
5.5. Improved Genetic Algorithm to Solve Models
- (i)
- The initial is generated randomly. First, define , and . Then repeat the following steps from .
- (a)
- Generate a random integer between j and m.
- (b)
- Swap with .
Up to now, a rearrangement sequence of , namely an initial chromosome, is generated randomly. The decision variable is initialized on the same principle as . For the decision variable , repeat the following steps from .Generate an integer between 0 and m randomly that is assigned to . Then, the initialized sorted by ascending is generated randomly.The generated randomly are integrated as , namely, the initial chromosomes are produced. chromosomes , as the initial population, are generated randomly through repeating the above steps, where . - (ii)
- Suppose ) corresponds to an objective function value , and compute according to the objective function formula in models. Define the evaluation function as .
- (iii)
- Carry out the following selection steps.
- (a)
- The elite chromosome is retained according to the objective function value .
- (b)
- For each , calculate the cumulative probability ..
- (c)
- Generate a random number r from the interval .
- (d)
- If the condition is satisfied, select chromosomes .
- (e)
- Repeat Steps (c) and (d) until replicated chromosomes are obtained.
- (iv)
- Operate crossover on chromosomes . Define as the cross-over probability. First retain the elite chromosome, then repeat the following steps from .
- (a)
- Generate a random number r in the interval .
- (b)
- If , select chromosome as a crossover parent.
The selected chromosomes are paired in sequence, and the following crossover operations are performed on each pair of chromosomes.The paired chromosomes are in the order . For instance, a pair of chromosomes to be crossed is , where let be and operate crossover on the first half genes of in a reference chromosome selected randomly. If the chromosome is chosen as the reference chromosome, traverse externally the first half genes of and traverse internally all the genes of , before recording the positions of the first half genes of in each separately and then moving the corresponding genes to their corresponding positions in line with the recorded positions of the other. The pair becomes . Perform global crossover operations on and the final child chromosomes after the crossover operations are , . Finally, all parent chromosomes are replaced in order with child chromosomes. - (v)
- Operate mutation on chromosomes . Define as the mutation probability. First, retain the elite chromosome, then repeat the following steps from .
- (a)
- Generate a random number r in the interval .
- (b)
- If , select chromosome as a mutation parent.
The selected parent chromosomes to mutate are noted as , . For the chromosome , suppose and perform the following mutation operations on .- (a)
- Generate two random integers .
- (b)
- Let the mutated , where the new subsequence defined as is a rearrangement sequence of the original sequence .
Here, no mutation is performed on . For , operate the following steps of mutation.- (a)
- Generate two random integers .
- (b)
- Let the mutated be , where the new subsequence defined as satisfies by .
The mutated child chromosomes are noted as . Perform the same mutation operations on the other parent chromosomes and the parent chromosomes are replaced with mutated child chromosomes . - (vi)
- Iterate times for Steps (ii) to (v) (e.g., ).
- (vii)
- Return the optimal chromosome representing the optimal decision variable with the optimal objective function value .
Algorithm 1 Algorithm to solve sorted negotiation model. |
Input:, , , , T, p, q, Output: Sorting sequence and , the negotiation progress of each moderator , total opinion order efficiency e, opinion order efficiency of each individual
6. Numerical Example
- On the premise of the Government’s budget constraints and negotiation time constraints satisfying, how to complete sorted demolition negotiation with optimal opinion order efficiency.
- On the premise of the Government’s budget constraints and negotiation time constraints satisfying, how to complete sorted demolition negotiation with confidence level and opinion order efficiency as higher as possible.
- On the premise of negotiation time constraints satisfying, how to complete sorted demolition negotiation with lower costs and higher opinion order efficiency.
- On the premise of the Government’s budget constraints satisfying, how to complete sorted demolition negotiation with less time and higher opinion order efficiency.
6.1. Analysis of the Optimal Efficiency Sorted Negotiation Models Considering Multimoderators Participation and Negotiation Time
6.2. Analysis of the Algorithm Effectiveness
7. Conclusions
- Opinion order efficiency is defined with opinion influence level as well as ranking satisfaction level; furthermore, the optimal efficiency of sorted consensus negotiation is studied for the first time, and the rationality of sorting sequences of optimal efficiency sorted negotiation models is verified by way of introducing an optimum set of influential individuals and position assessment criteria.
- The cost coefficient based on opinion order efficiency is defined, which makes the improvement to cost constraints of sorted negotiation.
- Stochastic distributions (e.g., uniform distributions) are used to fit the uncertainty of DMs’ opinions, and then chance constraints of sorted consensus negotiation costs are developed.
- The uncertainty of negotiation time is described in terms of the time obeying normal distributions for moderator negotiating with individuals, and further optimal efficiency sorted negotiation models considering multi-moderators participation and negotiation time constraints are extended.
- The problem of sorted negotiation strategy where opinions of DMs are random variables obeying uniform distributions is investigated in this study. One may conduct a research on sorted negotiation regarding different representation formats of opinions.
- In addition to opinion order efficiency, time, cost of CRP, more factors from multiple aspects may be combined with sorted consensus negotiation, such as characteristics of DMs, social and trust networks in decision groups, multiattributes consensus and clustering for large-scale groups.
