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Linear Maps Preserving the Set of Semi-Weyl Operators

College of Mathematics and Statistics, Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571158, China
College of Mathematics and Statistics, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2023, 11(9), 2208;
Submission received: 7 February 2023 / Revised: 23 April 2023 / Accepted: 28 April 2023 / Published: 8 May 2023


Let H be an infinite-dimensional separable complex Hilbert space and B ( H ) the algebra of all bounded linear operators on H. In this paper, we characterized the linear maps ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) , which are surjective up to compact operators preserving the set of left semi-Weyl operators in both directions. As an application, we proved that ϕ preserves the essential approximate point spectrum if and only if the ideal of all compact operators is invariant under ϕ and the induced map φ on the Calkin algebra is an automorphism. Moreover, we have i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) if both ϕ ( T ) and T are Fredholm.
47B48; 47A10; 46H05

1. Introduction

Let H be an infinite-dimensional separable complex Hilbert space, B ( H ) the algebra of all bounded linear operators on H, and K ( H ) B ( H ) the closed ideal of all compact operators. For an operator T B ( H ) , we write T * for the conjugate operator of T, N ( T ) for its kernel, and R ( T ) for its range. The dimension, codimension, and index of T are denoted by d i m T ,   c o d i m T , and i n d T , respectively.
An operator T B ( H ) is called upper semi-Fredholm if R ( T ) is closed and N ( T ) is finite- dimensional. If R ( T ) is closed and finite-codimensional, T B ( H ) is called a lower semi-Fredholm operator. We call T B ( H ) Fredholm if R ( T ) is closed and finite-codimensional and N ( T ) is finite-dimensional. For a semi-Fredholm operator (upper semi-Fredholm operator or lower semi-Fredholm operator), let n ( T ) = d i m N ( T ) and d ( T ) = d i m H / R ( T ) = c o d i m R ( T ) . The index of a semi-Fredholm operator T B ( H ) is given by i n d ( T ) = n ( T ) d ( T ) . The operator T is Weyl if it is Fredholm of index zero. T B ( H ) is called left (right) semi-Weyl if T is upper (lower) semi-Fredholm with i n d ( T ) 0 ( i n d ( T ) 0 ). Let S F + ( H ) denote the set of all left semi-Weyl operators. For an operator T B ( H ) , the spectrum σ ( T ) , the essential spectrum σ e ( T ) , the Weyl spectrum σ w ( T ) , and the essential approximate point spectrum σ e a ( T ) of T are defined by σ ( T ) = { λ C : T λ I is not invertible } , σ e ( T ) = { λ C : T λ I is not Fredholm } , σ w ( T ) = { λ C : T λ I is not Weyl } , and σ e a ( T ) = { λ C : T λ I is not left semi Weyl } , respectively.
Let Φ ( H ) B ( H ) be the set of all Fredholm operators. We denote the Calkin algebra B ( H ) / K ( H ) by C ( H ) . Let π : B ( H ) C ( H ) be the quotient map. It is well known that T Φ ( H ) if and only if π ( T ) is invertible in C ( H ) .
A bijective linear map ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) is called a Jordan isomorphism if ϕ ( A 2 ) = ( ϕ ( A ) ) 2 for every A B ( H ) or, equivalently, ϕ ( A B + B A ) = ϕ ( A ) ϕ ( B ) + ϕ ( B ) ϕ ( A ) for all A and B in B ( H ) . It is obvious that every isomorphism and every anti-isomorphism is a Jordan isomorphism. For further properties of Jordan homomorphisms, we refer the reader to [1,2].
In the last two decades, there has been considerable interest in the so-called linear preserver problems (see the survey articles [3,4,5]). The goal of studying linear preservers is to give structural characterizations of linear maps on algebras having some special properties such as leaving invariant a certain subset of the algebra or leaving invariant a certain function on the algebra. One of the most-famous problems in this direction is Kaplansky’s problem ([6]): Let ϕ be a surjective linear map between two semi-simple Banach algebras A and B . Suppose that σ ( ϕ ( x ) ) = σ ( x ) for all x A . Is it true that ϕ is a Jordan isomorphism? This problem was first solved in the finite-dimensional case. Dieudonné ([7]) and Marcus and Purves ([8]) proved that every unital invertibility preserving linear map on a complex matrix algebra is either an inner automorphism or a linear anti-automorphism. This result was later extended to the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a Banach space by Sourour ([9]) and to von Neumann algebra by Aupetit ([10]). Many linear preserver problems have been of interest for infinite-dimensional cases. For the most-significant partial results relevant to our discussions, we refer the reader to [9,10,11]. New contributions to the study of the linear preserver problem have been recently made by Mbekhta in [12], Alizadeh and Shakeri in [13], Bueno, Furtado, and Sivakumar in [14], Buenoa, Furtadob, Klausmeierc, and Veltrid in [15], and Bendaoud, Bourhim and Sarih in [16].
In this article, we studied linear maps preserving left (right) semi-Weyl operators in both directions. We characterized the linear maps ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) , which are surjective up to compact operators preserving the set of semi-Weyl operators in both directions. As an application, we proved that ϕ preserves the essential approximate point spectrum if and only if the ideal of all compact operators is invariant under ϕ , the induced map φ on the Calkin algebra is an automorphism, and i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) if both ϕ ( T ) and T are Fredholm.

