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Optimizing the Master Recession Curve for Watershed Characterization and Drought Preparedness in Eastern Cape, South Africa

Solomon Temidayo Owolabi
* and
Johanes A. Belle
Disaster Management Training and Education Centre, Faculty of Natural and Agriculture Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 9301, Free State, South Africa
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Hydrology 2024, 11(12), 206;
Submission received: 26 October 2024 / Revised: 19 November 2024 / Accepted: 26 November 2024 / Published: 28 November 2024


Regions grappling with water scarcity are compelled to fortify their hydrological analytical protocols for efficacious drought disaster preparedness, considering the escalating influence of climate change on river periodicity and the sustainable management of water resources. Hence, this study presents a novel optimization and standardization approach for master recession curve (MRC) parameterization to improve the existing MRC computation for environmental flow (EF) parameterization. The study framework is based on constructing MRC using the RECESS computational tool. The concept involved normalizing quadratic improvement in the digitally filtered, smoothed, and automatically extracted MRC parameters from 24 long-term winter streamflows (2001–2020) in South Africa. The optimum recession length suitable for MRC computation obtained was ten days based on the significant proportion of the variance in streamflow as a function of flow timing (R2 > 0.935), EF consistency in most watersheds (p-value < 0.00), optimum standard error, and the appreciable years of significant discharge. The study obtained the MRC index, EF threshold, and the probable diminution period of 3.81–73.2, 0.001–20.19 m3/s, and 3.78 to 334 days based on the periods of significant discharge ranging between 4 and 20 years, respectively. The concurrent agreement of rainfall trend and baseflow (p-value < 0.05) with MRC parameters validate their performance as tools for EF conservation. The intra-variation in MRC across the 24 stations alluded to the overriding influence of river aquifer connectivity on watershed viability. The study provides profound insight into perennial and ephemeral rivers’ viability/vulnerability, indispensable for watershed prioritization, policy formulation, early warning systems, and drought preparedness.

1. Introduction

Apprehension of a hydrologic system’s timing and spatial variability is crucial for adequate watershed management and environmental sustainability management, considering the increasing severity of drought in higher latitudes due to climate change impacts. The recent United Nations and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) documentation accentuates the significance of sustainable water management in climate change [1]. Numerous pieces of the literature allude to the devastating impact of climate change on the limited freshwater system, the sustainable use of the resource, and environmental water allocation [2,3,4,5]. Due to the progression of extreme hydrological events such as drought and flood in semi-arid environments, river flow’s quantity, quality, and timing are continually being altered and compromised. Consequently, the events severely impact biodiversity, ecosystem services, and the overall sustainability equilibrium among users [3]. With progressive pressure on water resources, the appraisal of the EF threshold is therefore essential to define and assign the minimum flow thresholds required to safeguard and sustain the ecological communities and their functions. This, in return, will aid in prioritizing river networks requiring conservation, provide an early warning system against drought risk, and enable the development of proactive measures of resource sustainability [6].
Environmental flow assessment (EFA) involves the evaluation of the interdependence between the drivers of hydrological processes and their ecological communities within a hydrological catchment [7]. Due to the environmental functions of hydrological resources, EFA is essential for equitable management among competing uses [8]. Notably, the methods of EFA include hydrological, habitat modeling, hydrology and hydraulics, building-block, holistic, and scenario-based evaluation methods [7,9]. Hydrological EFA entails the assessment of how natural flow regime, local flow variability, and anthropogenic activities on the flow impact ecological requirements of the flow such as flow duration curve, master recession curve analysis, range of variability approach, and hydrological indices assessment [10]. Habitat modeling includes methods such as the physical habitat simulation model, instream flow incremental methodology, and fuzzy logic model, in which the flow regime is simulated for its various impacts on habitat availability for target species [11]. Hydrology and hydraulics methods include the wetted perimeter method, R2Cross method, hydraulic habitat methods, hydraulic modeling (1-dimension HEC-RAS and 2-dimension River2D), and hydraulic rating curves (stage-discharge relationships and depth-velocity curves) based on the influence of hydraulic condition on the ecosystem [12]. Building block methods in EFA comprise varying flow level designations, such as low flows, maintenance flows, freshets, small floods, and large floods, for maintaining ecological integrity [13]. The holistic approach in EFA is the integrated approach encompassing the hydrological, hydraulic, biological, and socio-economic aspects of EFA, which include the Instream Flow Incremental Methodologies, Downstream Response to Imposed Flow Transformation, and Ecological Limits Of Hydrological Abstractions [14]. However, none of the EFA approaches target groundwater contributions during recession periods, offering a long-term assessment of water availability and ecosystem resilience to changing flow regimes compared to master recession curve (MRC) analysis [15].
Through mathematical simulation of hydrological processes, MRC enables the computation of the optimum EF threshold essential for nutrient mobilization, sediment transport, habitat conservation, and species of fauna and flora dependent on freshwater can be sustained. The simulation projects the vital properties of the streamflow, such as the flow periodicity, sensitivity, baseflow estimates, recession tendency, and elasticity properties of the watershed in response to the changing flow regime [6]. In doing so, MRC provides a scientific basis for sustainable water allocation and management practices. As a vital watershed and river management tool, MRC can be adapted to strengthen planning frameworks for dam operations, river health monitoring, reservoir exploitation, groundwater pumping rates, and drought risk contingency planning [16]. Developing the EF standard through MRC enhances compliance with the regulatory framework for developing effective water policies. It facilitates the adaptive management approaches for coordinating streamflow response and river level vulnerability to extremities of climate change [17]. With this, human interaction with freshwater sources can be balanced with ecological imperatives to strengthen equitable and sustainable water use for present and future generations [18]. Hence, understanding the streamflow recession threshold and MRC is essential for drought disaster risk reduction, watershed recovery in vulnerable catchments, and developing a drought response strategy. With this, MRC tends to provide a more veritable approximation of the meteorological and land surface complexities [16,18].
Several studies have been conducted to simplify the hydrological processes for gainful insight into EFA parameters for water balance distribution, storage calibration, outflow predictions, and river health integrity studies [16,17,18]. However, there is no clarity on the specific minimum recession duration for recession curve extraction, considering the call for improvement according to several researchers [19,20]. Earlier, estimations were defined with various hypothetical reasons as Linsley et al. [19] quantified their using the drainage area, Brutsaert and Nieber [21] and Fiorotto and Caroni [20] adopted seven days, and Vogel and Kroll [22] used ten days. Despite the research endeavor on MRC analysis, the application is still unpopular as an EFA tool among environmental stakeholders. The application of MRC parameters as veritable drought risk assessors remains uncertain, while the hypothetical stochasticity of hydrological computation possibly shades its computational simplicity. By and large, MRC is indistinctly recognized as a supportive tool for baseflow estimation.
Aside from the non-linear factors hampering EF’s stationarity, the extraction procedures for recession parameter extraction are yet to be standardized in the previous study. That is, the several biases associated with calculating the EF threshold and several uncertainties that culminate into error in the threshold obtained are yet to be logically addressed. Errors in EF computations are primarily due to climate, anthropogenic activities, and the calculation method. We considered it more logical to address the uncertainty in EFA by limiting the river flow assessment to the period when precipitation and anthropogenic influences are at the barest minimum, at the period of groundwater discharge due to prolonged dryness [16]. Contrarily, the improved dynamic calculation method for EF premises its P-III curve and its average monthly flow, a vital aspect of its metrics on the computation of the annual runoff volume and monthly flow for a long series of years [23]. Similarly, the Northern Great Plains Resource Program and the improved monthly frequency calculation compute the environmental flow by calculating the distance from the flat percentages based on the wet and dry years with varying guarantees [24]. The improved range of variability approach is an upgraded version of Indicators of Hydrological Change methods based on the quantification of EF during the primary flood season [25]. Tennant method computes the relationship between runoff and the river ecosystem by separating the runoff data of the river into the dry and wet periods [26]. In the same vein, the Gram–Charlier A Series kurtosis function, derived from the Gram-Charlier series, quantifies the peak functions to reference EF thresholds using the average monthly runoff of a long-term streamflow time series [23,27].
Hence, no study has clarified the threshold indicating the river level at which no further anthropogenic abstraction is advisable. As a rationale unique to this study, we assumed that a standardized MRC approach should be able to provide the probable time of diminution, thus strengthening adequate river health monitoring in terms of provision of the reference time when river flow transit during its low flow from resilient to vulnerable status. None of the previous studies on environmental flow assessment has improved any MRC model to characterize the recession stage of a river in two phases: the resilient and the vulnerable phases. Also, none of the previous studies has factored the variability in parameterization of EFA models across watershed sizes and the influence of leaky or confined. Hence, this study’s novelty lies in optimizing recession length (days) and standardizing recession indices across catchment sizes [20,22]. This study synthesized MRC parameters to deduce the probable diminution periods and EF thresholds for effective monitoring, prioritization, and drought preparedness.
Consequently, the MRC coefficient computation was based on the winter streamflow time series. Moreover, the study is carried out in a region within a bimodal climate zone of a semi-arid environment in South Africa, characterized by low mean annual precipitation, high evaporation rates, geohydrological extremes, intra-seasonal and inter-annual fluctuation influenced by El Niño-Southern Oscillation [5,6,8,28]. We characterize the optimum recession length regarding watershed size, EF threshold status quo regarding low-flow (non) conservativeness, and the probable diminution period regarding river vulnerability to drought. The study was based on integrating the smoothed minima method, the linearized Dupuit–Boussinesq aquifer model, and the quadrated matching strip method. We believe this approach is suitable for monitoring and evaluating river and watershed suitability for abstraction and ensuring an effective early warning system against drought impact.
The study aims to investigate the suitability of MRC coefficients as an EFA aid and drought risk marker, considering its potential for watershed prioritization. To this end, the study addresses the following questions: (1) what is the optimum duration required to define a recession segment for an equitable MRC parameterization, considering the sensitivity of the duration length to the catchment scale? (2) To what extent can MRC coefficients aid watershed prioritization against hydrological drought risk?