- More efficient solving algorithms concerning more complicated sorted negotiation models may be designed.
- Bayesian dynamics can be combined with sorted consensus negotiation.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Solutions of Models
p | q | e | Total Time | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency |
p | q | e | Total Time | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency |
p | e | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency |
p | e | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency |
e | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency | ||
Case 1 | 2400 | ||
Case 2 | 4000 | ||
e | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency | ||||
Case 1 | 2200 | ||||
Case 2 | 2800 | ||||
p | e | B | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency | ||
Case 1 | |||||
Case 2 | |||||
e | Time | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency | ||||
Case 1 | 2200 | |||||
Case 2 | 3500 | |||||
p | e | B | Time | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency | ||
Case 1 | ||||||
Case 2 | ||||||
e | T | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency | |||
Case 1 | 2500 | ||||
Case 2 | 4100 | ||||
Appendix A.2. The Specific Model in Numerical Example
Appendix A.3. Symbol Description
Symbol | Description | Type |
The symbol of DM i, . | Symbol | |
The symbol of moderator k, . | Symbol | |
The DM in ith position, , where is a rearrangement (permutation) of . | Symbol | |
The opinion influence level of on , , . | Variable | |
The ranking satisfaction level of , . | Variable | |
Overlap length of interval opinions between two adjacent individuals and . | Variable | |
Overlap length of interval opinions between and . | Parameter | |
Opinion interval of , where , are the upper and lower bounds of interval respectively. | Parameter | |
Length of the opinion interval of , . | Parameter | |
Opinion similarity of individual with respect to . | Parameter | |
S | Opinion similarity matrix of all DMs. | Parameter |
The optimum set of influential individuals towards individual . | Symbol | |
The opinion of , . | Variable | |
e | Overall opinion order efficiency. | Variable |
Opinion order efficiency of the , . | Variable | |
Unit cost of opinion adjustment towards . | Variable | |
The cost coefficient of based on opinion order efficiency. | Variable | |
Group consensus opinion. | Parameter | |
The adjusted opinion of . | Parameter | |
The opinion of DM in the tth round. | Symbol | |
The weight that DM gives to at round t. | Parameter | |
The confidence set of DM . | Symbol | |
B | Total cost of consensus reaching. | Variable |
Total budget of consensus reaching. | Parameter | |
Negotiation cost upper limit of . | Variable | |
p | Probability/confidence level, . | Parameter |
Negotiation time of the moderator towards the individual , , . | Parameter | |
Actual time to accomplish negotiation for . | Variable | |
Upper limit of negotiation time for . | Parameter | |
T | Upper limit of overall decision negotiation time. | Parameter |
q | Probability/confidence level, . | Parameter |
Q | Larger equilibrium coefficient. | Parameter |
Smaller equilibrium coefficients. | Parameter | |
The bounded confidence level. | Parameter | |
Maximum number of iterations. | Parameter |
Appendix A.4. Algorithm Execute Script
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Moderators | The Sequence of DMs |
… | … |
Integral sorting sequence: | |
Opinions | Unit Cost | Individual Budget | ||
Known | Unknown | |||
514 | 936 | |||
828 | 1296 | |||
356 | 792 | |||
444 | 792 | |||
144 | ||||
56 | 144 | |||
102 | 216 | |||
428 | 720 | |||
683 | 1080 | |||
220 | 648 | |||
456 | 864 | |||
154 | 360 | |||
438 | 648 | |||
510 | 792 | |||
345 | 576 |
T | e | Total Time | Sorting Sequences and Individual Efficiency | |
2500 | 85 | |||
4100 | 85 | |||
Optimum Sets of Influential Individuals | |
Algorithm | Best | Mean | Std | Percent |
GA | 6.443 | 6.299 | 0.239 | 1 |
ABC | 6.380 | 6.141 | 0.473 | 0.867 |
SAA | 6.134 | 5.454 | 0.534 | 0.900 |
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Zhou, Y.; Guo, C.; Wei, G.; Herrera-Viedma, E. On Modeling of Sorted Cost Consensus Negotiation Considering Efficiency and Time Based on the Stochastic Programming. Mathematics 2023, 11, 445. https://doi.org/10.3390/math11020445
Zhou Y, Guo C, Wei G, Herrera-Viedma E. On Modeling of Sorted Cost Consensus Negotiation Considering Efficiency and Time Based on the Stochastic Programming. Mathematics. 2023; 11(2):445. https://doi.org/10.3390/math11020445
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhou, Yi, Chonglan Guo, Guo Wei, and Enrique Herrera-Viedma. 2023. "On Modeling of Sorted Cost Consensus Negotiation Considering Efficiency and Time Based on the Stochastic Programming" Mathematics 11, no. 2: 445. https://doi.org/10.3390/math11020445
APA StyleZhou, Y., Guo, C., Wei, G., & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2023). On Modeling of Sorted Cost Consensus Negotiation Considering Efficiency and Time Based on the Stochastic Programming. Mathematics, 11(2), 445. https://doi.org/10.3390/math11020445