Rainfall-Induced Landslides and Erosion Processes in the Road Network of the Jaén Province (Southern Spain)
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
- The External Zones of the Betic Cordillera, which are made up of mesozoic and cenozoic carbonate or loamy-clayey rocks, structured as a fold and thrust belt from the lower Miocene to the present [66], in which several paleogeographic domains appear (Prebetic and Subbetic). The Betic External Zone form several mountain ranges (Sierra Cazorla and Segura, Sierra Mágina and Sierra Sur of Jaén), partially isolated by main rivers and tributaries of the Guadalquivir River.
- The sedimentary infill of the Guadalquivir basin, differentiated into two parts. In the north, the Guadalquivir basin is filled with Miocene loamy and clayey sediments, which are slightly deformed and which overlie the tabular cover of the Iberian Massif, made up of Triassic clays and sandstones and Jurassic limestones. In the south, the infill of the basin is highly deformed by the Betic Miocene displacements, which incorporate tectonically Betic soft materials as Triassic evaporites (salt and gypsum) or Cretaceous clayey marls [66].
- The Variscan Domain, which constitutes the outcropping basement of the Iberian Massif, in which metapelites (slates, grauwackes, and so on) and intruding igneous rocks (granites and granodiorites) are the predominant lithologies.
2.2. Incidence Database
2.3. Rainfall Data Processing
- Spain02 Database, high-resolution daily precipitation data, developed by the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (Spain) and the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) from a dense network of more than 2500 quality-controlled stations for precipitation and near 250 for temperatures. The Spain02.v5 provides daily data from 1951 to 2015, gridded in increments of 0.1°, corresponding approximately to a resolution of 10 km [71,72].
- RIA database, a network of agroclimate information by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Development of the Andalusian Government [73]. It contains updated data on the networks of automatic meteorological stations (~120 stations), which are equipped with electronic sensors and distributed throughout the Andalusian territory.
- Database of the network of the Automatic Hydrological Information System (SAIH) from the Authority of the Guadalquivir River Hydrographical Basin [74].
- Data obtained by the Atmosphere and Solar Radiation Modeling (MATRAS) research group from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model using the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) reanalysis data provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and local data of the meteorological station of the University of Jaén [75].
2.4. Rainfall Event Identification
- The spatial proximity between the approximate location in the media and the incidence coordinates were estimated in the GIS. First, sections of roads and affected towns or municipalities mentioned in the news were selected. Then, a spatial query allowed for the identification of those incidences close to them. Five classes were established, depending on the distance: Class 1, 0–1 km; Class 2, 1–2 km; Class 3, 2–5 km; Class 4, 5–10 km; and Class 5, more than 10 km.
- The temporal proximity was addressed by analysing the time interval between the date of the news appearing in the local media and the month associated with the previously selected incidences. Five classes were also considered: Class 1, 0–3 months; Class 2, 3–6 months, Class 3, 6–12 months, Class 4, 12–24 months; and Class 5, more than 24 months. Summing the classes for the spatial and temporal proximities, only those incidences with a maximum of 6 points (e.g., Class 3 in both, or Classes 2 and 4 in each one) were selected. Thus, each incidence point could be associated with several rainfall events and their rainfall–duration (E–-D) pairs. In addition to the events identified from the news, the complete rainfall series for the two years previous to the month of each incidence were examined, searching for the major events in each interval of duration. If events different from the above were found, they were also added to the database.
- Finally, the magnitudes of the rainfall events were considered. First, following some previous studies [36,40,51], the E–D pair with the longest return period was selected, for each of the events associated with an incidence, as the one most likely to trigger it. Moreover, according to [40], of all the possible events (E–D pairs) associated with each incidence, those which presented a return period of fewer than five years were discarded, as they were considered non-relevant for incidence triggering. This procedure allowed for enrichment of the incidence database, thus including several E–D pairs for each incidence (see some examples in the results Section 3.2).
2.5. Rainfall Threshold Calculation
3. Results
3.1. Incidence Database
- Very shallow processes, with magnitude between extremely and very small (<5000 m3). These correspond to ruptures in the road cut, either of the slide or collapse-rockfall typologies, but also undercuts of the road embankment. Meanwhile, erosive processes (gullies) were identified, which also produce incidences on the roads.