2. Study Area

The study area includes four water management areas in the South of South Africa comprising the Upper Orange (UO) across the Lesotho boundary, Mzimvubu-to-Keiskamma (MK), and Fish-to-Tsitsikamma (FT) management areas (Figure 1).
Drawing from Köppen’s classification, FT and UO climate is bimodal, exhibiting both the monsoon (westerly climate) and the subtropical (easterly climate), while FT extending to the north and UO extension at Lesotho exhibits the subtropical climate [28]. The average winter and summer temperatures in the area range from −3 °C to 5 °C and 17 °C and 24 °C while the average mean annual rainfall ranges from 280 to 330 mm/yr and 480–560 mm/yr at the northwest (UO) and northeast to 760–1190 mm/yr southwardly (FT) and eastwardly (MK). The mean annual evaporation ranges from 1800 to 2000 mm/yr at the UO (northwest) to 1200–1400 mm/yr eastwardly and southwardly at the coast. The terrain landform is dominated by the plain at the northwest and graduates into the dissected plain and the high-gradient escarpment zone at the northeast and into the high-gradient valley and coastal zone southwardly. The elevation ranges from 2 to 3408 m Mean Sea Level. The geological cover grades from the mountainous northeast from the younger Jurassic Drakensberg of the Stormberg series through the Permian Beaufort and Ecca groups (Southeastern coast) to the older late Carboniferous Dwyka Group at the southern coast [29]. At the southwestern coast, the Karoo Supergroup, initiated by Dwyka groups, tapers underneath the Late Pleistocene Bredasdorp series and the Algoa group of the Cape Supergroup at the Southwest.
Aside from the Basalt of the Drakensberg Formation, the terrain is litho-stratigraphically dominated by mudstone and sandstones of the Beaufort Group [30]. The sedimentary clast of the Permian Ecca Group to the Jurassic Stormberg series is densely intruded by sheets, dyke, and sills of Jurassic Dolerite [29]. The hydrogeological domain is dominated by the fissured aquifer held within an unconfined intergranular hydro-stratigraphic domain and subordinately by a fractured aquifer framed by fractured Jurassic dolerite [30]. The land cover comprises mainly grassland and sparse plantation forest in the northeast, low shrubland in the northwest, and woodland by the coastline. The details of the watershed and station of focus, as shown in Figure 1, are presented in Table 1.

