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Branch-and-Bound and Heuristic Algorithms for Group Scheduling with Due-Date Assignment and Resource Allocation

School of Economics, Shenyang University, Shenyang 110096, China
Institute of Carbon Neutrality Technology and Policy, Shenyang University, Shenyang 110044, China
School of Statistics, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian 116025, China
School of Science, Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang 110136, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2023, 11(23), 4745;
Submission received: 25 October 2023 / Revised: 17 November 2023 / Accepted: 21 November 2023 / Published: 23 November 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Optimization in Scheduling and Control Problems)


Green scheduling that aims to enhance efficiency by optimizing resource allocation and job sequencing concurrently has gained growing academic attention. To tackle such problems with the consideration of scheduling and resource allocation, this paper considers a single-machine group scheduling problem with common/slack due-date assignment and a controllable processing time. The objective is to decide the optimized schedule of the group/job sequence, resource allocation, and due-date assignment. To solve the generalized case, this paper proves several optimal properties and presents a branch-and-bound algorithm and heuristic algorithms. Numerical experiments show that the branch-and-bound algorithm is efficient and the heuristic algorithm developed based on the analytical properties outruns the tabu search.

1. Introduction

Due to the reflection on the balance between resource allocation costs and efficiency, the scheduling problem with a controllable processing time (CPSP) has received a considerable amount of attention. In contrast to the conventional scheduling problem with a constant processing time, the controllable processing time varies according to the allocated resources, especially those represented by energy. Since the essential objective of the green scheduling problem (GSP) was to maximize the environmental benefits by deciding the energy usage allocation and schedule, the CPSP could be extended to deal with the GSP (Foumani and Smith [1]). Early research on the CPSP introduced the idea that the processing time often varied and could be reduced with the cost of more allocations of production resources (Shabtay and Steiner [2]; Manier and Bloch [3]; Kuntay et al. [4]). Uruk et al. [5] considered flexible operations and resource allocation in a two-machine flowshop environment. Mor and Mosheiov [6] integrated batch scheduling into the CPSP. The jobs inside a certain batch were modeled as identical jobs. For the CPSP with scenario-based demands, Akhoondi and Lotfi [7] developed heuristic algorithms for master production scheduling. Li and Wang [8] combined the deteriorating effects with the CPSP. The problem of minimizing the weighted sum of the makespan and resource cost was proved to be polynomially solvable. The CPSP with learning effects was considered by Sun et al. [9]. For a two-machine flowshop CPSP with common due-date assignment and no-wait constraints, they proved that the proposed problem could be solved in polynomial time. Sun et al. [9] studied the CPSP with slack due-date assignment and no-wait constraints and proved that the irregular objective can be polynomially solvable.
Group technology and due-date assignment are concurrently integrated into the CPSP, which is widely reflected in real manufacturing environments and attracts an increasing amount of academic attention (Shabtay et al. [10]; Zhu et al. [11]). For green scheduling with the consideration of carbon-emission supervision and reduction, the group of jobs is usually divided according to periodical carbon-emission demand and endowed with different workloads. In terms of group scheduling, Webster and Baker [12] were among the pioneers that introduced the idea of group technology to the single-machine scheduling problem. Li et al. [13] integrated the due-date assignment problem into the group scheduling problem and proved that irregular minimization can be solved in polynomial time. Liu et al. [14] considered a single-machine group scheduling problem with deteriorating effects and developed composite solution methods for the objective of makespan minimization. The due-date assignment problem is usually proposed to integrate with group scheduling and was recently covered by Yang et al. [15] and Yin et al. [16,17,18,19]. As for scheduling with the combined considerations of the controllable processing time and group technology, Shabtay et al. [10] dealed with the single-machine CPSP with group technology and due-date assignment. Yan et al. [20] studied the integrated problem with learning effects and a total resource limitation. For the special cases, the problem was proved to be polynomially solvable. Liu and Wang [21] considered a new group scheduling model with due-date assignment and a controllable processing time. They proved the special cases where the job numbers of different groups were identical were polynomially solvable.
In light of the significance of the CPSP with group technology in real manufacturing environments, this paper continues the study of an integrated model of group scheduling with a controllable processing time under CON/slack due-date assignment (Liu and Wang [21]) and extends the work to a general case where the job numbers of different groups are variable. This paper considers an integrated solution method to tackle the open problem of Liu and Wang [21]. The objective is to minimize the weighted earliness and tardiness. Our main contributions include the following: (1) the incorporation of the generality of the integrated CPSP model; (2) the proposition of optimal properties; (3) the analysis of the lower bound strategy; and (4) composite solution algorithms to solve the general case of the problem.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 makes notations and assumptions. Section 3 presents several preliminary properties and shows the lower bound analysis for general cases. Section 4 proposes the solution algorithms of an exact method and heuristics. Section 5 displays numerical experiment results. Finally, Section 6 makes the summary.