2. Linear Maps Preserving the Set of Left (Right) Semi-Weyl Fredholm Operators

We say that a linear map ϕ preserves property X in both directions, which means that if T is in the domain, then T has property X if and only if ϕ ( T ) has property X. Therefore, a linear map ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) preserves the set of left semi-Weyl operators in both directions if T S F + ( H ) ϕ ( T ) S F + ( H ) .
A linear map ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) is said to be surjective up to compact operators if, for every T B ( H ) , there exists T B ( H ) such that T ϕ ( T ) K ( H ) . It is clear that if ϕ is surjective, then it is surjective up to compact operators.
In order to prove the theorem and the corollaries, we need some known results.
Lemma 1
(Theorem 4.2 in [5]). Let H be an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space and ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) be a linear map surjective up to compact operators. Then, the following are equivalent:
ϕ preserves upper semi-Fredholm operators in both directions;
ϕ preserves lower semi-Fredholm operators in both directions;
ϕ ( K ( H ) ) K ( H ) , and the induced map φ : C ( H ) C ( H ) , φ π = π ϕ is an automorphism multiplied by an invertible element a C ( H ) .
Lemma 2
(Theorem 2.1 in [12]). Let H be an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space and ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) be a linear map surjective up to compact operators. Then, the following are equivalent:
ϕ preserves the set of Fredholm operators in both directions;
ϕ ( K ( H ) ) K ( H ) , and the induced map φ : C ( H ) C ( H ) , φ π = π ϕ , is the composition of either an automorphism or an anti-automorphism and left multiplication by an invertible element in C ( H ) .
Lemma 3
(Theorem 4.8 in [3]). Let A be a factor, and let B be a primitive Banach algebra. For a surjective up to inessential elements linear map ϕ : A B , the following are equivalent:
ϕ preserves Fredholm elements in both directions and ϕ ( I ) is the Weyl element of B;
ϕ preserves Weyl elements in both directions;
Let I ( A ) and I ( B ) be the ideal of the inessential elements of A and B. Then, ϕ ( I ( A ) ) I ( B ) , and the induced map φ : C ( A ) C ( B ) is either an isomorphism or an anti-isomorphism multiplied by an invertible element a B .
Lemma 4
(Theorem 3.1 in [4]). Let A be a unital C*-algebra of real rank zero and B a unital semi-simple complex Banach algebra. Let Δ ( · ) denote any one of the spectral functions σ ( · ) , σ l ( · ) , σ r ( · ) , σ l ( · ) σ r ( · ) , σ ( · ) , and η σ ( · ) . Suppose ϕ : A B is a surjective linear map. If Δ ( ϕ ( T ) ) Δ ( T ) for every T A , then ϕ is a Jordan homomorphism. Furthermore, if B is prime, then ϕ is either a homomorphism or an anti-homomorphism.
Theorem 1. 
Let H be an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, and let ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) be a linear map preserving left (or right) semi-Weyl operators in both directions. Assume that ϕ is surjective up to compact operators and ϕ ( I ) is Weyl, then ϕ ( K ( H ) ) K ( H ) , and the induced map φ : C ( H ) C ( H ) , φ π = π ϕ is an automorphism multiplied by an invertible element [ B ] C ( H ) .