3. Materials and Methods

The study framework is based on constructing a master recession curve using the RECESS computational tool. The study engaged twenty-five watersheds with five class sizes to ascertain the statutory reliability of MRC coefficients across varying watershed sizes. The daily streamflow from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2020, as monthly rainfall and monthly average temperature datasets from January 1981 to December 2020, for the twenty-five stations were downloaded from the hydrology and river portal of the Department of Water and Sanitation of South Africa ( and accessed on 26 June 2023. A thorough check was performed while downloading and sorting data to ensure that the selected stations met the conditions regarding the missing data of less than 2% in a year. The missing records were addressed using extrapolation based on the average of the preceding and succeeding values in the time series and comparing it with the year record with a similar trend [5,6,28].

3.1. Quantification of Master Recession Curves Parameters

The master recession curve (MRC) parameters were obtained through the following steps:
The monthly streamflow time series is discretized into monthly and yearly intervals and grouped into five classes depending on the watershed size.
Due to the concomitancy of hydrograph recession with prolonged low-flow and MRC premise with storage–discharge relationship, the winter flow session (June, July, and August) is designated for the computation. A single period of recession following a peak streamflow per year, preferably in July, with values nearing zero, is chosen.
The recession limb is filtered using a two-parameter digital filter proposed by Eckhardt [31]. The hydrograph recession analyst is appropriated by Equation (1):
B i + 1 = ( 1 B F I m a x ) α B i + ( 1 α ) B F I m a x Q i + 1 1 α B F I m a x
where B i + 1 denotes baseflow at time step i + 1 , B F I m a x denotes maximum baseflow index, B i denotes the antecedent baseflow, Q i + 1 denotes the streamflow at time step i + 1 , while α, the filter parameter, is obtained by the expression:
α = e t k
where k denotes the recession constant and t the change in period. The digital filter is based on the assumption that.
i f   B i + 1 Q i + 1 ,     Q T = B i + 1 + Q i + 1 B i + 1 Q i + 1 ,     Q T = B i + 1
where Q T is the total streamflow and denotes an equivalent position (a universal quantification) for Q T concerning the conditional statement.
The time-based recession components in the flow are separated from storage components using the smoothed minima method, defined by the linearized Dupuit–Boussinesq aquifer model, Equation (4) [25]:
Q i + 1 = Q i e t τ
where Q i denotes the antecedent seepage based on the assumption that the direct runoff is zero, while τ = 1 f c , the mean residence time of groundwater, and f c is the cut-off frequency. The exponential aspect of the expression denotes the recession constant, K t whereby; K t = e t × f c . According to Linsley et al. [16],
Q i + 1 = Q i K t
By differentiating with the time function, Coutagne [32] deduced the recession curve as
d Q / d t = a Q b
The expression is linearized by obtaining its logarithmic expression:
l o g d Q d t = log a + b × l o g ( Q )
where a and b are the recession indices, deduced as an intercept and slope by linear regression plot of l o g ( d Q / d t ) against l o g ( Q ) . It is expected that non-linearity will be repressed should the assessment be focused on the winter flow when (i) precipitation interruption is at the barest minimum, (ii) direct runoff is virtually zero, and (iii) baseflow is largely due to groundwater seepage.
The recession curve is extracted from the receding part of the hydrograph, given that d Q t d t   > d Q t + 1 d t   0 ; however, scenarios of minimum flow recession length ( k i ) were generated using 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 to assess the optimum zero-inflow days for MRC assessment. Hence, data deletion is performed on the recession segment to maintain the single recession. The study prioritized data selection in July, being the driest period in the transitional zone [15] and the recession limb with more sufficient data coordinates d Q d t Q higher than 1.
After extracting individual winter recession curves from the annual dataset, the Matching Strip method generated a single curve representing the MRC. The matching strip line is achieved by plotting and superimposing all the individual recession curves to obtain a horizontal arrangement of overlapping recession segments and a best-fit slope regarded as K [33].
The K parameters (minimum, median, and maximum value) were deduced from the mean best-fit logarithm slope. The coefficients of the quadratic curve were drawn. The exercise is repeated for the twenty-five catchments. The baseflow separation and the entire MRC assessment were performed using the RECESS algorithm in the USGS Groundwater Toolbox 1.3.1 [34]. The resulting l o g ( Q ) and coefficients -A, -B, and -C were classified and projected in Microsoft Excel v.365.
To validate the optimum recession length, the quadratic value of flow timing t k i at k i , were computed from coefficients using Equation (8) and plotted against the logarithm of flow.
t k i = A × m e a n   l o g ( Q ) 2 + B × m e a n   l o g ( Q ) + C
m e a n   l o g ( Q ) values were generated using the minimum and maximum values of l o g ( Q ) generated. The minimum recession length scenario optimization was performed using five streamflows representing different catchment sizes, and the coefficient of determination was extracted.
Using the quadratic coefficients of Equation (8), when m e a n   l o g ( Q ) is zero, the remaining days to flow inelasticity is derived, such that
t k i = T k i = C   s i n c e   m e a n   l o g ( Q ) = 0
The m e a n   l o g ( Q ) when T k i is zero is deduced using the quadratic formula
q ± = m e a n   l o g Q ± T = B ± B 2 4 × A × C 2 × A   s i n c e   T k i = 0
q + = B 2 × A + B 2 4 × A × C 2 × A   s i n c e   T k i = 0
q = B 2 × A B 2 4 × A × C 2 × A   s i n c e   T k i = 0
where q + and q are the flow threshold at the resilient and vulnerability margin measure in m3/s (though obtained in ft3/s but converted).
The mean logarithmic streamflow is corroborated to validate the performance of the MRC parameters by calculating the percentage of daily streamflow that meets the threshold, q ± T , accordingly.
q ± T = 1 C o u n t s   o f   d a i l y   f l o w < q ± T o t a l   n u m b e r   o f   d a i l y   f l o w × 100
Using the assessment, the rivers are further classified as highly exhausted ( q ± T ≤ 25%), moderately exhausted (26% < q ± T ≤ 50%), conserved (51% < q ± T ≤ 75%), and well conserved (76% < q ± T ≤ 100%).
The study proposed a probable diminution period, P k , based on the effective time log cycle, T k i [25], defined by the probable deduction of k i when m e a n   l o g Q ± T is zero.
P k = 1 T k i t k i   i f   T k i > t k i ,       P k = 0.01
where P k = 0.01 is classified as a failed and non-resilient river, 0.01 < P k < 0.50 classifies as a highly vulnerable river, 0.5 ≤ P k < 0.75 represents the lowly resilient, while 0.75 ≤ P k ≤ 1 represents the moderately resilient river. The quotient of drought vulnerability is therefore obtained using 1- P k .