2. Problem Formulation

In this section, notations used throughout this whole paper will first be introduced as follows (see Abbreviation section).
Investigate a set of O ¨ jobs grouped into Q groups F 1 , F 2 , , F Q . All the jobs are to be processed on a single machine and are available at time zero. Let the number of jobs in F g be O g ; it follows that O 1 + O 2 + + O Q = O ¨ . A setup time s g has to be required before the processing of jobs in group F g . Let G g , k denote the kth job in F g , where g = 1 , 2 , , Q ; k = 1 , 2 , , O g . As in Liu and Wang [21], the processing time of G g , k is
p g , k A = ϖ g , k u g , k σ ,
where ϖ g , k is the workload of G g , k , σ > 0 is a constant, and u g , k is the amount of resources allocated to G g , k .
Let E g , k = max { 0 , d g , k C g , k } (resp. T g , k = max { 0 , C g , k d g , k } ) be the earliness (resp. tardiness) of G g , k in F g , where d g , k (resp. C g , k ) is the due date (resp. completion time) of G g , k . Under the C O N assignment, it is assumed that d g , k = d g ( g = 1 , , Q , k = k = 1 , 2 , , O g ) , where d g is a decision variable. Under the S L K assignment, it is assumed that d g , k = p g , k A + q g ( g = 1 , , Q , k = k = 1 , 2 , , O g ) , where q g denotes the common flow allowance in group F g and q g is a decision variable. Denote [ z ] as some job (or group) scheduled in the zth position; the objective is to determine a group schedule χ and an internal job schedule ψ g within F g , a set of d = { d g | g = 1 , , Q } ( q = { q g | g = 1 , , Q } ) and a set of u = { u g , k | g = 1 , , Q ; k = 1 , , O g } , such that the optimization objective
O F ˜ ( C O N ) = g = 1 Q k = 1 O g ( α g , k E g , [ k ] + β g , k T g , [ k ] + ξ d g ) + g = 1 Q k = 1 O g v g , k u g , k
O F ˜ ( S L K ) = g = 1 Q k = 1 O g ( α g , k E g , [ k ] + β g , k T g , [ k ] + ξ q g ) + g = 1 Q k = 1 O g v g , k u g , k
is minimized, where α g , k (resp. β g , k ) is a position-dependent weight for the earliness (resp. tardiness) cost, v g , k is the unit consumption cost, and ξ 0 is a given constant. As in Liu and Wang [21], the problem can be denoted by
1 X , p g , k A = ϖ g , k u g , k σ , G T ˜ O F ˜ ( X )
where X { C O N , S L K } and G T ˜ denotes group technology. For a special case, i.e., where the number of jobs in F g is identical, Liu and Wang [21] proved that the problem can be solved in O ( O ¨ 3 ) time. This paper will consider how to solve the general problem 1 X , p g , k A = ϖ g , k u g , k σ , G T ˜ O F ˜ ( X ) ( X { C O N , S L K } ).