- Shallow processes in which there is mobilization of the slope where the road is located, with a magnitude generally between small and medium (5000–500,000 m3). Within these, slope movements of a slide or flow type were considered, according to [77,78]. Soil creeping processes were also distinguished from those flows which were well-defined in the landscape.
3.2. Rainfall Events
3.3. Rainfall Thresholds
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Several events were identified, the most important being related to the hydrological years 2009–2010 and 2012–2013. Some of them were located in specific areas and other ones affected practically the entire road network. The return periods of these significant events were always greater than 5 years and, in some cases, exceeded 10–20 years.
- The lower magnitude incidences usually presented a shorter duration (mode of 1–15 days), compared to those of higher magnitude (7–30 days). Consequently, the amount of rain was lower in the former (around 150 mm) than in the latter (around 225 mm).
- The thresholds obtained for both the rainfall–duration (E–D) and intensity–duration (I–D) pairs were on the same order of magnitude as those calculated by other authors, some of them in a similar environment (i.e., Mediterranean countries). The different types of thresholds tested (E–D or I–D, linear or power-law) showed a good fit, without significant differences, likely due to duration data being in units of days, not in hours, and the shallow nature of all the incidences.
- In this case, there were no differences in the thresholds between the lower and higher magnitude incidences, unlike the variables (E, I, D) themselves.
- Finally, from the thresholds, rainfall amounts and intensities for different durations of the events were calculated (e.g., about 80 mm for 1 day and more than 250 mm for 1 month), considering not only the threshold adjusted to the mean values but the threshold adjusted to the lower values.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Date | Description | Zone |
12/09/2006 | R, M, W, F | SS, W |
06/04/2007 | R, M | SG |
10/09/2008 | M, W, T | CH, N |
08/08/2009 | R | N |
11/08/2009 | M, T | SS |
25/12/2009 | M, T | Gen. |
28/12/2009 | R, M, F, T | SS, SC, J, CH |
07/01/2010 | W, T | SS, SM, SC, SG, W |
11/01/2010 | R, U, F, T | SS, SC, W |
15/01/2010 | S, R | SS, W |
19/01/2010 | S, R, U, T | SS, SC, J, CH |
19/02/2010 | S, R, U | Gen. |
21/02/2010 | S, R, U | SS, SC, SG, J, CH |
23/02/2010 | R, F, T | Gen. |
07/03/2010 | S, T | SS, J, W |
10/03/2010 | S, U, F | SS, SM, CH |
30/10/2010 | R, W, T | SM, CH |
08/12/2010 | R | SS, J, N |
20/12/2010 | R, M, W | Gen. |
02/05/2011 | M, T | CH, N |
04/11/2012 | R, W, T | Gen. |
06/11/2012 | T | J, W, N |
08/11/2012 | T | SC, CH, W, N |
11/03/2013 | S, M, U, T | SG, CH, W, N |
13/03/2013 | S, M, U, T | Gen. |
19/03/2013 | R | SS |
01/04/2013 | R, F, T | SC, SG, CH, W, N |
Magnitude | Typology | Number |
Lower magnitude Very shallow | Gullies | 46 |
