Housing European Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) for an Ex Situ Conservation Program
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Nest Material Selection Test
2.2. Feed Preference Test
- ○
- Commercially available rabbit feed (Agroszász Ltd.) = Rabbit feed;
- ○
- Versele-laga Cuni Adult Complete rabbit feed = Complete;
- ○
- Versele-laga Nature Cuni rabbit feed = Nature.
Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Result of Selection of Nest Material
3.2. Results of a Feed Preference Test
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Feed Name | Feed Structure and Diameter | Components |
Commercially available rabbit feed (Agroszász Ltd.) | granulated (3.3 mm) | grass pellets, |
lucerne, | ||
extracted sunflower semolina, carrot slices, | ||
wheat, | ||
wheat bran, | ||
oats, | ||
barley, | ||
full-fat soy, | ||
additives. | ||
Versele-laga Cuni Adult Complete rabbit feed | granulated (5.4 mm) | grass pellets, |
carrot, | ||
vegetable protein extracts, | ||
linseed, | ||
fructo-oligosaccharides, | ||
marigold, | ||
yucca. | ||
Versele-laga Nature Cuni rabbit feed | mixture | grass pellets, |
green peas, | ||
carrot, | ||
parsnip, | ||
apple, | ||
animal protein, | ||
oils and fats, | ||
fructo-oligosaccharides, | ||
mannan oligosaccharides, | ||
marigold, | ||
chlorella algae, | ||
yucca. |
Nutrient | Commercially Available Rabbit Feed (Agroszász Ltd.) | Versele-Laga Cuni Adult Complete Rabbit Feed | Versele-Laga Nature Cuni Rabbit Feed |
Crude protein (%) | 16 | 14 | 14.7 |
Crude fat (%) | 3.3 | 3 | 3.5 |
Crude fibre (%) | 15 | 20 | 16.5 |
Crude ash (%) | 7 | 7.5 | 8.3 |
Moisture content (%) | 7.4 | 7.5 | 7.6 |
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Bárdos, B.; Altbacker, V.; Török, H.K.; Nagy, I. Housing European Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) for an Ex Situ Conservation Program. Methods Protoc. 2024, 7, 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/mps7020018
Bárdos B, Altbacker V, Török HK, Nagy I. Housing European Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) for an Ex Situ Conservation Program. Methods and Protocols. 2024; 7(2):18. https://doi.org/10.3390/mps7020018
Chicago/Turabian StyleBárdos, Boróka, Vilmos Altbacker, Henrietta Kinga Török, and István Nagy. 2024. "Housing European Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) for an Ex Situ Conservation Program" Methods and Protocols 7, no. 2: 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/mps7020018
APA StyleBárdos, B., Altbacker, V., Török, H. K., & Nagy, I. (2024). Housing European Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) for an Ex Situ Conservation Program. Methods and Protocols, 7(2), 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/mps7020018