3. Preliminary Properties

From Liu and Wang [21], the following results are given:
Lemma 1
(Lemma 2, Liu and Wang [21]). For a given job sequence ψ g within F g ( g = 1 , , Q ), under a C O N (resp. S L K ) assignment, there exists an optimal d g = C g , [ h g ] (resp. q g = C g , [ h g 1 ] ) where h g satisfies the following inequality: l = h g + 1 O g β g , l l = 1 h g α g , l ξ O g l = h g O g β g , l l = 1 h g 1 α g , l .
Lemma 2
(Lemma 6, Liu and Wang [21]). Under the given group and job sequences
1 X , p g , k A = ϖ g , k u g , k σ , G T ˜ O F ˜ ( X ) ,
the optimal resource allocation u * ( χ , ψ g | g = 1 , , Q ) is
u [ g ] , [ k ] * = σ B [ g ] k + ξ r = g + 1 Q O [ r ] v [ g ] , [ k ] 1 σ + 1 × ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 ,
where, for the C O N assignment,
B [ g ] , k = l = 1 k 1 α [ g ] , l + ξ O [ g ] , k = 1 , 2 , , h g , l = k O g β [ g ] , l , k = h g + 1 , h g + 2 , , O g ,
and for the SLK assignment,
B [ g ] , k = l = 1 k α [ g ] , l + ξ O [ g ] , k = 1 , 2 , , h g 1 , l = k + 1 O g β [ g ] , l , k = h g , h g + 1 , , O g 1 , 0 , k = O g .
As in Liu and Wang [21], it follows that
O F ˜ ( X ) ( χ , ψ g | g = 1 , , Q , u * ) = σ σ σ + 1 + σ 1 σ + 1 g = 1 Q k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 + ξ g = 1 Q O [ g ] × z = 1 g s [ z ]
Lemma 3
(Lemma 7, Liu and Wang [21]). Given group order χ, the optimal job sequence ψ g * ( g = 1 , , Q ) within F g can be obtained by matching the smallest (resp. second smallest) B g , k to the job with the largest (resp. second largest) v g , k ϖ g , k , and so on, where, for the C O N assignment,
B g , k = l = 1 k 1 α g , l + ξ O g , k = 1 , 2 , , h g , l = k O g β g , l , k = h g + 1 , h g + 2 , , O g ,
and for the SLK assignment,
B g , k = l = 1 k α g , l + ξ O [ g ] , k = 1 , 2 , , h g 1 , l = k + 1 O g β g , l , k = h g , h g + 1 , , O g 1 , 0 , k = O g .
By using the group interchanging technique, the following results can be obtained.
Lemma 4.
The term g = 1 Q O [ g ] × z = 1 g s [ z ] is minimized if O [ 1 ] s [ 1 ] O [ 2 ] s [ 2 ] O [ Q ] s [ Q ] .
This is proved using the group interchanging technique. □
If the optimal job sequence ψ g * ( g = 1 , , Q ) within F g is given (by Lemma 3), the term g = 1 Q k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 can not be minimized by the non-increasing (LPT) order of O g and the non-decreasing (SPT) order of O g .
Example 1.
Q = 2 , O 1 = 3 , O 2 = 2 , σ = ξ = 1 , B 1 , 1 = 40 , B 1 , 2 = 42 , B 1 , 3 = 43 , B 2 , 1 = 40 , B 2 , 2 = 50 , v 1 , 1 ϖ 1 , 1 = 23 , v 1 , 2 ϖ 1 , 2 = 29 , v 1 , 3 ϖ 1 , 3 = 13 , v 2 , 1 ϖ 2 , 1 = 13 , v 2 , 2 ϖ 2 , 2 = 13 .
According to Lemma 3, the optimal job sequence within F 1 (resp. F 2 ) is G 1 , 1 G 1 , 2 G 1 , 3 (resp. G 2 , 1 G 2 , 2 ). According to the LPT order of O g (i.e., F 1 F 2 ), it follows that
g = 1 Q k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 = ( 40 + 2 ) 0.5 23 0.5 + ( 42 + 2 ) 0.5 29 0.5 + ( 43 + 2 ) 0.5 13 0.5 + 40 0.5 13 0.5 + 50 0.5 13 0.5 = 139.2871 .
If the group order is F 2 F 1 , the following formula can be obtained.
g = 1 Q k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 = ( 40 + 3 ) 0.5 13 0.5 + ( 50 + 3 ) 0.5 13 0.5 + 40 0.5 23 0.5 + 42 0.5 29 0.5 + 43 0.5 13 0.5 = 138.7665 .
Therefore, the LPT order of O g is not an optimal group schedule.
Example 2.
Q = 2 , O 1 = 3 , O 2 = 2 , σ = ξ = 1 , B 1 , 1 = 40 , B 1 , 2 = 42 , B 1 , 3 = 43 , B 2 , 1 = 40 , B 2 , 2 = 50 , v 1 , 1 ϖ 1 , 1 = 23 , v 1 , 2 ϖ 1 , 2 = 29 , v 1 , 3 ϖ 1 , 3 = 13 , v 2 , 1 ϖ 2 , 1 = 33 , v 2 , 2 ϖ 2 , 2 = 33 .
According to Lemma 3, the optimal job sequence within F 1 (resp. F 2 ) is G 1 , 1 G 1 , 2 G 1 , 3 (resp. G 2 , 1 G 2 , 2 ). According to the SPT order of O g (i.e., F 2 F 1 ), it follows that
g = 1 Q k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 = ( 40 + 3 ) 0.5 13 0.5 + ( 50 + 3 ) 0.5 13 0.5 + 40 0.5 23 0.5 + 42 0.5 29 0.5 + 43 0.5 13 0.5 = 168.3652 .
If the group order is F 1 F 2 , the function is given as follows:
g = 1 Q k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 = ( 40 + 2 ) 0.5 23 0.5 + ( 42 + 2 ) 0.5 29 0.5 + ( 43 + 2 ) 0.5 13 0.5 + 40 0.5 33 0.5 + 50 0.5 33 0.5 = 167.9405 .
Therefore, the SPT order of O g is not an optimal group schedule.

