Non-Newtonian Pressure-Governed Rivulet Flows on Inclined Surface
:1. Introduction, the Basic Model
2. Semi-Analytical Solving Procedure for Approximation of Creeping Flow
3. Discussion
- 1.
- A simple case of hydrostatic pressure p depending on height (x sinα) in the separate sufficiently thin layer of rivulet flow (i.e., p = ρg(x sinα) for the plane-parallel rivulet), which corresponds via (7) to the level of flow plasticity τs = τs (t) (τs ≠ 0);
- 2.
- Solutions (11) satisfying (7) and (10):
- 3.
- Solutions with additional demand, still satisfying (7), but with constant Bernoulli-function B (which can be associated with the constant hydrodynamical head of rivulet flow) where Bernoulli-function B is given by the expression below:
4. Conclusions
5. Remarks (with Highlights)
- Semi-analytical ansatz is developed for modeling viscoplastic rivulet flows.
- The 2D creeping approximation for rivulet flow on inclined surface is considered.
- An analytical model is suggested for solving equations of momentum and continuity.
- A non-stationary solution to the system of PDEs for rivulet flow dynamics is obtained.
- Profiles of flow velocity have been considered to be Gaussian-like solutions.
- A non-zero critical maximal level of stress τs in the shared layer of rivulet flow is chosen.
- Pressure field p is correlated with critical maximal non-zero level of stress τs.
- Solutions satisfy gravity-driven rivulet flow, driven also by constant surface tension.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ershkov, S.V.; Leshchenko, D.D. Non-Newtonian Pressure-Governed Rivulet Flows on Inclined Surface. Mathematics 2024, 12, 779.
Ershkov SV, Leshchenko DD. Non-Newtonian Pressure-Governed Rivulet Flows on Inclined Surface. Mathematics. 2024; 12(5):779.
Chicago/Turabian StyleErshkov, Sergey V., and Dmytro D. Leshchenko. 2024. "Non-Newtonian Pressure-Governed Rivulet Flows on Inclined Surface" Mathematics 12, no. 5: 779.
APA StyleErshkov, S. V., & Leshchenko, D. D. (2024). Non-Newtonian Pressure-Governed Rivulet Flows on Inclined Surface. Mathematics, 12(5), 779.