Dividend-Based Labor Remuneration and Tradable Shares in Worker Cooperatives
:“…reorganization of labor in the form of association to replace the current wage system will, we believe, be the basis of the future economic world.”
1. Introduction
2. Overcoming the Employment Relation
2.1. Dividends in Worker Cooperatives as Payment of Labor Contributions and Remuneration of Capital Shares
2.2. In the Absence of Capital Markets: The Capital Structure in the Mondragón System and the Slovenian Proposal of European ESOP
2.3. U.S. ESOPs and the Presence of a Market for Employee Equity Shares
2.4. Example of Cooperative Enterprises Exchanging Shares on the Market
3. A New Proposal for Cooperative Shares in Worker Cooperatives
3.1. The Introduction of Worker Shareholding
3.2. Market Valuation of Cooperative Shares
3.3. Disparity in Share Value Due to Voting Right
4. Organizational Issues: Labor Productivity, Free-Riding, Workers’ Livelihoods, and Dismissal
4.1. The Organization of Work, Motivation, and the Problem of Free-Riding
4.2. Risks to Worker Livelihoods in Dividend-Based Compensation
4.3. The Dismissal of Worker Members
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Tortia, E.C. Dividend-Based Labor Remuneration and Tradable Shares in Worker Cooperatives. Risks 2025, 13, 5. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks13010005
Tortia EC. Dividend-Based Labor Remuneration and Tradable Shares in Worker Cooperatives. Risks. 2025; 13(1):5. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks13010005
Chicago/Turabian StyleTortia, Ermanno C. 2025. "Dividend-Based Labor Remuneration and Tradable Shares in Worker Cooperatives" Risks 13, no. 1: 5. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks13010005
APA StyleTortia, E. C. (2025). Dividend-Based Labor Remuneration and Tradable Shares in Worker Cooperatives. Risks, 13(1), 5. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks13010005