Suppose that ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) is a linear map preserving left semi-Weyl operators in both directions. Let ϕ ( I ) = G + K 0 , where G B ( H ) is invertible and K 0 K ( H ) . There exists B 0 B ( H ) such that G B 0 = B 0 G = I .
The linear map ϕ 1 : B ( H ) B ( H ) is defined by:
ϕ 1 ( T ) = B 0 ϕ ( T ) , T B ( H ) .
Then, ϕ 1 preserves the left semi-Weyl operators in both directions and ϕ 1 ( I ) = I + K 1 , where K 1 K ( H ) . Let us give some properties for the linear map ϕ 1 : (i) ϕ 1 is surjective up to compact operators.
In fact, for any T B ( H ) , there exists T B ( H ) and K 2 K ( H ) such that G T = ϕ ( T ) + K 2 . Then, T = B 0 G T = B 0 ϕ ( T ) + K 3 = ϕ 1 ( T ) + K 3 , where K 3 = B 0 K 2 K ( H ) .
(ii) For any T B ( H ) , σ e a ( T ) = σ e a ( ϕ 1 ( T ) ) .
Since T λ I S F + ( H ) ϕ 1 ( T λ I ) = ϕ 1 ( T ) λ ϕ 1 ( I ) = ϕ 1 ( T ) λ I λ K 1 S F + ( H ) ϕ 1 ( T ) λ I S F + ( H ) , it follows that σ e a ( T ) = σ e a ( ϕ 1 ( T ) ) for any T B ( H ) .
(iii) ϕ 1 preserves compact operators in both directions.
First, we claim that
K ( H ) = { K B ( H ) : K + S F + ( H ) S F + ( H ) }
= { K B ( H ) : σ e a ( T + K ) = σ e a ( T ) for all T S F + ( H ) } .
From the stability properties of the index function, it is clear that K ( H ) { K B ( H ) : K + S F + ( H ) S F + ( H ) } = { K B ( H ) : σ e a ( T + K ) = σ e a ( T ) for all T S F + ( H ) } .
Let E and η E denote the boundary and the polynomial convex hull of a compact subset E of ℂ, respectively. For any T B ( H ) , since
σ w ( T ) σ e ( T ) σ e ( T ) σ w ( T ) and σ w ( T ) σ e a ( T ) σ e a ( T ) σ w ( T ) ,
it follows that η σ e a ( T ) = η σ w ( T ) = η σ e ( T ) .
Now, let K B ( H ) such that σ e a ( T + K ) = σ e a ( T ) for all T B ( H ) . Then, η σ e ( T + K ) = η σ e ( T ) for all T B ( H ) . Taking into account the semisimplicity of C ( H ) and the spectral characterization of the radical, it is not difficult to prove that K ( H ) = { K B ( H ) : K + S F + ( H ) S F + ( H ) } = { K B ( H ) : σ e a ( T + K ) = σ e a ( T )   for all T S F + ( H ) } .
Let K K ( H ) , for any T S F + ( H ) ; since ϕ 1 preserves left semi-Weyl operators in both directions, there exists T S F + ( H ) and K K ( H ) for which T = ϕ 1 ( T ) + K . Hence, T + ϕ 1 ( K ) = ϕ 1 ( T ) + K + ϕ 1 ( K ) = ϕ 1 ( T + K ) + K S F + ( H ) . Then, ϕ 1 ( K ) K ( H ) . For the converse, let ϕ 1 ( K ) K ( H ) , for any T S F + ( H ) , ϕ 1 ( T + K ) = ϕ 1 ( T ) + ϕ 1 ( K ) S F + ( H ) , then T + K S F + ( H ) . It follows that K K ( H ) . Now, we prove that ϕ 1 preserves compact operators in both directions.
(iv) N ( ϕ 1 ) K ( H ) , and consequently, N ( ϕ ) K ( H ) .
If K N ( ϕ 1 ) and T S F + ( H ) , then ϕ 1 ( T + K ) = ϕ 1 ( T ) S F + ( H ) . Thus, for all T S F + ( H ) , T + K S F + ( H ) . From the proof of (iii), we know that K K ( H ) .
(v) Let φ 1 : C ( H ) C ( H ) be an induced linear map such that ϕ 1 π = π ϕ 1 , then φ 1 is an isomorphism or an anti-isomorphism.
From the fact that K ( H ) is invariant under ϕ 1 , then ϕ 1 induces a linear map φ 1 : C ( H ) C ( H ) such that φ 1 π = π ϕ 1 . Clearly, φ 1 is surjective, since ϕ 1 is surjective up to compact operators. We prove now that φ 1 is injective. Since N ( φ 1 ) = π ( N ( ϕ 1 ) ) and N ( ϕ 1 ) K ( H ) , we can obtain that φ 1 is injective.
