Resilience in Children: Developmental Perspectives
:1. Introduction
1.1. Changing Definitions of Resilience
1.2. Definition of Resilience from a Developmental Systems Perspective
2. Methods in Developmental Resilience Science
2.1. Three Core Questions Posed and Operationalized in Resilience Studies
2.2. Promotive and Protective Factors
2.3. Person-Focused and Variable-Focused Approaches
3. Major Findings: What Matters?
3.1. Exposure Dose and Cumulative Risk
3.2. Promotive and Protective Influences: The Shortlist
3.3. Timing and Windows of Opportunity
4. Transformative Effects of Resilience Science on Practice Frameworks
- Mission with positive goals
- Models and measures that include promotive and protective factors as well as positive criteria for evaluating success
- Methods to mitigate risk, boost assets, and mobilize adaptive systems
- Multi-sector and multi-level alignment to create synergy for change
- Maximizing leverage for change by strategic timing and targeting
4.1. Risk-Focused Interventions
4.2. Asset-Focused Promotive Interventions
4.3. Protection-Focused Interventions to Engage or Mobilize Adaptive Systems
5. Nurturing Resilience in Pediatric Systems
5.1. Roles of Pediatric Healthcare Practitioners in Nurturing Lifelong Resilience
5.2. Implications for Training
6. Conclusions and Future Directions
Conflicts of Interest
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What are the Challenges? | How Is the Person Doing? | What Processes Support Success? |
Risks | Criteria for Adaptive Success | Promotive or Protective |
Trauma | Developmental tasks | Neurobiological |
Neglect | Mental health | Behavioral |
ACEs 1 | Physical health | Familial and relational |
Poverty | Happiness | Community |
Natural disaster | Work achievement | Cultural |
War | Caregiving | Societal |
Caring family, sensitive caregiving (nurturing family members) |
Close relationships, emotional security, belonging (family cohesion, belonging) |
Skilled parenting (skilled family management) |
Agency, motivation to adapt (active coping, mastery) |
Problem-solving skills, planning, executive function skills (collaborative problem-solving, family flexibility) |
Self-regulation skills, emotion regulation (co-regulation, balancing family needs) |
Self-efficacy, positive view of the self or identity (positive views of family and family identity) |
Hope, faith, optimism (hope, faith, optimism, positive family outlook) |
Meaning-making, belief life has meaning (coherence, family purpose, collective meaning-making) |
Routines and rituals (family routines and rituals, family role organization) |
Engagement in a well-functioning school |
Connections with well-functioning communities |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Masten, A.S.; Barnes, A.J. Resilience in Children: Developmental Perspectives. Children 2018, 5, 98.
Masten AS, Barnes AJ. Resilience in Children: Developmental Perspectives. Children. 2018; 5(7):98.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMasten, Ann S., and Andrew J. Barnes. 2018. "Resilience in Children: Developmental Perspectives" Children 5, no. 7: 98.
APA StyleMasten, A. S., & Barnes, A. J. (2018). Resilience in Children: Developmental Perspectives. Children, 5(7), 98.