3.2. Validation of MRC Parameters

Rainfall and temperature datasets were assessed for their trend using Mann–Kendall analysis. The approach for Mann–Kendall analysis of meteorological data was detailed in the authors’ previous studies [28,35]. An approach to extracting drought frequency per station was developed and harnessed to validate the assessment. To achieve this, the study adopted the meteorological drought to drive the expected influence of prolonged dryness (zero rainfall) on winter flow. Hence, the recommendation by the World Meteorological Organization, the standard precipitation and evaporation index (SPEI), was used. The computation was achieved through the following steps:
The potential evapotranspiration was computed based on the Thornthwaite approach using the monthly rainfall and monthly average temperature dataset. This is based on the monthly heat index, h , annual heat index, H , the mean monthly temperature, m , and factor, φ :
h = ( m 5 ) 1.514
H = i = 1 12 h
φ = ( 6.75 × 10 7 ) H 3 ( 7.71 × 10 5 ) × H 2 + ( 1.792 × 10 2 ) × H + 0.49239
P E T n o n   c o r r e c t e d = 16 × ( 10 × m H ) φ
The potential evapotranspiration is corrected using the respective latitude of the catchments.
The water balance was computed by taking the difference between the monthly precipitation and potential evapotranspiration to calculate the Standard precipitation and evaporation index. The assumed stormflow is computed by fitting the presumed probability density function based on Equation (17):
S P E I = i = P i j P i k σ × 100
where P i j denotes the winter rainfall at the i t h time and j t h year record, P i k denotes the long-term seasonal mean rainfall, and σ is the standard deviation of the long-term seasonal rain. The potential evapotranspiration and meteorological drought were computed in RStudio using the SPEI package v.1.8 [36,37].
The twenty-five stations’ winter SPEI values (June–July–August) were extracted, classified, and plotted in Microsoft Excel v.365. The winter SPEI values for 1981 to 2020 were counted for the frequency of drought considered to be severe and more f w < 1 and expressed as a percentage.
F w < 1 = f w < 1 f 0 × 100
where f 0 denotes the number of winter months within the time series, which is 120 for this study.
Following the computation of the MRC parameters, the catchment size would be expected to have profound influences on the underlying aquifer storage capacity, S, in a sedimentary terrain such as the study terrain, where S at a time, t , and the function is in agreement with the equation of continuity:
d S d t = I Q
such that when catchment inflow due to total precipitation, I p , is zero, the receding streamflow is the total outflow, Q, and provides information about S, accordingly (except in cases when the free surface is poorly connected to the aquifer):
d S d t = a Q b   when   I p = 0
Non-parametric correlation matrices, namely the Kendall tau and Spearman rho, were used to investigate the depth of the relationship and corroborate the MRC parameters against the rainfall trend computed using the Mann–Kendall test, the meteorological drought parameter, and baseflow.

4. Results

4.1. Optimization of Minimum Recession Length for MRC Assessment

Following the classification of the watersheds into five classes due to the distinct variation in watershed sizes, the scenarios assessment of the optimum flow recession length was performed using a representative from each class for 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 20, 22, 25, 30, 33, and 35 days of recession. Each scenario assessment generated a fitted quadratic equation; the parameters are presented in Table 2. Ki is the scenario examined in this section, and it indicates the duration over which streamflow decreases after a peak flow event, thus typifying the variation in catchment responses to rainfall [38]. The min logQ and max logQ represent the low and high flow conditions during a recession. The recession constants Kmin, Kmed, and Kmax indicate the slowest, typical, and fastest streamflow decline rates, respectively. The recession constants provide insight into the rate at which streamflow recedes, and these are critical for water resource management and predicting future streamflow behavior. Generally, the smaller catchments, like the Bloukrans (6.15–32.65) and Tshoxa (18.23–24.39) catchments, showed lower maximum recession constants, suggesting longer water retention capacity compared to the larger catchments like Kraai (38.55–75.62) and Orange (35.04–89.66). The larger catchments’ higher recession constants indicate faster streamflow declines and greater capacity to handle runoff. The variation in recession constants corresponds to the streamflow within the river catchment, such that, as the capacity for higher flow increases, the catchment’s ability to maintain flow during the recession also increases.
Coefficients A, B, and C represent the intercept, slope, and curvature characteristics derived from the fitted quadratic equation to the MRC. The coefficients are essential for modeling how streamflow decreases over time after a flood event. The coefficients A, B, and C vary significantly across stations, reflecting different hydrological responses based on catchment size and characteristics. Coefficients A, B, and C corresponded to the graduation values relative to catchment runoff capacity. Coefficient A depicts the initial flow condition’s influence on the catchment’s hydrological property, and B shows that the steepness in streamflow decline corresponds to the catchment capacity. At the same time, C exhibits the influence of catchment flow capacity on the significant changes in flow rates over time. The years of significant discharges, n, indicate how often the stations experience meaningful flow events relative to the recession constants, which is crucial for understanding long-term hydrological trends. There is significant variability in the number of years with considerable discharge due to the substantial variability in catchment hydrological properties. However, the larger catchments exhibited a high significant discharge years ratio, indicating a consistent hydrological condition and a stable hydrological regime compared to the smaller catchments. Drawing from Pauls and Bloukrans, which exhibited the poorest significant discharge years, the optimum recession length with a substantial discharge year ratio (25%) is 10 days.
The fitted quadratic expression generated from coefficients A, B, and C was used to quantify the quadratic value of flow timing, t k i , according to Equation (8) using the recession days above. Figure 2 and Table 3 provide each scenario’s coefficient of determination and multilinear regression (MLR) based on the relationship between flow timing and the streamflow log. The result showed that a p-value < 0.000 is statistically significant for the relationship between streamflow and timing across all the stations except in Bloukrans and Pauls stations. For Pauls station, the coefficient of determination is maximum (99.5%) at k i = 10, but dropping to 47.9% at k i = 15. Conversely, moderate and robust fit were attained at k i = 2 and 20 in Bloukrans. Tshoxa, Kraai, and Orange stations are characterized by excellent fit across all the scenarios, thus highlighting the significance of recession length for effective water management. Generally, a vivid trend depicts the influence of the increase in recession length on the model’s performance, as evident in the Tshoxa and Kraai stations. Based on the coefficient of determination, the most consistent statistical significance (p-value = <0.000), recession length’s effectiveness across hydrological dynamics of all catchment sizes, flow timing modeling, and streamflow behavioral prediction, the optimum recession length is 20 days.
Compared to k2 and k20, k10 showed the most decisive impact, drawing from its R2 and standard error. As a result, the adoption of 10 days is validated as the most suitable recession length, and this was used to generate the MRC index for the remaining stations. While k10 is adopted as the optimum recession length, k2 and k20 assume the benchmark for river sensitivity and prolonged dryness. The study noted the haphazard progradation in the MRC index of Bloukrans, contradicting the general retrogradation in the MRC index as the recession length increases, thus depicting the unpredictability of flow in the station.