From (ii), we know that, for any T B ( H ) , η σ e a ( T ) = η σ e a ( ϕ 1 ( T ) ) . Then, from (iii), η σ e ( T ) = η σ e ( ϕ 1 ( T ) ) . This shows that ϕ 1 is an η σ e -preserving map. Thus, the induced mapping φ 1 is an η σ -preserving map. By Lemma 4, φ 1 is either an isomorphism or an anti-isomorphism.
(vi) φ 1 is an isomorphism.
First, we will prove that ϕ 1 preserves upper semi-Fredholm operators in both directions. By Lemma 2, we know that ϕ 1 preserves Fredholm operators in both directions. Let T B ( H ) be an upper semi-Fredholm; there are two cases to consider: d ( T ) = and d ( T ) < . If d ( T ) = , using the fact that ϕ 1 : B ( H ) B ( H ) is a linear map preserving left semi-Weyl operators in both directions, we know that ϕ 1 ( T ) is upper semi-Fredholm. If d ( T ) < , then T is Fredholm; thus, ϕ 1 ( T ) is Fredholm since ϕ 1 preserves Fredholm operators in both directions. Using the same way, we can prove that T is upper semi-Fredholm if ϕ 1 ( T ) is upper semi-Fredholm. By Lemma 1, φ 1 is an isomorphism.
From the definition of ϕ 1 , we know that ϕ preserves compact operators in both directions, and hence, K ( H ) is invariant under ϕ . Let ϕ induce a linear map φ : C ( H ) C ( H ) such that φ π = π ϕ . Then, φ = [ B ] 1 φ 1 .
Similar to the above proof, the result is true if ϕ is a linear map preserving right semi-Weyl operators in both directions. The proof is completed. □
Under the same hypothesis and notation as in Theorem 1, we obtain that ϕ 1 preserves the essential spectrum ([12], Theorem 3.2). Then, i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) or i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) for any T Φ ( H ) . Since ϕ 1 preserves left semi-Weyl operators in both directions, it follows that i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) · i n d ( T ) 0 for any T Φ ( H ) . Thus, i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) for any T Φ ( H ) . Furthermore, we can prove that i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) for any upper (lower) semi-Fredholm operator T B ( H ) . By Lemma 1, Lemma 2, and Lemma 3, we can obtain:
Corollary 1.
Let ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) be a linear map preserving left (right) semi-Weyl operators in both directions. Assume that ϕ is surjective up to compact operators and ϕ ( I ) is Weyl, then:
ϕ preserves Fredholm operators in both directions;
ϕ preserves Weyl operators in both directions;
ϕ preserves upper semi-Fredholm operators in both directions;
ϕ preserves lower semi-Fredholm operators in both directions;
ϕ preserves semi-Fredholm operators in both directions;
For any T Φ ( H ) , i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) ;
For any upper (lower) semi-Fredholm operator T, i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) .
Remark 1.
If ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) is a linear map preserving Fredholm operators (or upper semi-Fredholm operators, or lower semi-Fredholm operators, or semi-Fredholm operators) in both directions, we cannot induce that ϕ is a linear map preserving left semi-Weyl operators in both directions. For example, let A ,   B B ( 2 ) be defined by:
A ( x 1 ,   x 2 ,   x 3 , ) = ( x 2 ,   x 3 ,   x 4 , ) , B ( x 1 ,   x 2 ,   x 3 , ) = ( 0 ,   0 ,   0 ,   x 1 ,   x 2 , ) ,
then there exists A 1 ,   B 1 B ( 2 ) such that A A 1 = B 1 B = I . Define ϕ : B ( 2 ) B ( 2 ) as ϕ ( T ) = A T B , T B ( 2 ) . We can see that ϕ is surjective and preserves Fredholm operators (upper semi-Fredholm operators, lower semi-Fredholm operators, semi-Fredholm operators) in both directions, but ϕ is not a linear map preserving left semi-Weyl operators in both directions.
From Remark 1, we have the question: If ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) is a linear map preserving Fredholm operators (or upper semi-Fredholm operators, or lower semi-Fredholm operators, or semi-Fredholm operators) in both directions, when does ϕ preserve left semi-Weyl operators in both directions. To answer this question, let us begin by a Lemma (Lemma 2.4 in [5]).
Lemma 5.
Let A B ( H ) be a lower (respectively upper) semi-Fredholm. If A is not Fredholm, then there exists a lower (respectively upper) semi-Fredholm operator B such that every non-trivial linear combination λ A + μ B , λ 0 or μ 0 , is lower (respectively upper) semi-Fredholm, but not Fredholm.
Corollary 2.
Let ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) be a linear map preserving left (right) semi-Weyl operators in both directions. Assume that ϕ is surjective up to compact operators, then ϕ ( I ) is a Fredholm operator.
Denote ϕ ( I ) = T . We will prove that T is Fredholm. On the contrary, we assumed that this is not the case. Since I is a left semi-Weyl operator, T must be a left semi-Weyl operator. Then, by Lemma 5, there exists S B ( H ) such that λ T S is upper semi-Fredholm, but not Fredholm, which means that λ T S is left semi-Weyl. We can further find R B ( H ) such that ϕ ( R ) = S + K for some K K ( H ) . Any compact perturbation of a left semi-Weyl operator is a left semi-Weyl operator; thus, λ T ϕ ( R ) = ϕ ( λ I R ) is left semi-Weyl for every λ C . As ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) is a linear map preserving left semi-Weyl operators in both directions, we obtain that σ e a ( R ) = , a contradiction. □
Corollary 3.
Let linear map ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) be surjective up to compact operators, then the following statements are equivalent:
ϕ preserves left semi-Weyl operators in both directions, and ϕ ( I ) is Weyl;
ϕ preserves left semi-Weyl operators in both directions, and i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) if both ϕ ( T ) and T are Fredholm;
ϕ preserves right semi-Weyl operators in both directions, and i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) if both ϕ ( T ) and T are Fredholm;
ϕ preserves Fredholm operators in both directions, and i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) if both ϕ ( T ) and T are semi-Fredholm;
ϕ preserves upper semi-Fredholm operators in both directions, and i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) if both ϕ ( T ) and T are upper semi-Fredholm;
ϕ ( K ( H ) ) K ( H ) ; the induced map φ : C ( H ) C ( H ) , φ π = π ϕ is an automorphism multiplied by an invertible element [ B ] C ( H ) , and i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) if both ϕ ( T ) and T are Fredholm.
