1. Introduction
The processes of birth and death [
2] represent a basic model that explains the temporal evolution of population size. In recent decades, various useful generalizations of this simple model have emerged.
The framework of interacting particle systems (IPS) introduced independently by Spitzer [
3] and Dobrushin [
5] makes it possible to describe not only the dynamics of population size but also spatio-temporal information about all individuals in the population. Members of the population are located on the set of vertices of a graph, typically the d-dimensional integer lattice. Each particle has a state selected from a finite set of possible states. The dynamics are described via local interactions indicating the rate at which a vertex changes its state based on the states of its neighbors. Lyapunov functions [
6] are commonly employed to investigate IPS stability conditions. Contact processes [
7], spatial birth and death processes [
8], lattice birth and death processes [
9], and spatial birth–death–move processes [
10]—this is not a complete list of systems of interacting particles that generalize simple birth and death processes. For details, see, e.g., [
Other generalizations of the simple birth-and-death process are birth and death processes in random environments [
18]. The birth and death process in a random environment is a two-component process, one component of which describes the dynamics of population size, and the other represents the state (phase) of the external environment. If such a process is a Markov chain, it is called a quasi-birth-and-death process (QBD).
The state space of a QBD can be partitioned into non-empty disjoint subsets called levels, such that one-step state transitions are restricted to states at the same level or two adjacent levels. The transition matrix of a QBD is block-tridiagonal. If all blocks along the main diagonal, except the boundary ones, are identical, then the QBD is said to be level-independent.
Let the stationary probability vector
of an irreducible and positive recurrent level-independent QBD process be partitioned into subvectors
, corresponding to the state space partition into levels. Then, the vector is such that.
where the matrix
, called the rate matrix, is the minimal non-negative solution of a quadratic matrix equation [
20] and Chapter 6 in [
21]. In general, there is no explicit solution for the quadratic matrix equations. However, the iterative logarithmic reduction algorithm [
22] has proven to be an efficient way to compute its minimal non-negative solution
The matrix geometric method proposed in [
19] led to the rapid development of new matrix–analytic methods for stochastic modeling. These methods initiated by Neuts [
26] provide a powerful framework for the unified analysis of large classes of Markov processes and, more importantly, for their numerical solution. Matrix–analytic methods have found applications in a wide range of fields, including supply chains [
27], retrial systems [
28], cognitive radio [
29], and more. Matrix analysis methods and their applications as it stands today are outlined in [
The multi-dimensional quasi-birth-and-death process (Md-QBD) is a Markov chain on the state space , where is the set of non-negative integers and is the environmental space. The first component of the process is a multiclass birth-and-death process . The second component , called the phase process, takes values from the set . The number of phases may be either finite or infinite. One-step transitions of from a state are restricted to states such that .
By choosing any of the coordinates of the process
, say coordinate
with the phase space
can be transformed into one-dimensional level-dependent QBD (LD-QBD) processes
with the phase space
39]. We obtain another one-dimensional LD-QBD process if each level
is obtained by merging all state subsets
The explicit analytical representation for the stationary distribution of
Md-QBDs is unknown, and most work has been devoted to deriving asymptotic formulas of the stationary distribution. Asymptotic properties of the stationary distribution of 2d-QBD processes were studied in [
44]. The conditions ensuring a positive-recurrent or transient 2d-QBD process were analyzed in [
For general
Md-QBD, several process components can change their values simultaneously. In simple
Md-QBD, no more than one component of
may be changed at a time. One-step transitions of simple
Md-QBD from any state
are restricted to states
such as
. Simple
Md-QBD may be analyzed using an iterative power series algorithm, as was introduced in [
46]. The review article [
47] and Chapter 4 in [
48] describe the application of the PSA for the analysis of simple
The state space of a Md-QBD can be partitioned into the levels , , where and , . Due to the process’s homogeneity, it can be considered as the one-dimensional level-independent QBD with an infinite rate matrix in which the elements of the set index entries.
This work aims to show that the stationary distribution of a simple
Md-QBD has a matrix-multiplicative solution expressed in terms of square matrices of order
and propose iterative algorithms for computing these matrices. This may serve as a basis for creating efficient algorithms for computing stationary distributions of the
Md-QBDs in the future. In
Section 2, we study some systems of nonlinear matrix equations for substochastic matrices and propose several iterative algorithms for computing their minimal non-negative solutions. In
Section 3, for simple irreducible and positive-recurrent discrete-time Md-QBD, we derive the matrix of the expected sojourn times in the states of the sets
, before the first visit to any state outside
. The matrix-multiplicative solution for the stationary distribution of the process in terms of square matrices of order
is obtained in
Section 4. We finally give some concluding remarks in
Section 5.