4. Solution Methods

4.1. Lower Bound Analysis

For a special case (i.e., O 1 = O 2 = = O Q = O ¯ ), Liu and Wang [21] demonstrated that 1 X , O g = O ¯ , p g , k A = ϖ g , k u g , k σ , G T ˜ O F ˜ ( X ) can be solved in O ( O ¨ 3 ) time. For the general case of
1 X , p g , k A = ϖ g , k u g , k σ , G T ˜ O F ˜ ,
the complexity is an open question. To solve the general case of this problem, some heuristic and branch-and-bound (B and B) algorithms will be proposed.
From Lemma 3 (Lemma 7, Liu and Wang [21]), the optimal job sequence ψ g * ( g = 1 , , Q ) within F g can be obtained. Let χ = ( χ s , χ u ) be a group sequence, where χ s (resp. χ u ) is the scheduled (resp. unscheduled) part, and suppose there are r groups in χ s . From Equation (8), the following formula can be obtained.
O F ˜ ( X ) ( χ s , χ u ) = σ σ σ + 1 + σ 1 σ + 1 g = 1 r k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 + σ σ σ + 1 + σ 1 σ + 1 g = r + 1 Q k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 + ξ g = 1 r O [ g ] × z = 1 g s [ z ] + ξ g = r + 1 Q O [ g ] × z = 1 r s [ z ] + z = r + 1 g s [ z ]
From Equation (11), the terms ξ g = 1 r O [ g ] × z = 1 g s [ z ] , z = 1 r s [ z ] , and σ σ σ + 1 + σ 1 σ + 1 g = 1 r k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 × v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 are constants. ξ g = r + 1 Q O [ g ] × z = 1 r s [ z ] + z = r + 1 g s [ z ] can be minimized by Lemma 4. Then the following inequality can be obtained: σ σ σ + 1 + σ 1 σ + 1 g = r + 1 Q k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 σ σ σ + 1 + σ 1 σ + 1 g = r + 1 Q k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 . Hence, the lower bound is given as follows:
L B ( O F ˜ ) = σ σ σ + 1 + σ 1 σ + 1 g = 1 r k = 1 O [ g ] B [ g ] , k + ξ z = g + 1 Q O [ z ] 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 + σ σ σ + 1 + σ 1 σ + 1 g = r + 1 Q k = 1 O < g > B [ g ] , k 1 σ + 1 v [ g ] , [ k ] ϖ [ g ] , [ k ] σ σ + 1 + ξ g = 1 r O [ g ] × z = 1 g s [ z ] + ξ g = r + 1 Q O < g > × z = 1 r s [ z ] + z = r + 1 g s < z >
where O < r + 1 > s < r + 1 > O < r + 2 > s < r + 2 > O < Q > s < Q > .