4.2. Parameterization of Master Recession Curve Based on k10

The distribution of the MRC index across the selected river stations is presented in Table 4 and Figure 3. While the winter discharge ranges from 0.015 (Groots) to 2.853 (Orange), the MRC index ranges from 3.81 (Teebus) to 75.5 (Kraai). A class-4 catchment (Tsitsa; n = 20) exhibited the highest significant periodic discharge ratio, n, while the medium and the least n are exhibited by catchments in class-3 (Botman and Zwelitsha; n = 4 and 9) stations. The deduced coefficients of MRC were used to generate the quadratic plots of MRC, as illustrated in Figure 3.
Generally, a noticeable increase in recession constants (Kmin, Kmed, and Kmax) indicates that larger catchments tend to have more pronounced declines in streamflow during recession periods. The coefficients A and C generally showed increasing trends with larger catchments, indicating that larger systems can manage higher flows effectively while exhibiting more significant flow timing variability. The number of years with significant discharge, n, varies among the smaller stations but tends to be higher in larger catchments. The quadratic plot provides the probable depletion rate of flow such that the right (left) side of the symmetry line b 2 a represent the resilient (vulnerable) property of the river on account of recharge (discharge) (as vividly depicted by the loops on Mooi (Figure 3; Class 2), Teebus (Figure 3; Class 3), Tsomo, and Keiskammahoek (Figure 3; Class 4) plots.
The streamflow recession and drought vulnerability begins when streamflow recharge reduces to zero at b 2 a and switch into a discharge state until it approaches 0 cfs of the streamflow log. The axis of symmetry (the quadratic loop) denotes the actual threshold of departure from resilience to vulnerability. Hence, the study showed that Yellowwoods has the shortest (about four days) probable diminution period while Orange River has the highest (about 334 days) probable diminution period, respectively. The selected stations are characterized by six non-resilient rivers, three highly vulnerable rivers, one moderately vulnerable river, nine relatively resilient rivers, and five resilient rivers Table 5. While the most susceptible rivers are predominantly among river basins less than 850 km2, the most resilient are associated with river basins larger than 2500 km2, and 58% of the rivers are considered resilient based on the probable diminution period. The resulting mean EF thresholds, Q + and Q , were quantified to range from 3.9 × 10−7 m3/s to 573.96 m3/s and 2.3 × 10−7 m3/s to 20.19 m3/s, respectively (Table 5). Verification of the Q + ( q + T % ) proved undefined in 5 stations and showed that only 5 out of 19 stations have viable winter flow above the threshold. Meanwhile, Q verification ( q T % ) depicted only Yellowwoods as undefined and 13 stations as having viable winter flow above the threshold. Hence, based on q + T % , the study showed that 5 of the stations are highly exhausted ( q + T % < 25%), five are moderately exhausted (25 ≤ q + T % < 50%), five are conserved (50 ≤ q + T % < 75%), and eight are well-conserved (75 ≤ q + T % < 100%). Class 2 and 3 are the most exhausted, while Class 1 is the most conserved, though with the lowest probable diminution period, possibly because they constitute the headwaters within the natural landscape.

4.3. Validation of Master Recession Curve Parameters

The extracted average baseflow ranges from 0.102 to 1.064 at the Baviaan-Botmans and Kraai basins, respectively (Table 6 and Figure 4). Generally, the baseflow trend is influenced by the climatic type as baseflow increases from the west, the monsoon climate to the east, and the subtropical climate, concerning the trend of rainfall intensity. The Mann–Kendall trend showed that most stations are characterized by a decrease in rainfall corresponding to the increasing temperature trend. While none of the trend increases in temperature is significant, eight stations, including all the Class-3 stations, exhibited a substantial decrease in rainfall trends (Table 5). In contrast, only Groot’s station exhibited a significant increase in rainfall.
The extracted winter SPEI-3, illustrated in Figure 4, showed the variability in drought severity across the watershed. Kraai and Buffalo-Zwelitsha rivers exhibit the highest frequency (21%) of drought severity ( i < −1) while Keiskammahoek River exhibits the lowest drought frequency (11%). The drought frequency varies distinctively across all the station classes with no specific trend. However, the class-1 stations that are attributed with high vulnerability are contrarily associated with low drought frequency, and perhaps this is what accounted for their high conservation based on their q + T % . Similarly, some stations in the large class, Class 4 and 5, also exhibited high drought frequencies associated with high resilience. Nonetheless, Kubusie has the highest drought frequency (6) for the extreme drought severity ( i < −2), followed by Keiskammahoek (4). Aside from Great Fish at Vleij (2), other Class 4 and 5 stations have zero drought frequency for extreme drought severity ( i < −2).
Drawing from the correlation matrices (Table 7), the study confirmed that the catchment size has an enormously substantial influence (p-value < 0.01) on Kmed (29%), Min logQ (22%), Max logQ (52%), B (25%), C (46%), Q (41%), and P k (45%). The study confirmed the significant influence of baseflow on A (12%) and the number of years with significant discharge (n; 19%). It also confirmed the significant impact of rainfall trends on the periods of significant discharge (18%) of the rivers. Meanwhile, meteorological drought exhibits no significant trend with any MRC parameter and showed a 6% (R = 0.24) and 4% (R = 0.20) relationship with watershed size, maximum discharge (MaxQ), streamflow threshold ( Q ), and diminution period ( P k ) under the Kendall Tau matrices.