By the proof of Theorem 1 and Corollary 1, we only need to prove that ( 6 ) ( 1 ) . By Lemma 1, we know that ϕ preserves upper semi-Fredholm operators and Fredholm operators in both directions. Let T S F + ( H ) , then ϕ ( T ) is upper semi-Fredholm. If d ( T ) = , then d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = because ϕ preserves Fredholm operators in both directions, thus ϕ ( T ) S F + ( H ) . If d ( T ) < , then ϕ ( T ) is Fredholm, and hence, i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) 0 , again ϕ ( T ) S F + ( H ) . Using the same way, we can prove that T S F + ( H ) if ϕ ( T ) S F + ( H ) . This proves that ϕ preserves left semi-Weyl operators in both directions. Thus, ϕ ( I ) is Fredholm. Since both ϕ ( I ) and I are Fredholm, it follows that i n d ( ϕ ( I ) ) = i n d ( I ) = 0 . Then, ϕ ( I ) is Weyl. □
Let ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) be surjective up to compact operators. If ϕ preserves left semi-Weyl operators in both directions and ϕ ( I ) is Weyl, we cannot induce that ϕ is σ e a -preserving. For example, let A 1 , B 1 B ( 2 ) be defined by:
A 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , ) , B 1 ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , ) = ( 0 , x 1 , x 2 , ) ,
and define A = A 1 0 0 I and B = I 0 0 B 1 . Let χ : B ( 2 2 ) K ( 2 2 ) be a linear map, and consider the linear map ϕ : B ( 2 2 ) B ( 2 2 ) defined by ϕ ( T ) = A T B + χ ( T ) . Then, ϕ is surjective up to compact operators and preserves the set of left semi-Weyl operators in both directions; also, ϕ ( I ) is Weyl. According to the calculation, we obtain that σ e a ( I ) = { 1 } , while σ e a ( ϕ ( T ) ) = { λ C : | λ | = 1 } . This says that ϕ is not σ e a -preserving. There is a question: When does a map satisfying the hypothesis of Theorem 1 preserve the essential approximate point spectrum?
Corollary 4.
Let H be an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, and let ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) be a linear map. Assume that ϕ is surjective up to compact operators, then the following statements are equivalent:
ϕ preserves left semi-Weyl operators in both directions and I ϕ ( I ) K ( H ) ;
ϕ preserves right semi-Weyl operators in both directions and I ϕ ( I ) K ( H ) ;
ϕ is σ e a -preserving, i.e., σ e a ( ϕ ( T ) ) = σ e a ( T ) for all T B ( H ) ;
ϕ ( K ( H ) ) K ( H ) ; the induced map φ : C ( H ) C ( H ) , φ π = π ϕ is an automorphism, and i n d ( ϕ ( T ) ) = i n d ( T ) if both ϕ ( T ) and T are Fredholm.
In view of the preceding theorem and corollaries, we only need to prove the equivalence of (1) and (3). Suppose that ϕ preserves the left semi-Weyl operators in both directions and I ϕ ( I ) K ( H ) . Let ϕ ( I ) = I + K 0 , K 0 K ( H ) . Since T λ I S F + ( H ) ϕ ( T λ I ) = ϕ ( T ) λ ϕ ( I ) = ϕ ( T ) λ I λ K 0 S F + ( H ) ϕ ( T ) λ I S F + ( H ) , it follows that σ e a ( T ) = σ e a ( ϕ ( T ) ) for any T B ( H ) . For the converse, suppose that σ e a ( ϕ ( T ) ) = σ e a ( T ) for all T B ( H ) , then ϕ preserves the left semi-Weyl operators in both directions. We need to prove that I ϕ ( I ) K ( H ) . Put K = ϕ ( I ) I . Let T B ( H ) , T B ( H ) , and K K ( H ) for which T = ϕ ( T ) + K ( ϕ is surjective up to compact operators). Then, σ e a ( T ) = σ e a ( ϕ ( T ) + K ) = σ e a ( ϕ ( T ) ) = σ e a ( T ) and