4.2. Upper Bound Algorithms

Algorithm 1: Upper bound
From the above analysis and Nawaz et al. [22], the following Algorithm 1 can be proposed as an upper bound for 1 X , p g , k A = ϖ g , k u g , k σ , G T ˜ O F ˜ ( X ) .
Phase 1
Step (a1). Sequence groups in non-decreasing order of s g .
Step (a2). Sequence groups in non-increasing order of O g s g .
Step (a3). Sequence groups in non-increasing order of O g .
Step (a4). Choose the better solution from Steps (a1), (a2), and (a3).
Phase 2
Step (b1). Let χ 0 be the group sequence obtained from Phase 1.
Step (b2). Set λ = 2 . Select the first two groups from the sorted list and select the better of the two possible sequences. Do not change the relative positions of these two jobs with respect to each other in the remaining steps of the algorithm. Set λ = 3 .
Step (b3). Pick the job in the λ th position of the list generated in Step (b1) and find the best group sequence by placing it at all possible λ positions in the partial sequence found in the previous step, without changing the relative positions to each other of the already assigned groups. The number of enumerations at this step equals λ .
Step (b4). If λ = Q , STOP; otherwise, set λ = λ + 1 and go to Step (b3).
Algorithm 2: Tabu search
As in Noman et al. [23], a tabu search (TS) algorithm is an effective method for the difficult scheduling problems; hence, the TS algorithm incorporating the analytical properties of the CPSP is designed to reach the near-optimal solution of 1 X , p g , k A = ϖ g , k u g , k σ , G T ˜ O F ˜ ( X ) . The initial group sequence of the TS algorithm is decided in the non-decreasing order of s i , and the maximum number of iterations for the TS algorithm is set at 200 Q (as in Yan et al. [24], in general, the maximum number of iterations is 2000; here, it is set to 200 Q ).
Step (1). Let the tabu list be empty and the iteration number be zero.
Step (2). Set the initial group sequence of the TS algorithm, calculate its objective cost (by Equation (8)), and set the current group sequence as the best solution χ * .
Step (3). Search the associated neighborhood of the current group sequence and resolve if there is a group sequence χ * * with the smallest objective cost in the associated neighborhood and it is not in the tabu list.
Step (4). If χ * * is better than χ * , then let χ * = χ * * . Update the tabu list and the iteration number.
Step (5). If there is not a group sequence in the associated neighborhood but it is not in the tabu list or the maximum number of iterations is reached (i.e., 200 Q ), then output the final group sequence. Otherwise, update the tabu list and go to Step (3).

4.3. Exact Method

From the lower bound (see Equation (10)) and upper bound (see Algorithm 1), the following branch-and-bound (B and B) algorithm can be proposed to solve 1 X , p g , k A = ϖ g , k u g , k σ , G T ˜ O F ˜ ( X ) optimally.
Algorithm 3: B and B algorithm
Step (1) (find the upper bound). Obtain an initial solution (upper bound) using Algorithm 1.
Step (2) (bounding). Calculate the lower bound (see Equation (10)) for the node. If the lower bound for an unfathomed partial group sequence is larger than or equal to the objective value of the initial solution (see Equation (8)), eliminate the node and all the nodes following it in the branch. Calculate the objective value of the completed group sequence (see Equation (8)). If it is less than the initial solution, replace it as the new solution; otherwise, eliminate it.
Step (3) (termination). Continue until all nodes have been explored.
Remark 1.
For small-sized instances, the B and B algorithm (i.e., Algorithm 3) is an exact algorithm and Algorithms 1 and 2 are heuristic algorithms. For large-sized instances, the B and B algorithm is disabled.