Undercut in road embankments | 30 | |
Slides in road cuts | 38 | |
Collapses in road cuts | 9 | |
Higher magnitude Shallow | Slides | 21 |
Flows | 26 | |
Creep | 16 |
Year | Number | Year | Number |
1998 | 2 | 2006 | 2 |
1999 | 5 | 2007 | 1 |
2000 | 3 | 2008 | 2 |
2001 | 3 | 2009 | 3 |
2002 | 2 | 2010 | 61 |
2003 | 1 | 2011 | 18 |
2004 | 3 | 2012 | 3 |
2005 | 4 | 2013 | 70 |
Date | Number of Points | Mean E (mm) | Modal D (Days) | Mean I (mm/d) | Modal T (Years) | Sector |
03/11/1997 | 5 | 94.20 | 2 | 47.10 | 15.00 | SS, SM, W |
31/12/1997 | 5 | 411.25 | 60 | 6.74 | 9.00 | SS, SC, SG |
20/10/1999 | 6 | 50.38 | 1 | 50.38 | 22.50 | SC, SG, W |
28/03/2004 | 6 | 75.67 | 3 | 27.92 | 11.25 | SS, W, N |
08/04/2008 | 5 | 50.50 | 1 | 50.50 | 15.00 | SS, CH, W |
25/12/2009 | 18 | 143.29 | 5 | 28.66 | 45.00 | Gen. |
30/12/2009 | 26 | 210.34 | 15 | 14.02 | 22.50 | Gen. |
06/01/2010 | 10 | 268.50 | 30 | 8.95 | 7.50 | SS, SM, SC, SG |
11/01/2010 | 7 | 344.27 | 30 | 11.48 | 22.50 | SS, SC, W |
13/01/2010 | 13 | 324.08 | 30 | 10.80 | 15.00 | Gen. |
15/02/2010 | 6 | 435.90 | 60 | 7.15 | 22.50 | SS, SM, CH |
22/02/2010 | 41 | 568.15 | 75 | 7.58 | 15.00 | Gen. |
02/03/2010 | 11 | 662.56 | 90 | 7.36 | 15.00 | Gen. |
30/10/2010 | 6 | 36.75 | 1 | 36.75 | 5.00 | SM, SG, CH |
06/12/2010 | 13 | 79.40 | 2 | 39.70 | 6.43 | SS, SM, SG, N |
31/12/2010 | 5 | 362.00 | 45 | 8.04 | 11.25 | CH |
14/02/2011 | 6 | 45 | 1. | 37.50 | 6.43 | SS, SG, CH |
27/09/2012 | 15 | 59.20 | 1 | 59.20 | 11.25 | SS, CH, W |
03/11/2012 | 59 | 72.27 | 2 | 36.14 | 15.00 | Gen. |
08/11/2012 | 51 | 151.38 | 7 | 21.63 | 9.00 | Gen. |
11/03/2013 | 43 | 119.42 | 7 | 17.06 | 5.00 | Gen. |
18/03/2013 | 6 | 166.30 | 15. | 11.09 | 6.43 | SS |
Typology | Mean E (mm) | Mean D (days) | Modal D (days) | Mean I (mm/day) |
Gullies | 147.33 | 11.78 | 1 | 28.11 |
Road embankment | 126.81 | 8.84 | 1 | 32.55 |
Slides in road cuts | 171.84 | 15.42 | 7 | 26.66 |
Collapses | 209.05 | 26.45 | 1 | 20.49 |
Lower magnitude (very shallow) | 155.29 | 13.40 | 1 | 28.09 |
Slides | 234.79 | 23.65 | 1 | 21.77 |
Flows | 211.68 | 19.75 | 7 | 21.97 |
Creep | 227.87 | 21.95 | 7 | 22.79 |
Higher magnitude (shallow) | 223.40 | 21.60 | 7 | 22.11 |
Total | 178.96 | 16.25 | 7 | 26.01 |
Typology | E–D (Linear) | E–D (Power-Law) | I–D (Power-Law) | |||
Equation | R2 | Equation | R2 | Equation | R2 | |
Gullies | E = 6.294 D + 73.187 | 0.90 | E = 47.283 D0.543 | 0.90 | I = 47.283 D−0.457 | 0.87 |
Road embankment | E = 5.985 D + 73.909 | 0.90 | E = 51.155 D0.516 | 0.87 | I = 51.155 D−0.484 | 0.85 |
Slides in road cuts | E = 6.586 D + 70.301 | 0.92 | E = 46.313 D0.554 | 0.89 | I = 46.313 D−0.446 | 0.84 |
Collapses | E = 5.595 D + 61.023 | 0.85 | E = 39.080 D0.564 | 0.94 | I = 39.080 D−0.436 | 0.90 |
Very shallow | E = 6.222 D + 71.908 | 0.90 | E = 47.481 D0.540 | 0.89 | I = 47.481 D−0.460 | 0.86 |
Slides | E = 6.793 D + 74.106 | 0.95 | E = 47.089 D0.543 | 0.94 | I = 47.089 D−0.451 | 0.91 |
Flows | E = 6.293 D + 87.366 | 0.94 | E = 51.721 D0.523 | 0.93 | I = 51.722 D−0.477 | 0.91 |
