Work-Related Health Burdens of Nurses in Germany: A Qualitative Interview Study in Different Care Settings
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
2.2. Interview Guide
2.3. Data Collection
2.4. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Health
“Sure, I talk as well. You always have to be careful how much you talk in a private setting. But, with particular events you talk things over with friends, maybe go over things once more.“(ACH nurse)
3.2. Everyday Working Life
“Because I work in care, I’ve been on night duty for years on a rotating shift system. My biorhythm is completely messed up then. When you’re off, you wake up at five in the morning anyway, you’re wide awake, you’re driven, your eating habits are completely changed.”(ACH nurse)
“Especially in care jobs today, you simply have to improvise […]. If you have to place a catheter, you are happy when you have dressings, disinfectant or even a urine bag and sterile gloves in the package.”(OCS nurse)
“That I have trouble breathing, I often have headaches, well, headaches, dizziness, circulation problems; this happens regularly since we have had to mask up.”(ACH nurse)
“Or when I hear that they have to go to the food bank. Seriously ill people, dependent on oxygen, and have so little money that they have to go to the food bank. Well, these are the things which break our spirit more than the work; How the elderly have to live.”(OCS nurse)
“So yes, when there is something wrong with a patient, I have to decide within seconds: “What must I do? Do I need a doctor, or should I just call the relatives so that they can deal with this? Or do I have to call an ambulance?” […], creates stress somehow, the stress levels rise. You really notice it.”(OCS nurse)
“I have sometimes experienced that I start several things, but then I have to abandon them. Because between those things that you already have to deal with, something else comes between. It is very draining to have to keep an overview of things. And, of course, you go home with a heavy head, and with the feeling that you have forgotten something, or needed to do something or needed to do it better.”(ICF nurse)
“Even so, you have to work more effectively. Then there is a discussion about consumption of materials, and I think: Please, if somewhere material costs should not be discussed about, then it is in the medical field.“(ICF nurse)
3.3. Experiences of Violence
“Violence in care work for me is, of course, when it comes to scuffles, to physical assaults. But also, if you are markedly distanced towards patients and ignore them, that for me also is violence, in particular if it means ignoring the wishes or needs of the patients.”(ICF nurse)
“There is much more propensity for violence; I don’t know why. But the inhibition threshold of patients or their relatives is so lowered that sometimes I really, I find it scary.”(ACH nurse)
“And then the patient, well, he was undressed, he just tried to push me against the wall. What exactly he intended—I don’t know. Yes, that was such an event, it really stayed in my mind, because in that moment I was actually completely overwhelmed and I just didn’t know how I should somehow deal with that. And because even in hindsight, I somehow,—which is actually completely unnecessary—that’s also what my boss told me, because actually I felt guilty because I knocked the patient down.”(ACH nurse)
4. Discussion
4.1. Summary of Findings
4.2. Strength and Limitations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Acute Care Hospital (n = 5) | Inpatient Care Facility (n = 6) | Outpatient Care Service (n = 5) | |
Age [years] mean (±SD); minimum-maximum | 33 (±6); 27–42 | 34 (±11); 25–52 | 51 (±3); 47–54 |
Gender: female [n; %] | 3 (60%) | 4 (67%) | 5 (100%) |
Profession: geriatric care nurses [n; %] higher qualification [n; %] | 2 (40%) 1 (20%) | 5 (83%) 1 (17%) | 2 (40%) 5 (100%) |
Experience in the care sector [years] mean (±SD); minimum-maximum | 12 (±3); 4–16 | 11 (±7); 5–20 | 20 (±12); 4–36 |
Working as a professional in the setting [years] mean (±SD); minimum-maximum | 7 (±4); 2–12 | 7 (±5); 0.25–15 | 4 (±3); 1–8 |
Migration background [n; %] | 0 (0%) | 1 (17%) | 2 (40%) |
Working part-time [n; %] | 1 (20%) | 1 (17%) | 1 (20%) |
Interview duration [minutes] mean (±SD); minimum-maximum | 69 (±7); 59–87 | 63 (±30); 36–119 | 104 (±42); 58–171 |
Topic | Key Question |
professional career | “How did you come to your profession?” |
everyday working life | “What does a typical working day in nursing look like?” |
health | “How do you define health for yourself personally?” |
workplace violence | “What kind of conflicts or violence do you witness at work?” |
company | “What do you think makes your care organization different from other employers?” |
Main Category | Subcategories | Characteristics |
Health | Health status | physical mental social |
Private health behavior | promote neglect | |
Health behavior at work | stress management ergonomics nutrition | |
Everyday working life | Working hours | weekend atypical times night shifts short rest periods long duration |
Quantitative demands | tasks distant from patients frequent patient interaction time-intensive patient care nurse-to-patient-ratio | |
Work environment | spatial environment work equipment physical hazards | |
Qualitative demands | dealing with suffering interaction work responsibility | |
Job control | workflow assignment of work on-call duty | |
Working atmosphere | cooperative work sense of community reward | |
Experiences of violence | Understanding of violence | persecutor victim rescuer |
Forms of violence | verbal physical sexual | |
Consequences | organizational personal |
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Lützerath, J.; Bleier, H.; Schaller, A. Work-Related Health Burdens of Nurses in Germany: A Qualitative Interview Study in Different Care Settings. Healthcare 2022, 10, 375.
Lützerath J, Bleier H, Schaller A. Work-Related Health Burdens of Nurses in Germany: A Qualitative Interview Study in Different Care Settings. Healthcare. 2022; 10(2):375.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLützerath, Jasmin, Hannah Bleier, and Andrea Schaller. 2022. "Work-Related Health Burdens of Nurses in Germany: A Qualitative Interview Study in Different Care Settings" Healthcare 10, no. 2: 375.
APA StyleLützerath, J., Bleier, H., & Schaller, A. (2022). Work-Related Health Burdens of Nurses in Germany: A Qualitative Interview Study in Different Care Settings. Healthcare, 10(2), 375.