5. Discussion

5.1. Deductions from the Optimization of Recession Length

The National Water Act of South Africa (NWA, Act 36 of 1998) demands the quantification and ascertainment of water reserves, among other competing allocations, such as the basic human needs and reserve for ecological integrity [39]. This is required to ensure the sustainable conservation of water resources amidst the increasing impact of climate extremes such as drought while keeping to its efficient and equitable distribution goals [40,41]. To achieve this, this study began with the recommendation of Fiorotto and Caroni [25], requesting the need to improve and optimize the value of the recession constant used to estimate MRC parameters. The study adopted ten days of recession length based on the central tendencies of MRC indices using flows from five classes of catchment, optimum value of periods with significant discharge (years), consistency of Kmed, and regression analysis of streamflow log.
The finding here agrees with Vogel and Kroll’s [27] study, which also considered ten days of recession length as the appropriate optimum length for the approximation of low-flow behavior based on the application of the linear reservoir hypothesis and the Dupuit–Boussinesq aquifer model to 23 river catchments. In addition, EF estimation using a two-day recession length cannot provide a logical guide against drought preparedness. At the same time, the study confirmed that 15 to 20 days of recession length is “overstretching” micro-mini and mini catchments based on the years with significant discharge. The study confirmed the influence of catchment size on the exhaustion of the connecting reservoir, which is evident from the storage-discharge relationship. As the recession length increases, the years with significant discharge reduce for the small catchments compared to the large ones [25]. As a result, the years with significant discharge, n, can provide assumptions about the rainfall-dependent rivers, as significantly validated by baseflow and rainfall trends. Hence, Baviaans River at Botmans can be identified as a rainfall-dependent river inferred by the probable discharge period.

5.2. MRC Parameterization and Implications

The findings on the extent of correlation between baseflow and MRC index, using the generally adopted central tendency, the median curve, Kmed [25], agree with Ebrahim and Villholth’s [41] study, which was also carried out in South Africa. However, beyond complementing baseflow as posited by Ebrahim and Villholth [41], the finding here provides more clarity about the extensive function of MRC parameters to aid hydrologic drought risk assessment. While differing from baseflow estimate, which includes distinct information about river seasonality [6], MRC parameters have been synthesized to project other vital information required in aiding environmental flow estimation, particularly against drought risk. For example, in this study, the Great Fish River at Vleij ( B i + 1 = 0.295) and Elands River ( B i + 1 = 0.373) are characterized by low baseflow (average B i + 1 < 0.5) and could be classified as ephemeral in flow, whereas their period of significant discharge (n) and conservation extent ( q T % ) suggest their resilience. Meanwhile, Tsomo ( B i + 1 = 0.700) and Toise ( B i + 1 = 0.635) showed viable average baseflow, which classified them as perennial, whereas n and q T % suggest that the rivers are vulnerable, possibly due to the variation in discharge rate to quantity of discharge.
As an extension of the MRC, the probable diminution period, P k , and the EF threshold, Q , were deduced to infer the streamflow’s vulnerability or resilience to drought risk, thereby addressing the concerns and reservations of Sharma and Dutta [23]. The concurrent agreement of rainfall trend and baseflow with the years of significant discharge (n) and conservation extent ( q T % ) validates their applicability as tools for EF conservation. By benchmarking the EF threshold, the minimum flow required to sustain river flow and the ecological function of the environment can be calibrated and monitored while keeping to the aquatic-riparian habitat sensitivity to such flow. At the same time, considering their variability in drought sensitivity, the probable diminution period can be viewed as a yardstick for prioritizing rivers. With the evidence of an increasing trend of climate change impact and drought, especially in the riparian ecosystem of the Southern part of South Africa [8], the probable diminution period can serve as a viable tool for drought disaster preparedness and equilibrating water use. It can be incorporated into impact assessment requirements while carrying out zone budgeting for water-driven enterprises.
Moreover, the study showed that the stations associated with excessive diminution below the threshold, especially the Class-2 and Class-3 stations, were majorly associated with a significant decline in rainfall trend (Table 5 and Table 6). On this note, the finding here refutes the assertion of Bogaart et al. [42], who posited that streamflow recession is independent of climate change. Contrarily, drought significantly impacted the river’s diminution rate; hence, its position as a slow-onset effect on the periods of significant discharge was at a 19% rate in the case of the rivers in this study. The variations in drought sensitivity across the water management areas (WMA) with distinct climate types, particularly within the tertiary (Class 3) and quaternary catchments (Class 1 and 2) in Fish-Tsitsikamma WMA (Q9H030, Q6H003, Q3H004, and Q8H008) and Mzimvubu-to-Keiskamma WMA (R2H005, R2H006, R2H010, R2H011, T3H009, and S6H001) significantly revealed the impact of climate change (Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6). A similar view is shared by Gunawardhana and Al-Rawas [43], who proved the dependency of river recession on rainfall events using the recession rates of rainfall hyetograph, and Parchami et al. [10], using a visual basic program for rivers in a semi-arid environment. This discovery further justifies the assumption of one-dimensional horizontal flow properties of groundwater-surface water flow [41,44], such that the quality of inflow influences storage and discharge as in Equations (19) and (20)
Based on the catchment size, it can be inferred that the resilience and conservation of the Class 4 and 5 rivers is possibly due to the interconnection with intermediate and regional groundwater flow. Toth [44] affirms that local topographical conditions most likely unaffected catchments with larger geometrical dimensions. The study showed that rivers with catchment size above 800 m2 are resilient, while catchment size above 5000 km2 would be appropriate for enhancing the inter-basin transfer scheme. The major limitation of this study is the 20 years of study; however, since the study focuses on the current performance of the river vis à vis its aquifer connectivity. Moreover, the time series length was influenced by missing data within some stations and the inadequacy of concurrent monitoring for all the South African rivers. However, future studies may consider undertaking a few stations with more than 50 years of time series. Future study may also investigate the variability of MRC parameters of mini watersheds, with other hydrogeologic parameters, and their influence on the spatial dynamics of vegetation health and riparian function. While considering the socioeconomic and cultural justification for water abstraction, stakeholders should factor in climate change extremes’ impact, the river’s vulnerability to degradation, and the unrecoverable biodiversity loss to their estimate. Hence, the approach presented in this study can be incorporated into the national action program methodologies for river prioritization for drought preparedness to strengthen the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification initiatives. Step 4 of the ten-step planning process for drought preparedness requires preparing resource inventory and identifying risky groups, while step 7 advises integrating science [45]. The validation presented in this study fulfills the scientific preparations necessary for drought preparedness.