σ e a ( T + K ) = σ e a ( T + ϕ ( I ) I ) = σ e a ( T + ϕ ( I ) ) 1 = σ e a ( ϕ ( T ) + ϕ ( I ) + K ) 1 = σ e a ( ϕ ( T + I ) ) 1 = σ e a ( T + I ) 1 = σ e a ( T ) = σ e a ( T ) ,
This gives σ e a ( T + K ) = σ e a ( T ) for all T B ( H ) . It follows from the proof of Theorem 1 that K B ( H ) is compact. □
Let S W ( H ) = { T B ( H ) : T be left semi-Weyl or right semi-Weyl}. Define the semi-Weyl spectrum σ S W ( T ) of an operator T B ( H ) as σ S W ( T ) = { λ C : T λ I S W ( H ) } . Similar to the proof of Theorem 1, we have that K ( H ) = { K B ( H ) : K + S W ( H ) S W ( H ) } = { K B ( H ) : σ S W ( T + K ) = σ S W ( T ) for all T S W ( H ) } . We can prove the following:
Corollary 5.
Let H be an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, and let ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) be a linear map. Assume that ϕ is surjective up to compact operators, then the following statements are equivalent:
ϕ preserves semi-Weyl operators in both directions, and I ϕ ( I ) K ( H ) ;
ϕ is σ S W -preserving, i.e., σ S W ( ϕ ( T ) ) = σ S W ( T ) for all T B ( H ) ;
ϕ preserves semi-Fredholm operators in both directions, and I ϕ ( I ) K ( H ) ;
ϕ ( K ( H ) ) K ( H ) ; the induced map φ : C ( H ) C ( H ) , φ π = π ϕ is an automorphism or an anti-isomorphism.
We conclude this paper by a natural conjecture that we have been unable to answer:
Conjecture 1
Let H be an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, and let ϕ : B ( H ) B ( H ) be a linear map. Assume that ϕ is surjective up to compact operators, then the following statements are equivalent:
ϕ preserves the essential approximate point spectrum;
There exists ψ : B ( H ) B ( H ) an automorphism and there exists χ : B ( H ) K ( H ) a linear map such that ϕ ( T ) = ψ ( T ) + χ ( T ) for every T B ( H ) ;
ϕ ( T ) = A T A 1 + χ ( T ) for every T B ( H ) , where A is an invertible operator in B ( H ) and χ : B ( H ) K ( H ) is a linear map.

Author Contributions

Writing—Original Draft Preparation, W.-Y.Y.; Writing—Review & Editing, X.-H.C.; Funding Acquisition, W.-Y.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


Supported by the NSF of China (No.12061031, 11461018), Hainan Province Natural Science Foundation of China (No.120MS030, 120QN250), and the Hainan Province Higher Education Research Grant of China (hnjg2019ZD-13).


The authors would like to thank the Referee for his/her valuable comments and suggestions.

Conflicts of Interest

No potential conflict of interest is reported by the authors.


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MDPI and ACS Style

Yu, W.-Y.; Cao, X.-H. Linear Maps Preserving the Set of Semi-Weyl Operators. Mathematics 2023, 11, 2208.

AMA Style

Yu W-Y, Cao X-H. Linear Maps Preserving the Set of Semi-Weyl Operators. Mathematics. 2023; 11(9):2208.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Yu, Wei-Yan, and Xiao-Hong Cao. 2023. "Linear Maps Preserving the Set of Semi-Weyl Operators" Mathematics 11, no. 9: 2208.

APA Style

Yu, W.-Y., & Cao, X.-H. (2023). Linear Maps Preserving the Set of Semi-Weyl Operators. Mathematics, 11(9), 2208.

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