We use bold capital letters to denote matrices and bold lowercase letters to denote vectors. For vectors and , means that for all , and means that for at least one value of . Notations and are defined similarly. Vector 1 represents the vector of all 1 s, and the vector indicates the vector with zero entries except the mth entry, which equals one.
2. Preliminaries
In what follows, , , are non-negative square matrices of finite or infinite order such that is a stochastic matrix, and monotonicity and convergence of a sequence of matrices mean their entry-wise monotonicity and convergence.
Theorem 1. The sequence of -tuples {
, recursively defined by is monotonically increasing and converges to the -tuple , which is the minimal solution of the system in the set of -tuples of non-negative matrices. Matrix is substochastic. Proof of Theorem 1. We first show that the sequence {, } is monotonically increasing and satisfies for all . We proceed using induction.
, we know that
. Let us assume that
for some
and all
. Then,
which proves the induction step. Thus, for every
, the sequence
is bounded and monotonically increasing. This implies the existence of the limits
, which satisfy the system (2) and the inequality
Assume that (
) is another non-negative solution of (2). We show via induction that
for all
and all
. Since
, we know that
for all
. Now, let us assume that
for some
and all
. Then,
which proves the induction step and the minimal property of the
. □
Substochastic matrices
satisfy the system
Therefore, we have
where the matrix
is defined using
The following theorem describes some properties of the matrix .
Theorem 2. Let the -tuple be the minimal non-negative solution of the system (2). Then, the matrix defined in (5) is substochastic. It is the minimal solution of the equationin the set of non-negative matrices such that the series converges. The sequences and defined usingare monotonically increasing and converging to .
Proof of Theorem 2. The matrix is substochastic since the matrix is stochastic and for all .
From (3) and (5) it follows that
Therefore, the matrix satisfies (6).
Let us show via induction that the sequence
is monotonically increasing and satisfies
for all
. Since
we know that
. Let us assume that
for some
. Then,
Thus, the sequence , , is bounded and monotonically increasing. This implies the existence of the limit , which satisfies Equation (6) and the inequality . Similarly, it can be proven that the sequence , , is monotonically increasing and bounded by . The limit exists and satisfies Equation (6).
Consider the sequence
defined using
defined in Theorem 1. Since
we have
It follows that
which implies that the sequence
is increasing. From this and (9), we obtain the following inequality:
We use this to show that
for all
. We then proceed using induction. We have
; therefore,
. Now suppose that
for some
and we can show that
. It follows from (12) that
Therefore, which proves the induction step. This implies that for all and that . Since we have already shown that , it means that the sequences , , and converge to the same solution of Equation (6).
Assume that
is another non-negative solution of (6). We show that
for all
, such that
. We prove this using induction. Since
we have that
. Now, suppose that
for some
. Then,
which proves the induction step. Thus,
, and
is the minimal solution of (6). □
For any substochastic matrix
, we say that the series
converges if it has finite entries. In this case, we say that the matrix
is invertible and write
, even if the order of
is infinite. If the series
converges, then the matrix
, defined using (5), satisfies
We can use Equations (9) and (10) as the basis of the following algorithm for the calculation of matrices
The convergence of this iterative scheme was proven during the proof of Theorem 2. Although the convergence of the sequence is slower than that of the sequences in (7) and (8), the number of arithmetic operations per iteration is significantly less than in (7) and (8). The algorithm (14)–(16) involves matrix multiplications and matrix additions per iteration. For finite , this requires multiplications of scalars and additions. Therefore, the worst-case computational complexity per iteration is .
3. Multi-Dimensional QBD Processes
Consider a discrete-time
Md-QBD process
on the state space
, and denote
the probability of a one-step transition from
. We assume that the transition probability matrix
partitioned into blocks
of order
, has the following form:
, are non-negative square matrices such that
is a stochastic matrix.
We denote using the block matrix with blocks , . The following theorem demonstrates how the minimal non-negative solution of Equation (2) can be used for the decomposition of as a product of the two block matrices.
Theorem 3. Let the -tuple be the minimal non-negative solution of Equation (2), let the matrix be defined using (5), and let a vector satisfy . Then, the matrix can be decomposed as a productwhere matrices and , partitioned into blocks of the order , are defined as follows, Proof of Theorem 3. For the matrix
block located in a block row
and a block column
, we have
From this and (19) it follows that
Finally, using (4) and (5), we obtain
which proves Equality (22). □
The matrix is the block upper triangular and is the block low triangular in the following sense: if ; if Thus, the decomposition in (18) may be considered as the block UL decomposition of the matrix .