6. Conclusions

The present study explored the optimum recession length required to standardize the derivation of master recession curve (MRC) parameters and the validatory performance of the MRC parameters, considering their potential as an indicator of drought disaster preparedness. Hence, the study’s novelty lies in standardizing the MRC approach for estimating the environmental flow threshold and the probable diminution period based on an optimum recession length. The following conclusions can be drawn from the study:
  • The analysis provides a comprehensive view of how different catchments behave under varying hydrological conditions, essential for effective water resource management and planning.
  • The correlation between recession constants and streamflow values highlights the hydrological dynamics within different catchments. It emphasizes that larger river systems exhibit larger recession constants and faster declines in streamflow following peak events due to their greater runoff capacity and drainage efficiency.
  • The ratio of significant discharge years can serve as a vital aid for classifying river basins concerning streamflow consistency, water retention, and management capabilities.
  • The variability assessment between streamflow and its timing at varying length scenarios suggests that the hydrological dynamics of varying catchments can be captured at the optimum recession length of 10 and 20 days. The number of years with significant discharge supports 10 days, while the predictive power of streamflow behavior and the hydrological dynamics of the river supports 20 days.
  • MRC coefficients (A, B, and C) characterize environmental flow performance by informing on the initial flow condition, rate of decline, and the overall flow dynamics during the recession phase.
  • The probable diminution period enables the assessment of river vulnerability. In contrast, the EF threshold enables the investigation of the river’s exhaustion quotient, thus providing a basis for measuring river drought risk level and preparedness.
  • Quaternary and tertiary catchments of South Africa are sensitive to severe drought due to low capacity; hence, conserving them for ecological and river health management during winter would be appropriate.
Overall, the proposed approach can provide valuable information for watershed prioritization, river forecast, and drought risk assessment, which could aid planners in allocating water resources appropriately to environmental conditions.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, S.T.O.; methodology, S.T.O.; software, S.T.O.; validation, S.T.O. and J.A.B.; formal analysis, S.T.O.; investigation, S.T.O.; resources, J.A.B.; data curation, S.T.O. writing—original draft preparation, S.T.O.; writing—review and editing, J.A.B.; visualization, J.A.B.; supervision, J.A.B.; project administration, J.A.B.; funding acquisition, J.A.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding, and the APC was funded by the University of the Free State Library.

Data Availability Statement

The streamflow and rainfall data used in the study are obtained from the Department of Water and Sanitation, South Africa, portal, and accessed on 26 June 2023.