Creeping | E = 6.488 D + 85.464 | 0.93 | E = 50.537 D0.546 | 0.94 | I = 50.537 D−0.454 | 0.91 |
Shallow | E = 6.527 D + 82.424 | 0.94 | E = 49.752 D0.538 | 0.93 | I = 49.752 D−0.462 | 0.91 |
Total | E = 6.408 D + 74.829 | 0.92 | E = 47.961 D0.542 | 0.91 | I = 47.961 D−0.458 | 0.88 |
Threshold Type | This Study | Other Studies 1 |
E–D linear | E = 6.228 D + 69.716 (low) | E = 6.21 D + 90.8 (low) [51] |
(mm–days) | E = 6.408 D + 74.829 (mean) | E = 6.98 D + 181.3 (mean) [51] |
E = 4.57 D + 133 [81] | ||
E–D power-law | E = 47.961 D0.542 | E = 73.33 D0,76 (Ecuador) [52] |
(mm–days) | E = 52.34 D0,42 (Spain) [52] | |
E–D linear (mm–hours) | E = 0.267 D + 74.829 | E = 70.00 + 0.2625 D [83] |
E–D power-law | E = 8.557 D0.542 | E = 7.7 D0.39 [46] |
(mm–hours) | E = 8.6 D0.41 [47] | |
E = 5.6 D0.40 [49] | ||
E = 6.0 D0.47 [50] | ||
E = 6.1 D0.52 [53] | ||
I–D | I = 47.961 D−0.458 | I = 88.005 D−0.69 [28] |
power-law (mm/days–days) | I = 68.645 D−0.593 [82] | |
I = 84.3 D−0.57 [40] | ||
I–D | I = 8.557 D−0.458 | I = 0.48 + 7.2 D−1 [15] |
power-law (mm/hours–hours) | I = 9.40 D−0.56 [42] | |
I = 2.20 D−0.44 [43] | ||
I = 7.17 D−0.55 [44] | ||
IMAP–D | IMAP = 0.0187 D−0.484 | I MAP = 0.76 D−0.33 [19] |
(%–hours) | I MAP = 0.007 D−0.54 [42] | |
I MAP = 0.0016 D−0.40 [43] |
1 d | 2 d | 3 d | 5 d | 7 d | 10 d | 15 d | 30 d | 45 d | 60 d | 75 d | 90 d | |
E med | 81 | 88 | 94 | 107 | 120 | 139 | 171 | 267 | 363 | 459 | 555 | 652 |
E min | 76 | 82 | 88 | 101 | 113 | 132 | 163 | 257 | 350 | 443 | 537 | 630 |
I med | 81 | 44 | 31 | 21 | 17 | 14 | 11 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 7 | 7 |
I min | 76 | 41 | 29 | 20 | 16 | 13 | 11 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
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Carpena, R.; Tovar-Pescador, J.; Sánchez-Gómez, M.; Calero, J.; Mellado, I.; Moya, F.; Fernández, T. Rainfall-Induced Landslides and Erosion Processes in the Road Network of the Jaén Province (Southern Spain). Hydrology 2021, 8, 100. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology8030100
Carpena R, Tovar-Pescador J, Sánchez-Gómez M, Calero J, Mellado I, Moya F, Fernández T. Rainfall-Induced Landslides and Erosion Processes in the Road Network of the Jaén Province (Southern Spain). Hydrology. 2021; 8(3):100. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology8030100
Chicago/Turabian StyleCarpena, Ramón, Joaquín Tovar-Pescador, Mario Sánchez-Gómez, Julio Calero, Israel Mellado, Francisco Moya, and Tomás Fernández. 2021. "Rainfall-Induced Landslides and Erosion Processes in the Road Network of the Jaén Province (Southern Spain)" Hydrology 8, no. 3: 100. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology8030100
APA StyleCarpena, R., Tovar-Pescador, J., Sánchez-Gómez, M., Calero, J., Mellado, I., Moya, F., & Fernández, T. (2021). Rainfall-Induced Landslides and Erosion Processes in the Road Network of the Jaén Province (Southern Spain). Hydrology, 8(3), 100. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology8030100