Consider an irreducible and positively recurrent Markov chain with a state space
. Let
be a proper subset of
, let
be the submatrix of transition probabilities between the states of
, and let
denote the matrix of the expected sojourn times in the states of
before the first visit to any state outside
. Lemma 5.1.2 from [
22] describes the relation between the matrices
Lemma 1. The matrix of the expected sojourn times in the subset , before the first passage to the complementary subset , is given using , where is the minimal non-negative solution of the systems and .
We use this lemma to prove that, for the irreducible and positive-recurrent process , the matrix in the decomposition in (18) of the matrix is invertible.
Theorem 4. In addition to the conditions of Theorem 3, let the Md-QBD be irreducible and positive-recurrent. Then, the matrix is invertible, and the matrix can be decomposed as a productwhere matrices ,
, and , partitioned into blocks of the order , are defined as follows,with the matrix given using Proof of Theorem 4. Firstly note that , where the subset is given using , and from Lemma 1, it follows that the matrix is invertible.
Consider the th power of the matrix , partitioned into blocks of the order . Diagonal blocks of the matrix are zero for all . If and , a non-diagonal block is only non-zero in the case where and . It follows that the series is equal to . Therefore, the matrix in (22) is invertible.
Post-multiplying both sides of (22) using
and pre-multiplying using
, we find that
Let us partition the matrix
into blocks
) of order
and partition the matrix
into blocks
) of order
. Then, Equation (28) may be written in block form as
From this, where
, we obtain
which means that
and proves the invertibility of the matrix
. Now, the matrix
, defined in Theorem 3, can be decomposed as
which implies (22), completing the proof. □
Note that the matrix
denotes the expected number of returns to
before the first passage to the subset
, and the matrix
records the return probabilities to
under the taboo of
(see Theorem 5.2.3 in [
We define the function as if , and otherwise. We also denote using the set of sequences of the length such that . Theorem 4 has the following consequence.
Corollary 1. Let the matrix be partitioned into blocks , related to the division of the set into subsets ,
. Then, we havewhere , and it is assumed that the matrix products are equal to the identity matrix if or .
Proof of Corollary 1. It follows from Theorem 3 that the matrix
can be decomposed as
with the matrices
defined using
respectively. We partition these matrices as
following the division of the set
into subsets
It follows from (30) that
Combining (31)–(33), we find that the matrices , , have the form of (30), which completes the proof. □
The submatrices
, of the matrix
satisfy the following property:
. Therefore, the matrices
, uniquely define the matrices
for all
. In particular, we have that
The matrices
, defined using (27), satisfy
, and the matrix
may be written as
Therefore, the matrices
, satisfy the following system:
Note, if any of the matrix
, the
-tuple (
), or the
-tuple (
is known, then we may determine the other two by applying some of the following equations:
4. Stationary Distribution
Let a vector satisfy . We partition the stationary probability vector of into subvectors , related to the partition of the state set into the subsets , , and partition each vector into subvectors . The following theorem gives an expression for the vectors , , in terms of the vectors , .
Theorem 5. Let Md-QBD be irreducible and positive-recurrent, let the matrix be the minimal non-negative solution of (6), and let the matrices , , be defined using (27). If vectors satisfy and , then we have Proof of Theorem 5. Let us partition the matrix
into blocks
related to partitioning the set
into the subsets
. It is known (see Theorem 6.2.1 in [
3]) that the stationary probability vector
satisfies the equation
is the matrix of the transition probabilities from states into states in
Let us partition the matrices and into blocks of the order and partition the vectors and into subvectors of length .
For blocks , , and of the matrix we have if for some ; otherwise, we have . Therefore, Equation (40) may be transformed as (39). Thus, the result is proven. □
Theorem 6. Let Md-QBD be irreducible and positive-recurrent, let the matrix be the minimal non-negative solution of (6), and let the matrices ,
, be defined using (27). If a vector satisfies , then the vector of the stationary probabilities is proportional to the unique solution of the following linear system Proof of Theorem 6. Consider the restricted process on
. From Theorem 5.3.1 in [
3], the transition matrix
of the restricted process is given using
The stationary probability vector
of the restricted process is proportional to
and is the unique solution of the system
Let us partition the matrices , , and into blocks of order and partition the vector into the subvectors , . From (17) and (42), it follows that the system (43) may be written as (41), which completes the proof. □