5. Numerical Study

The algorithms (i.e., Algorithms 1, 2, and 3) were executed in Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 (6.11.24) and carried out on a HUAWEI PC with an Inter core i5-8250U 1.4 GHz CPU and 8.00 GB of RAM. This section considers the C O N assignment, where ξ = 10, and other parameters are given as follows:
O ¨ = 100 , 120 , 140 , 160 , 180 , 200 ;
Q = 10, 12, 14, 16 (each group must contain at least one job);
s g were drawn from a discrete uniform distribution in [1, 10];
v g , k ϖ g , k were drawn from a discrete uniform distribution in [1, 50], [50, 100], and [1, 100];
α g , k and β g , k were drawn from a discrete uniform distribution in [1, 50];
σ = 1 , 3 , 5 .
To avoid the contingency, each problem instance is conducted 15 times. To analyze the effectiveness of Algorithms 1 and 2, they are compared with the B and B algorithm. The error of the solution produced by Algorithms 1 and 2 is calculated as
O F ˜ ( H ) O F ˜ * O F ˜ * × 100 % ,
where H { Algorithm   1 ,   Algorithm   2 } , O F ˜ * is the optimal objective value (see Equation (8)) generated by Algorithm 3. The running time (ms) of Algorithms 1–3 is defined. The results are summarized in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.
From Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3, it is found that Algorithm 1 based on the analytical properties of the problem apparently performs better than Algorithm 2 for each scale of the numerical experiments, and the maximum relative error percentage of Algorithm 1 is less than 0.214% with O ¨ 200 . The performance of the B and B algorithm is shown to be efficient, leading to the optimal solvency in terms of the cases with a large job number scale. It is also presented that the coefficient of σ has a noticeable impact on the complexity of the problem, implying that the smaller σ tends to generate more complex cases. For the smaller σ , the B and B algorithm needs more CPU time. However, for any σ , the gap in the CPU time between Algorithms 1 and 2 is not too big.
In Table 4, statistical hypothesis tests are conducted to compare the mean percentage errors of Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2. For a representative display, the instances where O ¨ = 100 , 120 , 140 , 160 , 180 , 200 , σ = 3 , and ϖ g , k [ 1 , 100 ] are examined. The t -test is used for the tests:
t = E r r o r A l g o r i t h m 1 ¯ E r r o r A l g o r i t h m 2 ¯ S w 1 / n A l g o r i t h m 1 + 1 / n A l g o r i t h m 2 ,
where S w 2 = ( n A l g o r i t h m 1 1 ) S A l g o r i t h m 1 2 + ( n A l g o r i t h m 2 1 ) S A l g o r i t h m 2 2 n A l g o r i t h m 1 + n A l g o r i t h m 2 2 and E r r o r ¯ denotes the mean error percentage. As the results in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 potentially show that the effectiveness performances of the two algorithms are ranked as Algorithm 1 > Algorithm 3, the corresponding statistical hypothesis test is set as H 0 : μ A l g o r i t h m 2 > μ A l g o r i t h m 1 , H 1 : μ A l g o r i t h m 2 μ A l g o r i t h m 1 . Type I error of 1 % is used, and thus t c r i t i c a l = 2.5 . Further experiment results in Table 4 show that for all instances the hypothesis that H 0 : μ A l g o r i t h m 2 > μ A l g o r i t h m 1 with a type I error of 1 % is supported.

6. Conclusions

A group scheduling problem with common/slack due-date assignment and resource allocation was investigated in this paper. Under the generalization of CON/SLK assignments and the job numbers of each group, this paper was intended to decide the job/group sequence, resource allocation, and due-date assignment. To build systematic solution algorithms, heuristics and a branch-and-bound method incorporating the optimal properties and lower and upper bounds are proposed. Numerical experiments showed that the lower bound developed in this paper is efficient and Algorithm 1 outruns Algorithm 2. As for future study, a general case of a multi-objective flowshop will be introduced. For tackling the complexity, a well-designed solution framework incorporating an upper bound and lower bound strategy will also be explored.