The authors are grateful to the entire DiMTEC team for making the center comfortable for research.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Map showing the elevation, drainage, and location of the selected twenty-five stations at the Fish-Tsitsikamma (FT), Upper Orange (UO), and Mzimvubu-to-Keiskamma (MK), and the boundary of Lesotho at the South of South Africa.
Figure 1. Map showing the elevation, drainage, and location of the selected twenty-five stations at the Fish-Tsitsikamma (FT), Upper Orange (UO), and Mzimvubu-to-Keiskamma (MK), and the boundary of Lesotho at the South of South Africa.
Hydrology 11 00206 g001
Figure 2. The plot of recession length scenarios for MRC parameters for the five classified stations on (A). Bloukrans, (B). Tshoxa, (C). Pauls, (D). Kraai, and (E). Orange rivers. It showed the relationship between the plot of flow timing and streamflow for different scenarios to obtain the R2 and approve the most optimum recession length.
Figure 2. The plot of recession length scenarios for MRC parameters for the five classified stations on (A). Bloukrans, (B). Tshoxa, (C). Pauls, (D). Kraai, and (E). Orange rivers. It showed the relationship between the plot of flow timing and streamflow for different scenarios to obtain the R2 and approve the most optimum recession length.
Hydrology 11 00206 g002
Figure 3. Plot of logarithmic streamflow against K for the Class 1 to 5 river with the number of days at 0 cfs of the streamflow log depicting the diminution days when flow recedes.
Figure 3. Plot of logarithmic streamflow against K for the Class 1 to 5 river with the number of days at 0 cfs of the streamflow log depicting the diminution days when flow recedes.
Hydrology 11 00206 g003
Figure 4. The standard precipitation and evapotranspiration index 3 (SPEI-3) plot of winter rainfall (January 1981 to December 2020) for the selected stations in the South of South Africa with normal (±) depicting the normal rainfall (−1 ≤ x ≤ 1; x is the rainfall value), severe drought (−2 < x < −1), extreme drought (x < −2), severe flood (2 > x > 1), and extreme flood (x > 2). The plot showed the intra- and inter-class drought severity variability across the survey stream and confirmed the distinct variability to drought and atmospheric circulation across the entire watershed.
Figure 4. The standard precipitation and evapotranspiration index 3 (SPEI-3) plot of winter rainfall (January 1981 to December 2020) for the selected stations in the South of South Africa with normal (±) depicting the normal rainfall (−1 ≤ x ≤ 1; x is the rainfall value), severe drought (−2 < x < −1), extreme drought (x < −2), severe flood (2 > x > 1), and extreme flood (x > 2). The plot showed the intra- and inter-class drought severity variability across the survey stream and confirmed the distinct variability to drought and atmospheric circulation across the entire watershed.
Hydrology 11 00206 g004
Table 1. Description of the selected streamflow stations in the South of South Africa and designation into classes based on their watershed sizes. ‘D’ stations belong to the Upper Orange WMA, ‘K’, ‘L’, and ‘Q’ stations belong to Fish-Tsitsikamma WMA, while ‘R’, ‘S’, and ‘T’ stations belong to Mzimvubu-to-Keiskamma WMA.
Table 1. Description of the selected streamflow stations in the South of South Africa and designation into classes based on their watershed sizes. ‘D’ stations belong to the Upper Orange WMA, ‘K’, ‘L’, and ‘Q’ stations belong to Fish-Tsitsikamma WMA, while ‘R’, ‘S’, and ‘T’ stations belong to Mzimvubu-to-Keiskamma WMA.
S/NBorehole IDGauged StationLatitudeLongitudeSize (km2)Streamflow (m3/s)
Class 1-aK8H002Elands−33.981424.05013350.030.4843.47
Class 2-a R2H011Yellowwoods−32.924927.47911970.000.479.98
e.R2H005Buffalo @ Tshoxa−32.87527.3834110.000.84190.73
Class 3-aR2H010Buffalo @ Zwelitsha−32.94127.4616680.060.9612.82
d.Q8H008Little Fish−32.78525.6148315120.040.54212.48
Class 4-aS5H002Tsomo−32.044327.8223823590.004.38212.27
b.D1H001Wonderboom −31.00126.35323880.000.92216.73
f.D1H011Kraai −30.83126.92186640.0023.561168.78
Class 5-aQ7H005Great Fish @S. Vleij−33.02825.893191300.497.33308.46
b.Q9H012Great Fish @B. Legte−33.098326.44475230540.807.18570.08
d.D1H003Orange River−30.67826.716369751.93147.503025.74
Table 2. The summary of deductions following the optimization of the minimum recession length required for master recession curve assessment.
Table 2. The summary of deductions following the optimization of the minimum recession length required for master recession curve assessment.
StationkiIndexMin logQMax logQCoeff. ACoeff. BCoeff. CnKminKmedKmax
Note: ki is the assessment recession length, and Min (Max) logQ is the minimum (maximum) streamflow expressed in logarithm, Coeff. (A, B, and C) is the derived coefficient of the curve based on the fitted quadratic equation, n is the number of years with significant discharge greater than zero, while Kmin, Kmax, and Kmed represent the minimum, maximum, and medium value of MRC constants.
Table 3. Multilinear regression of flow timing and streamflow log.
Table 3. Multilinear regression of flow timing and streamflow log.
StationkiRR2Adjusted R2Standard Errorp-Value
Table 4. Summary of master recession curve index assessment at optimum recession length (k10).
Table 4. Summary of master recession curve index assessment at optimum recession length (k10).
S/NRiversKminKmedKmaxMin logQMax logQCoeff. ACoeff. BCoeff. Cn
Note: Kmin, Kmed, and Kmax denote the minimum, medium, and maximum values of the MRC constant per station.
Table 5. Summary of the probable diminution period ( P k ), the streamflow threshold ( Q ± ), and the river conservation percentage ( q + T ).
Table 5. Summary of the probable diminution period ( P k ), the streamflow threshold ( Q ± ), and the river conservation percentage ( q + T ).
P k
Q+ (m3/s)Q (m3/s)q+T (%)qT (%)
Table 6. Summary of the Mann–Kendall test for rainfall and temperature, meteorological drought session, and baseflow extracted to validate MRC assessment.
Table 6. Summary of the Mann–Kendall test for rainfall and temperature, meteorological drought session, and baseflow extracted to validate MRC assessment.
S/NRiversMK-PMK-TDrought SessionDrought%Baseflow
4Mgqakwebe−0.254150.0271532016. 70.859
7Koonap−0.087060.0472132016. 70.478
10Buffalo-Zwe−0.22030.0318732621. 70.617
14Teebus−0.060980.0255232016. 70.545
Note: The significant rainfall trends are bolded and underlined.
Table 7. Correlation matrices of master recession curve parameters and hydro-meteorological information of the study area based on Kendall Tau and Spearman rho.
Table 7. Correlation matrices of master recession curve parameters and hydro-meteorological information of the study area based on Kendall Tau and Spearman rho.
SizeKmedMinQMaxQABCn Q q T % P k MK-P B i + 1
Kendall TauSize10.540.470.720.28−0.490.680.160.64−0.040.670.110.03
Q 0.640.50.530.880.13−0.370.630.11−
q T % −0.04−0.060.08−0.140.3−0.15−0.010.45−0.2110.010.140.3
P k 0.670.710.40.650.47−0.80.970.310.60.0110.220.2
B i + 1−
Spearman rhoSize10.710.550.850.35−0.60.850.220.8−0.040.830.1−0.02
Q 0.80.670.670.960.19−0.50.790.191−0.310.750.07−0.01
q T % −0.04−0.070.15−0.190.47−0.22−0.040.61−0.31−
P k 0.830.850.540.810.63−0.90.990.430.75−0.0110.280.27
B i + 1 −−0.030.51−0.420.260.57−00.420.270.381
i 0.310.230.090.29−0.02−−0.160.25−0.20.2
Note: Strongly significant correlation at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) is italicized, bolded, and underlined. Significant correlation at the 0.05 level is bolded.Note: Strongly significant correlation at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) is italicized, bolded, and underlined. Significant correlation at the 0.05 level is bolded.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Owolabi, S.T.; Belle, J.A. Optimizing the Master Recession Curve for Watershed Characterization and Drought Preparedness in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Hydrology 2024, 11, 206.

AMA Style

Owolabi ST, Belle JA. Optimizing the Master Recession Curve for Watershed Characterization and Drought Preparedness in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Hydrology. 2024; 11(12):206.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Owolabi, Solomon Temidayo, and Johanes A. Belle. 2024. "Optimizing the Master Recession Curve for Watershed Characterization and Drought Preparedness in Eastern Cape, South Africa" Hydrology 11, no. 12: 206.

APA Style

Owolabi, S. T., & Belle, J. A. (2024). Optimizing the Master Recession Curve for Watershed Characterization and Drought Preparedness in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Hydrology, 11(12), 206.

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