Author Contributions

Writing—original draft, H.H.; Writing—review & editing, H.H., Y.Z., X.M., Z.-G.L. and J.-B.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the National Social Science Fund of China (Grant No. 23ATJ006), Liaoning Science and Technology Innovation Think Tank Project (Project No. LNKX2023C03), Liaoning Social Science Fund (Project No. L23BGL013), and National Social Science Fund of China (Grant No. 21&ZD148).

Data Availability Statement

The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare there are no conflict of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
Qthe number of groups ( Q 2 )
O ¨ the number of jobs
F g gth group ( g = 1 , 2 , , Q )
O g the number of jobs in F g (i.e., O 1 + O 2 + + O Q = O ¨ )
s g setup time in group F g
G g , k the kth job in F g ( k = 1 , 2 , , O g )
ϖ g , k the workload of G g , k
u g , k the amount of resources allocated to G g , k
E g , k (resp. T g , k )the earliness (resp. tardiness) of G g , k in F g
d g , k (resp. C g , k )the due date (resp. completion time) of G g , k
χ a group schedule within F g
ψ g an internal job schedule within F g
σ ( ξ )the given constant
v g , k the unit consumption cost
α g , k (resp. β g , k )a position-dependent weight for the earliness (resp. tardiness) cost
C O N (resp. S L K )the common (resp. slack) due date
d g the common due date in group F g
q g the common flow allowance in group F g


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Table 1. Results for v g , k ϖ g , k [ 1 , 50 ] .
Table 1. Results for v g , k ϖ g , k [ 1 , 50 ] .
CPU Time (ms) of Algorithm 3Node Number of Algorithm 3CPU Time (ms) of Algorithm 1Error of Algorithm 1CPU Time (ms) of Algorithm 2Error of Algorithm 2
O ¨ Q σ Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max
Table 2. Results for v g , k ϖ g , k [ 50 , 100 ] .
Table 2. Results for v g , k ϖ g , k [ 50 , 100 ] .
CPU Time (ms) of Algorithm 3Node Number of Algorithm 3CPU Time (ms) of Algorithm 1Error of Algorithm 1CPU Time (ms) of Algorithm 2Error of Algorithm 2
O ¨ Q σ Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max
Table 3. Results for v g , k ϖ g , k [ 1 , 100 ] .
Table 3. Results for v g , k ϖ g , k [ 1 , 100 ] .
CPU Time (ms) of Algorithm 3Node Number of Algorithm 3CPU Time (ms) of Algorithm 1Error of Algorithm 1CPU Time (ms) of Algorithm 2Error of Algorithm 2
O ¨ Q σ Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max
Table 4. t - values for v g , k ϖ g , k [ 1 , 100 ] .
Table 4. t - values for v g , k ϖ g , k [ 1 , 100 ] .
O ¨ Q σ t
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MDPI and ACS Style

He, H.; Zhao, Y.; Ma, X.; Lv, Z.-G.; Wang, J.-B. Branch-and-Bound and Heuristic Algorithms for Group Scheduling with Due-Date Assignment and Resource Allocation. Mathematics 2023, 11, 4745.

AMA Style

He H, Zhao Y, Ma X, Lv Z-G, Wang J-B. Branch-and-Bound and Heuristic Algorithms for Group Scheduling with Due-Date Assignment and Resource Allocation. Mathematics. 2023; 11(23):4745.

Chicago/Turabian Style

He, Hongyu, Yanzhi Zhao, Xiaojun Ma, Zheng-Guo Lv, and Ji-Bo Wang. 2023. "Branch-and-Bound and Heuristic Algorithms for Group Scheduling with Due-Date Assignment and Resource Allocation" Mathematics 11, no. 23: 4745.

APA Style

He, H., Zhao, Y., Ma, X., Lv, Z.-G., & Wang, J.-B. (2023). Branch-and-Bound and Heuristic Algorithms for Group Scheduling with Due-Date Assignment and Resource Allocation. Mathematics, 11(23), 4745.

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